posted on Sunday, June 17, 2012 at 1:57 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello People,
I had bad days recently. ):
I fell sick since last Wednesday till now then I'm feeling much better.
I had fever for 3 days. .____. And now left with coughing and running nose.
*phew* But I missed my UT on New Media Communication. ):
Sighhhh ! And spent my weekends at home.
I'm still not feeling any better though. But much better than last few days.
Anyways, I didn't get fever for quite awhile already. I mean sick la~
But why at this moment siah! When I'm having UTs. Goshhhhh~
I see 2 different doctors in 2 days. :x
As the first doctor didn't give me fever medicine ~ -.-
Therefore I have to see another doctor since it's much nearer. LOL~
My temperature was 38.5 degree when I go see doctor.
Despite me having fever, resting on my bed.
I still can tweet. ^^ HEHE. I sounds fine, but not really that fine though.
And confirmed it's not fake sick okay. It's R-E-A-L hor.
Oh ya, I had no idea which Sunday is Father's Day!
Therefore, I shall just post it.

Thanks for taking care of me when I'm sick.
Always there for me. ^^
You're a father-and-mother roles.
Take care of the house and everythings.
Although I think his mind is thinking about my brother whose in camp now.
LOL. He just complained that he's having muscle aching last night.
Everyday sure chat on phone one, machaim couple. *laughs*
Anyways, my dad just bathed Baby without conditioner though. :x
Apparently my dad declared that he's super broke now!
LOL. Therefore only bathed with shampoo, hard to comb her furs siah.
After finished brushing her furs, it's so fluffy-loooking! :D
I took photo with my phone camera, and my camera. ^^
I just posted it in Facebook leh. ;D !
Go like go like ! Hehehehe~
Tmrw I gonna be home late since I'm having my UT on OB.
Arghhhh~ Last tuesday, the faci wrote wrong comment I think.
Mine was Celeste's comment. Maybe the grade also wrong? Tsktsk.
Sighhhh~ Tmrw I needa go one-stop centre as well.

That's all, I guess~
I shall continue to watch my Eyeshield 21 anime already.
Catch me around soon~
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