Happy Birthday, Ng Chong Kai ~
posted on Saturday, May 30, 2009 at 4:44 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Earthlings ~I early posted this post leys :} Cause, ltr I'm going his birthday's chalet ~
&Just now, my dad told me tht. It's quite dangerous to go Whitesand now.
As, th "ALOHA Chalet" had been labelled as a place to put all those who kena infected by th new virus. It's either touched or near th person who kena.
=\ ~
HA! Well, I don't really scared laaaas.
Since human is gonna die don't know which day.
It's true wht ~ :D ! In order, not to sabotage this mood. :D
Let's keep it as a secret first. Hahahah !
I wondered who knew it too ? Lol ! =\
Xiang Lan isn't keen in going in th first place, but now she is going with Zhi Fu.
Laughoutlouds ~ Ltr, I think I'm gonna be a little tutor to her ?
ROFL ! (: ~ Since, her CRN is weak. Must help her abit luhs. :] ~
I guess I'll update th rest, ltr when I came back with pics.
(: ~ Hahah ! Very paiseh leyys !
Me & Kimberly giving his present on June 19.
Lol ! Because..... ~ :D Secret yet. Hahah !
I wondered who is going today leys ?
I don't like boredness ~ D:
I'm back ~ (: Ytd, I cabbed home with Jason lehhhhh.
At first, was going back together with Si Ning they all one.
But changed my mind, in th end leyys ? :] ~
Chong Kai's chalet was quite packed ? But ltr on, jiu getting less people ~
Lmaos ! =\ hmmm, there was :
Chong Kai, Tarry, Lisi, Siying, Jason, Si Ning, Clara, Wenxiang, Zijing, Yongsheng, Shaohui, Zhiyan, Nigel, Dawson, Violet & her friend. Jeffrey, Jinyi and their 2 friends, &CK's classmates (: ~ hahaha ! Some were quite friendly one laaaaas. Only a few though.
[: ~ Thn, doing nothing ? Quite bored. Cause, no card no game ?
Hahahaha ! Thn, we were watching tee-vee luhs . [;
Chatted with Lisi about th drama & anime leyys :D ~ Hahahaha.
Bored laaaaaas :D ~ &I felt bad as, I haven't buy his present yet ~
Another thing is, I didn't know he don't have a birthday cake ?! LOL !
&No alcohol also ? Laughoutlouds, if I know. I'll give him as his present siol .
Laughoutlouds . I think after my exams, I'm getting his present fer him leys ~
If not, like very bad norhs :}} ~
Pictures : -

Wenxiang & Shirley :D
*Still got some pics, I'll upload it ltr on perhaps ? (:
-Good luck to everyoneeeeee fer their exams norhs :D &Myself, of course :D
-Oh, I see i seee. Yup, we got count you in lehhhhh ! (: See you on th chalet in June norhs :D
-ROFL. Okays. Done ! (:
-Laughoutlods, okays (:
-Hahah. Thanks ! (: &Good luck to you too ;D
-Good luck to everyoneeeeee fer their exams norhs :D &Myself, of course :D
-Oh, I see i seee. Yup, we got count you in lehhhhh ! (: See you on th chalet in June norhs :D
-ROFL. Okays. Done ! (:
-Laughoutlods, okays (:
-Hahah. Thanks ! (: &Good luck to you too ;D
Labels: Happy Birthday to Ng Chong Kai
Survery, [Asked by Karean].
posted on at 4:28 PM by S.Teo ♥
LOL! Survey, asked by Karean to do one !
1. Besides your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kiss?
- Cheeks
2. How do you feel when you wake up this morning?
- Hmmm, eyes very heavy ! ):
3.Who was the last person you took photo with?
- Wahs! Eh, Let's me recall ~ My baby cousin, Zi yi :D
4. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
- Eh, half half ? Lol ! =\
5. Would you ever donate blood?
- Eh, I don't think my blood is healthy enough to donate. ;]
6. Have you ever has a best friend who was the opposite sex.
- Eh, not really ? Lol !
7. Do you want someone dead?
- ROFL. why would I want ! -.-"
8.What does your last message says?
- Eh, Okays, where is your chalet ehs ?
9. What are you thinking right now?
- Hmmm, wht should I wear ltr ? LOL !
10.Do you wish someone to be with you right now?
- Eh, ya. But.. he should be with her now ? lol !
11.What is the time you go to bed last night?
- Hmmm, I don't recall leys . 12am - 1.30am plus barhs ?
12. Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now?
- ROFL. It was my mum t-shirt ! =\
13. Is someone on your mind?
- Eh, not really. ;]
14. Who was the last person who texted you?
- Chong Kai ;]
15. Tag 10 Random people to do this survey:
1.Xue Fang
16.Who is no. 2 having realationship with?
-Eh, I think he don't have gf right now ?
17. Is no. 3 a male or a female
-She is a female !
18. If no.7 & no.10 be together, would it be a good thing?!
- Hahahaha ! I doubt so ?
19. What is no. 1 studying about? ]
- Same as me barhs ? :D CRN & OFC ?
20. When was the last time you had a chat with them?
- Eh, long ago ? Some last thursday just chat. ;]
21. Is no.4 single?
- I think so ?
22. Say something about no. 3
- Wifey! :D I miss her lots ~ :D
23. What do you think about no. 3 & no. 5 being together?
- Eh, i don't think they'll be together ~ Unless, one of them change their sex.
24. describe no. 9.
- Prettyyyyy ~
25. What will you do if no. 6 & no. 7 fight
- Eh, try to ask them don't fight ! Talk first (:
26. Do you like no.8?
- Eh,as a friend. Ya :D
Completed :D ~
#` 27 May [:
posted on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at 10:49 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings,
Hmmm, since quite long already hors ~ I lazy to update my blog ~
Laughoutlouds ~ [: Well, I finally got some topics / pictures to update today (:
Hmmm, I was half awake when it was 8.45am. So, I thought of sleep 5more mins.
But ended up about 30mins plus ? ROFL ! I was still thinking tht, I should skip CRN ~
&In th end, yep -.- I skipped CRN together with Karean, Limin, Fumin, Jocelyn, Adila & Suzana =\ ~
Ha, we went to Cafe 2 to sit fer awhile. We still thought tht today no OFC ! D:
But in th end, there's OFC ? I was like wthhhhh ? ): ! Jitao sian1/2 siahs ~
Mood totally gone. ): Sad siahs. LOL ~ OFC, we was like chatting ? Lol !
Thn, going through some formats luhs. [; After tht, dismissal ~ (:
But, we have to wait fer Jaslin. As, she got something to ask teacher -.-
Zzzz ~ Lol. Sian siahs. We were deciding going where to eat.
As, Jocelyn & Karean wanted to go Whitesand to eat green chili ?
Laughoutlouds. So in th end, we split into 2 groups luhs. [: ~
Only me, Limin, Yvonne & Belinda went to other places.
[: ` We were at th place nearby Crossfire. I mean, super near laaaas :D
Me & Limin had Old Timer Fish & Chips :D . While, they have Pinapple Rice norhs [: ~ Look @ th pics below: :D ~

Hahaha ~ Yumyum :D ! Though, th weather was quite warm.
But still, worth it laaaas ? ;] ~ Th salad is nice :D !
Thn very funny, when Belinda tried to cut th small piece, pinapple ~
Guess wht ?! {Her pineapple flew away! ROFL ~
Damn funny luhs, her look was very stunned ! :]] ~ hahahahah !
Make a guess, how much we ate together ? :D ~ [5seconds to think!]
$33 [: ~ Lol ! Including, th drinks of course :D ! All of us ordered Coke.
I wondered why ? Hmmm. (^.^) . Hahahah ! [: ~ Belinda was sweating.
As she forgot to bring her rubber band out. Lol ! &I didn't bring mine either.
Hahah ~ Me & Limin one was $10.50 each :D While them is $6 each.
[:~ After tht, we went to Shop 'N' Save to walk walk & buy snacks luhs.
At first, Belinda wanted to buy donuts one but no one wanted ?
So, she bought chocolate instead (: . Hahah ! After tht, we took Bus 2 back to sch luhs.
Otw back, I texted Karean to ask are they reaching sch yet ?
Guess wht is th replied ? Lol ! =\\ ~
: - "We not going back liao expect for Jaslin." ? Laughoutlouds ~
We were quite stunned laaas, from th reply. =\\ ~ Luckily, we didn't go together with them.
They're skipping OSA ? Laughoutlouds ~ -.-" Zzz ~
I mean, they're skipping today's OSA but going fer tml's OSA instead ?
ROFL ! I wondered, will I go sch tml or not leys ? :]] ~ Exam is around th corner already.
=\ ~ die manzxzxzxxzz~ Btw ! I got back my Mock Exam result.
&I passed :D ~ With 77marks luhs. :] ! Not bad ? But still, not good ): ~
I have to get A fer CRN ? Laughoutlouds. I try laaaaas :D ~
Hahah ! Thn, I wondered why I took Bus 31 together with Limin they all ?
