Goodbye AA! :)
posted on Saturday, May 12, 2012 at 7:39 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hi Lovelies,
I just woke up from my sleep. Last night was pretty...
horrible? Terrible? Indescriable?
LOL. Let's re-cap~
I woke up @ 6am to prepare for school as usuaul?
(As you can see, I was absent from school for 2 days alr. :x )
Without any Mcs. :x
Learning Programming is such a brain-killing. ): !
Omg. I hate it when it includes Maths in it. Tsktsk! I hate coding.
I only like html related e.g. Blogging template all these. :x
Thanks my team-mates on my coding today.
And my faci gave us a quite complicating RJ question. Tsktsk! ):
End class. During bus journey, called AA and say goodbye?
Since his flight was @ 6pm, he's at airport already! 2hours earlier? ;x
I think I just realized that his English is bad. He can understand when face-to-face.
But he can't understand smses or phone call's. LOL!
He even say "See you next year!" Erm, next year is like faraway? :x
Oh well, what make it worse is that. He don't have wifi at his home too. ):
Awwww. Oh well~ whatever. HAHA!
Bought Macdonald homed. Finished my RJ with my dad's help! :)
Then went to prepare to meet Geokshan @ KFC.
Trained down to Clarke Quay MRT station to meet with Roy, Alvin and etc.
Contact lens made my eyes look like sore-eyes. Wthhhh~ ):
It also make my eyes look damn small without my lens.
And,Lycan arrived too. *awkward* (I don't know why. Don't ask me.)
Alvin and 2 girls ; Yu Jie and Yi Jie. LOL ! :B
*First time went Helipad, bad impression already! I'm not going again*
Went to Helipad and queue with Yueyang~ Apparently, we are quite late.
After queuing awhile, Benson and co arrived. :)
There was Shirley Lemon, Caemi, Nicholas, Benson, Weiqiao and Nigel.
LOL. Anyways, had our chop. Cabbed to Holiday Inn with Roy and Geokshan.
Bought Midori and Barcadi Lemon with sprite. (Totally forget about the cups!)
Had our drinks at the river nearby The Central. LOL!
Drank Midori without any mixer. Neat~ HAHA.
I still thought after Helipad can go V5, but.... :x ! (Chris isn't going~ )
Helipad got police raid. Then waited outside~ .____.
Weexin came down with her friends. Headed to Burger King first.
Then NANA. I didn't drink there though~
Anyways, I had no idea why we go NANA in the first place though.
It's so boring there. LOL! I don't like there~ ):
Cabbed back home alone after that. Geokshan went to meet her eye-candy.
At West Coast. LOL!
Hey AA,
Take care na! I will miss you na~ ^^
If only, you can use facebook @ Thailand na~
555. ;D "See you next year!" :B
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