#` 30 August
posted on Monday, August 31, 2009 at 4:01 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Lovely Reader~
I'm sorry for not uploading any pictures up to my blog ! :\ `
As I lost my memory card reader, so I can't upload photos at all lehhh.
Hmmm, today had POA & BEG lessons only lehhhh. Laughoutlouds~ :D
During lunchtime, I had P4 from Japanese Cuisine norhs. Yumyum * ! :) `
Hahha. After tht, we had BEG lessons @ 2nd floor luhs ~ :]
Nothing much actually, quite bored one nah !
At first, I'm going back BDS one luhs. But I didn't know today is t celebration day! :O ~
rOarrrr ! -.- I thought is tml siol. Sian nah ! Sighhhh~
I heard tht Tarry they all went back too lehhh. Too bad, I cmi norhs ! :\
Sighs ! Even though, I missed some of t teachers there though ! :B ~
*-Quite formal, yeahs ? :D
Ytd, I went out with Belinda & Limin lehhh ! ^^
Hahhha. We took train to City Hall station, meet Limin ~
Thn, we went to Raffles City there to had our lunch @ t foodcourt luhs ! ;\
Both Belinda & Limin had Omelette set lehhhh ~
*- Shirley :D `
While I had western food ! Fish cutlet & noodle .LOLL ! :D ~(Nice norhhs ! I got t photo in my phone, but I can't upload lehhh ! T.T )
Thn, we went walking around in t mall luhs ! Thn, we walked towards Marina Square.
We @ City Link there, shopped awhile. Limin bought a top & skirt ! :D `
I think costs her 70bucks plus barhs ? I only know her skirt is 59.90bucks siol ~ ;O!
While, I bought a dress @ 47bucks plus , I guess ? :\ (Can't remember lehhh.)
Thn, we walked past a shop named Ztyle. &I bought a coat @ 28bucks norhs.
:D ` Thn, we went walking around luhs. [: ` Looking out for Limin's high heel ~
Belinda didn't buy anything today lehhhh. ROFL ! :\ She is quite moody today!
;O ` Thn, in t end we went to Paya Lebar, This Fashion store to walk around luhs.
HAhhhah ! :D ` After tht, I bought some breads & cakes back home lehhhh.
Thn, me & Limin took train back home while Belinda is waiting for her dad.
LOLL . :]
#` Updates :D
posted on Saturday, August 29, 2009 at 7:00 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings !
Sorry for not updating much in my blog fer few days uhs !
Well, I do have pictures to upload but I'm lazy nah. Sorry eh ! :\
LOLL. Bear with a half-dying blog, alrights ? :D `
Hmm, firstly I wanted to wish Kelvin, Happy 17th Birthday! :D `
So sorry for t 1day late birthday present uhs ! :D `
Hahhha. We last min thn thought of it one norhs ! Should be full of sincerity rights ?
(Are you touched ? Don't cry uhs ! ROFL. )
*- Kelvin's present ! :D
; Full of notes ~ :D ~
Anyways, I just had my BEO Unit 4 - 5 test last thursday ? :\; Full of notes ~ :D ~
&Nothing much happened actually. Oh, we started learning Photoshop for MDP alr.
(Quite fun one luhs. :D ` )
&Last monday, I went to meet Agnes for t tickets.
Thn went to Hougang Plaza to meet Jazz & Terence luhs.
Go there to play pool luhs ! :) &Saw a familiar face there. ROFL !
Well, not as if I wanted to stare @ you like tht luhs . Only 'cause you're familiar tht's why.
Not 'cause you're like so pretty or wht nah ! Ha, don't bhb kays ? :\\
Ytd, I woke up late for sch. But still went in t end ! (: `
I brought t tickets but Karean didn't come ? LOLL. -.-
Thn, went to Cafe 1 to had our lunch luhs :D ` After tht, we went to t Pool Centre.
Kelvin's friend, Brandon is like so pro canzxz ? ROFL ! :O `
Very accurate luhs ! Wahhh. Hahhha ! ^^ ` Thn, went to Hougang Plaza again.
With Yvonne & Jazz & others nah !
