Woo-hoo ! ^^v
posted on Friday, December 28, 2012 at 3:03 AM by S.Teo ♥
Hey peeps ! ^^/
Hehe. Today I just had my final last paper (OB) at MDIS for my diploma cerf ~ ^^
This was me for OB paper. LOL ~

This was me for OB paper. LOL ~
Happy much. And even happier is that the paper was easy! :D ~
Lalalala~ Compared to FIT paper.... Arghhh! I don't even wanna recall back.
Okay. That's it! But I still have a workshop on 9 Jan ~ ):
Which means I needa go back to MDIS just to attend the workshop. ):

Home sweet home ~ :D

Last monday which was a Christmas' Eve !
We went to celebrate Kianhow's birthday in advance at Pizza hut for dinner.
Together w. Lena, Lina, Ziyan and Ruzhen. :D !
We ordered two pizzas (Double Sensation and Curry pizzas) !
Also a side order, Hut's Platter that consists of Prawns, drumlets, calamari and fries?
The Platter ~ ^^

Double Sensation pizza ~ :)

Curry Pan Pizza ~

Lena and Ruzhen accompanied me home first as I wore too casually already.
And trained down to Cityhall MRT then bused down there.
Ordered 1 tower of beer first. Ruzhen had to leave when it's about 12am plus?
But Lena say it's still too early. Therefore ordered 2nd tower.
Oh, and saw Guobao and his friends ~ I didn't know Zhifu was there too, since he came over to say Hi? *random* LOL. Endup is Guobao drunk. I mean, dead drunk! :\
Seriously, first time see him drunk till like this.
Normally, he will control ba? Since he is driving! Tsktsk.
Endup, taking care of him outside together w. Fu, Darry, Troy, Roy....
Anyways, Troy cabbed home w. him ~ While me, Fu, Darry and Roy cabbed.
What a night. LOL ! And sorry to Lena and Kianhow! ):

And this post is for those that I really bth one.
Do you know what the word "automatic" means?! Seriously.
I really don't wanna say this word but, b*tch !
And seriously replying a message will die ah? *roll eyes*
Let's not say how long you owe me the $ already.
Yet, you can post and update and upload picture but cannot reply?
Let's assume you saw it, and maybe delete it away.
And there goes our friendship.
Do not contact me anymore. And I also won't help you either anymore.
I try to be understanding to you, but did you do the same? No.
I'm nice enough not to post on your facebook wall or tweet you @ twitter.
Look like I don't need to be nice after all.
We're through. And this is probably the first time I'm so upset k.
And yes, I do hope you're able to notice this post is for you, b*tch!
I got no opinions on your other behaviours etc.
I don't care how many ex-boyfriends you have. -.-
I just wanna know why can't reply a message? Fyi, it wasn't just one message.
It was 3, i think? But whatever.
That's it. I'm still kind enough not to unfriend you @ facebook.
To unfollow you @ twitter. Not that childish.
But remember, we're through. Seriously through ~ Goodbye!
Oh, please. It's not just because you owe me 20$ and don't wanna return, that's why I posted it out. But because you're really b*tch enough to actually ignore or don't reply.
At least, reply me. Is it that hard? To me, no. But to you, maybe yes.
20$ take it as how much our friendship worth k.
QI SI WO LE. -.-
Those that are close w. me enough, will know who I'm mentioning above.
Labels: angry post, drinking, Final last paper, Kianhow's Birthday, MDIS, V3
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