Outing with friends ! :D
posted on Saturday, February 28, 2009 at 10:27 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings,
Today I woke up damn early th luhs ! D:
10am siol ~ When I was suppose to mit Jocelyn they all @ 3pm.
Rofls !
I totally had no idea, what to do @ that time siol ! :}
At first, was planning to go Tampines Mall watch th.
But in th end, changed to Cineleisure to watch. :B
Rofls !
I mit Karean and Keegan @ Platform there.
[; Thn, we took th train to City Hall.
Keegan went first. &we stayed to wait fer Jocelyn they all.
About 3-4trains came. ;] But they haven't reach.
Thn, we @ there chatting luhs ! ^^
So sad, Kat couldn't make it because of her leg. ):
HAHAHAH, next time okays ? :D We go watch movie together !
Thn, when we reached Somerset. It rain heavily !
Ohmytians ?! D: Roarrrrrr ~
Only Xuefang brought umbrella. Lmaos ~ D:
HA! Sian 1/2 larhhhhh ~
In th end, we asked 3girls from China to sheltered us to Cineleisure.
But, we're still half-wet also. Aiyas, better thn nothing larhhhh ~ (:
Reached Cineleisure. (: Went to toilet first ! :D
&Bought th tickets of Marley & Me, @ 6.20pm th . (: Second row siol!
After that, we went to Arcade walk walk . (:
Thn, we went to Basement to eat . (:
After awhile, Keegan and his friends came too. hahahaahas ~
Thn, after that. We went to took neoprints ! :D
^^ ~
HA, I and Karean decorated th neoprints ! ^^
:D &Somehow Karean gave us all a nickname,
which ended with "zi". For examples:
Xuefang = Fang-zi.
Jocelyn = Ying-zi.
Fumin = Min-zi.
*Changed to Fu-zi liao ! :D
Shirley = Li-zi.
&Last but not least, Karean = Huan-zi.
rOFLS ! Funny siol ~ ;]] Th neoprints, Jocelyn brought home first.
Because, she wanna scanned it to computer first (: .

-Th neoprint, I looked soooo weird again ! D:
&We rushed to watch th movie. We @ level 4~
Bought Popcorn & drinks.
But realised, we're @ th wrong level . Lmaos !
Should be Level 6. =x Paiseh ahhhh ~ I didn't saw it !
LOL ~ very funny luhs ! =x

Title: Marley & Me
Genre: Comedy
Starring: Jennifer Aniston, Own Wilson, David S.Goyer, Saiful Apek
Directed by: David Frankel
Movie Plot: Adapted from John Grogan's bestselling book about his Labrador retriever, the movie stars Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston as a couple who adopts the badly behaved but much-loved dog named, of course, Marley, who eventually teaches them what really matters in life.
-It was nice ! (: Marley was really cuteeeee ~
:D But so sad, we missed some parts in th starting part !
Laughoutlouds. =x
>Anyone wanna watch it ? Let me know ! :D
Thn, after th movie. We went to toilet first ! :D
&Took some pictures. Th pictures not with me ~

-Shirley & Jocelyn (:
*I looked sooooo weird! D:

-Credited & edited by Jocelyn.

-Shirley & Fumin :D

-Karean & Shirley.
{Seriously, I looked so weird plus fierce ? D:}
We all went in th Handicapped toilet to took ! X=

- :D
Thn, suddenly Jaslin phoned Jocelyn.

-Jocelyn talking on fone.
{She didn't realised I was taking th photo! =x}

-When she realised it, she twist-ed ! :D
We all kept quiet ~ =x Karean keep flushing th toilet !
Rofls ` Damn funny th luhs ! =x
When we went out of th toilet, people were staring @ us.
&Said, wah so many people in 1 toilet siol ;x
We went to Heeren outside to find Keegan.
We took th train home. :D
Otw, we was chatting.
&Keegan asked us go watch Midnight movie.
Rofls ~ At first, we were going Tampines Mall th.
But in th end, was canceled. ): Sighs ~ Sian larhhhhh !
I still don't know if I'm going to watch Midnight movie with Keegan not.
&Today he wore th red contact lens. Rofls !
Very eye-catching luhs ! In case, he don't know *. hahas ~
I'm bored ! D: Walk home, in th rain ~ D:
Sighs ! Poor thing, rights ? ):
I was sooooo scared th lighting will strike me siol !
Karean msged & told me that she saw 2 accidents . LOL !
I wanna see too ~ =x HA ! Actually, I wanna play Mahjong th !
HA, but no one want play ! ): Sighs. Poor me ~
Today actually counted as my birthday too.
:D Because I always celebrate 28 Feb since no 29 Feb.
=\ But this year, I didn't celebrate it at all ~
Bao Lun was th 1st one to wish me th ! :D
HA~ . Poor thing hors ? ):
At home, too bored ! Took some picture ~ :D

