First day of school :)
posted on Monday, July 23, 2012 at 10:07 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Darlings,
Today I woke up @ 8am plus ! (Early right? IKR. :B)
I start to prepare for school later. My eyelases isn't obedient! D:
Although I not sure what to wear! LOL~

I still thought I got plenty of time! :O (Endup I was late! :x )
While waiting for train, snap-snap-snap! :P

Trained down to Queenstown MRT station, waited for shuttle bus.
And I was late for my Orientation class. :\
LOL. Ended @ 2pm plus? Which was an hour plus earlier~
I just know that only Accounting class really got class later.
While Marketing don't have. ): Sighhh ~
In train :B

I just knew a classmate named Elisa. Accompanied me to Foodcourt~
And she was just 17years old. LOL~ That's young. :x
Had my lunch there. It's a non-aircon foodcourt ! ):
Went to the gym outside and look. The hostel look... great?!!! LOL.
It doesn't look like hostel more like some condomiuim siah. :x
Oh. I think I accidentally called Zhifu without me knowing.
And when he called back, I thought he called me. ROFL ~ :X
Anyways, we went to class @ LR-D423 for Principles of Production Management. And my lecturer name - Mr Toh YS. :B
Seems like a pretty nice lecturer!
Snapped in class. While my phone battery isn't lasting ! ):
And I didn't bring my charger etc. SIGHHHH!
Formed group with another two classmates~ Class ends about 10mins earlier.
Shuttle bus to MRT station. Trained back to Bedok ! ^^
About 35mins plus I guess? Headed to Fairprice first.
To get my stationery and my dog's snack there. And also some undergarment.
LOL. Home sweet home! ^^

And Grandma bought Tom Yum fish soup for me. ^^v
HEHE. I'm dead beat already. Time to sleep already~ G'night loves.
Labels: First time of school in MDIS
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