"Cui" night. LOL
posted on Saturday, March 26, 2011 at 8:09 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Lovelies! :D
I'm lazy to update my blog leh. D:
. My eyes are so tired siah.
Yesterday, I woke up around 2.30pm plus and went to prepare. ;D ! After I'm done with my make-up and I'm deciding what to wear later.
! I was thinking of wearing dress or short. :B Isabelle think short suit me better too. Hehe!
Snapped a few photos first. ;D ! Left house. Trained to Somerset to meet Isabelle!
Hehe. It been a long time since I last met her lor. About 2months plus ? :B Hehe. We went to Cineleisure to have our lunch there. :) I ordered Sweet and sour sliced fish with rice while she ordered Black Pepper chicken with rice. :D ! While eating, chit-chatting!
Mine's :)
Her's ! :D
Then we walked back to 313 Somerset to meet with Berlicial.
! She blur queen. Haha! We went down to meet her instead. At first, meeting her at the Epic centre? (Idk how to spell lah! )
. After that, we accompanied her to go find her boyf lor. Walked around! :) Snapped photos while we're inside the toilet.
After that, we went back to Cineleisure again.
! Idk why either. Planned to sit down at Burger King and guessed what? A girl keep looking at me, so I looked back and realised it was Mei Ting, my chit-chat lover ! (L) Hehe. She with her friend sitting down there! :) And we sat down there and chatted while waiting for Katherine to reach but ended up she not coming. Awww.
So we headed to Fareast Plaza on our own lor. Thought of finding Mei Ling lover one, but never see her at the shop leh.
! Accompanied wifey to eat at ShinTokyo. :) Then walking around at town. -.-"
Potato Salad. :)
While Isabelle went to find her friend. Berlicial tend to meet Shane leh. :) Haha! Anyways, ended up we went to Clarke Quay, Rebel. Queuing there, while Katherine still at Boat Quay drinking ~ Before that, I received a call from Tarry's phone but was Zhi Fu's voice saying Li Si saw me at Cinelesure.
, boxim lor ! See me never call me ? D:
My dear wifey is so unlucky today lor. She fell down twice! Aww ~ First was at the road crossing place then on the path to Clarke Quay? :((( Aww. Hope she recover soon ! ^^ We went to Liang Court's DBS ATM.
Snapped photos at Rebel, but the photos still with lover. :( Waiting for her to upload t leh. Hehe! Stayed till 5plus? My leg sibeh pained lor. So my mood sucks ttm lah! Not in the mood. Plus phone no batt. ;( Sad ttm. It made my mood worst ttm lor.
! :( Cabbed home.
It's so happening ~
posted on Friday, March 25, 2011 at 1:33 AM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Peepos !
Yes, I know I didn't update my blog like for a week already. :B !
Reason was I'm busy working. :) Never take much photos either. Until yesterday. Hehe! Yes, it is a Wednesday which is a ladies' night. *wink wink* Actually I not confirm if going still or not yet. Then my wifey was pretty upset with her r/s thingys ( But they're okay now already! :) . )
. I don't know why either.
Okay, around 7.30pm plus then I went to bath and prepared lor. :) Seriously my dress is kinda of short and I'm not used to it for crying out loud! D: Anyways, before I head out of my house. I snapped photos first ! (Y) Hehe. Then I went to deposit money to transfer $ out lor.
Then I went to take train next.
People just keeping seeing as if they will see before like that. .___."
. Yes, I'm kinda of late. Meet-up with Hamima at Dohby Ghast MRT station there. :) Headed to Clarke Quay, Central Mall's toilet first to touch up with make-up and snapping photos down there. ;) (Aww, it feel weird w/o Berlicial Goh Pei Lin! :((( . )
Like a weird only. 
We went in Rebel first, went to the locker first. Then we started searching out for Katherine. But she's at Liang Court with Jin drinking whiskey down there.
! So we went to Lunar Asian Fusion first. :) Took the 5 free drinks there! Hamima look very high? Idk. Haha!
Then we thought of going ZIRCA one. But then Jin called me, so we went to find them first lor. Haha! Drank abit of pure whiskey. Taking photos with Katherine. :) Then we headed to ZIRCA first? :) We been dancing at Rebel dance floor lor. Laughs*!
Anyways, sorry Hamima! I didn't mean to "snatch" your partner one! I got asked him to go dance back with you one ! But then, he don't want ~ Sorry!
. His name was Walton. Age 19 and studied at Poly. We did exchange number in the end. (I don't know why exchange. -.-" Since we won't contact each other one.
! ) He is more toward cute than handsome nah.
Cabbed back to Bedok Interchange together with Hamima. Then we headed to Macdonald and drank some plain water first. :) Then she headed out to take Bus 24 back home lor. While I went to sleep next. ^^
Today I went for work. Sleepy ttm though.
! Nah, I should say I'm hungry ttm lor. :B Anyways, my work apron and nametag LOST !
Wthell, first in history perhaps? Curse and swear on that person hur ! Walao eh. Kelvin pouting ~ Saying I didn't ask him go !
. Sorry nah. Next time okay ? :) Last night was so happening!
Woo-hoo! Tmrw I'll be meeting up with Isabelle at 313 Somerset, and meeting up with Berlicial and Katherine later on. :)