#` 30 July'09
posted on Thursday, July 30, 2009 at 8:10 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Readers `
:) ` Today I went to sch worhs, 1hr early. :O `
I was like rushing rushing rushing, thn didn't realised tht I rush wrong time.
Zzzz ` So, I mit Kath first. Thn, accompanied her to eat luhs.
Hahha ! :) ` After a short while, thn Karean reached sch.
&Guess wht ? She changed phone. :D ` with her mum ! Hahhhaha. :] `
So rare to see, she changed phone t leys. Laughoutlouds `
My POA book is with Jaslin, how great! I wondered why.
She didn't put inside her locker. D: ` Zzzz ! Well, not feeling very well. :( `
Self-study in t room. At first, got test one ! But postponed to tml. !
I wondered if I'm going to sch or not ? :O ` Zzz !
So, was chatting with t girls all this luhs ! :)
Well, got test on Unit 2 leh. Die manzxzx `
I didn't study for it ! :O ~ &I'm bad @ Cheques ~
Oh dear! I think I'm gonna fail badly. =\\ No eyes to see t papers liao. LOL!
Sighs ! sian siahs. I shouldn't had come for sch today th.
Feeling damn unwell siol. :( ` Thn, finished t paper can leave liao.
Hahha !
Thn, Belinda is like sooo unlucky today luhs !
She wanted to try NOODS but it was closed .
Thn, we wanted to try Campus Heaven it was closed too!
LOL! Thn, she wanted to eat Western Food @ Cafe 1 . Only left Chicken Chop & rice.
Just see, how lucky was us ? :O ` Thn, she wanted to had Japanese Cuisine, Curry t.
So lucky! Auntie said no more curry & udon! Laughoutlouds ` =\
I can predict! :D ` ROFL. So, she ate Black Pepper Chicken, I think. :]
I had M1 as usual luhs. [: ` Xue Fang had Ipoh Hor Fun as usual too.
Laughoutlouds. :] `
Today quite a number of people absent t leys. Or was it ? :X
- Jocelyn
- Jazz
- Haniz
- Jaslin
Jocelyn still feeling sick & was absent again. ROFL.
I not sure if I'm going to sch tml leys. :O ` I'm still feeling sick. :( `
&This sat going Ktv with Jackson & his friends plus Karean :] `
Hahha ! :] ` sian leh. Sick siahs ! D: `
Sorry sorry videos :D
posted on Tuesday, July 28, 2009 at 9:28 PM by S.Teo ♥
This is a video of Super Junior @ Music Bank.
Handsome rights ? :D
This one isn't Super Junior okays !
Hahha :)
Labels: Sorry_Sorry_Mvs
#` 27 July
posted on at 7:16 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Readers !
[: ` I also not sure to post wht. Hahhah !
As you see, I'm currently sick with normal flu & slight fever luhs.
Sighs ~ :( ` sad siahs. I hate it manzxzxz ! D: `
Let's start with wht happened ytd barhs ? :) ` Shall we ?
Woke up in t morning luhs, slightly late thn went out of home.
Reached Bedok Interchange saw Jazz, Gayathri, Sazirah & Shazlina.
Took Bus 2 together with them luhs. [: `
First lesson of t day was POA ~ Hmm, going through t assignment luhs.
Hahha ! Luckily, I did it ! ^^ . But some wrongs here & there luhs.
Laughoutlouds ` Thn, we had our lunch @ Noods . :] `
I had fried rice, potatoes wedge & I forgot t name. Laughoutlouds ! ;] `
&Ice Lemon Ice. It was nice ! I ate till very t full luhs. Yumyum ! ^^
Well, we took pictures when we were there. Jocelyn still sick leh.

Gues wht, a lots of t toilet is under maintenance ? -.-
Lmaos ` Luckily, I don't need to go fer toilet ! :) ` Hahhhha.
We were waiting outside t room fer Ms Sally to arrive.
Xue Fang's friend gave her a very cuteeee sweets siol. :D `

Lmaos ` Luckily, I don't need to go fer toilet ! :) ` Hahhhha.
We were waiting outside t room fer Ms Sally to arrive.
Xue Fang's friend gave her a very cuteeee sweets siol. :D `