Lent Yvonne my clothes, ROFL ! If not, she can't go in marhzxzx ~ [:
First time, I won Jazz lehhhh. ROFL ! I mean won 2 times nah.
Hahhha ! Thn, took Bus 87 back home luhs. Before tht, we went to had our dinner first.
(Yes, I'm t last one to finish my food again. LOLL ! )
Btw, tml maybe going out with Limin they all to go shop for BEG clothes ! ^^
Yeahhh ! ^^ Oh ya, I got new hairstyle ? -.- &I watched finished Black & White.
(It is quite niceeee one lehhhh ! ^^) .
I had injection just ytd afternoon only lehhhh. LOLL ! Prevention for H1N1 one nah! .
I haven't re-new my passport yet siahs. Uh-oh ? :\ &On monday, celebration for Teachers ~
Tuesday, is a holiday for us ? LOLL. Idk why too leh ? Hahhha. Relax for teachers ehhh ?
&I'm watching Manga now ? LOLL. Tht's all , I guess for today ! :D `
#` 21 August
posted on Friday, August 21, 2009 at 8:11 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Readers !
I'm here to update my blog luhs ~ Hahhha ! ^^
Today I'm suppose to wake up @ 6.30am to wash-up all these marhzxzx !
But I going 7am thn woke up lehhh. LOL ! :\ Lazy nah !
(I text Belinda & she said she isn't going for s&w luhs. ! )
Roarrrr. At first, I thought Karean is going too but in the end didn't make it luhs.
Hahhha! Today S&W was @ Indoor Sports Hall for goodness' sake ? -.- !
No one tell me at all luhs. (I was waiting for them @ the field nearby toilet leys !)
-.-" zzzz. I phoned almost all of them luhs. Well, only Jazz answered~
&Jocelyn using her home number to phone me back ! Oh great ~
Other thn them, Xue Fang too nah actually. LOL ! :\ Karean's voice is very sore btw ! :O !
After tht, reached there. Super hot ? LOLLLLL ! I wasn't wearing PE attire marhzxz .
(As, I'm excused for 2weeks marhzxzx. :\ )
HAhhha ! Btw, Jazz didn't come for sch today as he was having NS appointment.
Thn, at first we're going Cafe 2 to have our breakfast one luhs. But went to Cafe 1 instead.
&We saw Jaslin otw there luhs. ROFL ! :O ` Hahha.
(She was wearing t pe attire btw.) LOLLLL. But she missed it. :\ ! Hahhhha.
Thn, I saw many hairstyling students outside & inside of cafe 1 lehhhh. ;O !
Oh ya, today they was having haircut exam lehhhh.
So, most of them is either with their model or finding models last min type luhs. :\
At first, a girl approached us. We rejected her :\ (sorry lehhh ! X: )
Thn, we went to buy our breakfast luhs. (I can't make up my mind wht to eat leys ! )
But I bought Wanton Noodle in the end and I didn't finished it luhs ! :\
ROFL. :\ ! I know very wasting but I just can't eat leys !
Thn, I texted Jon wishing him good luck !
&He replied: Thanks, but I still don't have a model. (I was like, uh-oh ? LOLLLL.)
I thought only himself no model. Who know ~ Even his friends also don't have leyys.
Lmaos ! :\ ~ So in t end, me & Jovi helped them luhs
(&Yes, I regretted quite a lots. :\ ! Why I helped them ? D: )
Now my hair is short. It is ! :\ Seriously! -.- ~ Oh great~ I wonder it need how long to grow.
I had a exam on 7 Sep luhs. Wthhhhh ~ Roarrrr. ! Now, I had to re-think my hairstyle lerhs.
Hmmm, well t one who cutted my hair name was also Jonathan ! -.-
ROFL. Why hairstyling courses got so many Jonathan ehs ?
&I think I saw Lucas too lehhh. ROFL ! :O ~ Shocking nah ~
Now thn I know they're from t same class luhs. Lmaos ? :\ !
Hmm, well after tht 2 teachers checked my hair. in t end, 1 teacher trim my hair again luhs.
(It's just getting shorter & shorter for goodness' sake ! ) LOLLL. -.-
After tht, went back to class with Jovi. (Awww. she look so sad ? )
I'm speechless, so I can't really console her nah ! :\
Oh well, she look quite nice one actually. But maybe not used to it like myself . :\ !
