Sick week. T_T
posted on Friday, May 17, 2013 at 8:33 PM by S.Teo ♥

End of another week again.
I realized that days passes by fast, y'know? :O
Next week I'm having quiz(s) for both my modules siah ~
And this time round, no bringing of A4 paper in. :(
Sian liao. Needa memorize everything ~ *sighpie*
Apparently I scared I fail my econ the most actually. D:
Even though I attended all Econ classes BUT.....
I have no idea what to do. :(
Especially with all those GRAPHS. Sia la, how to draw!?
I scared I fail, I don't wanna re-module or take sub-paper leh!
There goes my weekends. :( Perhaps, burning midnight oil ba? :\
This week I skipped two days of school.
Due to I'm REALLY SICK OK! :(
Seriously, I thought I'm gonna die. Sick already $^#$%!**% !
Period came too!? Seriously? ARGHHHH.
It's like double impact on me siah. Back ache like @$^$@**!%!^ !
It's just so torturing la~ :'(
I never see doctor actually. Too lazy already~
That's why I think hor, if one day I live by myself.
I either die out of hunger or sickness I think. ROFL ~ :x
Due to laziness ~ HAHAHAHA!
Anyways, I don't think I can live by myself.

Here's my PHOTOS for this today! ^^v
In class.

@ Home ~ ^^

Different photo app ~ :B

No idea what I'm thinking ~

Side view ~

Kiyomi? LOL.


Labels: kaplan, school, Sick, week
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