D: ~ Ended up in Tampines Interchange -.-. ROFL !~ I walked awhile.
&chatting on fone with Apple laaaas. Guess who I saw ?
I think he saw me first ? Wei An, if I'm not wrong ? Hahhahh !
Long hair leys. ROFL ! =\ I very scared I see wrong person. I mean, recongise wrong ppl !
Laughoutlouds ~ =\ When I went back Bedok Interchange, I bought 2pairs of shoes.
&few bras laaaas :D ~ Hahaha ! Cos, they're cute ? rOFL =\\
That's all fer today ~ :D I feel like changing my blogskin again leyys ~
Updates : Kath got bf already. Laughoutlouds, tht's fast ~ ;]]
&Tml lessons only OSA and start @
Monday, 25 May 2009
Had Sbm, doing nothing. Thn, had OFC lessons awhile. ~
Break-time :D ! Lalalalalalas ~ After tht, Karean, Fumin & Jocelyn went off . I mean, skipped LLA. While, Belinda got something on. }
Laughoutlouds ? So bored ! Yawns. During LLA lessons, we watched a show named "Accepted" ? Hahaha. Not bad laaaas :D Nice ! (: ~
After tht, I was rushing back home to bath & change luhs. As, I got work on Monday ?
Lmaos ! Very rush. [: ~ But, I still make it to work on time ? I guess [: ~
Thn, rolling napkins luhs . First time, I saw candle type napkins siahs ! =\ Lmaos !
&My partner was Fu Qiang again ~ 3rd times already leys . ;]]
&Today got special course, Chicken Soup ? Lmaos ! At first, putting on bowls.
But in th end, changed to side plates -.- ~ Laughoutlouds. Let guests do survey cards.
Got back, not bad ! :D ~ Got satisfaction & excellent :D ~
Th guests too kind already. ROFL ! =\\ ~ Thn, didn't ot in th end. Lazy ~ =\
&I was wearing my sch uniform @ tht time. Lmaos ~ Lazy take bus.
I took cab home =\ ~ Somehow, I regretted when I was inside th cab ): ~
ZZzzz ! Reached home, watched anime thn sleep :D ~
Tuesday, 26 May
No OFC lesson fer this week :D ~ So, went to sch before 11am barhs.
Yeahs, I was late again -.-" Zzzz ~ Paiseh laaaaas !
Doing Excel, letter & table if I'm not wrong. :] ~
Thn, 2hours lunch break. We were playing "Hi, Mary"; "Yes, Mary"; "Tell, Mary". Game.
Laughoutlouds ~ =\ In th end, only Karean, Fumin & Belinda kena draw th Loser signs ? Lol ! Fun laaaaaas ;]] ~ Thn, we went back class fer CRN luhs.
[: ~ Got back our mock exam papers. Ms Tan face very black. =\\ ~
Fierce look on her face siahs D: ~ Thn, somemore. I forgot to bring my CRN's book & papers.
Luckily, she nber scold. Hahaahha ! :]
#` 22 & 23 May :D
posted on Sunday, May 24, 2009 at 1:57 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings :D
It been quite long since I last posted hors ? =\
Sorry ah, these 2 days quite busy working th. So, no time to post out.
[: ~ Last Friday, I got work @ RTC ;] At first was 2pm but I changed to 4pm.
Laughoutlouds ~ So lucky tht Serene replied OK ? ROFL :D ~
Thn, Reached there. Doing set-up thinggys barhs ? hahah ~
Dinner, my partner was Fu Qiang :D ~
Second time already .(: Hahahha ! 2-4 ? We thought tht number 5 won't be opening.
My tables numbers were 5,7,15 and 16 ;] Ahahaha !
Yet, it open. D: ~ Zzzzz ! Sians siahs. ROFL. Abit rush luhs .[:
Thn, quite messy one laaaas .[; Xinni side station was just right beside mine.
{: ` Hahahh ! Lauren doing th VIP as usual luhs [: ~
Hahha ! Thn, I didn't do OT. &I was still wearing my sch uniform ?
For goodness'sake. =\ Thn, reached home @ about 12.30am plus ? :D ~
Thn, ytd (Saturday). Went to work, but reached there 1hr earlier ? ROFL !
-.-" ` thn, helping out doing th set-up luhs. Hahhah ! Sians laaaas ~
Thn, kena cocktail server ! -.-" Zzzz ~ Very sians siahs !
Wei Leng isn't very happy about it. LOL ! She was like very gloomy !
Cheer-up laaaaaaaaaas :D ~ My partner was Kaijie ? Lol !
2-3 tables luhs, 20,21 and 16 :} Very rushed larhhhhs [: ~
Got like 5mins time to rest. [; ~ Hahah ! I working on this coming monday & June 1 :}
Lol ! [; Tht's all fer today barhs ? Nothing much to say liao narhs !
-Prettayeeee, you're relinked :D
-Xingannnn, happy 11months anniversary too ! <3 you laaaas !
-Is it ? Hahah. I got th pure black one leys ;D
;Hui Ling
-You thn crazy uhs ! I where got study till crazy siahs. [: Where will forget you . ROFL ! See you on 30 May laaas :D
#` 18 May
posted on Monday, May 18, 2009 at 8:35 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings ~
Today I woke up @ 7.45am plus ? Laughoutlouds ~
[: ~ I'm lazy to wake up laaas =\ ~
&My brother today no sch, not fair ~ D: ! Roarrrrr ~
I also want holidays lehhhh ~ :] Grins
Hmmm, took Bus 2 to sch today :D ~ Single deck one norhs .
I still thought I was gonna be late fer class, but nopes.
I was very early today :D ~ Laughoutlouds ? -.-"
Th class like only 1/4 people was in th class siahs. Wthhhhhh ?
=\ ~ OFC, checking answers lehhh. Thn, after tht jiu lunch time already.
We went to Cafe 2 to eat our lunch :D ~ I had Tom Yam th thingyys ;D ~
Sorry uhs ! I don't know how to spell th mee things ~ =\\ .
Hahahahaha ! Thn, we had LLA lessons :D ~ Mr Tay wasn't here again.
): ~ Sighs ! It was th relief teacher again lehhhh. This time round, th cables isn't working.
ROFL ! =\ ~ At first, we waited in th class. Thn, we transferred to another class.
Thn, had a early dismissal :D ~ &Discussing where to go right outside th classroom .
Lol ? =\ ~ In th end, we went to Tampines to watch movie lehhhh.
With myself, Karean, Xue Fang, Jocelyn, Belinda, Yvonne, Lena, Jazz, Terrance, Kun Jun & Yuxuan. Haha ~ 11persons, I guess ? :] ~ :D !
We watched at Century Square lehhhh ~ Hahahaha !
We are watching Angels & Demons lehhh. quite lots of friends recommended it!
So, we jiu watch it luhs :D ~ Starting part, unsure ? ROFL !
Not really understand wht it is saying till th ltr part luhs ~ :]
Quite nice one larhhhs. [: ~ Hahaha ! Might recommend to friends luhs :D ~

Title: Angels & Demons
Casts: Tom Hanks, Ayelet Zurer, Ewan McGregor, Stellan Skarsgard< Piefrancesco Favino
Director: Ron Howard
Genres: Thriller
Plot: When Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) discovers evidence of the resurgence of an ancient secret brotherhood known as the illuminati—the most powerful underground organization in history—he also faces a deadly threat to the existence of the secret organization’s most despised enemy: the Catholic Church. When Langdon learns that the clock is ticking on an unstoppable illuminati time bomb, he jets to Rome, where he joins forces with Vittoria Vetra, a beautiful and enigmatic Italian scientist. Embarking on a nonstop, action-packed hunt through sealed crypts, dangerous catacombs, deserted cathedrals, and even to the heart of the most secretive vault on earth, Langdon and Vetra will follow a 400-year-old train of ancient symbols that mark the Vatican’s only hope for survival.
My Rates: 3.5 /5 stars :D
Hmmm, I think it's a not bad movie. Worth watching though.
{: ~ Hahaha ! At first, got a bad impression on this movie .
Because not very attracting poster & story plot ? Lol. Tht's why.
[: ~ But still, not bad luhs :D ~ Hahahaha !
Guess wht, when tht guy was like so noble. Inside th helicopter ~
I thought he was gonna kill himself together with th bomb ?
I still asked Karean, why don't he just jump down with th parachute ?
Instead, of killing himself together with t bomb ? &Guess wht ?
Next few seconds, tht's wht he did ? ROFL ! =\\ ~ Smart girl ! :D
Grins *. Quite lots of few parts, I don't quite understand leys !
Hmmm, why thanks god ? when they should thanks tht guy who helped ?
ROFL ! Sorry ~ No offence, yeahs ? :D ! Just a simply question only.
