#` 23 - 24 November
posted on Wednesday, November 25, 2009 at 12:44 AM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Everyone! :D ~
Well, recently I'd been quite busy + lazy to update my blog nah.
As I last mon just started working @ TCC, Citylink outlet neh. :D !
First day there, dk much things. (LOL)! Slow, clumsy & tongue tied! (LOL)!
Super nervous luhs. HAHA! :\ Anyways, I was in sch on monday for POA class only.
I skipped BEG & PM1 class. :\ ! As Rohana last minute thn tell me, I got work!
(LOL)! I was otw walking towards sch alr thn I saw t msg luhs. :O ! (shocked)
I didn't even brought my uniform for work & many things ! I had to rush this & that!
Wthhh. I haven't even go for the injection yet! :\ ! Oh well, ate in sch.
Then left after that! Rushed to buy socks & clips.
Then, head towards Raffles Medical.To had my injection @ 18bucks.
But can claim after 3 months luhs. (LOL)!
Went back home to bath & pack my bag luhs. Still got enough time neh! :D ~
I was early 30mins. :\! HAHA. Greeted everyone. Had Gioevanni being my buddy.
HAHA! I didn't know he was from Philippines. LOL! Until he told me. HAHA!
Took train back home thn ! :)
I didn't go for sch today. :\! (LOL) Oversleep + Lazy. As I needa go buy shoes!
HAHA. I promised I'll go sch tmrw one! :D ` But not for BEG & MDP nah.
Go there dk do what only one. D: ! Lazy. The girls also not going marhzxz! HAHA.
Let's pray hard that there's POA class. If not, I'll go crazy ? (HAHA) :|~
Bought my shoes, took train there. :) ! Early 10mins, I think. :D !
Greeted everyone as usual. :D ! HAHA. Not much people yet nah. :\ ~
I know from ytd + today's people:
Rohana, Aishkin, Gioevanni, Sunie, Janice, Jason, Ili, Cai Fang, Samantha. That's all !
HAHA. :D ! All worked longer thn me luhs! :\
Anyways, Sunie last time work @ SSC as well neh. I almost can't recognize her luhs.
&Today is pay day for them. (LOL)! So good hors. Mine should be next next week leh.
:( ! Awww. HAHA! :\ Oh well. I'm having BEO & POA exams soon.
(But I'm not prepared yet luhs ! :O ) Oh dear. :\ ! I had to start studying soon neh.
:D ! &Yvonne started working today too. I wonder how's it goes neh ? :)
#` 22 November
posted on Sunday, November 22, 2009 at 3:25 PM by S.Teo ♥
Sunday! :D
Hello Lovelies !
Today I woke up @ 12pm ++ ? LOL. I'm watching Chan 8 show leh.
Acted by many people nah. :D ! HAHA. Show ended. Went to bath alr.
As, I planned to get my injection today t leys ! :D ~
Went out. But guess what ? 'Cause it's Sunday, closed early! Wthhh D: !
Damn annoyed! :( ~ So I walked to Cheers to buy some snacks & drinks luhs.
Actually wanted to buy Lolipop one but don't have marhzxz. D: !
So bought Hello Panda! & Pink Dolphin drinks luhs. :D ! HAHA.
I wanted to buy Vitasoy one but don't have also. (Roarrr). Zzzz
Then I went back home. Snapped some photos ! Me w/o make-up. :\ !
I look damn ugly w/o make-up. Seriously! Just look at my eyes ! :>
HAHA. Nothing much alr nah. Planned to had Pizza Hut today one leh!
But maybe ltr on ! :D I'm hungry! I haven't had anythings just luhs ! D:
Yeahs ! Finally had Pizza Hut today ! :D ~ HAHA. As usual, ordered by me. -.-"
Total was 36.20bucks. I ordered 2 for 19.90bucks one. Upgrade 1 to Hawaii Pizza.
Need additional 1buck. LOL! &Side orders of 1 Garlic Bread & Drumlet luhs.
HAHA! :D Yumyum! Ate till very t full luhs. :D ! (happy)
#` 21 November
posted on at 3:03 PM by S.Teo ♥
Saturdayyyyy ~ :D
Hello Peepo !
I'm online to update now ! Sorry for t late updating ! (^_^)V.
HAHA. Guess what ? I went to many places with Yvonne today luhs !
Wthhh. :\ ! Firstly is I meet Yvonne @ City Hall MRT Station.
I reached earlier, so I went to buy breads @ Break Talk luhs ! :D ~
Bought only 2 breads leh. Cheese & tuna one ! HAHA.
