MAMA 2011
posted on Tuesday, November 29, 2011 at 11:07 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today (29 November) I stayed @ home and watched Mnet Asian Music Awards ; 4pm, all the way till 10pm. :) HEHE. I thought T-ARA and Infinite is coming to Singapore but apparently didn't. :( But it's OKAY! Because got Super Junior! (L) ^^
There was BEAST, Hyun-A, Yoon Eun Hye, Song Joong Ki, Han Hyo Joo, Super Junior, Girl's Generation, 2NE1, Lang Lang, Wei Chen, Miss A, Seo In Young,, LEESSANG, Baek Ji Young, A-pink, Huk Gak, Kim Hyun Joong, Jane Zhang and more? :B
First performance I saw was Lang Lang's piano and BEAST's fiction ! ^^
And also a performance of BEAST's Hyun Seung and 4 Minutes' Hyun-A ! :D !
OMG. They actually KISSED? *shocked* They make a cute couple too!
OH. They're gonna debut together as a team ; Trouble-maker! :D HEHE. Can't wait!
Too bad, IU didn't come. :( ! SIGHHHHH.
Love Super Junior's performance!
1 - Superman
2 - Mr.Simple
3. Sorry Sorry !
Sorry Sorry !
Click to watch! :D
Click to watch! :D
('Cause I didn't make it auto play! :b)
Look @ the result :)
3rd year anniversary to Rebel and Zirca :)
posted on Monday, November 28, 2011 at 1:55 AM by S.Teo ♥
Hi-eeee ! *waves*
You must be wondering why am I updating my blog at this hour, right?
'Cause I wasn't feeling any better today! Even after I vomited. :(
Ytd I woke up pretty early? Had Nasi Lemak fr lunch!
Went to Bedok Interchange to do face threading.
Bathed, prepared! Head out ~ :)
Troubled over whether to wear dress or skirt. :\
Dress ;
(I seriously think I gained a lots of weight siahhhh! D: )
Trained to Tampines. Bused to her house. First time been to her hse!
Greeted the grandma. Used the comp first~ While waiting fr her!
Headed to the coffee shop to have a bite. :)
Thinking why out of sudden I went to her hse? LOL. To act~
'Cause she need a excuse to go club last night. Therefore!
I felt bad fr lying to her parents eh! Goshhh. :\
@ Tampines 1

With Shan. :)
Look @ what my dad sent me ~ HEHE.
Anyways, trained to Clarke Quay MRT station. Meet with Nick and Benson~@ Tampines 1
With Shan. :)
Look @ what my dad sent me ~ HEHE.
Walked over to Rebel and meet-up with Gloria and Damien ! ^^
Joined queue with Benson's friend. Chopped! Toilet, locker.
(OH! We even got this goodie bag last night! Haahaha)
While Nick and Benson went to buy the drinks @ Holiday Inn.
We walked to the bridge near Liang Court there. Waited till bored and hungry?
Played Big fish, small fish game. Taught by Gloria and Damien! :)
Walked to Macdonald with Gloria, Damien and Shan to buy some snacks. ^^
We sat in Macdonald awhile before leaving. Snapped photos with our phones! :)
Then headed back. Just nice! Saw Benson and Nick coming back with the drinks~
While eating fries, drinking vodka with sprite. LOL !
(Seriously, I got a anti-vodka feeling NOW! )
Vivian is really good at playing directions siah! She's good at drinking as well. (Y)
Bought 2 bottles of Absolute Vodka. We did finished 1 bottle, and left with 1 more.
As in, not the whole bottle full laaa. Left with 1/4? Hahaha.
So qiao. Tarry was @ Rebel with his friends too. LOL! ^^
(Like a long time didn't see him, after his NS started~)
Let's seee~ Drank inside with our free coupons. Accompanied Benson to Groove!
Bought Graveyard there. (I don't like GY! :((((( ) Tsktsk. HAHAHA!
Meet-up with Tarry and one of his drunkard friend fr awhile. Then we headed to V4!
