#` 28 September
posted on Monday, September 28, 2009 at 8:52 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Dearest~
Today I woke up @ 2pm plus ? (LOL). I didn't go for my Blaze Camp 2 trip.
:( ` Aww. 'Cause I'm not feeling quite well. Plus Idk t details at all ? :O `
So, I didn't go. I think Katherine also never go lehhh. :X `
HAHA! ^^ I'm in Singapore now uhs ! Not going overseas anymore.
Meet Kimberly @ BDS to take our 'N' level cert today :) `
'Cause tht time, we didn't take it. :O! LOL. I still dk siol ~ HAHA.
Took Bus 14 down to sch luhs. [: ` Talked on phone awhile with Xiang Lan ~
&She told me tht Demas said I'm hyper ? LOL. (Am I ? No rights ?)
Saw Delphin's dad @ t office too. We saw Ms Abraham too ~
But she didn't saw us lehh. (LOL) ~ :\ &Siew Hoon saw us too !
I didn't know she was still studying siahs ! :\ HAHA. I thought she quit sch alr.
After collecting our cert, we waited awhile for Bus 10. Huey Leng phoned me.
Asking me, phoned her for ? HAHA. For t cert. :\ LOL~
Thn we cabbed down to Tampines 1. HAHA! :\
Lazy to wait alr nah, too hot nah! :O Cab fare : 5.20bucks [: ` Half-half! ^^
Accompanied Kimberly to Emicake shop to see Durian Mooncake.
LOL! :\ Cool uhs ~ She only wanted 1 but they don't sell 1 piece only lehhh. ROFL~
So, she bought a set @ 14.90bucks luhs. Went to withdrawn money with her.
(She withdrawn 30bucks out lehh. HAHA ! :) ~ )
We went to Say Cheeze to had our lunch there lehhhh ~ :)
Who knows, now got Student's lunch set ! ^^v. HAHA~ @ 7.90 bucks only lehhh.
1 soup of t day, main course & 1 beverage lehh ~ :D HAHA! ^^v
Kim ordered Fish 'n' Chip & Ice Lemon Tea.
While mine was Baked Macaroni with Ice Lemon Tea too nah. :D ~
*- Our bill ~ :D
After awhile, t waitress served t soup of t day lehhh. ;3 `Hmm, I think it was Tomato Soup lehh. (LOL) ~ Sour sour one.
HAHA! :\ Got lots of weird stuffs inside siol. ;O ! Dk what is it thn never try! :\
Soon, t waitress served Kim's main course. Wow ~ ^^
It looks really nicee siol. (Damn it, so slow! I'm super hungry one luhs . )
HAHA. Thn, t waitress served my main course :D ` Baked Macaroni ! ^^v
Yumyum ~ :D . Kim ate super fast luhs ? Wthhh. D: ` While I eat so slow.
During t holidays, she is going overseas (Spain) . To visit her grandparents.
(LOL) . So good rights ? :O ` I also want go lehhhh. HAHA ! :\
Total : 18.60bucks. Finished our main courses, started eating t durian mooncake. [: `
Hmm, quite nice nah. But cannot always eat one. 1 time will do. ~ :D HAHA!
*- Mini Durian Momoncake ~ :]
; so cuteee ~
Paid. Went walking around. As Kim got training @ 6pm marhzxz ~; so cuteee ~
'Cause she is having a match this coming thursday lehh. :) `
Against Ngee Ann Poly lehh. O.o ? (Hope she will win thn ! Good Luck! :D.)
Bought Strawberry Red Tea @ Each-A-Cup ~ :D
HAHA. Waited awhile for Kim as she went to washroom lehhh. :] `
Anyways, I think I wanna re-dye my hair color luhs. Laughoutlouds `
Color fading off alr luhs. Wthhh ! :( ` I think I'm going to a Salon to dye lehh.
:D ` Took train back home with Kim while I alighted @ Bedok stop.
HAHA! ^^v. @ t underground place. Suddenly a lady approached me ?
Asking for my number, name & age ? Wthhh. (LOL) :O ` I don't really understand~
She gave me a name card ? -.-" Like, duh ? ~ HAHA.
Reached Bedok, went to Cheers! to buy drinks & magazine ~
HAHA. :] ` Reached home, bathed, read t magazine. :) `

*- My Laminated cert ! ^^

*- My new bracelet ~ :D
; Niceee ?

