Date w. my girls :)
posted on Saturday, December 7, 2013 at 10:51 PM by S.Teo ♥

LOL. Yes, it been dk how long since I last blogged. (I know, i know.)

I just reached home from NEX Mall.
Let's do some recapping first k.
KOI Cafe -> Karean's House -> My House ->
LiMin's House -> NEX Mall -> My House.
LOL. Understand?
I shall elaborate further on...
Me, me, and still me. :)

Me, me, and still me. :)

Firstly, I camwhored at home while waiting for LiMin.
Then I bought KOI Cafe and bused down to Karean's House,
to see her second baby! O.m.g! Yes, S-E-C-O-N-D-B-A-B-Y (!)
We are same age-friends, and she is married with 2 sons right now. :O
W.o.w, she is fast. LOL!
Her first son = Kayen, second son -> Karrius (I guess?)
The baby is so tiny! :O Five days earlier than due date.
Weight 2.6grams I guess? Or maybe in kg(s)!
Played w. Coffee, the Pomeranian. So cute! :)
After that headed home to get my stuffs and...
Although this isn't the first time I went to LiMin's house but...
still kinda of excited / nervous / sleepy.
Reaches her house around 12plus, I guess?
Her mum isn't around, as in not in Singapore....
After that, we're hungry therefore LiMin cooked for us. (L)
Hehe. It's like Fried Bee Hoon w. cheese and squid and eggs? LOL.
Not bad, although I can't taste the seaweed and cheese.
I like the eggs, not really the squid. :x
Watched movie online w. Yvonne!
Title: Miss Change. (W.o.w at the start of the movie! *shocked*)
ROFL. Go and watch it, and you will understand why. ;p
Wearing LiMin's clothes, *sleepy*

Wearing LiMin's clothes, *sleepy*

Sleep at 4plus? Woke up at 12-1pm plus.
Jocelyn headed back home first, while we trained down to NEX.
To catch "Frozen in 3D" ^^v

Title: Frozen
Directed by: Chris Buck,
Jennifer Lee
Plot: Fearless optimist Anna teams up with Kristoff in an epic journey,
encountering Everest-like conditions, and a hilarious snowman named Olaf
in a race to find Anna's sister Elsa, whose icy powers have trapped the
kingdom in eternal winter.
My Rating: ★★★★/5
Bought chicken cutlets and sour plum sweet potatoes @ Rockery.
Not bad. I like the sour plum sweet potatoes. *Yumyum*
Woooo. Nice movie! I like the elder sister more though.
Hehehe. ^^

Had dinner at Kabe no Ana w. LiMin, Yvonne, Jocelyn and Zhenwei.
Bought nail polishers @ Etube house. :)
Doggie snacks at Pet Safari. (Y) ! Hehehe. Dogsick me.
Like "Lovesick kind of dog sick now". :3
This is the free salad, a little too salty(?)
The Baked rice is gooooooood! (Y)
(It's the Salmon baked rice, you should try it. (Y)! ^^
This is the free salad, a little too salty(?)

The Baked rice is gooooooood! (Y)
(It's the Salmon baked rice, you should try it. (Y)! ^^


Trained back home.
And home sweet home. Hehe! Meeting ZiYan tmrw to study~ Sighhhh!
See you girls on the 18th of Dec. ^^
See you girls on the 18th of Dec. ^^
Labels: BFF, camwhoring, dinner, Loots of the day, Movie date, NEX Mall, Sleepover, Visiting
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