-Shirley :D
{It was a pretty sad day today, isn' ?}
-Even th god is crying now. No, th god cried th whole day.
CRN's practice papers ! :]
posted on Friday, February 27, 2009 at 10:31 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings,
It's finally Friday liao ! ^^ ~ HA, time passes fast isn't ?
Hmm, today woke up a bit late.
&I thought fer sure, I'm gonna be late liao larhhhh ! D:
But, in the end, I didn't late ! :D I'm th last person to reach class ~
w/o writing th reason why I'm late form. ;]]
Heng ah ~ :D
Keegan, Kat, Hyekel, Hani didn't come fer sch.
Laughoutlouds ~
&We got back our test paper ! :D
13person failed th paper. x= I hope it was not me ~
HA, I passed ~ 24marks ! ^^ >:D
-6marks, because of th first question. I leave it blank ~
Idiot hors ? HA ! :D But overall, I'm still happy I passeddddd ~ :D
In th end, Hyekel was late fer CRN.
While Hani purposely came late just to skip CRN.
Kat fell down ytd, &her toes/leg is swollen !
-Poor thing ! Must takecare more ahhhh ! (: Heart-pain larhhhh ~
*Be more careful, alrights ? :]
Keegan was because he doesn't want come fer sch today ?
-I guess ;B
I today didn't go fer th briefing fer BLAZE Camp, how ah ?
=\ Jialat ! I paiseh, so nber go in th end ! D:
Rofls, Lunch time.
We went to Cafe 2, with Jocelyn, Karean, Jovi, Xuefang, Fumin, Limin and Yvonne. :D We all ate Japanese food. :D
Today was th first time, I ate Number 8. hahahhas ~ =\
I somehow a bit regret lehhh ! I should had eat Number 10 luhs ~ D:
Idiot me. =x Rofls ~
After that, we went to toilet to change & went to stadium.
Sat down awhile, waiting fer teacher. ;]
&Realised that, Ms Yunyun wasn't here today.
S: Th letter still with me luhs ! Rofls =x
Thn, we went to Indoor Sports Hall instead.
&Th relief teacher was there.
He asked us to play Captain Ball. Lmaos !
Some was playing, while we're just sitting there watching. :D
Funny luhs! Yongan was Hyekel's group one.
But he keep blocking his own team's ball from Abbas ? Rofls ~
-Abbas was th goal keeper ? ;}
After sch, went to CO-Op shop to buy Vitasoy.
&Went to Business Block, chair there. Sitting ~ :D
While waiting fer Karean and Hani to come. (:
Thn, Hamima & Lena keep walking past us ~
:D &I keep shouting LINAAAAAA ~ :D
HAHHAH~ I also don't know why ! Rofls ;X
Thn, after awhile Jackson also walked past~
&He went to bring his things down and sat there, doing his project.
Laughoutlouds !
Chit-chatting luhs . (:
Oh ya, tml I'm going out to catch a movie with Jocelyn they all.
&I maybe meeting Keegan lehhhhhh. ;]
Together with my friends ? HA~ . =\ I'm lazy to go town, actually. ;]]
Rofls! sian lehhhhhhhh` *Yawns*
HA! I wanna changed my mp3 luhs. idiot ! D:
Sighs * sian lehhhhh ~ . ):
Suddenly, had th feeling of dying hair.
So, went to bought a hair color, Peachberry.
A bit purple, pink ? rofls ! =\ I think is like highlighting instead of colouring .
): Sighs ~
Rofls ! I had a haircut also, I totally regret cutting my fringe soooo short ?!
D: idiot th ! D:
Sighs ~ My hair look totally weird now ~ D:
Btw, Karean and Xuefang went swimming today.
HA, at first, I wanna go find them th. ;]
But, I don't feel like swimming, Because I hate my hair to be wet luhs !
I love my hair ~ (: My hair is totally first, duh !
Reached home, Keegan called me & told me that today he can't go home.
Because today got a new boy went in Boys' Home.
Thn, guailan or xialan with him larhhhh ~ &He not happy.
Jiu fight with him ? Laughoutlouds !
Thn, he tml thn come out. [; Ha~ Guai abit cannnnn !
[; He november jiu free liao lehhhhh ~ He very happy luhs !
Sian lehhhhh ~ I want new mp3, new phone, new spec, new contact len!
Rofls. =x I want to work ! D:
-I just realised how fast I recovered ! :X
Ytd' night post, I sounds soooo sad~
-But I totally recovered liao, I'm fine ! :D
{P/S: I totally had no interest any guys rights now !}