Then idk why it's closed ? The path towards MRT station one! Wthhh.
Had to climb stairs up instead. -.-" Reached Raffles Place. (LOL)!
Lazy to go down anymore. So waited for her on top instead luhs. :) !
&I saw quite many cosplayers siol ! HAHA. :\ I saw Nartuo, Ichigo ? (HAHA)
She was late. :\ Then we took cab down. We told t uncle "Beach Centre".
Guess where he brought us ? He brought us to "Peach Centre". D: !
Stupid leh ! 3.30bucks. Then we took another cab instead. :\ !
Luckily the uncle know how to go luhs. Costs 3.60bucks instead. :> !
This uncle is dangerous ! When traffic red light, he stopped & read newspapers ?
Wthhh. :O ! (Roarrr) Anyhow siol! Finally reached there. Waited awhile.
Then brought down to Basement. Saw others people too ! :) ~
HAHA. Don't have familiar faces lehhh. ROFL. But got Fumin's friend. :\!
He recongise me ? But I don't. :X Sorry nah! Then stayed there till 1pm plus ?
I got the outlet of City Link ? Which I just passed by just now. (LOL)!
While Yvonne got The Central. :\ !
We walked back to Bugis Junction. Took t train to City Hall, City Link. :D !
Reached the outlet. :) ! Passed my schedule :D ~ Saw a familiar person !
She worked at Singapore Swimming Club before one. But I forgot her name :\ !
Then we took train down to Clarke Quay, The Central luhs. :) !
Finding TCC outlet. :\ ! It was @ the 2nd level. Scared us leys ! :O ~
The person suddenly asked Yvonne to start work immediate ?! Oh dear. Stunned!
But 'cause Yvonne didn't wore Black jean so didn't start work luhs. :\ !
But dk why the store manager say Shirley ? Wthh, I'm like suppose to work there?
Luckily, didn't kena uhs ! If not die man! :X HAHA :>
We went to Dohby Ghast to catch a movie one but can't find a good timing leys !
So we went to the Cathy. Don't have! So, we took bus to Bugis Junction again.
(LOL)! Went to Iluma, expesive leys ! I mean the ticket. 13bucks luhs. :\
Went to Shaw House. Only got 3 movies ? Wthhh. -.-"! (annoyed).
I guess 'cause I walked too much alr. Quite tired one nah! Plus still have to carry bag.
I mean the paper bag that contains my apron & top for work one. (LOL)!
Then, we went to Yoshinoya to had our dinner @ 4pm plus ? It was early!
HAHA. :\ ! Early dinner. My meal costs me almost 10bucks leys ! :\ ROFL.
I ordered the 100% christmas set or wht. :\! Can't remember it!
HAHA. Then went back to Iluma, Arcade. [:!
As Yvonne want to play the Catch dolls one. (Hard to catch neh!)
She spent 11bucks down there w/o catching anything. LOL! :\ Relax neh!
Took bus back home. She took Bus 80 while I took Bus 7 luhs. :) !
Reached home. I immediately tried out my uniform alr! HAHA. :D ~
(But I haven't got the injection yet leh. :\ No money uhs ! )
So I guess tmrw then go nah. :D ! HAHA. &My mum bought Ice-cream back!
Yumyum! :D Strawberry flavours siol. :D !
Labels: TCC Orientation
#` 20 November
posted on Friday, November 20, 2009 at 7:01 PM by S.Teo ♥
Fridayyyy ~
Hello People ~
Today I didn't plan of skipping school one luhs.
I only planned to skip S&W only. But Idk why I oversleep. :\
Till I felt some vibration & Xue Fang phoning me. (LOL)!
It's about 11.30am plus ? (I think. :\) ! Meet Limin @ Tampines Mall.
At first we were going to watch t movie @ Town one but Karean cmi lehh.
So jiu changed of plan luhs. HAHA! :) I went to bath straight.
&Today is like soooo not my day luhs! D: ~ My fake eye lashes just won't stick!
Damn it! Super angry luhs! (angry!!) ~ Took train there! :D
Limin they all was at The Central eating leh. HAHA! ^_^
Bought the tickets @ Student's price, 6.50bucks only! :D ~
HAHA! Then we went down to B1 luhs. :) ! Accompanied Belinda to Four Leave.
Then they accompanied me to Yoshinoya to had my first meal of the day! :D
HAHA. I ordered Student's Saver, Choice 2 :D ~ (Yumyum)!
