First day of school ~
posted on Tuesday, January 14, 2014 at 8:48 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello people,
I'm like a week late in updating my blog.
Oh well, it's not like I was always on time anyways.

Err... last wed was my first day of school and it's "Corporate Finance",
our lecturer look pretty nice, I guess?
Let's hope she is really that nice when the mid-term and final exams is nearer.
Her name was Ms June Neo, (no idea whether is she married or not.)
And oh gosh, it's time for a financial calculator already.
I been wanting to get one since last term, but still....
Well, good news is that I got my financial calculator last Friday w. LiMin.
And know what?
My lecturer only knows how to use a Texas brand. *sighhhh*
Luckily I didn't get the Casio brand first, otherwise....
Oh well, first day of school.... (No idea how many "First day of school" I been.)
I got no idea what to wear, and in sort of a rushing mode.
Therefore just randomly picked and out I go ~
Nothing much to elaborate anyways.
Just first lesson, nothing much to stress about yet.
But who knows about the future topics(?)

When I'm in class :3

At home~ ~

Last Friday, I had Accounting class which was pretty dry...
And thank god I had enough sleep the day before!
Otherwise, I'll be falling asleep already.
Before I leave my house ~ *camwhoring*

Before I leave my house ~ *camwhoring*

End of class.
Otw meeting LiMin and so qiao that ZiYan meeting Lena @ Bugis too.
Otw meeting LiMin and so qiao that ZiYan meeting Lena @ Bugis too.
Therefore traveling together and at CityHall, the queue was like .....
LOL. It's like taking trains in the morning! *CROWDED*
:( Queued for don't know how many trips of train already. LOL!
Around 5-6 or maybe more, I guess.
We went to Bra Basah's Popular! (Wow. it's big!)
And finally found Texas financial calculator @ $69 only. :D
It's way cheaper than the BoonLay's website one lor.
Delivery charge need 10bucks plus siah.
Total up around $80 plus. *thankgod*
This is the needed financial calculator. :)
This is the needed financial calculator. :)

Had a rough time deciding what to have for dinner.
First thought was Seoul Garden but tight budget.
End up we had our dinner at
"Wong Kok Char Chan Teng Hong Kong Restaurant 旺角茶餐厅"
It has many choices siah. I seriously can't pick what to eat!
LOL. End up we had Baked Rice! ^^v
This is mine :D !
(Chicken chop)

My favourite type of drink! *goooood*

I forget the name of this side dish but it's not that bad I guess?
It's ham on the outside, and there's meat and cucumber inside. :3

Labels: dinner, First day of school, murdoch, Second-term, Wed and Fri
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