[: ~ Anyways, before tht. Thanks to Allen & Tommy keeping me accompanied :D ~
&So sad, I'm working this Friday & Saturday ~ 2pm & 6pm D: ~
Ohmygods ? I gotta remove my nail art fer real ? Wthhhhhh ~ ):
Actually, I don't feel like working now siahs D: ~ Somemore, exams is around th corner ~
Lol ! But since, Serene not enough people jiu go back help her luhs .
I'm not tht bad yet larhhhs :D ~ Not like somebody luhs ~ Totally not going back at all.
Anyways, I just knew tht Ken not working @ RTC already ? LOL !
*Shocked, mouth nearly dropped =\* . Hahah !
After th movie, few went home straight. &we went to TM to had our dinner ?
Only me, Karean & Jazz ate ? ROFL ~
&We took th train back home luhs . [: While Jocelyn & Yvonne took bus.
[: ~ When reached Bedok station, I was gonna alight one !
But, Lena pulling me ? Asking us to accompany Kunjun first ?
ROFL . So, we did. [: ~ Thn, after tht we chat awhile as th trains is very packed !
So, we waited & chatted luhs . Hahhahaha ! Thn, only left us three in th train.
We accompanied Lena to wait fer her friend. As, her prepaid got no money left.
Laughoutlouds ~ ;] ! Reached bedok. Finally ? ROFL !
I accompanied Jazz to pack food back home fer his mother.
While walking back, chatting luhs . ROFL ~ ;] Funny siahs ! =\
Hahha ~ So, here I am blogging & updating wht happened today.
But, too bad. Not much photos to upload also. ROFL ~ Expect fer t movie photo ;
ROFL ` I think I'm gonna sleep soon lehhhh. Too tired liao narhs . ): ~
Sighs ! I'm gonna be broke soon. As, Kath still haven't return me th money.
LoL ! I don't even know how to ask t money back from her.
&Some girls, still haven't pay me back th Chicken Wings's money lehhhh !
How to open mouth siol ? ): ~ Zzzzzzz !
{: ~ Hahaha ! At first, got a bad impression on this movie .
Because not very attracting poster & story plot ? Lol. Tht's why.
[: ~ But still, not bad luhs :D ~ Hahahaha !
Guess wht, when tht guy was like so noble. Inside th helicopter ~
I thought he was gonna kill himself together with th bomb ?
I still asked Karean, why don't he just jump down with th parachute ?
Instead, of killing himself together with t bomb ? &Guess wht ?
Next few seconds, tht's wht he did ? ROFL ! =\\ ~ Smart girl ! :D
Grins *. Quite lots of few parts, I don't quite understand leys !
Hmmm, why thanks god ? when they should thanks tht guy who helped ?
ROFL ! Sorry ~ No offence, yeahs ? :D ! Just a simply question only.
[: ~ Anyways, before tht. Thanks to Allen & Tommy keeping me accompanied :D ~
&So sad, I'm working this Friday & Saturday ~ 2pm & 6pm D: ~
Ohmygods ? I gotta remove my nail art fer real ? Wthhhhhh ~ ):
Actually, I don't feel like working now siahs D: ~ Somemore, exams is around th corner ~
Lol ! But since, Serene not enough people jiu go back help her luhs .
I'm not tht bad yet larhhhs :D ~ Not like somebody luhs ~ Totally not going back at all.
Anyways, I just knew tht Ken not working @ RTC already ? LOL !
*Shocked, mouth nearly dropped =\* . Hahah !
After th movie, few went home straight. &we went to TM to had our dinner ?
Only me, Karean & Jazz ate ? ROFL ~
&We took th train back home luhs . [: While Jocelyn & Yvonne took bus.
[: ~ When reached Bedok station, I was gonna alight one !
But, Lena pulling me ? Asking us to accompany Kunjun first ?
ROFL . So, we did. [: ~ Thn, after tht we chat awhile as th trains is very packed !
So, we waited & chatted luhs . Hahhahaha ! Thn, only left us three in th train.
We accompanied Lena to wait fer her friend. As, her prepaid got no money left.
Laughoutlouds ~ ;] ! Reached bedok. Finally ? ROFL !
I accompanied Jazz to pack food back home fer his mother.
While walking back, chatting luhs . ROFL ~ ;] Funny siahs ! =\
Hahha ~ So, here I am blogging & updating wht happened today.
But, too bad. Not much photos to upload also. ROFL ~ Expect fer t movie photo ;
ROFL ` I think I'm gonna sleep soon lehhhh. Too tired liao narhs . ): ~
Sighs ! I'm gonna be broke soon. As, Kath still haven't return me th money.
LoL ! I don't even know how to ask t money back from her.
&Some girls, still haven't pay me back th Chicken Wings's money lehhhh !
How to open mouth siol ? ): ~ Zzzzzzz !
#` 17 May
posted on Sunday, May 17, 2009 at 1:43 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Everyone ~
Today I woke up @ 12.30pm plus ? Laughoutlouds ~
Ytd, I done my CRN & OFC's homework already ~ Ain't I guai ? :D ~
Hahaha ! Thn, my phone's important buttons spoiled. D: ~
3-4 buttons , I guess ? Thn, I was like wthhhhh ?
D: ~ But, luckily! Thanks to my uncle :D ~ He signed a student plan fer me.
Starhub line :D ~ Hahah ! unlimted SMSes ? Lmaos !
But my prepaid still got money. So I guess I'll use my prepaid first.
Before I even touch my line number :D ~ So, I'll update you guys when I changed !
Hahah ! (: ~ I got myself a Nokia, 5800 Xpress Music phoneeee norhs :D ~
I didn't know it costs $400plus ? Ohmygods ~ =\\
Sorry lehhh !&Thank you :D ~ Hahahah ! I'm shocked to hear th price norhs.
Lol! =\\ ~ Thn, they gave us some vouchers ? :D ~
YAHOOOOO ~ :D ! I got a new phoneeeeee, finally :D !
But, I'm still not very used to it yet leys ! :] ~ Hahhah ! Sorry fer th slow replying !
:] ~ Today , Idk if I want to go out or not norhs. ): ~
Anyways, Chong Kai's chalet is around th corner liao siol.
30 May :D ~ I still haven't buy present fer him yet. ! Wait wait :D ~
I have to save up some money first norhs :D ~ Hahhah !
(: ~ Lalalallaalal !
#` 15 May
posted on Friday, May 15, 2009 at 9:00 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings,
Today I woke up late ? =\ I should wake up by 6.30am at least. ~
But I woke up @ 7.30am plus ? Laughoutlouds ~
I was thinking whether should I go or not leyyys ~ =\\
Thn, I asked Karean, Limin whether I should go not.
Only Karean replied me. [: ~ She said don't go, but I cannot don't go.
D: ~ So, in th end I still went to sch. Laughoutlouds ~
I thought I was gonna be very late =\ ~ Luckily, I saw Jazz ~
He was @ th bus-stop with his friend. Hahahah ~ ;]!
Thn, we went Bus 2 to sch leys. Limin thn replied me. LOL ~
She told me tht she was still @ th bus stop waiting fer bus 31,
with Jocelyn & Fumin lehhhh. HAhahahahha ~
Luckily` ~ We reached sch first, Limin they all just on boarded th bus.
Lol ! Jazz phoned Terrance to ask where is him.
&He replied tht he is on th Express way. Lmaos ~ He was in cab.
Rich guy ~ ;]] ! We were @ th Business Blk, waiting fer them to arrive.
Thn, when we reached 4th floor. We saw Kun Jun & Lena.
Both of them also late fer CRN's lessons .Hahahaah ~ :]
Luckily, now don't need to write names anymore ~ :DDDDDD ~
Lol ! Ms Tan was teaching Unit 6 lehhhh. :] I still somehow can't remember yet.
I'll try hard to memorise norhs ! :D ~ Promise ~ &Karean Told me tht,
Kath don't want to study anymore. Lol ! =\\ ~
After lessons, we went to Cafe 1 to have our lunch ? :D ~~
I had Fried Fish Soup with Rice again ? ROFL ~~~~~ Almost whole week eating th same !
=\ ~ Why ahh ? Lol! Thn, after finished eating. We were discussion, ltr go where.
Hahaha ! We were going Ktv, but first we going Hougang Mall.
Because Yvonne needa go there fer awhile first leys ~
So, we jiu accompanied her go there. Expect fer Karean. ;] ~
I went there with Jocelyn, Fumin, Yvonne, Lena, Jazz & Kun Jun. :]
She said she is going to her friend's hse take clothes thn come find us one ~
So, we took Bus 31 to a place to change bus to Bus 27. :D ~
At th bus-stop, we saw Dyla & Suzana lehhhh ~
[[:~ Both of them taking th same bus as us too norhs. Hahhah ~
Thn, we took all th way to Hougang Mall luhs ~
Yvonne went to find her sister first. ;] ~ We jiu went around walk walk luhs.
