That's it.
posted on Thursday, January 17, 2013 at 7:25 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hey peeps,
I'm here to ranting. ):
Remember the other post I wrote about she who didn't return $?
Here's another one... Maybe half is my fault, but I'm sure not wholly.
Don't say I being petty or whatever k.
It's your $, and I lost it. And why the hell did I say I wanna take responsible for it?
I bet I must be drunk or tipsy that night alr. -.- Damn it.
I told you it will takes time already. And you keep rushing.
If no $, don't go do hair or whatsoever la. You just mention that he gave you $ and you won lottery. Now you say you no $. Erm..... ? -.-
Whatever la hor. Those owe me $ de don't want return, you think $ will just appear out of nowhere? I don't buy lottery fyi. I'm not working. And I'm pretty poor nowadays. So, I can say our friendship worth 40bucks? Ok can. I will remember this. I will quickly transfer it to you ASAP k. I wanna faster end it. It's too troublesome.
I may be understanding and nice sometimes, but you're the opposite.
That's it. Let's "stay-in-contact" in our phone book ba.
'Cause it's awkward. In the first place, I already say Idw go club le. But you look like you wanna go, therefore I just agreed. Next time, oh wait there is no next time.
It's just 20$ although not much, but... since I did say I will return, i will.
Stop rushing. But since you rushed. I shall return you ASAP.
Owing you $ is like hell. Not say I not understanding, I been through it.
But still... oh well, despite I may choose money over friendship like you.
Well, for the time being let's not contact each other.
Anyways, you also don't need me and neither do I. :)
So don't say I being cruel or bad k. We're the same.
If you see this post, and you're not happy w. it. Keep it to yourself.
Since I didn't mention any names here. You wanna be the person in this post.
Be it. :) Anyways, you only care about yourself and still yourself.
That's a fact. Phew ~ I'm feeling much better after ranting it out. :)
If not, I think I gonna die eh. :p
Bad mood. -.- Ruined my mood to go out tmrw ~ ARGHHHHHH !
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