-Don't worried! :D I'm only interest in my only him ~
{He actually replied me, with "who are you" ? -.-"}
-sighs, sooooo sad! ):
Should I believe or not ?
posted on Thursday, February 26, 2009 at 10:08 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hmmm, I totally had no idea why I posted it ~
My mum suddenly asked me, why is your{Mine!} blood type different ?
I totally don't know what to reply her.
&She still said that, when I 20years old thn tell me somethings.
wthhhhh ? -.-"
She still say I @ this family, is good ? What's she hinting siahs ?
Damn pekchek th! She still asked me to promise not to ask anythings .
Don't ask my dad, my grandparents about it !? .
Wtffff ?
She still said she 11pm will leave this hse & goes to aunt's hse.
&She asked, whether I wanna follow not ? ...
I really have no idea, what's she hinting about luhs ?
I don't really wanna guess about it . -.-
Because, I'm scared to know th truth. ):
-Actually, wanna ask Apple th.
But she sounds like not free, jiu forget about it.
&I hope nothing will happen since I totally ignored my mum .
-I hope is not what I'm thinking about ~ If not, I'll be totally lost in my life. :[
No one can give me , a exact reply.
----Can a drunk person's words to be trusted ?
}Anyone can reply this qns ?
{I'm totally lost now. ):}
One big one small day D:
posted on at 5:40 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings,
Today I almost late. =\ But my eyes was like one big one small !
&My sch shoe abit wet, so I wore my heel to sch instead.
Lmaos ! I was in Bus 2, saw Keegan on boarded th bus.
Rofls ~ =\
Thn, meet with Karean, chat awhile with Keegan.
&He went in. Rofls ! So early ~
I have to remember to hand up th form to CC siol, I keep forgetting siahs !
Idiot th ! D:
&I saw Farah @ th office outside !
:D So pretty~~ She is interviewing fer th Beauty Therapy. (:
HAHAA~ Her eyes is soooo beautiful larhhhh ! ^^
CRN, doing some paperworks luhs ! (:
Lunch time ! :D
We went to Cafe 2 to eat :D I ate my Curry Chicken ~
Same with Xuefang and Jovi.
After that, accompanied to smoke again.
Saw Dandan on th way there, he was like hiding here and there ?
Rofls ! But his short, was damn bright th luhs ~
OFC, doing reply letter practice. (:
It's soooo hard ? Rofls ! -.-"
Harder thn Enquire letter luhs ! Idiot th ~
SBM, went to SEED Level 1 (: . At there, do nothing.
Lmaos larhhhh ~ Chat with Keegan awhile luhs.
He asked me go out on Saturday. Rofls ! [:
I maybe celebrating my birthday with my friends lehhhhs ~ :]
HA! I have to confirm again with him, tml ! :B
When we taking th lift to level 3, Karean was singing hokkien songs.
Thn on level 2, th doors opened. She continue singing ?!
&Th guys out there, was like soooo stunned and paiseh ? Rofls ! =\
She didn't even realise th doors was opened ! HA~ So funny luhs !
Everyone laughed like what like that . :DDD
OSA, Mr Goh didn't come, sick. Rofls ! =x
Easy larhhhh ! ^^ Stupid Keegan viewed my friendster thn run.
Rofls ! So bad hors ? HA~
Took Bus 2 together with Kelvin, Jazz and Abbas.
They went on top, while I'm below lehhhh ~ :]
&They actually gussed why I didn't go up !? Rofls ~
Mostly, said because I'm lazy.
&Yeahs, I'm lazy ! =x HAHAHAHAH ~ Ltr still have to walk down th staircase.
So troublesome ~ D: HA!
{You're always th one I missed most (: }
CRN's test ! D:
posted on Wednesday, February 25, 2009 at 7:19 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings,
Today I took Bus 2 together with Jazz and Abbas. ;]
HAHAHAHAHA~ So qiao, saw them @ Bus-stop.
Reached sch's bus-stop, saw Kath and Karean @ there.
Rofls ! They're @ there, smoking ~ ;]]
HA! CRN's test, so hard cannnn ? D:
Th first question was write down 3 attributes about service professional~
It was any 3 out of th 8 attributes siol ~ Ohmygods ?
): OFC, writing Enquire letters again ~