Hahaha ~ Nothing to do leys. I bought a hp lanyard @ Minitoon :D ~
While Jocelyn & Fumin bought sweets ~
&Jazz bought a Voodadoll ? Lol ! :] ~
Thn, Karean texted me and said she can't go liao. {: ~
As, her father called her to go home now. So, we last minutes changed of plan.
We went to AMK Hub to watch Movie instead. [: ~
We took Bus 74 to there leys ;] ~ Thn, we were thinkg which movies to choose.
So, Lena called Karean & asked, using Kunjun's phone.
Hahahha ! In th end, she choose The Uninvited. [: ~
It start @ 3.35pm lehhh. So, we walked around. &I bought breads again ~
Laughoutlouds. While th rest, bought Sushi expect fer Yvonne lehhhh ~
[: ~ Finally, show started ;} ~

Cast: Emily Browning, Elizabeth Banks, Arielle Kebbel, David Strathairn, Maya Massar
Director: Charles Guard
Genres: Supernatural Horror, Horror
Plot: Anna (Emily Browning) returns home after spending time in the hospital following the tragic death of her mother. Her recovery suffers a setback when she discovers her father (David Strathairn) has become engaged to her mother’s former nurse , Rachel (Elizabeth Banks). That night, Anna is visited by her mother's ghost, who warns her of Rachel's intentions. Together, Anna and her sister (Arielle Kebbel) try to convince their father that his current fiancée is not who she pretends to be, and what should have been a happy family reunion becomes a lethal battle of wills between stepdaughters and stepmother.
My Rate: 4 /5 stars :D ~
It was quite nice. I didn't expect to end it this way leyys ~
Nice larhhhh. :D ~ Might consider to watch it again though. ;D ~
[: ! Nice movie ~ But there is some parts, I still don't really understand leys !
I want to watch Night of The Museum 2 :D ~
&Harry Potter too ~ :D ! Hahahha :D ~
After th show, we went to take bus back home luhs .
Lena took Bus 24 / 22, Yvonne took Bus 86.
While, we took Bus 25 back home .It was a long ride ~ D: !
Almost 1hr, I guess ? =\ ~ Otw back to Bedok, A ticket checker on boarded.
Lmaos ~ =\ ! Luckily, I was tapped my card siol :D ~
So, now I'm back home:D
; Karean
-Lol ! It's alrights laaaaas ~ :D Hahaha. Next time thn go luhs :D ! Laughoutlouds. Point form ehs ? Idk how to write liao leys. =\\
; Becca
-Xingannnnnn, i super miss you too th ! Mit-up soon okayyyyy ? <3
; Jovi
-You're welcomed, girl :D
Nice larhhhh. :D ~ Might consider to watch it again though. ;D ~
[: ! Nice movie ~ But there is some parts, I still don't really understand leys !
I want to watch Night of The Museum 2 :D ~
&Harry Potter too ~ :D ! Hahahha :D ~
After th show, we went to take bus back home luhs .
Lena took Bus 24 / 22, Yvonne took Bus 86.
While, we took Bus 25 back home .It was a long ride ~ D: !
Almost 1hr, I guess ? =\ ~ Otw back to Bedok, A ticket checker on boarded.
Lmaos ~ =\ ! Luckily, I was tapped my card siol :D ~
So, now I'm back home:D
; Karean
-Lol ! It's alrights laaaaas ~ :D Hahaha. Next time thn go luhs :D ! Laughoutlouds. Point form ehs ? Idk how to write liao leys. =\\
; Becca
-Xingannnnnn, i super miss you too th ! Mit-up soon okayyyyy ? <3
; Jovi
-You're welcomed, girl :D
{Love is love's reward}
#` 14 May
posted on Thursday, May 14, 2009 at 8:43 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Earthlings,
Today I was being waken up 1hr earlier ? Lol ? D: ~
7.30am plus, I was being shake till awake one leyyys ~
Thn, ended up find out tht she woke me up 1hr earlier ? Roarrrr ~
Made me quite irritated ~ =\ Sorry ah !
It was raining heavily tht time, but luckily when th time I woke up .
Th rains stopped ! :D ~ Hahahah ! Today, I wore fake eye lashes ;D ~
It was a success ~ Lalallla ~ &Karean not planning to go sch today.
As, she is going to see a doctor today ? Laughoutlouds ~
Same goes fer Jovi. :] ~ &We had OSA as our first lessons luhs `
Doing revision leys, bored ~ ): ! Th mock exam papers, both papers I got 19/20marks.
Hahahah. I prefer full marks leyys ~ ): ! Sighs ~
After tht, finished earlier thn predicted. Had about 45mins lunch break ?
Hahaha ` Thank, Mr Goh :D `
&Today OA is having their SBM's bazaar lehhhhh ~
I can't seem to find my friend leys ! ): ~
Lol! Thn, we had SBM. Jazz was helping Kelvin& Terrance styling hairs ? ROFL.
Kelvin's hair was abit weird laaaaas ~ =\ !
Not used to him, styling his hair yet norhs.
Please, Kelvin when you style your hair don't wax your fringe too!
-It look extremely weird, seriously ~
Thn, we had OFC :D ! 1hr too. ;D ~ No care lesson ~ (:
But we had OFC's homework ): ~ Tml only got CRN's lessons lehhhh ~
Hahha ! Early dismissal :] ~ Thn, we went to Tampines lehhhhh ~
Walked around luhs . :D ~ I ate Deep Fried Mushroom @ B1 ;D ~
Hahha, yumyum ! (: &I bought my foundation's refill norhs ~
As, it was gonna finish soon marhs. :] ~
Me & Jazz took Bus 69 back home lehh, thn I walked home.
While he take bus home. Hahha ~ :D
Doing my nail art after I finished bathing :D ~
LoL ! 1hr 45mins plus ? I re-do 2nd times. D: ~
That's all fer today norhs. Sorry no pictures ~
Today I was being waken up 1hr earlier ? Lol ? D: ~
7.30am plus, I was being shake till awake one leyyys ~
Thn, ended up find out tht she woke me up 1hr earlier ? Roarrrr ~
Made me quite irritated ~ =\ Sorry ah !
It was raining heavily tht time, but luckily when th time I woke up .
Th rains stopped ! :D ~ Hahahah ! Today, I wore fake eye lashes ;D ~
It was a success ~ Lalallla ~ &Karean not planning to go sch today.
As, she is going to see a doctor today ? Laughoutlouds ~
Same goes fer Jovi. :] ~ &We had OSA as our first lessons luhs `
Doing revision leys, bored ~ ): ! Th mock exam papers, both papers I got 19/20marks.
Hahahah. I prefer full marks leyys ~ ): ! Sighs ~
After tht, finished earlier thn predicted. Had about 45mins lunch break ?
Hahaha ` Thank, Mr Goh :D `
&Today OA is having their SBM's bazaar lehhhhh ~
I can't seem to find my friend leys ! ): ~
Lol! Thn, we had SBM. Jazz was helping Kelvin& Terrance styling hairs ? ROFL.
Kelvin's hair was abit weird laaaaas ~ =\ !
Not used to him, styling his hair yet norhs.
Please, Kelvin when you style your hair don't wax your fringe too!
-It look extremely weird, seriously ~
Thn, we had OFC :D ! 1hr too. ;D ~ No care lesson ~ (:
But we had OFC's homework ): ~ Tml only got CRN's lessons lehhhh ~
Hahha ! Early dismissal :] ~ Thn, we went to Tampines lehhhhh ~
Walked around luhs . :D ~ I ate Deep Fried Mushroom @ B1 ;D ~
Hahha, yumyum ! (: &I bought my foundation's refill norhs ~
As, it was gonna finish soon marhs. :] ~
Me & Jazz took Bus 69 back home lehh, thn I walked home.
While he take bus home. Hahha ~ :D
Doing my nail art after I finished bathing :D ~
LoL ! 1hr 45mins plus ? I re-do 2nd times. D: ~
That's all fer today norhs. Sorry no pictures ~
#` 12 May
posted on Tuesday, May 12, 2009 at 9:18 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hope you don't angry about today okayyy ? [: ~ &I hope you enjoyed an unforgettable 17th Birthday ! :D &&Hope you don't fall sick okayyy ? (: Overall, still love you larhhh ! (:
Let's sing a birthday song to you okayyyyy ? :D
Happy Birthday to You ~
Happy Birthday to You ~
Happy Birthday to You ~
Happy Birthday to Jovi ~
Happy Birthday to You ~

Hello Earthlings ~
I had been trying to kick out my habit of writing "Hello Earthlings" ~
Laughoutlouds, But it seems like I failed ? =\\ ~
OH ya ! Today is totally a bad hair plus bad eye lashes day ~
Roarrrr ! D: I'm damn irritated by my eye lashes & fringe today.
As, I was trying to wear th fake eye lashes in th morning . ~
But ! It keep failing luhs . ): So, in th end I didn't wear it to sch leys .
