It isn't a lucky day for us. :(
posted on Saturday, June 25, 2011 at 2:24 AM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Earthlings,
I'm having a terrible headache right now. :( Ever since I went clubbing last wed, I just keep having headache for few days already! Arghhhh. :'(((( !
I finished preparing earlier than Berlicial. So I'm thinking of what to wear ~ Changed a few times of clothing. LOL! End up I wore a dress instead. HAHAHA! I wonder why too. :\ ! Before that, snapping photos like no tomorrow like that. :B ! Hehe.
First dress, I thought of wearing one. :B

Second set. :B

Because Penguins one all are single seat. :( ! Oh well, it's a nice movie too! ^^ It's quite funny. And there is a guy who laugh so LOUDLY. Omg! As if here is his house or something. :\
Before movie, we went to the food court at basement for dinner first. :) While eating, while chit-chatting! Hehehe. Then I bought RABITO casing in light pink! ^^ I saw a lots of cute casings siah! Lack of $ lah. :( ! I'm gonna persuade my dad / uncle. Muhahaha~ :D !

Title: Treasure Inn
Starring: Nicolas Tse, Nick Cheung, Charlene Choi
Directed by: Wong Jing
Plot: Two street inspectors named Gong and Ba were on the mysterious murder case in town. However, when the real murderer was finally revealed, Gong realized the danger was much closer to home than he could ever imagine and as a result of an unlikely friendship is tested.
My Rate: ★★★★/5 :)
"Treasure Inn" are nice. :) ! You can watch it lah. Worth the money I guess? Hehe! After movie, we took some photos then I bus-ed home while she went to find her boyf luh. :)
HAPPY 50th and 8th BIRTHDAY(S) ! :D
posted on Thursday, June 23, 2011 at 9:00 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Peeps~ :)
The Birthday cake. :)

The Birthday Boy! ^^

The Birthday Boy(s)! :B

Blowing candles ~ :)

I don't think anyone will wanna share a birthday with me lah. It's a leap year birthday! :\ I don't really hate it lah, it's special though. Just kinda of sad when my birthday is 4years once. :( ! Oh well, at least my birthday is a special date. Most people will remembered it. Rather than, my birthday falls on a every year have date but no one remember. :x
When my family or friends don't remember my birthday, I will say it's okay. I
OKAY. Back to the topic now! Hehe. Last night, I was supposingly meeting Berlicial and Hamima to go Ladies Night one. But Hamima said she was sick, so she can't make it. While Berlicial woke up at 8pm plus?! LOL. But she still at her boyf's house. :( I jiu zhi dao she isn't going anymore. :\ ! Sighhh~ But luckily, I still got Serene and Mei Ling to go clubbing with. Hehe! (L)
Before I leave my house. :)

Mei Ling reached awhile later. Guess what? I actually found a 5 dollars note on the floor?! ROFL. Funny siah ~ Hmm! Then we queued for Ladies' Night drinks~ I ordered a jug of Vodka sprite, while she ordered Vodka Lime. We were at Smoking Area together with Serene and her friends. :) And at there, I drank a shot of pure vodka. LOL! After that, we ordered a Vodka Orange. :)
We look really alike meh? So many people say we look alike! LOL. :B

We stayed till last song?! And when we wanna go home that time, it rained heavily. OMG?! My shoes is totally drenched. :( We walked to Macdonald? And rest awhile. Thanks Samuel for calling a cab~ I sent Mei Ling's partner home first then I went home. :) I gave him a nick, PLAYER. :\
Oh well, he look and act like one. But he keep denying though ~ HAHAHAHA ! Don't care. :P
Labels: Happy 50th Birthday to Uncle and Happy 8th Birthday Zi Yi
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