Exam week ! :(
posted on Monday, April 22, 2013 at 7:00 PM by S.Teo ♥

I just had my QA paper this afternoon. :(
It was not hard but not easy either.
I was struggling to finish Q4. The Hypothesis ~ Arghhhhh !
The rest of the questions was all right expect this.
Oh damn, I somehow calculate the score I will get.
It's around 65marks? Oh well, not failing is good enough already.
Hehe. I don't expect to score distinction at all.

I today wore somehow pretty for this paper.
It's my head-out outfit. LOL! I like it. ^^
Famished after exam. And bought Macdonald for late lunchie ~
Tried the new "Black Pepper Flamer" burger. It was alright I think?
Then camwhored when reaches home. Hehe! ;3

Me ~

this friday's paper is in the afternoon. And it's the opposite. LOL !
Thanks Ziyan for reminding me though. Otherwise..... :x
Left w. one last paper which is Commercial Law.
I scared I screw up this paper badly. :(
I got no idea what to study since it's a open-book exam .
LOL. Someone tell me?
I wanna go Sentosa. :(
I don't feel like drinking or clubbing at all.
LOL. Bored? Fear? Idk why.

Last Wednesday went to meet J for lunch @ Pizza Hut. ^^
Had Hawaii pizza and chicken pasta? I forget the name. :x
It's a lunch set? I think. Including the drinks too.
Pretty worthy I guess?

It was easy? By her method? LOL. :x
Anyways, bused back home and bought KOI cafe. :D
Plum Green tea. ^^

I just finished watching Running Man Ep 142. ^^
Ft. a real-life couple celebrity. Hehe!
Miss Mong getting prettier and prettier each episode ~
Aww, I miss Song Joongki. :(

R.I.P Huang Wen Yong.
Passed away ytd and it's Star Award 2013 somemore. :(
He contributed many good dramas. I like his acting!

Ps: I removed all the photos at Photobucket.com.When viewing the past archives.Almost all photos is un-viewable. :(I know it's bad, but I can't undo it. Therefore.....Hope you all understand. ^^
Xoxoxo ~
Labels: BFF, Exam, kaplan, lunch, Mac, Pizzahut, QA
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