Plus, I'm going to be late soon luhs. So, forget it luhs ! D: ~
Somemore, I keep forget to get a haircut soon. &I got irritated by my fringe.
So, I cut it short luhs. But, luckily it wasn't tht short & noticeable ~ (:
Hahahh ! I was already outside my hse door, &I remembered tht I forgot my CRN's book & donation card D: ~ Laughoutlouds. I went back & take.
Guess wht ? After I walked till th phone booth there, thn I rememberd.
Tht I actually forgot my MAKE-UP BAGGGGG ? D: ~ Wtffff !
I was like totally very fed-up luhs ! Roarrrr ~ &I walked back home again.
-.-" Zzzz ~ Damn unlucky day today ! Arghhhh ~
Thn, I took Bus 2 to sch today luhs. :] ~ &I took th lift up to 4th floor.
As, I need to take OFC & OSA's books marhhs. ;D ~
Thn, I take th stairs to th 3rd floor. Yes, I'm late ~ But, luckily Ms tan is busy.
[: ~ Idk why today must take temperature fer ? -.-" Lmaos !
I just took, TA-DAAAAA ~ My temperature were actually 37.0 ?
Hahahha ! Quite high one lehhhh ! :] ~ Usually, I was always 36.0 - 36.5 one.
[: ~ Hahaha ! Thn, OFC's test correction . ;] ~ & OSA's excel luhs .
Today, Kath, Yuxuan didn't come sch leyyys ~
Lol ! I wondering why norhs ? I very long didn't see dao Kath already.
): ` Sighhhh ! & Hani came only going to finish OSA's lessons lehhhh !
I sat @ Hani's computer because my computer keep re-starting ! -.-
Thn, suddenly it went back to normal again. Rofls ~ ): !
I finished already, I jiu went to help/teach Kun Jun luhs.
&Khai was like crazily looking fer his pen, when his pen was right inside his bag.
Laughoutlouds ~ =\\ He almost went crazy because he can't find his pen ?
:]] ~ After tht, we went to Cafe 1 to have our lunch first :D ~
I ate Fried Fish with Rice again. :D Yumyum ! With Ice Lemon Tea.
&Lastly, I still ate a "Brownie" Ice Cream ? ROFL .=\But taste like Chocolate Chips.
Laughoutlouds ~ Thn, me, Jocelyn, Fumin, Karean, Yvonne, Xue Fang, Terrance, Jazz & Kunjun went to take Bus 38 to Eastpoint leyys ;] Hahah !
We went there to buy Jovi's present & cake ~ :D
Hahah ! We had like $50 only ? Lol. So, we wondering wht to buy fer her leys.
[: ~ When we reached there, we went to Precious Moments first.
Thn, we went to Popular. But ltr on, me & th boys went to Ground floor.
To buy her cake luhs. :D ` I can't choose wht cake's design lehhh ! D: ~
So, I jiu picked th most pretty {I guess} ~ :D At first, thought of buying a 2kg cake.
But so sad, only got 1kg cake. -.- ~ Hhahahha. No choice luhs .
Thn, we left like 17mins plus ? So, I suggested to take cab back to sch.
As, we got 9people. Split into 2groups, me & th guys. So, Girls got 5persons.
We were rejected by most of th taxi uncles. As, they refuse to ride us .
But, luckily, one uncle say okayyyy ! :D ~ So cool ! Thank you, uncle :D ~
They went off first, but we reached th sch first ? Laughoutlouds.
OH dear ~! I still haven't return Jazz th cab fare money lehhh !
I totally forgot about it =\ ~ Hmmm, thn we tricked Jovi by asking Limin they all to go Cafe 1 to buy a mini cake fer her. &say tht is was her cake.
HAhaha ! =\ I know, we're very bad larhhhh. But still ~ ;D
When we walking back to class, we saw Jovi & Jaslin @ 2nd floor.
Lol ! I was holding th cake & Fumin's bag was th present hiding. ;]
Hahahaha ! Thn, we try to light a candle on th mini cake fer her.
But so sad ! Karean & Jazz, these 2 smokers, didn't bring lighters.
So, we had to ask around to lend. Luckily, @ th branches there got some guys.
&We guess, they smoked. So, we went to ask fer it. Laughoutlouds ~
&Thank fer th lighter ~ :D Although, not sure who they are. Haha :]
=\ ! a group of malay guys larhhh. :) Thn, we took th stairs up.
As, we were gonna be late ! &When I was like on th 2nd floor half ?
I jiu saw Limin they all, &I guess, Jovi must be with them too.
Me & Fumin climbed very fast ~ &Quickly goes back to class.
&Luckily, Ms Tan just reached th class too. &I had to hide th cake ? -.-
Laughoutlouds ~ Today going through Unit 5 again fer CRN luhs. ;]] ~
I guess either tml or Friday, she is gonna teach Unit 6 lerhhs. :D ~
Thn, after lessons. I think is Jocelyn dragging Jovi to th toilet.
&We went to th 3rd floor to light th candles. ;]] ~ Hahhha !
With almost th whole class leyys ! &Thanks, Khai fer th lighter ;D ~
After lighting all, Jovi came ;D ~ &We sang song.
But to Hani, thn Jovi was like wthhhh ? hahhah !
You got tricked! :] ~ It was your cake narhs ;D ~ Hahaha !
Yvonne cutting th cake. After th birthday song was sang ~
Khai they all went off soon lerrhs. Lol ! ;]
&Sorry Jovi! To put some whipped cream on your face =\\ ~
HAhaha ! Lalalallas ~ &Guess wht, we were like playing CATCHING in th sch ?
Laughoutlouds ~ Very tiring leyys !
&It was Limin and Terrance who caught her. ;]
Sorry ~ We put some whip creams on her face only narhs. :D
After some struggling, she still came to th toilet after all.
&Got splashed ! =\ ~ WATER BOMBSSSSS ~ :D
Prepared by Karean, Limin, Jocelyn, Fumin, Belinda barhs. I think so larhhh `
There were Me!, Karean, Limin, Fumin, Jocelyn, Lena, Jovi, Xue Fang, Yvonne, Belinda, Jaslin, Terrance, Kelvin, Jazz& Abbas :]
Hahha ! After tht, thn we past Jovi, her present (:
Guess wht was it ? ;} -In 5 Seconds ~
5 ~
4 ~
3 ~
2 ~
1 ~
It was a Musical Box & a Necklace norhs (: ~
Hahaa ! Sorry, tht I didn't post th picture today!
I promised, tml okayyy ? :D
Thn, after awhile rest thn we left ! First time, I ran in sch ?
-.-" Somemore, a guy knew me through Friendster saw me leyyys .
Paiseh siahss ~ I was holding th cake some whip cake in tissue ? -.-
Hahahah ~ Running around, wearing High heel somemore !
God bless ~ :D &Luckily, my heel didn't break. Heng :D ~
After tht, Karean took Bus 38. while we took Bus 24.
[: ~ At th bus-stop, I saw Melvin first. I went to Boo! him ~ :D
He got scared leyys. Hahhaha ! Sorry laaas =\ ~
Thn, reached home. Wondering why can't I change my phone ? Humpf.
): ~ &Kath finally updated her blog ;D ~
Please don't go mia okayyyy ,girl ? Anything you can tell me.
I won't say out, if you dont want anyone to know about it (:
I may not be a good consultant, but I'm a good listener ~
Please, don't always go out drinking cannnn ? ;]
Be a good girl laaaas, guai narhs ! I seriously miss you luhs ! ): '
I had been trying to kick out my habit of writing "Hello Earthlings" ~
Laughoutlouds, But it seems like I failed ? =\\ ~
OH ya ! Today is totally a bad hair plus bad eye lashes day ~
Roarrrr ! D: I'm damn irritated by my eye lashes & fringe today.
As, I was trying to wear th fake eye lashes in th morning . ~
But ! It keep failing luhs . ): So, in th end I didn't wear it to sch leys .
Plus, I'm going to be late soon luhs. So, forget it luhs ! D: ~
Somemore, I keep forget to get a haircut soon. &I got irritated by my fringe.
So, I cut it short luhs. But, luckily it wasn't tht short & noticeable ~ (:
Hahahh ! I was already outside my hse door, &I remembered tht I forgot my CRN's book & donation card D: ~ Laughoutlouds. I went back & take.
Guess wht ? After I walked till th phone booth there, thn I rememberd.
Tht I actually forgot my MAKE-UP BAGGGGG ? D: ~ Wtffff !
I was like totally very fed-up luhs ! Roarrrr ~ &I walked back home again.
-.-" Zzzz ~ Damn unlucky day today ! Arghhhh ~
Thn, I took Bus 2 to sch today luhs. :] ~ &I took th lift up to 4th floor.
As, I need to take OFC & OSA's books marhhs. ;D ~
Thn, I take th stairs to th 3rd floor. Yes, I'm late ~ But, luckily Ms tan is busy.
