Oyasumi ! o(^.^)o
posted on Saturday, April 30, 2011 at 12:10 AM by S.Teo ♥
Good Nights ! :)
Oyasumi ~
Wan an le ~
Hello to you ~ ;D !
I personally think that recently there's a pimples outbreak for me. :( !
Oh man! (u_u) ~ Korea words is so hard to understand eh! It's hopeless.
I think learning Japanese is much more easier though. :B ! Teehees.
Me with my new black contact len. Hehe! ^^
And I only wear concealer today. No foundation, no eye liner, no fake eye lashes.
And I only wear concealer today. No foundation, no eye liner, no fake eye lashes.
But I got no such wish. Anyways, I skipped SW and went for Taxation but late about 20mins! :x LOL. Ate at Cafe 2 with Lena and she gotta head for work next. :) !
The whole day I feel like drinking a glass full of ice coke! Hehe. o(^.^)/ ! Seriously I don't know why my left elbow grow a red spot!? Ewww. It hurts siah. :( !
Seriously, I missed my bursary due to don't have the paper already. Awww! :(
And sometimes I think blogging is tiring! My laptop keyboard alphabet 'I' somehow spoiled. Arghhh! D: ~ I'm having difficulty typing right now. If I don't press hard enough it won't appear. :( !
And Lena told me that next monday no school seh! (Y) Woo-hoo ~ !
And Lena told me that next monday no school seh! (Y) Woo-hoo ~ !
Hehe. :D ! So happy siol. :) ! Well, as usual. Online shopping ! Teehee. I tmrw needa go make my payment already. Hehe! I'm gonna try out "Naruko" product. It's a Taiwan famous skincare stuffs ? LOL. :] (Peepos, you can click the link above to find out more about it. :D ! )
Let's hope it won't disappoint me eh. :B !
This is the picture it put for it's Facebook's account. :)
AND and! I'm gonna buy apparels from my gan sister, Pherenice's blogshop. Hehe!

You don't see it small small hor. F*cking pain okay. T.T ~
And while bathing, I knocked my own left elbow with the water err.. Idk how to explain.
D: !
In short, I knocked dao my left elbow! :(

YES! It's the same elbow with the RED SPOT. :( !
My elbow became red, gonna get blueblack soon siah. T.T ~

This one is my right elbow's. Perfectly fine. :) !
Look at the difference uh!
I'm gonna state her link here --> Click here ! :)
(This is my first time buying from her, so yaaaa. :D ! )
If you spot anythings you like, do support her okay! I trust her. ^^
Intro her shop to your friends too, if the products is good okay? Tyvm. (L) !
And guess what?
I just realised that MSminnie write stories online eh! :D !
I personally think it's good. She got potential being one. ^^
Here's the link to her story blog. :D !
(Feel free to comments ! ^^ :D ~ )
Okay. I'm gonna post this soon. Hehe! I just realised I got nothing to write anymore.
:B !
Thus, yeah. :)
And one more thing that is making me very curious about it!
That's it. I wonder if my wifey, Berlicial opened the present already or not.
Because as you can see, I hear no news from her at all ~
LOL. It's rare to see her being so awfully quiet. :b ~

Aww, nice right? :)
I personally LOVEEEEE to take sky. Teehees :D !
Here's the photo of the red spot. :(

Aww, nice right? :)
I personally LOVEEEEE to take sky. Teehees :D !
Here's the photo of the red spot. :(

You don't see it small small hor. F*cking pain okay. T.T ~
And while bathing, I knocked my own left elbow with the water err.. Idk how to explain.
D: !
In short, I knocked dao my left elbow! :(

YES! It's the same elbow with the RED SPOT. :( !
My elbow became red, gonna get blueblack soon siah. T.T ~

