Hi lovelies ~
posted on Friday, June 8, 2012 at 10:57 PM by S.Teo ♥

I know it been awhile since I last blogged. My bad!
'Cause I'm having my 2 weeks of "holidays", actually it's study break.
But I didn't really do any study during this 2 weeks.
I started playing back Maplestory last week. :)
Played the new job, "Mercedes" ^^ It's a elf character and it's pretty. ^^
Level 114 now! ^^ It takes me 3 days to train till level 70.
And now I'm aiming for level 120. Fourth job advancement. :D !
I started playing dues to many reasons ~
- It's because I feel so damn bored. ):
- It's because my lover, Geokshan is playing it all the times? :x
- Because the new job character is too pretty already! ^^
- It's event period. ^^v Hehe~ Special event. Maplestory 7th anniversary alr!
imsurelyyx3 or imsurelyx3 (Sorry, I forget I got 2 "Y" or 1 "Y" instead)
LOL. And it's Aquila world k? ^~^
Add me up @ Facebook if you haven't.
Follow me @ Twitter and I'll follow you back k?
I rarely use MyYearbook already since it's kinda of boring.
Maybe follow me on Twitter, Weheartit or Tumblr k? (L)
Anyways, ytd I went to E-hub to watch "Madagascar 3: Europe Most Wanted" *3D* with my little cousin, Zi Yi! (Actually in the first place, he wanted to watch it therefore...) Know what? He is so hard to control him. Damn! He just keep running around and walking so fast.Tsktsk. Plus I'm so tired. Energy-less ~

Title: Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted *3D*
Directed by: Eric Darnell, Tom McGrath,
Plot: Alex, Marty, Gloria and Melman are still fighting to get home to their
beloved Big Apple. Their journey takes them through Europe where they
find the perfect cover: a traveling circus, which they reinvent -
Madagascar style.
It's nice and funny. I give it 4.5 stars ! ^~^v
And I don't mind watching it the second time. Hehe~ :D
My cousin wanted to eat sweet popcorn and coke ~ (He didn't finish it though.)
While I wanted to eat Nachos with cheese as I haven't even eat my lunch yet.
And I slept so late the previous night, I can barely stay awake expect watching movie.
LOL. I'm very focused in watching it. ;D ! ^^

Makeup-less, but at least I don't look like I'm his mum. Thank god ~
LOL. Then we trained back home and bought Macdonald too.
But I didn't manage to finish it. :\ ! No appetite. Tsktsk ~
Oh, snapped some photos today! I looked so shag? .________."

But I woke up @ 7pm plus? LOL. 'Cause I slept at 7am plus? :x
My body clock is screwed. Omg! ):
Tmrw I'm meeting Geokshan again, to go sing ktv. ^^v
Since I set the time @ 3pm, I better wake up on time uh ~
Although I wanna go see V3 ! As they just renovated it. *curious*
I wonder can I level 115 today or no? *hmmmm*
At least, my Mercedes' level is higher than my brother one.
Oh ya, since I mentioned my brother; He is enlisting on 12 of June. *woahhh*
Now is 8 of June already, few more days to go ~ *Goodbye* !
It's better than staying at home everyday doing nothing. :3
And guess what? My dad just told me, he bought Subway for me. .___.
Now then he mentioned. ROFL ~ It's 10.09pm right now.
My internet connection seriously got some problems ! -.- *angry*
I look too carefree already. LOL ! Later I fail my UT1, how ah? :X
Hmmm~ ytd night I did the E-learning for the F1 race job thingy? LOL.
Sounds excited right? IKR.
It been maybe 2 weeks since I last drank? Remember? Geokshan drunk that night.
LOL. Maybe not that drunk-drunk, but still considered drunk la~
I'm not sure about tmrw's plan leh. It's either singing k or drinking ~ What else?
Victor asked us to go Zouk, but then again I don't really like Zouk. And I'm lazy.
Hehe. Everyone knows that I'm lazy ~ It's in my bone, in my genes. :x
Okay la. I'll be back to update my blog soon k? Loveloves,
I want watch Ice Age 3 ! Anyone? (L)
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