[: ~ Idk why today must take temperature fer ? -.-" Lmaos !
I just took, TA-DAAAAA ~ My temperature were actually 37.0 ?
Hahahha ! Quite high one lehhhh ! :] ~ Usually, I was always 36.0 - 36.5 one.
[: ~ Hahaha ! Thn, OFC's test correction . ;] ~ & OSA's excel luhs .
Today, Kath, Yuxuan didn't come sch leyyys ~
Lol ! I wondering why norhs ? I very long didn't see dao Kath already.
): ` Sighhhh ! & Hani came only going to finish OSA's lessons lehhhh !
I sat @ Hani's computer because my computer keep re-starting ! -.-
Thn, suddenly it went back to normal again. Rofls ~ ): !
I finished already, I jiu went to help/teach Kun Jun luhs.
&Khai was like crazily looking fer his pen, when his pen was right inside his bag.
Laughoutlouds ~ =\\ He almost went crazy because he can't find his pen ?
:]] ~ After tht, we went to Cafe 1 to have our lunch first :D ~
I ate Fried Fish with Rice again. :D Yumyum ! With Ice Lemon Tea.
&Lastly, I still ate a "Brownie" Ice Cream ? ROFL .=\But taste like Chocolate Chips.
Laughoutlouds ~ Thn, me, Jocelyn, Fumin, Karean, Yvonne, Xue Fang, Terrance, Jazz & Kunjun went to take Bus 38 to Eastpoint leyys ;] Hahah !
We went there to buy Jovi's present & cake ~ :D
Hahah ! We had like $50 only ? Lol. So, we wondering wht to buy fer her leys.
[: ~ When we reached there, we went to Precious Moments first.
Thn, we went to Popular. But ltr on, me & th boys went to Ground floor.
To buy her cake luhs. :D ` I can't choose wht cake's design lehhh ! D: ~
So, I jiu picked th most pretty {I guess} ~ :D At first, thought of buying a 2kg cake.
But so sad, only got 1kg cake. -.- ~ Hhahahha. No choice luhs .
Thn, we left like 17mins plus ? So, I suggested to take cab back to sch.
As, we got 9people. Split into 2groups, me & th guys. So, Girls got 5persons.
We were rejected by most of th taxi uncles. As, they refuse to ride us .
But, luckily, one uncle say okayyyy ! :D ~ So cool ! Thank you, uncle :D ~
They went off first, but we reached th sch first ? Laughoutlouds.
OH dear ~! I still haven't return Jazz th cab fare money lehhh !
I totally forgot about it =\ ~ Hmmm, thn we tricked Jovi by asking Limin they all to go Cafe 1 to buy a mini cake fer her. &say tht is was her cake.
HAhaha ! =\ I know, we're very bad larhhhh. But still ~ ;D
When we walking back to class, we saw Jovi & Jaslin @ 2nd floor.
Lol ! I was holding th cake & Fumin's bag was th present hiding. ;]
Hahahaha ! Thn, we try to light a candle on th mini cake fer her.
But so sad ! Karean & Jazz, these 2 smokers, didn't bring lighters.
So, we had to ask around to lend. Luckily, @ th branches there got some guys.
&We guess, they smoked. So, we went to ask fer it. Laughoutlouds ~
&Thank fer th lighter ~ :D Although, not sure who they are. Haha :]
=\ ! a group of malay guys larhhh. :) Thn, we took th stairs up.
As, we were gonna be late ! &When I was like on th 2nd floor half ?
I jiu saw Limin they all, &I guess, Jovi must be with them too.
Me & Fumin climbed very fast ~ &Quickly goes back to class.
&Luckily, Ms Tan just reached th class too. &I had to hide th cake ? -.-
Laughoutlouds ~ Today going through Unit 5 again fer CRN luhs. ;]] ~
I guess either tml or Friday, she is gonna teach Unit 6 lerhhs. :D ~
Thn, after lessons. I think is Jocelyn dragging Jovi to th toilet.
&We went to th 3rd floor to light th candles. ;]] ~ Hahhha !
With almost th whole class leyys ! &Thanks, Khai fer th lighter ;D ~
After lighting all, Jovi came ;D ~ &We sang song.
But to Hani, thn Jovi was like wthhhh ? hahhah !
You got tricked! :] ~ It was your cake narhs ;D ~ Hahaha !
Yvonne cutting th cake. After th birthday song was sang ~
Khai they all went off soon lerrhs. Lol ! ;]
&Sorry Jovi! To put some whipped cream on your face =\\ ~
HAhaha ! Lalalallas ~ &Guess wht, we were like playing CATCHING in th sch ?
Laughoutlouds ~ Very tiring leyys !
&It was Limin and Terrance who caught her. ;]
Sorry ~ We put some whip creams on her face only narhs. :D
After some struggling, she still came to th toilet after all.
&Got splashed ! =\ ~ WATER BOMBSSSSS ~ :D
Prepared by Karean, Limin, Jocelyn, Fumin, Belinda barhs. I think so larhhh `
There were Me!, Karean, Limin, Fumin, Jocelyn, Lena, Jovi, Xue Fang, Yvonne, Belinda, Jaslin, Terrance, Kelvin, Jazz& Abbas :]
Hahha ! After tht, thn we past Jovi, her present (:
Guess wht was it ? ;} -In 5 Seconds ~
5 ~
4 ~
3 ~
2 ~
1 ~
It was a Musical Box & a Necklace norhs (: ~
Hahaa ! Sorry, tht I didn't post th picture today!
I promised, tml okayyy ? :D
Thn, after awhile rest thn we left ! First time, I ran in sch ?
-.-" Somemore, a guy knew me through Friendster saw me leyyys .
Paiseh siahss ~ I was holding th cake some whip cake in tissue ? -.-
Hahahah ~ Running around, wearing High heel somemore !
God bless ~ :D &Luckily, my heel didn't break. Heng :D ~
After tht, Karean took Bus 38. while we took Bus 24.
[: ~ At th bus-stop, I saw Melvin first. I went to Boo! him ~ :D
He got scared leyys. Hahhaha ! Sorry laaas =\ ~
Thn, reached home. Wondering why can't I change my phone ? Humpf.
): ~ &Kath finally updated her blog ;D ~
Please don't go mia okayyyy ,girl ? Anything you can tell me.
I won't say out, if you dont want anyone to know about it (:
I may not be a good consultant, but I'm a good listener ~
Please, don't always go out drinking cannnn ? ;]
Be a good girl laaaas, guai narhs ! I seriously miss you luhs ! ): '
I'll upload th pictures tml okayyy ? Tiring narhs .;D
&When we were playing inside th toilet, my elbow got a blueblack again.
Cryoutlouds ~ T.T ! ): Roarrrr ! I hate blue black narhhs . Humpf !
Pained siahs. ):
&When we were playing inside th toilet, my elbow got a blueblack again.
Cryoutlouds ~ T.T ! ): Roarrrr ! I hate blue black narhhs . Humpf !
Pained siahs. ):
Labels: Happy Birthday to Jovi
#` 11 May
posted on Monday, May 11, 2009 at 8:37 PM by S.Teo ♥

Wedding of Shaun & Michelle ~ :D
Congratulation on your wedding ~
& Hope you two can "bai tou dao lao" & "zao sheng gui zi"
You two very compatible ;D ~
Congratulation on your wedding ~
& Hope you two can "bai tou dao lao" & "zao sheng gui zi"
You two very compatible ;D ~
Hello ~ :D
Today I woke up @ 7.45am plus ? =\\ ~ I woke up late ~
I took Bus 2 to sch, I guess ? I can't remember lerhs. >.< ~
Sorry ah, I got short term memory ! X: ~ Hahahaha !
First lesson was SBM. :D `~ But Mr Chong was on course, &Guess wht!
Today also no OFC lesson, because Ms Eleanor Tan on leave ?
-.-" Zzzzz ~ Thn, wht fer we come to sch siahs ? Arghhhh !
Grrrrrr ~ Angry siahs. Lol ! So, we got 2hrs of break instead ? ;]
&During break time, we went to Cafe 1 to had our so-called lunch ? ~
I having Japanese, M1 ~ ;D Nice leyys. I ate till quite full norhs.
Thn after awhile, ,Karean, Fumin & Jocelyn jiu came lerhs.
[: ~ Today, Kath, Veron, Hyekel & Hani didn't come.
I didn't still got few, but can't remember is who lerhs. Lol!
It been quite long since I last seen Kath, Veron & Hyekel ?
Lol ! &Tml is Jovi's 17th birthday lehhhh ~ *Grins. Wahahhaha~
We played "Truth or Dare" in th Cafe 1 lehhhh ~ Damn funny luhs.
Only Limin, Lena, Belinda & Jaslin didn't play ?
