Happy Birthday Aaron ! ^^
posted on Sunday, July 1, 2012 at 4:36 AM by S.Teo ♥

Let's recapped about yesterday thing k? (29 June'12)
I woke up at about 130pm? Went to prepare myself snapped some photos.
On board Bus 168 to meet Geokshan but she haven't reach yet.
Therefore, I alighted at her area bus-stop first.
Waited for her. First time see her wore jean in my life~ LOLOL
Together wore heels and jean. :x (Idk why I wanna torture my legs! :o)
Apparently ever since Alvin's Birthday, I never went out already. :\

Bused all the way to Woodlands Interchange, lazy to walk to RP.
So we bused down instead. (2-stops only. LOL ! )
Reached school. Meiting saw us and chatted awhile.
Went to one-stop centre to submit the forms.
Know what? Our miss Geokshan fell down during the path. :O
When she just went to see doctor in the afternoon? Same ankle somemore. :x
Anyways, Bused back to Woodlands Interchange. Trained down to Bugis :)
It's a very long journey! Both of us sat till cmi. :O
Camwhoring during the journey there! ^^ HEHE.

We're early. Meeting time was 7pm, we reached before 6.30pm I think.
Withdrawn money, bought a cake. Went to find Cassandra to slack awhile.
First time seeing her in real life. Kinda small? LOL. I mean tiny! :x
Maybe because me and shan wore heels ba? :3
Aaron and his friend arrived. Walked to the steamboat shop!
Waited for seats. Damien, Gloria and Darren arrived! *finally*

Trained down to City Hall MRT and bused down to V3.
It been awhile since I last went here already.
Just renovated. Woah? Not much of changes though.
Only the stage changed place. LOLOL! ;x
All strangers. Unknown~ :X I only know a waiter and bouncer there.
The rest is new one. :\ Opened a tower of beer first.
Darren MIA. I think we opened two towers of beer last night.

Happy Birthday. :)
Liling and Cassandra didn't come. ): Idk how to spell Aaron's friend name.
LOL ! Somehow similar to my name. Keep asking me to drink! -.-
When we playing 7,8,9 . Tsktsk ! I so long never drink already leyyyy ~ ):
Geokshan they all headed home first. And saw Weileang, Liangzhu and Guobao~
LOL. But I don't remember I got drink with them leh! :x
Saw Jul's friends. LOLOL! *super random* Chat and drink with her.
I think her name is xiao-ling ba? Don't remember le.
She changed thai boyf already. :\ And is a thai singer I know. But dk name one.
Anyways, I don't recalled how I got home. I only know I on boarded a cab.
LOLOL! I didn't even remove my make-up and went to sleep hor.
Sighhhh~ Woke up, backache, leg-ache and headache.
Everywhere is aching. I WONDER WHY! *omg*
Too old to go drinking already. Must rest~
Playing maple as usual lo. I shall go back and play ! Tata~(L)
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