Hahha ! While waiting, Jaslin showed me her boyfriend's picture.
Well, quite good-looking th laaas. :) ` Hahhha. He schooling @ Bishan ITE now leh.
Same age as us luhs . [: ` &His name is quite special ? Named Loewe.
Laughoutlouds ` Limin like to read t name as Louis. -.- Hahha.
Today BEG, we learning about MOUTH care . :] ` O.o !
Thn, suddenly Khai gave out some papers luhs . -.-
Well, quite good-looking th laaas. :) ` Hahhha. He schooling @ Bishan ITE now leh.
Same age as us luhs . [: ` &His name is quite special ? Named Loewe.
Laughoutlouds ` Limin like to read t name as Louis. -.- Hahha.
Today BEG, we learning about MOUTH care . :] ` O.o !
Thn, suddenly Khai gave out some papers luhs . -.-
*- After. ;] `
Well, I folded it into a boat leh. &I passed it to Kath. Laughoutlouds `
After tht, we had PM1 lessons luhs . ` About 4pm thn we were released !
Yeahs ! Went to Cafe 1 to had our so called dinner ? Laughoutlouds ` .
I had Chicken Rice with Cheese Tofu :D `
Thn, Haniz, Jaslin, Belinda & Karean had ice-creams. Lauhgoutlouds `
&I accompanied them, while they were smoking outside t sch gate ? Lol!
Yes, including Jazz. ROFLs. Thn, we walked towards Bus 38 bus-stop luhs.
Hahhah ! While waiting fer Bus 38, Karean wanted to take pictures.

*- Shirley & Karean
After tht, we had PM1 lessons luhs . ` About 4pm thn we were released !
Yeahs ! Went to Cafe 1 to had our so called dinner ? Laughoutlouds ` .
I had Chicken Rice with Cheese Tofu :D `
Thn, Haniz, Jaslin, Belinda & Karean had ice-creams. Lauhgoutlouds `
&I accompanied them, while they were smoking outside t sch gate ? Lol!
Yes, including Jazz. ROFLs. Thn, we walked towards Bus 38 bus-stop luhs.
Hahhah ! While waiting fer Bus 38, Karean wanted to take pictures.

*- Shirley & Karean
Thn, I went home. Jason texted me saying tht girl don't want to let go.
After tht, I can't contact Kimberly so I phoned Apple to help.
&Jason said is all right already. Guess wht, I told my dad wht happened!
He told me, don't worry ! Nothing one laaas. Laughoutlouds ? :O `
Thn, he brought me to see doctor @ Blk 412 there luhs. Costs, $29 ? :O ` Zzzz.
&1-week no exercise. -.-" Well, I'm still having headache luhs. So sad siahs ! :( `
Anyways, I had to say SORRY leh. Jason ! :( `
If only, tht day I didn't go to find you jiu won't happened this much of things liao nahs.
T.T ` Dui Bu Qi leys. I know you would say it wasn't my fault.
But I just can't help it ! :( ` (L) you uhs ! :)
After tht, I can't contact Kimberly so I phoned Apple to help.
&Jason said is all right already. Guess wht, I told my dad wht happened!
He told me, don't worry ! Nothing one laaas. Laughoutlouds ? :O `
Thn, he brought me to see doctor @ Blk 412 there luhs. Costs, $29 ? :O ` Zzzz.
&1-week no exercise. -.-" Well, I'm still having headache luhs. So sad siahs ! :( `
Anyways, I had to say SORRY leh. Jason ! :( `
If only, tht day I didn't go to find you jiu won't happened this much of things liao nahs.
T.T ` Dui Bu Qi leys. I know you would say it wasn't my fault.
But I just can't help it ! :( ` (L) you uhs ! :)
#` 25 July :D `
posted on Sunday, July 26, 2009 at 6:23 PM by S.Teo ♥
Saturday ! :D `

Happy 17th Birthday to Kimberly Lopez Loo :D `
Well, she celebrate her birthday in advance
Her actual birthday is on Monday, 27 July :D `
Sing you a birthday song ah ! :D `
Happy Birthday to you ~
Happy Birthday to you ~
Happy Birthday to you ~
Happy Birthday to Kimberly ~
Happy Birthday to you ~~ :D `
Well, she celebrate her birthday in advance
Her actual birthday is on Monday, 27 July :D `
Sing you a birthday song ah ! :D `
Happy Birthday to you ~
Happy Birthday to you ~
Happy Birthday to you ~
Happy Birthday to Kimberly ~
Happy Birthday to you ~~ :D `

