New fringe, New hair color ~
posted on Friday, October 5, 2012 at 9:44 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello people! *waves*
It's the end of week again. ( It's friday now! *winkwink* )
I went to school for the whole week without any absent. Wanna know why?
Because I can't skip any lessons anymore.

That's why my attendance is full this whole week. Lololol ~
So fake. :x
I cut bangs last Wednesday after class. :B ! HEHE.
Just randomly feel like cutting my hair. *random* :\
Actually I think side fringe more suitable for me leh~ SIGHHHHH !
But already cut, can't un-cut it anyways.
I look so guai?

The hairdresser lady said I look innocent. I am whattttt~
Hahaha. Maybe I should just cut my fringe and not trim my hair.
Maybe it will look better? Who knows.
Omw to school :)
Ytd I just dyed my hair w. my dad's help as usual. ^^
Hehe. Since it's on promotional, so I just grabbed it. A color I not familiarized.
Maybe I should pick a lighter color instead eh.
Got dye machiam never dye like that. *pouts* )):
My supper :)
Omw to school today~
Omw home, when I passed through the MRT station bus stop outside.
Mum saw me and talked to me. She is like so sentiment? :\
I just don't understand why her eyes got teary!? Machiam wanna cry...
In the first place, you left us for him. I'm not blaming you or something.It's just that I don't see the need anymore. :)I don't need to hear explanation from you. I don't need the truth ~You made your choice already. So don't say you have no choice.No one force you. You picked it yourself. If you gonna regret it, 何必当初呢?It's not the first time already. Call/say me cold-blooded ba.I don't cry that easily. I don't cry. 'Cause I don't see the need anyways.Since love is more important to you, then you should know.So please don't act one teary eyes, please....
Oh well, enough of me w. my mum issues. (Although there isn't one. )
Hehe. I missed my side fringe. It's only been 2 days since I cut it.
I don't regret my choice.
Reached home. Baby is excited welcoming me home as usual.

Camwhored awhile before I wash up. :B
Still look like black hair color right? ):
Sigh. Perhaps need some more time to come out ba?
I don't think I'm gonna have any night life now ! :)
I got bored of clubbing. And maybe drinking too. :\
But you can still try ask me out. And depends on my mood? Hehe.
I needa rush my CA assignment first. 2 pages of words is needed. ):
I seriously sucks at writing essay answers. Sigh~

Don't say no choice. Because you make the choice in the first place already.
I can forget it, but I can't forgive you....

Labels: New fringe and color
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