Goodbye Brown, Hello Red ~ ;)
posted on Sunday, June 9, 2013 at 7:18 PM by S.Teo ♥

Apparently headed school just to hand-in my econ assignment.
And off I go ~ Hehe.

I bought Loreal hair dye in "Spicy Red" and Salad from Cold Storage.
Reached home. Start munching on my salad. :D

Goodbye brown hair, and Hello Red hair~
I was having a hard time thinking whether to color my whole head or...?
Well, in the end I just dyed my whole head instead. *lazy*

While waiting for Lisi ~

And catch "The Hangover 3" w. Jeffrey, Lisi and Chongkai.
9years of friends, and still counting on.... ^^
Chongkai was always talking about my baby's fur, saying I should bring Baby to grooming as always. I also wish to bring her go but no time no transport. :(
And apparently "Shaggy" look was her trademark~

Title: The Hangover 3
Starring: Bradley Cooper,
Ed Helms,
Zach Galifianakis
Plot: When one of their own is kidnapped by an angry gangster, the Wolf Pack
must track down Mr. Chow, who has escaped from prison and is on the lam.
My Rating: ★★★★/5
The movie was funny and M18. LOL !
I didn't catch the Part 2 and some parts I was kind of lost. But it's all right.
After movie, was thinking whether to go chill or just head home.
End up, just cabbed back home ~

And straight meet Jocelyn @ Tampines and bused down to Hougang w. Cassy.
LOL. Short-form(s) ! She chopped off 4.5inches but can't see any difference.
@ Home ~

While waiting for Bus 101 ~

Cassy bused home, while we trained back to my place first.
Then down to J's hse. Stayed awhile first while waiting for Jeffrey they all.
Apparently they seems pretty indecisive. -.-
Had Prata Egg for dinner. Cabbed down to Orchard ~

Slacked @ Mac while waiting for the rest. About 2hrs plus I think?
They sure take their own sweet time eh? Tsktsk.

Camwhored while waiting.
And becoming Zombie-mode in the end. Club Aura was full?
So we just walked down the stairs and climbed up again.
End up, cabbed down to V4. And thank god it isn't full. LOL ~
Leonard reached a little late? :x
Apparently by the time he reaches, J was heading home alr.
LOL. Zhenwei drove her home in the end. She seems tipsy ~ :x
Stayed down there till closing.
"Thanks" to Leonard's siambus that I had to drank Neat? Arghhhh.
While waiting for them to smoke finish and decide go where.
Chatted w. Leonard first. And Junyi just sounds like #@@%$^!
I was chatting w. him because you all taking own sweet time what ~
That time @ V5 as well, since he needa drive. So pei him chat awhile first.
Walao eh. -.- They just somehow mistaken. D:
Anyways, home sweet home.

My Lunchie ~ ^^

I just went to jog @ Garden Hill. :B I KNOW I WEAK LA.
Tsktsk. At least, I tried to exercise right now right? Humphhh.
And cut down on eating too much as well. It takes time okay!
Alright, I gonna go watch "Iron Man" and "Iron Man 2" now ! Tata ~
Labels: dinner, Friends, Hairdye, HO3, kaplan, lunch, Movie, NEX, V4
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