LOLLL. Thn, beo project needa convert it to Powerpoint~ LOL. :] `
Thn, I was doing my MDP project luhs. As it need to be handed in today luhs ! LOLLL.
It's quite hard one luhs. T instructions wasn't clear at all okays ? D: !
LOLL. So jiu like this luhs ! -.- ~ Hmm, thn finished in t end larhs ! ^^
Yes, I know I'm smart & fast . :D *Grins* BHB alert ~ :X HAhhhhha !
Day ended ! Me & Belinda went to t Student Development Centre.
To do something there luhs. LOLL ! Chatting with Belinda. ~
At first, maybe going out with her one if she is free tht is larhh ! :\ Hahhha.
Thn, I was right below Belinda leyyy ! ^^ I'm number 13 :D `
&Dong PSEA stuffs barhzxzx ? Took S size top luhs. LOLL ! ;O~
While walking to bus stop, saw Hyekel just outside t door there with his friend.
Thn, I saw t other Jonathan with his friends :\ ~ Arghhh ! LOLL.
&We saw Jocelyn, Fumin, Jaslin, Jovi & Yvonne.
They're waiting for 1pm to reach as they're buying some cosmetic stuffs luhs. :\
At first was $28, but buy in sch is only $8 luhs. Hahhha ! I think got no use so I didn't buy.
(Plus, not enough money marhzxzx. Hahhha ! )
Hmmm, after tht we walked towards Bus-stop with Bus 17 t luhs. :\ ~
Wht a hot day, manzxzx ! Roarrrr. We missed our bus, so waited quite long while for it luhs.
Chatted with Belinda during tht time luhs ! Hahhhha. :D ~
(We're discussing wht would t weather there be & luggage thing nah.)
Hahha. Thn she reached her stop first. While I'm still inside t bus luhs ~ :\
Stopped 1stop before Bedok Interchange thn I walked back home. :] `
Thn realise tht my dad wasn't working ! -.- LOLLL. zZzzz !
&He lend $80 from teddy bear saving lehhhh. sighhhh ! Sians siahs. Broke again. :(
Hahhha ! Online, doing some business online. ROFL ! :\
Btw, just now Lucas told me from MSN say tht t other Jonathan was from wht world skills before or whtever t. LOLLL ! (I was like huhhh ? You sure ? :O ! )
Laughoutlouds, 'Cause he don't look like it lehhhh. HAhhhha ! :\ Lmaos`
Btw, If ltr I'm gonna bath again. I'm gonna washed my head for t 4th times today ?
ROFL ! First time in t morning, 2nd time, 'cause being t model. 3rd time, back home time.
4th time would be ltr on barhs, I guess ? :\ ! (It's not gonna be, but soon nah ! ^^)
Hahhha. :D `
LOLL. So jiu like this luhs ! -.- ~ Hmm, thn finished in t end larhs ! ^^
Yes, I know I'm smart & fast . :D *Grins* BHB alert ~ :X HAhhhhha !
Day ended ! Me & Belinda went to t Student Development Centre.
To do something there luhs. LOLL ! Chatting with Belinda. ~
At first, maybe going out with her one if she is free tht is larhh ! :\ Hahhha.
Thn, I was right below Belinda leyyy ! ^^ I'm number 13 :D `
&Dong PSEA stuffs barhzxzx ? Took S size top luhs. LOLL ! ;O~
While walking to bus stop, saw Hyekel just outside t door there with his friend.
Thn, I saw t other Jonathan with his friends :\ ~ Arghhh ! LOLL.
&We saw Jocelyn, Fumin, Jaslin, Jovi & Yvonne.
They're waiting for 1pm to reach as they're buying some cosmetic stuffs luhs. :\
At first was $28, but buy in sch is only $8 luhs. Hahhha ! I think got no use so I didn't buy.
(Plus, not enough money marhzxzx. Hahhha ! )
Hmmm, after tht we walked towards Bus-stop with Bus 17 t luhs. :\ ~
Wht a hot day, manzxzx ! Roarrrr. We missed our bus, so waited quite long while for it luhs.
