:D !
posted on Thursday, December 29, 2011 at 8:29 PM by S.Teo ♥

Today I just wake up by my dad because Lena they all came to my house to do project.
Thanks Lena fr buying KFC fr me. ^^
Yesterday, I meet with Jocelyn inside the train.
All the way to City Hall and it been awhile since I last wore high heel. :b
We headed to Marina Square's Kiddy Palace to buy her present. :)
Although I think the leopard one look much chio la. ;) HEHE.
After that we headed to Just Acia fr lunch + dinner = luinner? :x
We ordered Spicy Chicken and Kimchi Bean-curd soup sets. ;)
I like the Spicy Chicken. It's nice! (L)

Thinking of going V3 later or Butter Factory. LOL! End up Jocelyn accompanied me home to pei my puppy first since Wei Leang they all haven't okay yet. TSKTSK! :@
We caMwhored inside Plaza Singapura's toilet. ^^
Since we got too much of time. :x HEHE. That's what we always does.

Headed to V3 next. I still thought they're opening Tower of beer. End up not. LOL! :x Seriously the second floor's uncle is so nice! ^^ This is like the 2nd time we went there and talk with him. And he gave us a packet of sour plum and Mentos. THANK YOU! ^^

posted on Monday, December 26, 2011 at 5:59 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hohoho, Merry Christmas ! Xoxo~
It been awhile since I last update my blog, again. :/


Christmas Eve went out with Jocelyn, Nick, Geokshan, Weexin, Kaishi @ Timbre. :)
First time here and the first impression was WOW, so isolated and look like haunted place? :x
Weexin and Kaishi ordered Roast Duck Pizza and Buffalo Wings first. :)
Yay! Just reached and got foods to eat alr. ^^v HEHE!
Benson couldn't make it thought. :(

Seafood Pizza ;D
Weexin's Sex on the beach ;)
Me and Jocelyn's Virgin Sakura :)


Weisiang was late, but the moment he arrived, Shan left with him alr. LOL!
Shan doesn't seem to like this place leh. :x Oh well, Aaron came next. :)

Seriously I totally forget to bring the Christmas cards siah. X_X
The guys went to Rebel, Kaishi went to Neverland to meet her boyf. While
Me, Jocelyn and Weexin headed to V3 leh. Weileang they all was late! Tsktsk!!

Finally they arrived!
Opened a tower of beer first then Liangzhu arrived and opened dk what drink is that. :x
OH! And my friend spotted me there. Last time together worked @ RTC one. Like so qiao only! :> And Liangzhu's friends arrived. Jason and Huimin! LOL! So qiao right? :B
Cheryl arrived next then Baolun. :) LOL! It's pretty cool? HAHA! Seriously so hard to flag a cab there siah. I sent Cheryl back to Punggol together with Baolun and Junjie? Guess how much is the cab fare? $80. LOLOLL!
Accompanied Weileang to go get the car then went to Blk 85 Market fr breakfast?
Thanks Liangzhu fr paying. :x !

Look @ the bone


Back-updating! :)
We went to Ziyan's hse to do project. :) Her mum cooked simple spaghetti and Sweet Potatoes dessert. THANK YOUUUU! ^^

Camwhoring ;D !

Happy 19th Birthday Dorothy! ^^

Went to her chalet with Zixin only.
Violet didn't reply smses while Joreen went M'sia. :(
LOL! Left around 10plus.

HK Cupcake ;D

New packing! LOL

ZA brand. :)

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