Happy Birthday ~ :)
posted on Monday, March 17, 2014 at 8:32 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello bloggers,
My last post was actually in January.
Wow, it been almost 2months since I last update my blog.
Hehehe. So sorry! Too much to update, but too little time to do so.
Oh ya~
Ta-DAHHHH, my new screen protector!
Cute right? ^^

Anyways, I'm still have a project need to rush out~
As my team presentation is this friday! T_T
We still haven't start yet!
God bless us.
And hope I don't speak stumbling please. *prayhard*
Formal wear for presentation *headache*
Let's begin it shortly? :3
I shall try to write it short and simple.

28'Feb - Friday
Kathleen specially bought a birthday cake from POLAR & also a birthday card,
and delivered to my house. Appreciate much~ Hehe! Thank you! ♥♥♥

01'Mar - Saturday
Birthday dinner @ Wang Dae Bak Korean BBQ (Located at China Square)
First time here w. Karean, LiMin, Joce & her boyf Zhenwei.
Hehe. The rest wasn't free therefore...
LiMin & Karean specially baked a birthday cake for me. ♥
Hehehe. Despite it taste a little hard & dry but appreciate much too.
And loving my birthday present (Which is A-JAY earpieces)
Thank you! ♥♥♥
Me & Karean :)

Rice cake :D

Kimchi pancake :)

Kimchi soup :3

The cake they baked. :)

One & only group picture (&I look so cui. )

Le present~ ^^

07 Mar - Friday
Happy 1month-old Birthday to Le Puppies! ♥♥♥
We really do wants to keep all of you but we can't! :'(
And it just hurts to have to give you all away!
But I believe your new families will treat you well or even better!
(Although they're still at my house now! Haven't give them away yet~)
Hehe. I will miss you all! I do hope they will take lots of pictures of you all ~
For more pictures/videos, look up my facebook ! ^^

15'Mar - Friday
Happy Birthday to my cute Grandma! ♥♥♥
She has always with me since I was born till now!
And always bought breakfast/lunch/dinner home. Appreciated much!
You know I love you right? Hehehe. :3
Mango mixed fruits cake from POLAR :)

16'Mar - Saturday
Happy 22th Birthday to Karean Lim. :)
(The mother of 2 sons)
Hehe. We been friends since Nitec (Year 2009) till now (Year 2014) !
We know you been through a lots. And stay strong for yourself & your family! :)
I may not been much help, but I can be your listener. (Provided I'm free lah!)
HAHAHA. (Just kidding!) ♥♥♥
Cookies 'n' cream cake from POLAR ~ :)

Labels: Happy 22th Birthday to Myself, Happy Birthday to Grandma, Happy Birthday to Karean Lim Jing Huan, Happy Birthday to puppies
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