It been awhile since I last went V3. :)
posted on Tuesday, May 1, 2012 at 7:48 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Lovelies,
I skipped school today as I'm too lazy and tired. Therefore I skipped!
AND! I feel sorry for my team-mates. So sorry! ):
*PS, I didn't really take much of the photos with them. ): *
Anyways, last Saturday I meet Geokshan, Darren, Damien and Gloria to Raffles City's Macdonald to have our late dinner or supper I think. Haha! (: It was full therefore we had our Macdonald at the stairs outside. LOL! So weird. :X
After that, we bused down to V3 and meet with Alvin and his friend.
We sat the same table again I think? Haha.
(Thanks David for reserving table for me. ^^ !)
Damien and Gloria isn't drinking. So rare! :B
I think it's quite a big crowd tonight. LOL !
Chatted awhile with AA outside as usual he's deciding what songs to play tonight.
Hmm~ guess what? Jul appeared out of nowhere. LOL! I didn't really know he's coming to V3 uh. *shocked* But not that shocked as I think I will though. :x
Guess how many towers we opened uh? LOL.
4 towers and 2 jugs. :x
And I'm not drunk. HAHAHAHA!
And surprising to see Wei Leang and Violet there as well. ^^
It been awhile since I last saw them uh. Hahaha! :B
Hmm, didn't really had a chat with him though.
Cabbed back home with Geokshan. But I'm too tired already, therefore no breakfast.
I went home straight. :)
OH, and AA say he's going back to Thailand soon?
But I forget to ask the exact date. :x But I think should be May la.
If he wuixm, he will text me and tell me lo. ;)
Had Steamboat @ Simei ITE with Lena, Kianhow and Ziyan.
Service sucks. D:
Tom Yum and Ma La. LOL
Lime Juice (:
Thank god, I stopped waiting and expecting.
Therefore I don't feel disappointed at all. (:
Hehe. ^^
(My pride doesn't allow me to do/say things that my heart wants.)
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