Days w/o Dad at home. :')
posted on Sunday, May 11, 2014 at 11:33 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hi Diary!
As my title stated, my dad currently isn't in Singapore.
He had flew to Israel for Business trip, about 2-3 weeks time(?)
*sighhh* And it seems like Israel is 5hours slower than Singapore's time. .__.
And he start work on Sunday - Thursday ~ Weekends = Friday & Saturday.
LOL. We been Skype-ing & LINE video calls for the last few days.

The day before my dad fly !
He brought Smartie for sterilization. *awwww*
Oh well, since we currently have 2 puppies at home. We won't want our Baby to get pregnant right?
That's bad. And we don't want her to go through it twice.
Therefore, we decided to sterilized Smartie.

Day 1 w/o Dad (Friday)
Dinner = Pizza Hut.
LOL ~ Dad left money w/ my brother. -.-
So he is like the Finance Manager currently. :$
And I cooked Boneless Chicken Breast meats for them! ^^

As usual, it's a Hawaiian pizza & X-man pizza?
Which is awesome! I like it a lots. (Hand-stretch pizza)
Maybe can try it next time again. :D

Day 2 w/o Dad (Saturday)

( In Uncle's car.)
Had Mother's Day dinner celebration w/ Grandma, cousin & uncles !
At the usual place & time. And a slightly different menu this time round ~
But still the usual beverages served.

I'm starving (!) ~
Reached home and here's some selfies. ^^

Day 3 w/o Dad (Sunday)
I just had Tom Yum Fish soup w/ noodle this afternoon.
And Grandma bought Chicken from Chicken rice stall & Fish soup for dinner ~
Brother just reached home. Backed from purchasing dogs' food ! :D
Apparently I got nothing much to update.
Here's the lovelies.

Oh, perhaps about my studies? I decided to defer my studies for now.
I can't find any interest in it anymore, and that's bad!
Therefore I decided to rest for one more month ~ Before I hunt for jobs first. :)
And thank god my dad is very supportive of my decisions regardless.(L)
Labels: Happy Mothers' Day celebration
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