This one is my right elbow's. Perfectly fine. :) !
Look at the difference uh!
And also, here's a little warning to you guys that the photos below is quite eyes hurting uh.
:\ !
YES, my nude fake photo. :\ !
TOTALL-Y no make up at all. I stunned as well. :C ~
Seriously no make-up, not wearing contact lens.And also hair messy ttm.
당신을 사랑합니다
Happy 19th Birthday Berlicial Goh ! :)
posted on Wednesday, April 27, 2011 at 11:13 PM by S.Teo ♥
-Finally joined me as 19th's ~ Hehe ! :D
-Hope you enjoy your day fully and hope you like the present too ! ^^
Let's sing you a birthday song here kay? :)
Happy Birthday to You ~
Happy Birthday to You ~
Happy Birthday to Berlicial ~
Happy Birthday to You ~ ^^
:D !
Fyi: I decided to buy that for you, but Lena choose that design! :B
Let's sing you a birthday song here kay? :)
Happy Birthday to You ~
Happy Birthday to You ~
Happy Birthday to Berlicial ~
Happy Birthday to You ~ ^^
:D !
Fyi: I decided to buy that for you, but Lena choose that design! :B
It's as stated. Today is my dear wifey's 19th birthday BBQ. :)
And I had school as usual till 4pm. LOL ~ As usual, I had overslept. :\ !
Hehe. Learnt new stuffs for each modules. :) ! Ziyan was absent due to fever. Aww ~
After school ended, I went home straight. And my dad's Taiwan trip canceled. :( !
Due to his colleague's child passed away during operation or what I think. :( ! Aww.
Finished bathing. Done preparing. Cracking my brain thinking what to wear for a bbq.
But ended up, Samantha helped me! Hehe, thank you very much! ^^
(And I hope I won't get you into some trouble eh! ) :[ !
I directly went to NEX Mall to meet Lena first. We went to buy a gift paper bag first.
Walked around. Thinking of buying what to snack one. :B !
Meet up with Jazz. Waited awhile for Mei Ling ~ Bused to Berlicial's BBQ place. ;)
We alighted few stops earlier, and walked all the way to that blk 101 ~ Laughs*!
Reached there but see no Birthday girl leh ~ LOL. So we went to 7-eleven first.
Stayed till 2.30am plus or even more late ? :C ~ Tired ttm siah.
Throughout the hours there, gambling, drinking, eating, chatting? LOL.
12am reached. Sang song, wished, cut cake. :) ! Hehe. :D ~
A lots of drunkards or should I say highsters. Haha ~
Anyways, I missed my morning lessons and went for the afternoon's one instead. :B ! Hehe. I tried my best ~ Had Kfc for my first meal. :) !
And guessed what? My GEO contact lens arrived first despite I ordered it later. LOL! Tmrw can wear it to school. :D ! And another parcel had arrived too. Hehe! ^^ I can't wait to try it on tmrw to school? I guess so? Tmrw class at 8am?! Omg. :( !
Ps: I'm too lazy to write out too details thingy. Hehe! :D ~
I feel so lazy.
posted on Monday, April 25, 2011 at 8:58 PM by S.Teo ♥
Since last thursday I had been staying at home till today. LOL !
Expect not including of going Bedok Interchange to trim my hair and bought yoghurt. :)
If you asked why I didn't go out during weekends, that's because no one ask me out. :( Aww.
Today even though only 2 hours of AA class, but I still went to school hor.
Ms Lee wasted 1hr plus of the time talking about the future thingy.
LOL ~ And just learnt about the new unit. :) It seems pretty easy than unit 2. :B ~
Class ended. Bused to Tampines with Lena and bought KOI cafe. :) !
And bought Calamari from CHIPPY! ^^ Hehe. Well, it's too dry I think. :C ~
Went back to get our KOI cafe ! :D ~
And then went walking around searching for Berlicial's present. ^^ !
Thanks to me. HAHA ! I just happened to walk pass and saw a leopard print top. :B !
Well ~ thought of buying it one. But then we went to Tampines Mall to see others first.
But still went back to Tampines 1 to buy it. :D !
Oh well. It's a secret still ~ Hehe! I think Nicholas will like it bah? :B !
Hope my dear girl would dare to wear. :\ !
Shared the gift with Lena lor.
Oh ya, not much photos to share anyways.
Cracking my head thinking what to wear tmrw for her bbq ~ LOL.
And my dad is going to Taiwan tmrw morning till friday! ^^
Heard that girlf they all going club on wednesday!
(Omg ? I wanna go too ! But I got school at 8am next day! :( )
Anyways, tmrw school end at 4pm. :( !
I have to rush home to bath and prepare uh. Grrr ~ :\
Tmrw I needa go City Hall to take my pay first eh. :\ ! Aww ~
Sigh. Samantha told me got about 200+ there uh. Hehe ~
Yes, as you can see ~ I'm no longer working anymore.
But I can't focus on my studies either ~ :C
Over-due Photo ! :B
Memorising sucks.
posted on Wednesday, April 20, 2011 at 9:56 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthings,
Fyi: I'm rewriting this post because I forget to save and I clicked another link. And therefore. :(
LOL. Because currently my nail polish haven't dry uh. D: ! And I'm trying my best not to disfigure it as I got not much time now. :\ ! My class start 8am tmrw ~ Arghh ! :(
Anyways, I oversleep for AA lesson in the morning at 9am. As well as my first hour of elective. Actually if I don't wear any make-up and just bath then head to school, I might make it though. LOL! But then, too lazy already. Hehe!
Grandma bought breakfast for me. Hehe! :D After that, prepared for school next. And then, snapping photos as usual leh. ;D ! And it's drizzling. Aww ! I hate it the most siol. Grr! D: ~ Went to Cafe 1 to find Lena and Co :) ! After that, headed for Taxation class.
I didn't do the paper. Awww! Because ytd I was busy doing AA's questions instead. ;B ! AA's question was quite confusing also. Grr ! D: ~ Hehe. It was raining after school. :( ! Zzz. I hate it siah. LOL !
Over-due photos ! :D
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