He-he-he! :)
posted on Saturday, September 8, 2012 at 6:09 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello darlings,
Hope you live a healthy life! Muacks~
And thanks for the charsiew bun everyday! (L)
Last thursday (06 Sep'12) was my Grandpa's 77th Birthday! :D
HEHE. I didn't know he was already 77years old. :\
I always thought he is just 60+ only! Goshhhh~
At first, I had plans to go study w. Yuki they all de~
But because gonna celebrate my grandpa's birthday! That's why didn't go!
Dad bought many things from Sheng Siong and NTUC.
He also bought a new 3-1 shampoo from Pet's Lovers siol ~ ^^
While dad go buy birthday cake. I bathed baby alone for the first time!
LOL. It's a new experience but tiring ~ :X
Idk why my baby is so scared of bathing siah! Seriously tired siah~
My clothes all wet. Thanks ah! :\
After bath finished, I use hair-dryer to blow! And combing her furs ~ :)
Cutting off some tie-knots furs for the first time too ! ^^
Hehe! :D
Celebrated Grandpa's birthday w. a simple cake! :)
And we forget to sing you a happy birthday song! Gosh~
Happy Birthday to you ~
Happy Birthday to you ~
Happy Birthday to you ~~~~
Happy Birthday to Grandpa! (L) ~~~~

Grandpa wishing yet cousin look like praying. ROFL
Cutting cake in process :)
Cousin w. Grandparents :)
Dad w. Grandparents :)
After finish celebrate Grandpa's birthday! :)
Went down to find my dad and baby! While resting downstairs,
Snapped photos of baby and random pictures. HEHE!
My phone :)
Ytd I had my PPM paper @ 3.45pm ! Seriously, I think it's either just pass or fail.
I didn't know need to study those. ): ! SIGHHHHH~
God bless me. *pray*

First to finish the paper, trained to Bugis MRT station.
While waiting for Jovi to arrive, snap photo! (I v. long didn't take any photo le!)
And sudden decision to go Helipad w. Marilyn and Co.
LOL. Had our dinner @ the food court there. ;)
I forget what Jovi ate. I had hotstone chicken ! :D Hehe.
But I didn't finish it though~

After dinner, went to Bugis Street and walk around.
I bought a necklace! ^~^v HEHE. Like a pretty only! :)
Headed home next. Thanks Jovi for coming! ^^
OH! And Jocelyn finally created a Twitter account. Haha!
Super random one~ Her @JocelynYiXuan ~
Do follow her if you know her. Since hers is Private account. :)
OH! And Jocelyn finally created a Twitter account. Haha!
Super random one~ Her @JocelynYiXuan ~
Do follow her if you know her. Since hers is Private account. :)
Reached home. I told my dad about me going Helipad, he started nagging!
And keep saying "You're exactly like your mum!" Arghhhh.
That's the last thing I wanna hear. -.- Mood kind of ruined. Thank ah! -.-
Despite me having rashes on my face, I still put-on make up.
真的是爱美不要命! :\ LOL.
Hmm, trained down there. To meet Marilyn there w. Maybelline, Lihui and Meting.
I actually asked Marilyn this question -> "Michelle, Marilyn, Maybelline sisters? "
ROFL. 'Cause I thought maybe just same surname only mah ! X:
Raymond was late. He say better before 11pm reach instead.
First time seeing him though ~ :x LOL.
Thanks for the guestlist ~ ^^ After that, ordered a jug of cranberry w. vodka !
Marilyn paid first. Then snapping photos here and there.
W. Marilyn and Meiting's phones and Lihui's camera. :X
Maybelline, Me, Marilyn and Meiting !

Me, Meiting, Marilyn and Maybelline :)

Me, Maybelline, Marilyn and Lihui :)

Me and Maybelline :)

Meiting, Marilyn, Maybelline, Me and Lihui :)

We stayed till closing. LOL ! Sweat like free one like that~
Seriously, we didn't drink much but danced for v long~
I should have tie my hair up de! But I don't have rubber band w. me! ):
SIGHHHH. Sad mak.
Cabbed back home then!
Taxi uncle talk to me about his last time stories when he went drinking and etcs.
He even told me about his 26-years old friend who is still a virgin.
His friend's ex-girlfriend which together 3years alr,
:asked him whether is she not a woman? LOL.
Because they didn't *ahem* after so long. :\ (Kind of understand her!)
Then his friend's female friend was drunk and his friend brought him back home. The female friend even say whatever happened tonight she won't remember because she is drunk. Yet his friend didn't do anything. He slept on the floor while she sleep on the bed. Next day, the girl say even if I'm naked right in front of you and sleep, she also don't scared he will do anything. LOL ! The taxi uncle say he jitao bth that's why started drinking after quitting 7years. LOL ! :X
Tonight there's event at Zirca and J, Jovi, Jazz, Anson and friends is going~
But... I haven't tell my dad about it eh. ): Omggggg~
How to tell siah? I'm dead meat.
Look like both of us really can't even hold a conversation properly.
Actually I already knew the answer long ago, I just pretend I didn't know.
Though I'm not sure if the answer I think is the same as yours.
But definitely somehow similar I guess.
Labels: Clubbing at Helipad, Friends, Happy 77th Birthday to Grandpa, Random
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