Woo-hoo ! ^^v
posted on Friday, December 28, 2012 at 3:03 AM by S.Teo ♥

Hey peeps ! ^^/ 

Hehe. Today I just had my final last paper (OB) at MDIS for my diploma cerf ~ ^^ 

This was me for OB paper. LOL ~ 

 AND THIS.... 


Happy much. And even happier is that the paper was easy! :D ~ 
Lalalala~ Compared to FIT paper.... Arghhh! I don't even wanna recall back.

Okay. That's it! But I still have a workshop on 9 Jan ~ ): 
Which means I needa go back to MDIS just to attend the workshop. ): 

 Home sweet home ~ :D 

Let's do some recalling back k? ^^ 

Last monday which was a Christmas' Eve ! 
We went to celebrate Kianhow's birthday in advance at Pizza hut for dinner. 
Together w. Lena, Lina, Ziyan and Ruzhen. :D ! 
We ordered two pizzas (Double Sensation and Curry pizzas) ! 
Also a side order, Hut's Platter that consists of Prawns, drumlets, calamari and fries? 

The Platter ~ ^^ 

Double Sensation pizza ~ :) 

Curry Pan Pizza ~ 


After that, decided to go V3? So random siah. 
Lena and Ruzhen accompanied me home first as I wore too casually already. 
And trained down to Cityhall MRT then bused down there. 
Ordered 1 tower of beer first. Ruzhen had to leave when it's about 12am plus? 
But Lena say it's still too early. Therefore ordered 2nd tower. 

Oh, and saw Guobao and his friends ~ I didn't know Zhifu was there too, since he came over to say Hi? *random* LOL. Endup is Guobao drunk. I mean, dead drunk! :\ 

Seriously, first time see him drunk till like this. 
Normally, he will control ba? Since he is driving! Tsktsk. 
Endup, taking care of him outside together w. Fu, Darry, Troy, Roy.... 
Anyways, Troy cabbed home w. him ~ While me, Fu, Darry and Roy cabbed. 

What a night. LOL ! And sorry to Lena and Kianhow! ): 



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Consecutive two nights @ Zirca.
posted on Sunday, December 16, 2012 at 4:58 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hey oh hey 0h ~ 

Ytd I meet up w. Berlicial @ Bugis Plus. While waiting while camwhoring~ 
Yes, she forever being late and I forever waiting for her. 
Despite she took cab while I took train? :x 
*I asked her to take train next time instead. Hahaha

Wanted to eat Aston but due to long queue so changed our mind. 
And had Kungfu Paradise instead. ^^
One of my favourite place to eat dinner ~ Hahaha. 

I ordered Be Hooked! w. Lychee Soda, 
while she order Chicken Chop chop, Caesar Salad and Iced Melon Tea. 
LOL ! (End up she can't finish her Chicken chop ! LOL.

Chicken Chop chop ~ 


Caesar Salad ~ 

Be Hooked! 

While chit-chatting. Headed to Bugis Street to buy the dress she eyed on. 
Then walked around before we went to SASA to buy Elizabeth's present. ^^ 
While she was chatting w. her ex-colleagues there. 
I went to Starbucks instead. :)

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What a week.
posted on Saturday, December 8, 2012 at 7:43 PM by S.Teo ♥


Hey people, 

I know I didn't really update my blog recently. Haha~ 
But suddenly got feel to write it now despite I didn't take much photos. ): 
There is photos of foods and etcs though. ^^

-Monday, 03 Dec
Trained to Woodlands -> Bus to Republic Poly (Woodlands) -> North Mall (Yishun) -> Sakae Sushi -> Box Boss -> Home Sweet Home ! ^^v 

Here's the photos from Sakae Sushi
Taken by me, of course ! ^^ 

Spider cheese maki ~ :) 

Hungry? Hehe. 

It was tea-time buffet ~ Thank god, we're just 20 years old. :) 

Bought "couple" rings w. Jovi, but different color ~ 
Bought it at Box Boss ~ It was 7$ for two but there is 20% off. 
Therefore, each person only need 2.80$ ~ HEHE. 
Cheap right? ^^ 

Trained home while Jovi bused home. 

Look at my dad, act cute. LOL 

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