Started snapping myself. HAHA ! ^^ Too bored alr ~
:D ` Laughoutlouds ~ Nothing much to do alr lehhh.
11.45pm plus, chatting on phone with Jason :) `
(So rarely for him to phone me luhs!)
&Guess what he say ? LOL. You changed msn larhs. Lmaos !
Oh great, I didn't know I didn't add him in msn luhs ! I just realised it.
Added him alr. &He is eating Macdonald now siol. Awwww, man! ;O~
I also wanna eat ~ :3
#` 26 September
posted on Sunday, September 27, 2009 at 2:53 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Lovelies ~
Today we're going back to Singapore alr ! (LOL). Like finally ?
I think t time passes so fast luhs. ;O! Why ehs ? HAHA.
Woke up @ 6.45am plus barhzxz ? Not sure lehhh ~ :\
Done my stuffs. Went down to t lobby to put our luggages there first. :) `
Went to t restaurant @ 4th floor for breakfast luhs. D: ~
Still t same stuffs nah. :\ Bored of it luhs ! D: Roarrr ~

*- Dumpling ~

Bused down to airport alr thn.
Otw to airport, snapped some photos :) `
HAHA. Nice norhs ! ^^v .
The airport is transparent one luhs.

:D ` Walked to Macdonald there. But we didn't eat, expect t rest ?
HAHA. My seat was 25A lehh. -.-" All seats was different luhs. No one was near!
Sighs ~ Rushed to check in alr luhs ! Reached there, bought mineral water.
Shared with Belinda, on boarded t plane :) `
Everyone was switching seats luhs. HAHA ! ^^
I sat with Belinda & Ms Leng luhs. (LOL) ~ :\
I'm sitting right beside t window luhs. LOL! Cool siol ~ ^^v.
About 3hr plus thn finally reached Singapore. :) ` Checked out ~ :B
Waited for our luggages ! ^^v .Saw my grandparents, cousin & uncle there ~
Back to Bedok Interchange, to buy my lunch luhs. I'm damn hungry!
;O ` HAHA. Bought KFC ! ^^v. Oh man, I missed it luhs ~ :D
Ordered Zinger Burger meal ! :) Yumyum! ^^v.
Back home, bathed. Had my lunch lehhh. (LOL). :D `
Busy uploading photos luhs ! ^^
Labels: Day 5, Guangzhou Trip
#` 25 September
posted on at 1:47 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello dear readers ~
Today I woke up @ 7.10am plus, i think so {: `
Woahhh ! Today can go shopping siol ! ^^v. Haha! .
I forget to bring my short or t-shirt, damn it! :\ Shouldn't have believe t teachers.
LOL! T weather was like so hot luhs ! -.- Still want us wear long jean, ohmygods~
:\ I hate my clothes ! Regret bringing this siahs ~ D: ! Roarrr.
Had breakfast @ t hotel restaurant.
Bused down to Liu Hua Garment Wholesale Mart. ? I think is this nah.
Haha! Reached there, bought a wallet of look alike Chanel one :) `
@ 70RMB. :D ` Belinda also bought a wallet there for her mum luhs .
Walked around. Nothing much to buy also nah. Jasmine they all bought belts.
Bargaining t prices, while we snapping photos outside lehh. HAHA! :)

*- Hyekel, Belinda, Shirley & Demas ~

*- Mala, Belinda, Shirley ~ :)

*- Mala, Belinda & Shirley ~
; Hyekel ! LOL.

Not bad nah ? Laughoutlouds.
Bused down to Bai Ma (White Horse) wholesale market.
Bought a Chanel look alike bag. :) @ 140RMB ~ HAHA. Very big norhs ! ^^v.
Bought accessories there too. :D ~
Bused down to Beijing Lu Wholesale center.
Bought wallets for my parents . :D ` Yet I forgot to buy presents for my grandparents!
Arghhh. &Also my uncle! Oh dear -.- ~ Die liao luhs ! :\
Bought wallets for my parents . :D ` Yet I forgot to buy presents for my grandparents!
Arghhh. &Also my uncle! Oh dear -.- ~ Die liao luhs ! :\
Bused back to Venice Hotel to had our dinner there luhs ~ :)
Back to hotel room & snapped photos of our bought stuffs ~ ^^v .
HAHA! ^^ Quite many stuffs nah. :) ` LOL. :] !
I like Jasmine bought t Sitch teeth toy luhs ! Loved it nah ~ :O !
Snapping hotel's picture luhs about t room ~ HAHA. :D
HAHA. Bathed, went to Hyekel's room played awhile.
Went back to room to sleep alr luhs ! :) ` HAHA. Today lazy to write journal! :\
Labels: Day 4, Guangzhou Trip
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