To find Wei Siang there. And saw Alex with his friends. :)
Drank a bit. Then cabbed back home~ Vomitted inside the cab!
Thanks uncle fr the plastic bags eh. LOLOL! Drunkard sending them home first?
I remember cab fares was like 20++ siahhhh~
Fyi: After I reached home, I didn't remove make-up or change my clothes.
I went to bed straight. Woke up @ 10am plus. Feeling very sucky!
YES. I got a going to vomit again feeling. :( ! Till now, I still feel it.
No more alcohol for now! Until holidays start. :)
I don't remember I brought it home siahhh! LOL.
Next tuesday, Singapore is having a music award event called "MAMA" something one.
Lots of K-POP is flying over here! ^^v
LOL. Can't wait to see! And hope my Super Junior will WIN! (L)
Good Luck ^^
Back updating ! :)
Macaroni cooked by my mum.
Happy Feet 2
posted on Friday, November 25, 2011 at 11:43 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings,
I apologized fr not much of photos this week. I shall take more tmrw instead! (L)
Today I woke up late, went to school late. And my teacher dismissed us early.
Had lunch @ Macdonald with Ziyan and Lena ~ :)
Backed home while they left to register fr car license, Lena's ! HEHE .
Ytd I did went to school and was practically late again. :\
I did survive till class end though. HEHE! ^^ Head back home.
Changed clothes. Bring my cousin to watch "Happy Feet 2" @ Tampines Mall. :B
HEHE. Cabbed there. Bought the tickets ! Walked around till the time about to reach.
Bought Happy Combo fr him. :) Got a free penguin named "Eric" in the movie.
Movie ended. It was pretty coolz? Singing / Dancing penguins? COOL. HAHA!
I like how they sang. (L) ! ^^v Actually I had not much of recalls of "Happy Feet 1" !
LOL. Therefore, Idk how it's link or what? :B
Title: "Happy Feet 2"
Starring: Matt Damon, Robin Williams, Elijah Wood, Hugo Weaving, Hank Azaria,
Directed by: George Miller
Plot: Mumble the penguin has a problem: his son Erik, who is reluctant to dance, encounters The Mighty Sven, a penguin who can fly! Things get worse for Mumble when the world is shaken by powerful forces, causing him to brings together the penguin nations and their allies to set things right.
My Rating: ★★★★/5
After movie. I went to buy nail polishes @ The Face Shop then to Century Square.
And bought KFC fr dinner. *winkwink* Trained back home.
Snapped photos of my cousin with his penguin. ^^b
Milo Jelly! ^^
Heart shape JELLY!
Eric the penguin. ^^
Items that I bought from G-Market ! ^^
Ear-dust ; Light pink ribbon :)
Ear-dust ; Red crystal :D
Nail polishes from The Face Shop :)
All my cousin :)
One hand pink ;
One hand grey ;
Last wednesday I was absent from school again. Yes, again! :\
But I did went fr Tuesday class. ^^ Meet-up with Jeffrey they all @ 85 Market.
LOL. Jeffrey and Huiting heading to V4 with Wei Leang. Almost succeed in tempting me!
But I resisted it. ^^ HEHE. PRAISE ME! (Y)
Anyways, it's just awkward between us. OBVIOUSLYYYY~
Stop adding fuel into fire, puh-lease !
Look sucky! TSK.
---Tmrw heading fr club at night I guess? Meeting Geokshan first before going CQ.
Not sure what time to meet yet. Not sure what to wear. Not sure how much to bring~
Just many of unsure. :\
You didn't try, you didn't bother, you just don't freaking care do you?
In that case, do not try to mess up my mind AGAIN. Give me some time!
I'll figure it out myself, soon.
For now, I'm having a v. confusing mind right NOW!
I'm unsure of it. I don't know what I'm thinking, what I actually wants.
I'm just not sure what is love.
Will it make a difference if I try?
('Cause I don't think there will be much difference anyways.)
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