Shopping spree (Part II)
posted on Wednesday, January 23, 2013 at 10:09 PM by S.Teo ♥

Today meet-up w. Jocelyn and Jeffrey ~ (Both J's again. LOL!)
Had my lunch @ QQ Noodle ! (I forget to take picture. Argh~)
It was not bad la. :)

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Labels: BFF, Bugis, dinner, lunch, Shopping spree
Shopping ! ^^
posted on Saturday, January 19, 2013 at 8:53 PM by S.Teo ♥

I'm gonna recap about ytd's ! ^^ (18 Jan'13)
J meeting me @ 12pm, and I was late. Hehe! Ps babe ~
Though I did wake up at 10am plus and had my breakfast.
I reached there around 12.30pm plus? She was at F21 shopping around. ;)
By the time I arrived, she was holding onto 3-4 pieces of clothes.
Which she's gonna try it. ^^ I hold on one piece only.
And saw another pink piece one. In the end, I bought the pink one instead.
Though I like the white one too, but it's too thin. :\
She had her eyes on a pair of boots there, but it was OOS. ):
Then headed to H&M next, nothing to buy.
New look next ~ Nothing as well.

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Labels: BBF, Girlfriends, Shopping
That's it.
posted on Thursday, January 17, 2013 at 7:25 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hey peeps,
I'm here to ranting. ):
Remember the other post I wrote about she who didn't return $?
Here's another one... Maybe half is my fault, but I'm sure not wholly.
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Job Interview...
posted on Thursday, January 10, 2013 at 8:08 PM by S.Teo ♥

Last Tuesday (08 Jan), I had a interview @ Albert Complex ; 10am.
It was my first interview ever since TCC from ITE Job Fair.
I had a rough time picking out my outfit. ):
End up, it wasn't the actual company that's gonna hire me.
It's a agency company. -.- ! Waste my time.
Anyways, omw back. I bought Chewy Junior home for the first time! ^^
Omw back. The train was pretty empty! :B

Reached home. Camwhoring since I wearing full make-up. :)
Hehehe. I'm trying out new photo apps too.
#PIPCamera and #SmilePhoto ; Try it out if you want ! ^^

Labels: Job Interview, MDIS
Hey, it's 2013 and I'm still alive. Boo-hoo! :p
posted on Monday, January 7, 2013 at 8:59 PM by S.Teo ♥

It's Year 2013 now ~ ^^

And today I'm celebrating my dad's 46th birthday at home w. Pizza Hut ~ :B
Haha. Since he refused birthday cake. Therefore, replaced it w. Pizza!
Zesty Chicken Pizza ~
Today my dad came across this cute yet weird bug.
I mean amazing? If you look at it properly.
What do you see? (Expect a bug in a container.)
It's still at my house and still freak me out whenever I see it. :x
Sunday's morning scenery!
Nice isn't it? :)
Read more »Zesty Chicken Pizza ~

Ham 'N' Shrooms Pizza ~ :)

Today my dad came across this cute yet weird bug.
I mean amazing? If you look at it properly.
What do you see? (Expect a bug in a container.)

It's still at my house and still freak me out whenever I see it. :x
Sunday's morning scenery!
Nice isn't it? :)

Labels: BFF, Happy 46th Birthday to Dad, January, Job Interview, V3, V5, Year-end party
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