I ate till quite full one leh. :D ! Chatting with t girls while eating luhs. :) !
Sat awhile first before leaving. :D ! Went to buy popcorn & drinks ~ :D !
We went to a shop, I bought 3 pairs of earrings for 5bucks only ! :D ! Liked it.
Then Belinda & Xue Fang left. We went for the movie luhs ! ^_^v
HAHA. Well, I think it's quite predictable nah! As I watched t dramas before alr.
LOL! :\ Seriously some parts really just repeated again & again luhs. D: !
Some parts are funny nah!! :D ~ &Not much people also leh. ^^

Title: Gokusen: The Movie
Directed by: Toya Sato
Starring: Kazuya Kamenashi, Yukie Nakama, Jingi Irie, Mokomichi Hayami, Yuma Ishigaki
Genre: Comedy
Plot: Based on the popular manga and TV series, Kumiko Yamaguchi aka Yankumi, is a young female teacher is given the toughest classroom in the school. The Class 3D of Akado High School is full of delinquents. Yankumi is not your run-of-the-mill, educator, she is also the granddaughter of a Yakuza boss, Kuroda of the Kuroda Ikka, and is slated in line to head the family business. Leading a double life, Yankumi tries to teach her students the lessons in life, but also keeping the family secret from the public.
My Rating: 3.5 / 5 stars :D ~
After t movie, we went back home straight luhs. HAHA! :)
Nothing much to do also anyways. Tmrw TCC orientation with Yvonne neh!
:D ~ I hope I don't oversleep uhs ! :X
&Thank Limin to accompany me watch this movie despite not knowing this movie!
:D ~ HAHA. Seriously, this movie got many handsome guys ! ^_^

Jocelyn ;
Ya! Okayokay! ^_^ My Msn is okay alr neh ~ :D
Guest ;
Eh, too long alr neh. I forgot! :\ But I bought it online one! :)
Kath ;
Hi Kath! :D
Jocelyn ;
Ya! Okayokay! ^_^ My Msn is okay alr neh ~ :D
Guest ;
Eh, too long alr neh. I forgot! :\ But I bought it online one! :)
Kath ;
Hi Kath! :D
#` 19 November
posted on Thursday, November 19, 2009 at 9:04 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Dearest ~
Before leaving my hse. Yes, I'm snapping photos of myself.
Since I very long didn't do it alr. (LOL) ! :D ~
Today I did went for MDP class hors! Despite knowing there's no class!
I mean go there just for attendance only hors! Played Facebook awhile. :D ~
Went to Cafe 1 to had our lunch there ! :D ` Only t 6 of us as Belinda not here yet.
HAHA. I had Wanton Noodle & Lemon drink ~ (Laughs) Yumyum!
Finished eating. 1pm plus only as our next class was at 2pm luhs. :\
Played Ultimate Number. :\ ! HAHA. Then we played Heart Attack ~ ^_^
Went for BEO class. Got test! Wthhh. Unit 7 - 12 luhs. Zzzz ~ Sighs.
We didn't really study at all luhs. Thn Karean came by ! She was almost all wet ?
D: ! HAHA. She said she got used umbrella leh! But dk why still like that. :\
Poor thing! Accompanied Karean, Jocelyn & Fumin to have their lunch luhs ! :D ~
They went to slack first while I went to find Kimberly lehhhh!
&She told me that she is @ SASA ? Wthhh. I'm shocked! (O.O) !
Actually wanted to watch Gokusen The Movie one but too late alr leh! D: ~
So we catch Raging Phoenix instead. HAHA. We dk what movie lai t luhs ! :\
We still thought that it was horror movie, luckily it wasn't siol ! ^_^v .
Quite nice one nah. I think larhs ! ^_^ HAHA.

Title: Raging Phoenix
Directed by: Rashane Limtrakul
Starring: Yanin "Jeeja" Vismistananda, Nui Sandang, Kazu Patrick Tang, Sompong Lertwimonkasem
Genre: Action
Plot: Deu (JeeJa Yanin), a girl with equally high degree of recklessness and beauty has never experienced 'true love'. One day her life changes completely when some gangsters try to kidnap her and she narrowly escapes with the help of Sanim, a sad looking stranger with a painful past. Waking up in an abandoned factory, she joins his gang of merry do-gooders who practice a form of drunken Thai break-dancing martial arts that they dub Meyraiyuth. Sanim and his friends, having had loved ones abducted, have joined together to break the gang of kidnappers.
My Ratings: 3.5 / 5 stars :D !
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