Bye May, Hi June.
posted on Thursday, June 6, 2013 at 9:20 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hi June ~
This year passed surprisingly fast than I thought.
So fast than half a year has just gone like this.
The only thing that didn't changes is that I'm still schooling.
Just in different school and course, that's all.
I just wondering when will my schooling ends? Perhaps next year?
Let's hope so alright? :)
(06th June)

Ytd ( 05th June) I went to class as usual. ^^
And I bought "Old School Plum Juice" from Each-A-Cup.
It's bigger than I expected. I thought it's just normal size cup, y'know?
LOL. It look big? But taste "old school" ~ ^^
And had Tuna sandwich from Coffee Connect. As well as a fruit cup ~ ^^
My Brunch ~ :D

Fruit cup ~

It's Lerk Thai ~ Sawadeeka. ^^ I miss the tom yum fish soup alr.
Hehehe. It been awhile since I last ate Thai ~ :3
My favourite ! (L)

After that, headed to Bedok Library to do some research on assignment.
But ended pretty fast. Shopped @ NTUC, takeaway dinner from Astons. :)
And went back home. LOL !

Last Monday ! (03th June) Ended class early. Had lunch @ Mac w. Zy~ ^^
Then went off to meet friend for movie @ Marina Square.
The movie was nicer than I thought of. Since I didn't watch Part 1 & 2.
LOL. It's a pretty long hour movie too, I guess? Not bad.

Title: Iron Man 3
Directed by: Shane Black
Plot: When Tony Stark's world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called
the Mandarin, he starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution.
My Rating: ★★★★/5
My Rating: ★★★★/5
Trained back home, and camwhored @ home. *winkwink*
@ home ~

In class ~

Hair-tie, not bad right? :B

Home Sweet home ~ ^^

The Photos below not in order ~ :x

Nothing special to update about actually.
All I can say is June is a busy month. And next week is study week! ^^
I finally completed all my assignments. (Y)
I'm scared of the final exams actually, since it's my last term alr.
08th - Cassandra's birthday celebration15th Jun - Karean's son birthday celebration15th Jun - Chongkai's birthday celebration in advance16th Jun - Berlicial's son birthday celebration20th - Economic I Exam21th - PBF Exam22th - Steamboat with my girls ~29th - Limin's birthday celebration
You see. I think I missed out some dates? I can't remember. >.<
So busy. I'm so poor this month already! :(
Xoxo ~
[ Words is useless, show me some action instead ]
Labels: 2013, class, dinner, IM3, june, kaplan, Movie, pizza, Random, thai
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