Happy Belated 20th Birthday Benson ! ^^
posted on Thursday, March 29, 2012 at 11:11 PM by S.Teo ♥
-Hope you enjoy that night eh. :D HEHE.

Hi peoples,
Good news ! I passed my Higher Nitec. HEHE! ^^v
I got B's for both modules. *winkwink* If I know how to do that question.
I will get a A. Oh well, I'm contented with my grades already. :)
I thought I'm gonna fail my Costing paper for sure, y'know? :x

I'm waiting fr 02 April now. To know whether I got accept to any poly or not.
By the way, I been home since last Saturday. *angel* :)
Apparently I blogged slightly later than I should.
As Benson's birthday falls on 24 March which is last Saturday. :)
Yes, celebrated at Rebel ! With many liquors. LOL !
Let's do recapping alrighty? :)
Therefore we were late as well. Long queue but thanks Nicholas they all fr queuing up.
Met Shirley Lemon, Caemi? Haha. Damien's friend. :)
Passed 11pm already, therefore the entry fee was 28$. LOL ! .___.
Toilet then locker then went to the overhead bridge to find them. :)
Darren they all went to get the liquors @ Holiday Inn which took an hour or more?
LOL. Pamela & Wei Ling arrived then we headed to Macdonald and have a light snacks.
HEHE. Together with Weiwei too. ^^ It's quite a big group that night. :B
So maybe I will forget to mention certain names. :\
Hmm, there was Benson the birthday boy, Ryan, Travis, Darren, Nigel,
Weiwei, Ivy, Pamela, Wei Ling, Nicholas, Shan, Shirley Lemon, Caemi,
Damien, Wei Qiao, Victor and few more but Idk their names. HAHA!
As well as Benson's cousin was there too. :)
Apparently birthday boy was pretty tipsy, though I thought he will GONE. HAHA!
Idk why Shan just won't high. Therefore we went to the bar many times.
Dancefloor a few times only. LOL ! And Gloria spotted me ! HEHE. ^^
I didn't even know she will be there too. Haha! Like a qiao only. :)
LOL. Went to find Benson at the toilet outside, but don't really understand.
Hmm, left with Shan and headed to V5 instead. But end up cab down to Sensation.
:\ First time here. It's quite spacious one? LOL. :B !
Cabbed back home to Bedok and bought Macdonald breakfast back home! :)
HEHE. End of story!
OH. A big new was told to me few days ago? I'm shocked.
Not because of it, but the respond of that person. .___.
Oh well, it's better to re-consider the decision uh. Slowly think ba. :)
Anyways, I think it been a while since I last went to V3 or V5 already. :\
Hahaha. Like a good girl right? IKR.
Late Updation.
Ktv session with Nicholas, Jocelyn, Damien and Weexin ! ^^
While waiting fr them to reach Bedok. :B
Camwhoring ! :B
Andy's baby boy; Same birthday as me :)
It's okay to change. People do changes in a certain period of time.
Therefore I understand. :)
Labels: Happy 20th Birthday to Benson
It's drinking session, again ! :)
posted on Wednesday, March 21, 2012 at 12:57 AM by S.Teo ♥

I spent my Tuesday doing nothing at home cause I woke up about 5.30pm?
LOL. I know it's pretty late! Just very tired, don't know too. :\
All me ! :P
She wait me, then I wait her. LOL!
After that, had dinner @ Macdonald while waiting fr Guobao leh. :B
Snapped photos as usual ! ^^
On board his car, and met Wilson. Reached Club V3 and sat right under the air-con.
LOL. It's so cold. :( Tsktsk. What a seat. Haha!
Opened 3 towers in 3hours? 'Cause we reached around 1230am mah.
Stayed till closing. Then deciding to go V4 or V5. End up, went to V5 instead.
Oh. Tonight was one of the thai girl's birthday. Sorry eh, Idk her name! X:
Hahaha. Snapped photos with Film too. And she say she gonna get a phone soon.
(: Since she lost it when she was mao mak mak. :P
With 4-5 thai people. And the guitarist keep "He wan, he wan!" Walao eh. :(
I have admit I'm pretty tipsy since I drank a lot. Thanks to the guitarist lo.
LOL. After that, I saw Cedric's friend? But dk his name. Yet drank with them !
Hahaha. I was trying to avoid drinking but end up drink more. Tsktsk!
And knew his name - Chris and his friend, Owen. LOLLLL !
AA was at the table too. I don't recall much thoughhhh ~ :\
Around 530 went back home, with Macdonald breakfast. ^^v
HEHE. I didn't know they fell asleep already. :\
Anyways, I keep being hugged by thai girls. LOL ! :\
HAHA. I also dk why! Oh well, at least we enjoyed the night ! (L) ^^
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