&Keep kena Jovi, poor thing. Lol ! I bet tml better larhhh ~
Hahahha ! (: &Hope you have fun tml. ;D ~ We got some planinng . ;D
*Grins. &LLA lesson, I can only say bored ? D: ~ Roarrr ! Mr Tay isn't here.
He was on camp whtever lehhhh. Lol! So, today we didn't had any lessons at all.
So, I wondered why we come sch in th first place ? -.-" Zzzz ~
After sch, we went to Ktv ;D ! Including me, 11people norhs. ;D ~
At first, Belinda was also going one leys ! But she changed her mind.
First time, I went to Ktv with so many people lehhhh ~ Laughoutlouds.
&Somemore, each $5 only siahs ? Instead of $8. ;] We were in Room 11.
Th big big room. ;D ~ &I sat at th corner nearer to th screen with Limin.
[: ~ Hahahah ! Karean & Jovi were quite high one norhs.
Fumin stayed till 3.30pm plus, thn she jiu left already.
After tht, suddenly Jaslin just snapped ? Lol ! I wondered why.
I first time heard Jaslin & Jovi sang lehhhh. hahaa ! ;]
&&Jocelyn, Yvonne & Limin ~
I hardly even hear them sing, man ~ Roarrrrrr ! D: ~
They don't want sing lehhhh, i don't know why. Lol. Only 2 guys were here.
&Jovi & Karean left at 6pm plus ? As, Karean can't go home late.
Guess wht, she brought my wallet back home with her too ? Rofls ~
I forgot tht I put my wallet inside her bag, when we went out buy tibits ! =\
With Limin & Jocelyn. Hahahhha ~ Sorry larhhhh ! :X
Hahhha ~ After Ktv, I & Jazz accompanied them to th Bus interchange.
As, they don't know how to go & take bus ? Laughoutlouds ~
So kind of us hors ? ;D ! Thn, Jazz & I walked back home lehhhh ~
Hahah ! [: ~ I hope to see Kath come sch tml leyyys ~
I very long didn't see her already norhs ! ): ~ Sighhhhhhhhh !
Today, Channel 8 at 8pm got LIVE Wedding show to see on ;D ~
It was Michelle & Shaun's wedding norhs ~
Hahah ! Th cake is really very special & nice ! :D ~
Well, I wondered where they hold th dinner norhs ? Hotel or Club ?
Hahahah, but I'm sure it wasn't RTC. =\ Lalalallal ~
&There was lots of people there siahs !
Felicia Chin & many other artists were there too norhs.
Hahah ! Is Zhang Yao Dong attached ? Laughoutlouds ~
He look compatible with Felicia Chin leyyys ! :D ~
Haahhah ! Th wedding dinner were very grand siahhhs (: ~
They were such compatible match ! Hahaha ~ :D
Guy, Handsome & Girl, Prettyyyyy ~ ^^
They looked very blessed and blissful norhs. Hahhah !
Hope they faster "jiayous" on Little Michelle & Little Shaun.
:D ~ hahaa. I shall end my day of post already ! ;D
Anyways, I enjoyed myself today.
Hope you guys enjoyed too ! (:
&Let's go Ktv next time uhs ! ;D ` Hahah
Oh ya, Next time, I wanna hear Jocelyn & Limin sing!
:D ~
Ktv's people were:
Jovi, Karean, Jocelyn,
Yvonne, Jaslin, Limin,
Xue Fang, Fumin, Myself,
Kun Jun &Jazz. :D ~
Lots of people hors ? Totally was 11 people leys :D ~
Labels: Wedding of Shaun and Michelle
Happy Mothers' Day ;D
posted on Saturday, May 9, 2009 at 11:02 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Everyone ~
Ytd suddenly Apple called my hse to find me ?
I was quite shocked siol ! ROFL.
Because she hardly contact me one marhs.
Thn, she jiu asked whether if she can come my hse to wash head ?
Laughoutlouds, thn we chat on th phone fer 30mins plus ?
{: ~ Hahahahah. Gossiping barhs ?
&Updating informations on someone luhs. ;D
Few larhh, actually ! Hahahah. I was quite shocked siahs ~
When I know who is her bf ? I wondered why him ? O.o!
Today I woke up @ 11.30am plus ? Laughoutlouds.
I also don't know why sooooo early leys ! D: ~
Roarrrr ~ Damn sian siahs ~ Too early wake up already.
Thn, I got nothing to do luhs. I watched Cartoon in th morning.
After tht, I went to use my laptop luhs. Hahaa ~ ;]
Whenever, I walked into my room. I'll look @ my phone th.
I was seeing if there is any msgs fer me or not marhhs !
But so freaking sad, none msg. He didn't bother to text me at all.
Lol ! I guess, I shall not contact him anymore larhhhhh ~
[: ! &I should focus more on my studies instead norhs. :D
As, I wanted to get straight As ~ :D If not, Bs also can larhhh !
But still, I prefer As thn Bs :D ~ Hahahahahh !
&I wanted to go Higher Nitec much. ;D ~ I need money ?
Lol ! & I want to change fone larhhh ~ Sob sob ! ):
Cryoutlouds ~ T.T !
Anyways, today I ate a lots of things siahs ! ROFL ~
=\ I'm getting fatter & fatter each day, die liao larhhh ! D: ~
I accompanied my grandma to some banquet. ;}
They having a feast to celebrate Mother's day marhhhs !
So, I just go only luhs ;D ~ *Grins ;]
Anyways, th service there was really quite lousy one.
Lol ! Their dressing and grooming can only say 50% ?
When I was at RTC, i think my service is much better ?!
Laughoutlouds ~ Really quite a big difference one siahs.
D: ~ Lol ! sian norhs ! Roarrrrr ~
&Th table is like damn freaking dirty in th end. ?
Ohmygods ? D: ~
Th lights on top is very nice luhs ! Like very royal feel siahs ~
Laughoutlouds ~ my 2 cousins didn't come lehhhh.
They were down with fever, cough and flu norhs. ): ~ So saddd !
Hope they recover asap barhs ? :D ~
Nothing much to say liao luhs. At about 10pm plus. All ended.
[: ~ &We left. ;D We were flagging cab. but none stop ? D: ~
So, we walked walked to somewhere more crowded or not ? =\
Thn, finally 1 cab stopped fer us ~ :D HAhahahahah !
-Thank you, uncle ! :D ~
Anyways, we got 2 flowers ? My uncle bought 2 flowers with $10 ?
Rofls ~ 1 yellow and 1 red. My small cousin prefer red one ? ):
So no choice luhs, thn I took th yellow one. Rofls ~
[: ~ Cab home. I don't know how much lehhh. I didn't see it ~
Hahah ! Few mins ago, thn I reached home. :D ~
I had to say sorry to my sweethoney norhs ~ I cannot make it ytd !
): ~ 2nd times already. So sorry leyyys ! I promised I'll make it up fer you.
:D ~ Duibuqi uhs ! > ):
#` 08 May
posted on Friday, May 8, 2009 at 10:21 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello helllo ! ~ :D
Today I woke up @ 7.45am plus ? ;]
Because I'm lazy to wake up marhhs =\ ~ Hahah.
Today only had 1 lesson of CRN ~
&we learnt about Chapter 5 luhs ;D ~
Got 9 and 4 things to remember ~ &Sorry uhs, I can't remember!
D: ~ Anyways, I took Bus 2 to sch today (: ~
&I think I saw someone I knew from last time larhhh.
But it seems like he can't recognise me lehhh ~ Hahahah !
After lessons was break time :D We went to Cafe 1 to eat.
(: ~ Almost all had Fried Fish with rice lehhh :D ~
Yumyum ! Thn, Fumin only drank th soup ? >:O
She said tht th fish not nice to eat ? Rofls ~ actually quite nice one lehhh !
Laughoutlouds ~ Yuxuan & Kath wasn't in sch today.
&Jovi plus Xue Fang didn't come too ~
I didn't see Kath fer quite long already leys !
I wondered wht happen to her norhs ? :[
Thn S&W we doing a test lehhh ~ I got 86% only ~ ):
Sad larhhh ! Roarrrrr ~ Damn low th luhs . I only got 26 out of 30.
): ~ Who careeeeee ~ D: ! After tht, we went to Tampines with,
Jocelyn, Fumin, Karean, Jazz & Kunjun.
Laughoutlouds ~ I bought my eye-liner @ Tampines 1 norhs ~ :D
&I bought 5breads @ Tampines Interchange. ~
&&some nails art stickers :D ~ LAlallalaallaS ~!
After tht, we took Bus 31 back to Bedok Interchange ~
While, Jocelyn & Fumin alighted @ sch ~
They got Maths club lehhhh ~ :]
While th rest of us, went to Ktv luhhhhh ~ :D
Damn funny one narhhhs. Hahah ! I first time heard them sang lehhh.
Not bad luhs, only their voices quite soft one norhs !
Hahhahaha ~ (: When th timed up, we left. `
Outside th place, we saw Karean's bf friends ? ROFL !