Chatted with Belinda during tht time luhs ! Hahhhha. :D ~
(We're discussing wht would t weather there be & luggage thing nah.)
Hahha. Thn she reached her stop first. While I'm still inside t bus luhs ~ :\
Stopped 1stop before Bedok Interchange thn I walked back home. :] `
Thn realise tht my dad wasn't working ! -.- LOLLL. zZzzz !
&He lend $80 from teddy bear saving lehhhh. sighhhh ! Sians siahs. Broke again. :(
Hahhha ! Online, doing some business online. ROFL ! :\
Btw, just now Lucas told me from MSN say tht t other Jonathan was from wht world skills before or whtever t. LOLLL ! (I was like huhhh ? You sure ? :O ! )
Laughoutlouds, 'Cause he don't look like it lehhhh. HAhhhha ! :\ Lmaos`
Btw, If ltr I'm gonna bath again. I'm gonna washed my head for t 4th times today ?
ROFL ! First time in t morning, 2nd time, 'cause being t model. 3rd time, back home time.
4th time would be ltr on barhs, I guess ? :\ ! (It's not gonna be, but soon nah ! ^^)
Hahhha. :D `
Labels: What a day
posted on at 4:23 PM by S.Teo ♥
(16years old & above only! :D ` )
Ticket: S$23
Be the epitome of style at the party!
Come decked in the ever popular range of
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Start Time: Tuesday, September 8, 2009 at 9:00pm
End Time: Wednesday, September 9, 2009 at 4:00am
Location: St James Power Station PowerHouse
City/Town: Singapore, Singapore
8113 2660
#` 20 August
posted on Thursday, August 20, 2009 at 3:06 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings,
It been awhile since I last update my blog, yeahs ? :] ` Hahhhah.
Today I woke up @ 8.50am plus siol. ROFL ! :O `
After I finished doing my stuffs, I took few pictures of myself before leaving my hse luhs.
*- P/S : I'm lazy to edit my photo ! :\
Hmmm, I went to sch for Class Photo lehhhh ~ I took Bus 2 to sch lehhh. :] `&Katherine didn't come for it as she oversleep ? :(
Reached sch, &I saw Li Min. :] ` We went to the forum there.
Well, the weather is like so hot canzxzz ? D: ~ Roarrrr. Hate it !
Hmmm, taking the pictures is so troublesome luhs. -.- !
We queuing up as height one luhs. Hahhhhah ! :B`
Well, I should had wear my high-heel luhs! Hahhhha. ! :\
So I look more taller than usual ? Hahhhh ! ;] ` ROFL.
Bored nah ! :O ~ After finished photo taking.
Me, Jazz, Karean, Jocelyn & Fumin wen to the Pool Centre. ;] `
We went there to play pool luhs. First round me & Jazz, he went in the black ball.
So, I won ? LOL. Thn, play tag-team one luhs. :\ Hmmm, Me & Karean.
While, Fumin, Jocelyn & Jazz one team luhs. Hahhhha !
After tht, we took Bus 38 to Eastpoint to had our lunch ? :]` Hmmm !
Guess wht, I think Ghost door is opened today leh ? :O ! Uh-oh ?
Hahhh, must be more careful thn usual liao luhs ~
We went to Niwa Sushi to eat luhs. I ordered Unagi Set w. Peach Tea ! ^^
Same goes for Karean & Jocelyn. While, Fumin had Terriyaki set.
&Jazz had Soba set lehhhh. ROFL ! :] Only Fumin drink Ice Lemon Tea.
Hahhhha. After tht, seat down there. Chat awhile luhs ` :D `
Thn, when the staff there sending the foods here. The auntie sitting beside us one.
Said it was hers one ? ROFL. -.- ! Stupid rights ? Laughoutlouds `
After tht, we went to the Pet Safari awhile. The puppies there is sooooo cuteee canzxzx ?
I really wanted to buy it home, but can't ! :( My hse alr got a dog. LOL ! :\
ROFL. Thn, we went to a store which sell guitar all these one luhs.
It seems like, Jocelyn they all wanted to learn lehhhh. Hahhhha ! ^^
After tht, I took MRT back home luhs. While they walked / took bus back to sch barhs ?