&Nadrah was asking who want Chalet / BBQ ?
Mostly, th class wanted Chalet. {Which included me too ! :D} .
BBQ, is damn bored can ? ): Last last year and last year !
Friends' birthdays, almost all opened BBQ ~ D:
Raining, jiu said unlucky liao luhs. Lmaos ~
Hmm, don't know how many staying @ th Chalet only siol ~ Stupid ! =\
Lunch, I had Wanton Mee w. Tofu Cheese ! :D
Yum yum ~ (:
Cafe 1, blacked-out 3times ~ Rofls ! -.-"
So lucky, we bought our foods and drinks already ? (:
Thn, play games luhs . =\\
Jackson was Bao Lun's friend! Rofls ~
That was shocked luhs! =\
After that, accompanied Hani,Karean & Kath smoke. [;
Thn, Jackson came. [;
HA! But somehow, Kath and him nber speak at all ? Rofls !
Thn, Karean, Kath and Hani.
Skipped OSA ~ Rofls ! It was quite easy th leyyys ! ^^
Helped Sazirah and Keegan.(:
HA! Chat with Keegan awhile. Rofls ~
Thn, I realised that his dad was a F&B what manager @ SSC ?!
HA~ &His dad was th member of RTC ! Rofls ~
So qiao siahs ! ;]] *Shocked*. I was sooooo shocked ?!
&He broke up with his gf lerhhs. Rofls ~
Keegan asked me help him do th powerpoint. Lmaos !
SBM, Karean came back. (:
Today's class dismissed, rain damn big th luhs ! D:
Luckily, my uncle came to fetch me home together with my dad.
[: HA!
That's all fer today. (:
P/S: Kath, don't always skipped class ahh ! Not good norhs ~ Ltr, Ms Tan come find you thn you know! HA~ ;D See you in sch tml . :D
-Karean is always sooooo funny! :D
I just love them larhhhhh ~ :DDDDD ~
{Nothing hurts more thn you totally ignored my msgs. ):}
Passed ~ :D
posted on Tuesday, February 24, 2009 at 7:13 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings,
Today I woke up as usual luhs ~ Took bus 2 again.
Because, Bus 31 didn't come so took Bus 2.
hAHAH~ &Saw my cousin aunt in th bus leys ~
:D Chat with her. (:
She didn't know I'm in Office course siol ~
She look shocked* ~ She still said 4University, SIM don't go ~
HA! Okay, I'll heed your advice th ! :D
@ Bus-stop, I saw Kat, Karean, Hani, Davin and Jazz ? Laughoutlouds, so many people ! :]]
&Today all of them is wearing spec ! Lmaos ~ =\
HA~ After awhile, Xuefang, Jovi and Abbas came.
-Paiseh ah, Xuefang.
I didn't mean your spec is google. ~
I mean Karean wore it, funny only!
Don't angry, alrights ? (:
First time, I didnt' saw Dandan with Kat. ~
&Realised that, they're no more ? Lmaos !
Kat was waiting fer Jackson leh ?
Karean's friend. HAHHAH~ [:
Which was that guy who wore red cap th ~
[[: Not bad larhs, but I wondered why he wore 3tops ?
OFC, having presentation today! 3rd group actually ~
But became th 5th group, as we wasn't prepare yet.
So skipped our turn & let Jaslin's group goes first.
After that, OSA got back our test's mark~
First was Khai ~ *Clap clap.*
*It was expected to him, though. (:
Second was Kianhow ? Shocked!
Third was Hyekel. ;]]
Many of them got 86, 88 siol !
But only top 12 could get Grade A fer OSA siol.
Ohmygods ? I got 83marks only lehhhhh ~
Confirm getting a Grade B liao larhhhhh ! ): .
Sighs~ Sian larhhhhhh ! .
I forgot to see Karean, Kat they all th scores.
Oops, sorry! :}
Hmmm, after OSA. Accompanied Kat to get her contact lens .
At first was meeting @ Eastpoint.
But changed to Blk 151 which was th supplier's hse nearby.
Laughoutlouds ~
After that, we shared cab to go Xuefang's sec sch.
Thn, we took Bus 359 to Whitesand.
In bus, we was guessing who go take number from th Loyang Sec boys.
rofls !
It should be Xuefang,but she shy larhhhh ~
Thn, when we reached already. We thought can't take liao ~
Kat tried to take from th guy, but was rejected.
Rofls ! =\
So sad ~ HAHAHAH ~ Anyways, I'm not interested in xiaodidi larhh !
HA~ [: Okayyyyy ?
Thn, we took th same lift to Food Court.
&We guessed again ? Rofls. And it was Xuefang.
But, she shy larhhhhh ! rofls. =x
When she tried to ask fer his number, failed again ~
So sad !? HA~ ;]
