Birthday Celebration in advance with loves one. :)
posted on Sunday, February 26, 2012 at 6:48 PM by S.Teo ♥

I just had Pizza Hut fr my late lunch with my dad and brother. ;)
I last night celebrate my birthday in advance. ^^
Hmm. Let's see~
I woke up @ 1230 plus? And rot at home till 10pm plus then I went out. LOLLLL! :/
Snap photos at home first.
Home :B
Jul with his new spec. ^^ Haha!
Like a long time no see him already eh. :/
After awhile, Baolun, Zhifu, Ben and Liangzhu arrived. But Ben headed home first cause he's too tired while the rest stayed. Then Shan arrived with Weisiang, Weileang and Violet. :) And also Dorothy and her boyf lo.
Opened CBS~ I thought no need go up stage already. End up still went up! Zzz! Sian. Not scared to drink but shy to go up stage. HAHA! Must thanks Botak fr helping uh! *winkwink*
Must thanks Uncle fr giving me free lollipops and a bottle of potato chips :)
HEHE. He forever so nice la. ^^
Zixin and me ;)
Around 1am plus, All left and left me and Shan there. LOLLL! :X Jul say he don't like drink CBS. His favorite is Martel. SAME! ^^ Anyways, kept the balancing and head down to Club Oceanz as Shan's colleague was there.
@ V3 :)
@ Club Oceanz

@ Club Oceanz

Aiyo. *worried* Cabbed down. And went to sofa sit then I spotted him at the other sofa! LOL. He looks drunk. :/ First time see him like v drunk like that. Oh and he is heading back home on 3rd March. :( Happy fr him though! Like finally can go back home. Sad cause can't see him anymore. :/
Anyways, we left first while Jul still there. Ate a hash brown @ Macdonald. Otw home. Called Jul but a girl picked up. :/ Jul say is his friend. LOL!'
Why my finger blueblack? :((((
Center parting hairstyle. :B
@ $2.90 only!
Till 29 February ! :D
Look @ my LIVES ! :\
(Now got 130+) :X
Thanks Everyone fr wishing me "Happy Birthday!" ! Muack.
Club V3, again :)
posted on Sunday, February 19, 2012 at 6:30 PM by S.Teo ♥

I just finished eating my late lunch and just about to blog. :)
Yesterday Shan came over to my house to visit my pup? LOL.
But my pup was overly excited, therefore failed to play with her. :/
While waiting fr Shan to finish her make up, camwhored awhile first with my camera. ;)
After that we trained to Cityhall and walked over to Marina Square.
Arrived at Golden Village and it was more crowded than I expected. :x
Purchased the tickets for Ghost Rider: The Spirit of Vengeance. ^^
We intend to buy some snacks to eat during the movie and
it was much more longer queue than buying the tickets. Tsktsk!

Title: "Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance"
Directed by: Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor
Plot: As Johnny Blaze hides out in Eastern Europe, he is called upon to stop the devil, who is trying to take human form.
My Rating: ★★★★/5
Forever so cool when he transformed. ^^
Headed to the toilet next. And we camwhored inside with my phone and camera.
:D ! HAHA. First time snapping so many photos with Shan uh! :B
With Shan. :)
While waiting fr Shan to smoke. Camwhored again!
LOLLLL. That's what camera do what. ^^
Chit-chatting down there awhile first before
we head down to Raffles City Macdonald to have our "dinner" !
LOL. MacWings meal? :/
Bused down to Club V3. Headed in first and opened 1 tower of beer.
And Jul texted me and say he see me. While I can't see him. LOLLL!
And my dear butch came over. :D
Snapping photos with her and the guy who plays the guitar. And also with Jul ;) HAHA!
Finally Cedric arrived with Jeremy. ^^ I forgot to take photo with Cedic. Zzz!
:D !
After awhile, Weisiang they all arrived.
And then we shifted to infront table because too many people already. LOLLL!
And they opened Martel? :/ GOSH.
Hmm, Shan look a bit tipsy eh! /: Busy taking care of her.
Snap photos with her and Violet. :) HEHE. And dk why end up Violet was drunk. LOLLLL!
After V3, head down to V5. First time went! ^^
And Jul told me he mao mak liew~ LOLLLL!
But he look okay to me leh. He doesn't look very drunk leh. Tsktsk! :x
Cabbed back home after that. ^^
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