Sorry tht I was late okayy ! =\ ~ I took train down already.
Guess wht, Chong Kai they all were already there luhs. :O `
HAhhaha ! Thn, taking picture down there. :X
Chong Kai took some picture of himself with other luhs .
Hahha ~ :) Thn, down there eating & drinking luhs.
I think i drank 2 cups of MArtell with mixture & a pure martell. :O
In t end, we cabbed home . :] Sorry leh, Kim `
Don't be sad :( `
Our group: Me, Tarry, Jason, Chong Kai, Li Si, Zhi Fu, Si Ning, Zhi Fu, Xiang Lan, Yuanxi, Juwaidi, Farah, Fatimah, Shamir & Fauzi was there. :) `
PS: I'm sorry leh, Jason & Kimberly `
Something cropped up. Sorry ! :( ` Somehow, ruined our moods luhs.
#` 24 July.
posted on at 6:04 PM by S.Teo ♥
Friday~ :D

S&W ;
Guess wht, our PE teacher - Mr Poh isn't here again.
Laughoutlouds ~ We didn't seee him before siol.
We having S&W lessons @ Indoor Sports Hall. Haha ! ;] `
Well, we went to t Gym awhile. Thn, I went out & to see Belinda they all playing Badminton luhs.
Hahha ! &I chatted awhile with t Relief Teacher :D`
Well, he is quite a nice guy laaaas. :D ! Hahhha.
Break-time ;
We went to Cafe 2 to eat something luhs. Me & Xue Fang ate Sausage with Prata. :D ~
Yumyum ! :D ` Thn, we went to lab fer BEO lessons. [:
Karean was a bit late for this lesson laaaas.
Anyways, we're having a progress test luhs. [: `
Hahha, my previous BEO test, I got 12/20 leh. Not bad liao hors.:X
[: ` Thn, after this. We went to t Pool Center expect fer Kath & Haniz.
We were sitting down there to watch Kelvin they all playing t pool luhs.
Damn funny! Kelvin's friend is like so pro ? :O ` &He like no expressions one siahs.
Oh ya, &His friend is kinda cuteee too. Just tht, he is too cool already. LOL !
I wondered why ? :] ` Hahha ! After awhile, I jiu left liao luhs. [: `
I went back home to prepare my stuffs. As, I'm meeting Belinda @ 3pm marhzxzx ~
We're going somewhere to snap pictures for PM1 :D ` Woooooah.

We took Bus 196 there :] ` &We walked towards Esplanade there luhs.
&Snapping pictures. :D ` Hahhha.

Thn, we were walking towards t Merlion there. :D ` Hahha ! ^^

At first, we were planning to walk to Lao Ba Sat one.
But we somehow like got lost ? =\ ` So, we took Bus 10 there instead. ;] `
We chatted as we walked along luhs. ;C hahh !
We reached there. Walking around here and there luhs.
Thn we bought some drinks to drink laaas. :] Hahha !

*- Grass Jelly Ice :D

*- Logan Ice :D`
Thn, we ate down there luhs. We ordered Porridge leh.
Mine is with fried fish leh. Hers is with fried tofu. :D` Quite large serving of porridge luhs.
Well, t porridge itself is nice already. &we don't have to add any other sauce siol.
Yumyum ! :D ` We ate till damn full luhs. :O !

Guess wht, actually we struggled to finish t food siahs. D: ` Zzz !

I still left some porridge in t end luhs. :X Sorry laas !
I really can't finish it already luhs. :O `

*-Cool, yeahs ? Hahha !
Thn, we took Bus 162 to Orchard Road. [: ` We walked to Wheelock.
It's quite far one luhs. Reached there, accompanied Belinda to toilet.
While, I snap pictures :D `

Thn we walked back to ION mall :D ` It's t new mall in Orchard Road.
Well, it's really quite big one siahs ! Lots of Branded shops.
With weird names siol. :O ! Btw, I bought Kimberly's present already. :) `
HAhha ! Very cool doll. :D ` Thn, we went to find Yvonne luhs.
As, she is working @ Famous Amos now. :) ` &Both of us bought Cookies from her. :D `
200 grams each, @ $9.20 barhs ? Not sure leh. :D ` Yumyum ! ^^
Thn, we jiu walked around luhs. {: ~ Quite tiring already luhs. Hahha !
And, we were trying to find t exit way. [; &Finally, found it ! Out we go. :) ~
Started to take pictures again. Laughoutlouds ! :D

Haha ! Got many pictures to upload today. LOL ! :]
Thn, we took Bus 14 back home. Damn tired luhs ! *Yawns* `
&I finally reached home. :D ` I started to wrap t present.
Sorry uhs, Kim ! My wrapping skills still need to improve it . X: `
Hahhaha. ! :)
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