School life ~
posted on Wednesday, July 25, 2012 at 9:32 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hi babies,
By right, I should be doing my research on my group assignment one.
But apparently I'm still too lazy to start it yet. :x
I already had a group for Principles of Production Management~
Group of 4 person: Me the team leader, Elisa, Satki and Mubira?
Only me and Elisa is the same batch while they were on 2nd term alr.
Today I woke up @ 9.30am plus ~ And had a charsiew bun only!
Dad went to dabao Wanton noodle for me as lunch. ;D !
Then I starts to prepare for school alr. ^^
I'm wearing my new contact lens today! HEHE. Pink Luxury Lens.

snapped photos like usual. ^^
Although today's weather is seriously damn hot. ): And I'm wearing jean.
On boarded the same train as Ziyan ! ^^
Bought Milk tea with pearl @ the bubble tea shop at Queenstown MRT station.
Reached school early. Bought waffle with cheese @ Kopitiam ! ^^v
HEHE. It's crispy and nice siah. (Y) !
Headed for class. My usual seat is gone. ): ! SIGHHHH ~
Therefore, I sit on the different place. And Happy arrived and sat with me.
Saved other two team members' numbers. :)
Started our group assignment.
Break-time! Snapped some photos~ HEHE!

Class ended. Trained back home and bought KOI Cafe's Bubble Milk Tea.
Lift :D

Home ^^
Yesterday as usual. While waiting for train, snapped photos. ^^
On boarded the same train as Ziyan again~ LOL.
Bought Sourplum Green tea w/o pearls.
Headed to MDIS Brainwaves and bought chocolate~
Went to class. Sat alone ~ But gained a new class-mate named Happy!

Business Accounting was fun. LOL ! Much fun-er than PPM though.
Interesting ~~~~ ! ^^v

After class, went to Kopitiam with Happy to find my friend
while she went to find her boyf. Oh, and we exchanged numbers. :) HEHE~
Trained back to Bedok. Bought stuffs from Ta Zhiang. :)
And also KOI Cafe ; Plum Green Tea w/o pearls.
Home sweet home.

Labels: camwhoring, MDIS, School life
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