3rd day Orientation + Lunch :)
posted on Friday, April 13, 2012 at 10:08 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello lovelies,

As usual I woke up on my own @ 6am? Or maybe earlier. LOL! But I'm kinda lazy to go prepare first. So slack awhile and prepare at about 645.

You know what? It's like a first time I'm gonna wear a jean on my will. LOL! Usually I don't wear jean at all, I'm really bad with heat. And I hate to sweat. :( 


Anyways, on boarded Bus 168 and the journey was like an hour plus to reach Woodlands Bus Interchange. I thought I'm the latest one but Ivy was more late than me. HAHA! :p

Had Mac breakfast with her! Then head to RP next. Together with her friends to the Sports Complex? I didn't know today was outdoor throughout?!! WTH. :( I wore jean and you want to sit at the field under the hot sun?! NOOOO!!

Anyways I ran off after I submit my forms. And went to meet Lena and Kianhow fr lunch @ Watami Japaneses Restaurant located at Junction 8. :)

It's like a first time for me to actually order pork?! But it look to tempting to me already! Therefore I really ordered it! And since it's a lunch set, it comes with a rice, miso soup and a drink. ^^ 

Salad ! ^^

Our drinks :) 


Mine ! :D 

Lena's Main and Dessert ;) 

 Side dish :B 

While eating while chatting. :)
After that we walked around the mall. And even played the Virtualand?! LOLLL. It's been awhile since I actually last played arcade. HAHAHA! Lena and I played Street Fighting and I keep winning! ^^v

I really don't know how to play one hor! I never play before too ok! LOL. My ending was K.O by the CPU Bruce. HAHA! So sad. ): Oh well, since I already win many times. ;p

I saw a notebook that costs 699$ only! LOL. It's light and that's good for school! I'm trying to persuade my dad and uncles for it. *winkwink* Wish me luck. HEHE!

I need new clothes ! Better be those thin material if not it'll be very hot! Tsktsk. :/

Guess what? Jocelyn's classmate is gonna be my new classmate? LOLLL.
 I just knew my class - E24J ! ;x I wonder who's gonna be in this class! 
I hope there's someone I know, please! LOL! Please be nice.... :x

Anyway, accompanied Lena to go collect her laptop and waited for an hour plus. 
'Cause there's some problem with it. But it goes all well. ;)

Back home.


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