A Sudden Change.
posted on Sunday, June 24, 2012 at 5:04 AM by S.Teo ♥

Hi Babies, Seriously, there is nothing much for me to update about me.
LOL. Anyways, I made a big decision on Monday midnight. ;3
I decided not to study RP anymore, but...
It doesn't mean I'm not studying anymore. I just don't want this course.
Therefore, it's either Private school or wait for DAE @ 5 July.
For more info, ask me directly bah! :)
My wifey, Berlicial finally gave birth on 16 June 2012 ! ^^
Her baby boy; Chok Hao Xuan ;D ! Hehe.

While Karean also gave birth on (should be) 21 June 2012 :)
Also baby boy ; Kayden Tan ~ ^^

Aiyo, why naked! *shy*
Fyi: They're same age as me, and both are married with a baby boy now.
LOL. Complicating feeling! :x
Hmm, I spent my days @ home doing nothing?
Watched online drama/movie/anime. Reading manga ~
Played with my dog. Sleep, eat, sleep, eat. :x Envy?
I started using Instagram to take photos ! FOLLOW ME LEH~
Btw, I changed my Twitter username. ;D!
And my maple character level 119 now, 1 more level to 120.
*winkwink* I realized doing PQ is faster than training. :3
HEHE. Obssessed with Monster Park PQ leh. Together playyyyy~
Ever since my lover - Geokshan drunk that night, I never go drinking le.
LOL. *shocked* Almost 2-3 weeks w/o any alcohols or night life parties.
T_T No one ask me out siah. *emo*
My brother booked out last friday! And came home early!
Baby can't recognized him and started barking @ him. Hahaha~
*shocked* He look kinda different, seriously~
My new items ;D
Sherbet Topping casings.
*All-time favourites*

My new blue leopard contact lens ! ^^
(I haven't try it out yet though. Stay tune! )
Thanks to him, I'm able to eat Pizza Hut. ^^v !
LOL. When I asked what he ate inside his camp, he say rubbish foods.
Regular Hawaiian Pan Pizza :)

The Cheesy 7 something Pizza.
(Not that nice as I thought. ): )

Sweet 'n' Spicy drumlet. ^^

O.O ! Goshhhh~ Okay la. I think that's all?
FYI: It's 4.56AM right now. My eyes is closing soon, very soon.
Therefore, CIAOS~ Goodnight!
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