So qiao siahs ! :} Laughoutlouds ~ =\\
Anyways, I hope nothing happen to you ehs ! :D ~
Today th whole day he didn't msg me . &I didn't text him too.
He really won't automatic text me one leys ~ ):
Sighs ~ Wht to do norhs ? Anyone ? ):
Should I just directly tell him tht I like him or not uhs ?
Because th motion is going wayyy too slow ? D: ~
&I don't like to wait ~ I prefer a immediate reply ?
I don't like to play hide-n-seek game. or riddles games norhs !
But I think he should had know I like him leys ? D: ~
Damn it larhhh ~ I'm getting very irritated already ~
Roarrr !
Today th whole day he didn't msg me . &I didn't text him too.
He really won't automatic text me one leys ~ ):
Sighs ~ Wht to do norhs ? Anyone ? ):
Should I just directly tell him tht I like him or not uhs ?
Because th motion is going wayyy too slow ? D: ~
&I don't like to wait ~ I prefer a immediate reply ?
I don't like to play hide-n-seek game. or riddles games norhs !
But I think he should had know I like him leys ? D: ~
Damn it larhhh ~ I'm getting very irritated already ~
Roarrr !
#` 07 May
posted on Thursday, May 7, 2009 at 9:08 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthings,
Today my class start @ 12pm ~ (: .
*Grins. I woke up @ 10.30am plus luhs ~
Before I went to bath, I was like a advisor to my mum ?
She was going out & anyhow wear. She lent my tube ? D: ~
Idiot! I think after she wore it, I can't wear it anymore luhs.
Sadden laaaas ~ I took Bus 31 to sch today. I was wearing my new shoes ~
It was quite just nice ytd when I tried it in th shop !
But when I wore it out to sch today, it like became smaller ?
Laughoutlouds, I don't know why too. D: ~ Roarrrrr !
Anyways, before I go fer my class. I went to Co-op shop to buy drink.
Thn, I took th lift up luhs. Mr Chong not here yet ? Roarrr ~
We were outside there waiting ~ &It was damn freaking hot ?
D: ~ I'm getting quite irritated when I sweat ! D:
Thn, Miss Eleanor Tan came to open th door fer us.
&Th teacher came too ? Rofls, he purposely one uhs ? Humpf ~
(: ~ We were playing th Choo-choo train, where you wanna go ? LOL !
Damn funny luhs ! Th winner was Jovi lehhhh. :D ~
When we moved to th other room, we started playing other game.
We started to play "Heart Attack" ~ :D
First was Karean won, she tried to hit us.
&She hit th table, very hard !? :O ~ ROFL.
I bet her hand must be very pained norhs ! ): ~
Btw, Kath didn't come today. I wondered why ?
Maybe because ytd's night she went to mit Ahphew they all barhs.
Hahahahha. :] ~ I think she somehow looked like my sec sch friend ?
I mean th pattern larhhh ~ Hahaha ! ;] >D:
Thn, we had Care lesson ? Doing th same thing, playing th silly game.
Laughoutlouds, thn we had OSA's mock exam ;] ~
Table & Minutes luhs. Quite all rights barhs, I guess ?
After tht, we went to Cafe 1 to had our so-called lunch ? :D ~
Yumyum ! :D ~ Anyways, I took Bus 2 home (: ~
When I reached home, I was doing my nail arts ;D !
Tml I shall post th picture ? If I can larhhhh ~
:D ! Maybe tml I'm going to Ktv with Karean they all.
I wondered who is free to mit-up tml leys ? ): .
I can only say tht he is forever tht mean & cruel one ~
D: >): ~ I think I better don't text him for awhile barhs.
He do take things fer granted, isn't it ? D: ~ Roarrr !
I'm trying my best, to hint him.
But it look like, he don't even care about it ? ):
So, wht can I say leys ? Perhaps, nothing at all.
Personality, yes he is good.
But, other thn tht, I can't find a thing good about him ?
): ~ No laaas. I'm just sooooo feeling down luhs.
He is like totally ignored me. D: ~
I think even best friends can't be together forever one.
So, wht can I say ? >): ~
Somemore, we're different sch too !
Sighs ~ Sad case larhhhhh ~
I can only say tht, is my fault luhs . >):
I can only say tht he is forever tht mean & cruel one ~
D: >): ~ I think I better don't text him for awhile barhs.
He do take things fer granted, isn't it ? D: ~ Roarrr !
I'm trying my best, to hint him.
But it look like, he don't even care about it ? ):
So, wht can I say leys ? Perhaps, nothing at all.
Personality, yes he is good.
But, other thn tht, I can't find a thing good about him ?
): ~ No laaas. I'm just sooooo feeling down luhs.
He is like totally ignored me. D: ~
I think even best friends can't be together forever one.
So, wht can I say ? >): ~
Somemore, we're different sch too !
Sighs ~ Sad case larhhhhh ~
I can only say tht, is my fault luhs . >):
{I seriously tried my best, wanting you to notice me. }
-but I guess I failed after all ? >):
-but I guess I failed after all ? >):
#` 06 May
posted on Wednesday, May 6, 2009 at 11:28 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthings,
Today I woke up @ 8.30am as my class start at 10am :D ~
Ha! I faster go prepare myself as I hope to reach sch early.
&Today I'm having my Role-playing (: ~
Hahaha ~ I took bus 2 to sch lehhhhhh ~ &was texting with Ahphew lehs;
Early in th morning, I only saw my dad ? -.-"
HA ! Anyways, my role-play partner was Xue Fang.
&Delphin's class is having a bazaar today too.
Quite crowded ? I guess their sales not bad barhs ? HA~
[: ~ Thn, no one wanted to start th role-play first ? D:
So, I goes first luhs. Damn funny one laaaas ~ I keep wanted to laugh.
Why uhs ? I don't really know why too. Roarrrrr ~
Sian lehhhh ~ Thn, we had OFC :] ~ Doing practice 3 & 4.
Writing answers on th board luhs. ;] Mostly was late ~ =\
&We had early lunch ? Idk why, but I not feeling tht well today.
Quite moody. &my temper isn't good ~ =\ I get irritated easily.
Roarrrr ~ I had Lor Mee today! :] Quite nice one barhs ? :]]
Thn, we went fer OSA lessons luhs (: We doing Reports lehhh ~
&We did a Table in th end, tml we're having a test worhs.
HA ! Hope it isn't hard luhs. (: ~ Thn, I finished first.
Doing SBM's reports .&was hoping to login into Friendster. D: ~
Damn lagging one luhs, Roarrrrr ~ ): ~
After tht, early dismissed ! I had finished my Individual report (:
&We went to Cafe 1 to had our so-called early dinner ? Rofls.
Me, Kelvin & Jazz had Wanton Noodle. :D
While Limin had Fried Fish with Rice.
Fumin had Prawn Noodle & Jocelyn had Fried Fish Mee Hoon?
Laughoutlouds. :D ~ &She had Cheese Tofu too :D ~
She is very hungry too, i wondered why ? ;]
When she was eating her tofu, a fly flew on it !
&She lost her temper. ROFL ` Very funny. :DDDD ~
Ltr, Lena came & she went to bought some snacks to eat.
&When she came back, we played "Truth or Dare" ? Rofls.
Me & Lena run around th fish tank twice ? ROFL -.-
Weird larhhh ~ After tht, me, Lena, Jazz, Kunjun took bus 24 lehhhh.
haahah ~ :D! &after I reached home, I bath !
&I went out again. to meet Kimberly. ~
Actually, I was also waiting fer his msg. But still, no news ):
She accompanied me to go buy shoes . xD ~
We walked around in the Bedok Interchange ~ &In th end,
we went to Tampines 1, Tampines Mall & Century Sqaure . ;D ~
TA-DAAAA ~ :D I found it ! @ DMK shop :D `
It costs me $23.90 ! Heart abit ache though.=\ HAhahahaha ~
After tht, walked towards th bus interchange. I went to th TA ZHIANG.
To buy fake eye lashes larhhh, duh ! :D ~
She took Bus 10, while I took Bus 31 (:
Otw home, I was texting Ahphew &Qunsheng. Hahh !
-Thanks fer accompanying me ah ~ :D
Although, Ahphew was busy playing dota.
&Qunsheng was asking me to text him instead himself.
): ~ LOL. I also wish to text him, but he said he was having tuition.
I asked him to text me after tuition, but no news still.
I guess, wht I say wasn't tht important barhs ? Wht can I say ?
I can only say, I choose th wrong boy to fall fer already. D: ~
If I give him up now, is it too late or stupid ? . Wait fer him ?
Narhs, or should I ? -.- Idk, how siahs ~ Roarrrr !
Pictures taken from today and 02 May'09 ;D ~
-Some is back-updating, my dear ! :D
-Some is back-updating, my dear ! :D
-okays ! :D IT's alrights larhhh.
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