Hahha ! :]
#` 17 August
posted on Monday, August 17, 2009 at 6:46 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Lovely Readers ~
I'm online to update my blog norhs ~ It felt so alive now siol. Hahha !
Took Bus 2 to sch today, as I lazy to wait for Bus 31.
(I saw Hyekel @ the bus-stop there, but didn't get time to say hi! )
So, I on boarded th bus. ;] ` Katherine & Karean isn't coming sch today.
(Both of them was having fever ? LOL. &With 2days of MC siol. )
You guys, sure not seeing the same doctor ehs ? Hahahh. :\ ~
First lesson was POA lehhh. Learning new unit again ? (So fast! ;O ~ )
Suddenly, Hui Ling texted me asking where I am ? LOL !
(I was shocked lehhh ! Why would she text me siol ? :O )
Well, chatted with her awhile. Asked her about wht happened on tht day!
She told me one of her friend, got brain damage now still inside ICU and coma siol. :O
:D ! Thn lunch-time~ We went to Cafe 1 to had our so-called lunch nah.
(But I think is breakfast to be exact luhs. ;] ! Hahhha. )
I had Fried Fish soup and rice same goes for Jocelyn, Limin & Fumin.
(&Today Fumin brought her laptop 'cause needa do project marhzxzx. )
;D ` Thn, Me, Jocelyn, Belinda & Fumin went to 4th floor.
As, we needa take books from there marhzxz ~ ;] `
Reached 2nd floor, Ms Sally Tan haven't reach yet luhs.
LOL ! :\ She finally reached, &started talking on 7 September, Grooming Exam. ;O !
(We had to do our hair, make-up all @ the room siol. :O ~ )
Which means, we can't done it @ home first thn come siol. Oh dear ?
&Must polish our nail 'cause got bonus mark marhzxz ! ^^
(It's best to wear jacket outside instead of normal one. Bonus mark too ! :D ~ )
But the problem is tht, I don't have a jacket siol ? I don't really wanted to buy siol !
How how ? ;O ! Sighs. Maybe going shopping with Belinda soon lehhh ! :] `
I had no idea wht to buy siol, as I'm short of cash & lazy to find too. Hahhha !
If only we girls, can wear vest too luhs. Wahahahas ! ^^
Thn, teacher begin teaching liao luhs. I'm super tired one siol.
Today learning about COOL, WARM & CORPORATE colour ? ;O ! ROFL.
After BEG lesson, we had PM1 . :] I thought Ms Lyna got come.
(But so sad, she was absent again ? ;O ! 'CAuse sick barhzxz ? )
&The Zzz Relief Teacher taking us again. Yucks ? I don't like her at all siol.
She is damn forceful luhs. You have to listen to wht she is teaching despite you won't know wht she is talking about. &Just talking all day long ? Zzzzz ! Bored.
Luckily, she isn't our PM1 teacher siol. If not, sure many people will skip class one.
(In the end, only Yuxuan, Yong An & Nadrah skipped!)
Nadrah had to go home, help her mum take care of the youngest one leh. !
Middle of the lessons, Mr Godffrey came in. :] ` &He also asked me if I wanted to go for Blaze Camp 2 not leh. Hmmm ! Oh well, I didn't really say anything.
(As I thought it was full ? Well, yes. But some backed out luhs. )
So there might be some slots left. Hahhaha ! See how first nah ~ .
Took Bus 24 back home. ;] ` Reached home, brought my cousin to Macdonald~
Takeaway! :D ` &Went back h0me luhs. Hahha ! Tired siol. ;O ! Roarrr.
Had my Mango Pudding as dessert lehhhh. (Must stop this liao. Getting fatter alr! D:~ )
Zzzz. Hahahha ! :]`
Oh ya, we're having photo taking for class on Thursday @ 10.30am lehhhh. ;O !
&I still needa re-new my passort siol. ROFL ! Die manzxzx ~ :O
21-26 September'09 ; Guangzhou's trip. ;O !
October something'09 ; Kukou's trip (Malaysia) .
&If I kena selected in the Blaze Camp 2, I think I got no holidays nah. ;O ! ROFL.
:\~ Let's just hope me & Kath will get selected barhzxz ! :D ~
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