After that, we planned to take Neo-print th !?
But, we can't go in as we're wearing our uniforms ? Wthhhh ?
Why like that leyys ? Very cb lehhhh !
Thn, accompanied Kat and Karean smoked ~
Went to More than Words, bought some stuffs.
&We went back home lerhs luhs ? ;]
HA! I today just know Karean broke up with her bf ?
OH dear ? Sighs. Paisehh larhhhh ! I didn't know norhs. ;B
Her ex-bf said she is heartless, while Dandan said Kat is cruel.
Lmaos ?. -.-"
Kat, Jackson not bad worhs ! HAhahahaa ~
He will try to disencourage you to smoke th ! :}
*Grins* :]
Tml we're having our CRN test ? I don't feel studying at all . ;]]
Somehow, I feel like I'm a third party between them ?
-.-" I treated him purely as friend only norhs !
Please don't misunderstand my intention worhs . ;]
If not, jiu jialat liao larhhhh ~ X:
HA ! (:
{It was nber my intention, in th first place.} .
Confusing day.
posted on Monday, February 23, 2009 at 6:11 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings,
It's Monday again. ;] So fast hors ?
1week passed by liao. &This week, I'm very busy with projects and tests !
Tuesday, OFC got a presentation ! D:
Wednesday, CRN's Unit 1-3 test ~
Ohmygods ? D:
Btw, tml we're getting back our OSA's progress test paper.
&Tml got presentation during OFC. D:
Tian ahhhhhhhh ~
I think next week, we got SBM's presentation too siol.
OH no! D:
Anyways, I started my day @ BDS ? HA~
I took Bus 14 to my secondary school, BDS >:D
Thn, reached sch office. I saw Miss Abraham.
She is wearing pink outfit. Rofls ~
She look so happy when she saw me. HAHAHAHAHH ~
&She hugged me !? Ohmytians ~ =x
I'm like soooooo stunned siahs . Got my testimonial from Mrs Chua.
Walk to Bus-stop, to take Bus 2 back to ITE lehhhhh ~
Suddenly, someone called me.
&Told me that he is from Co-op shop.
That, my class name list dropped in th shop,
which contains our whole class, hp/hse's numbers ~
By th time, I reached class. They're having OFC. Rofls ~
I tml need to hand in th letter of excuse to Ms Yunyun.
Got a pink form to sign fer my parent. ;]
Wednesday, need to hand in to th nearest CC~
HA! Keegan skipped OFC. &Went ahead to have his lunch.
Saw him @ Cafe 1 with his friends. Rofls ! ;]
Lunch, I had Laksa. (:
Quite nice th larhhhhh ~ But not spicy enough though !
After that, we went Co-op shop to buy tibits! ^^
Jovi and Xuefang accompained to CVC, hand in papers.
While, Karean and Kat went to Bus 2's bus-stop, smoke.~
Laughoutlouds ~
Went to find them. :D
When crossing th zebra-crossing. Xuefang very funny!
Want cross, don't dare cross like that ~ Lmaos !
I was like laughing throughout siol ~
LLA, quite sian larhhhhh ~ x=
Watched a movie, acted by Will Smith.
-Teacher said it was a true story's movie luhs .
Quite unlucky, I think ? :X
Sian lehhhh ~ &Today Gayathri didn't come sch.
Rofls, I hope she tml come sch. If not, need MC to excuse her liao.
If not, she'll get 0mark fer her OFC's presentation siahs ~
Good luck, my dear! (:
I still don't know which slides, I'm gonna present tml siol.
I only know Kat is th Conclusion lehhhh ~
HA! Took Bus 31 home . :D
&went home bathed.
After that, brought along Zi Yi with me to Interchange.
To dabao KFC luhs ! :D
While walking home through XG there.
Saw Jim they all~ &How dare they asked, he my son ah ?
rofls ! Do I look like mother to them ? D:
So bad, man ~ HA! Still asked where is his father ~
Okayyyy ~ That's a lame question ? Rofls. =\
Actually, I wanted to go Tampines Mall with Kimberly th.
But, she last min cannot. -.-"~
Maybe, tml going barhhs ? I not sure lehhhh ~
$30 vouchers, how to spend siahs ?
Should I buy shampoo, make-up, top or bag ?
-anyone give me any idea ? :D
This week totally fully booked @ RTC wthhhh ?
I jitao can die man ` But someone is dying infront of me though.
Which is Apple, I wondered how she pay back th $ ?
HA~ Sell her phone larhhhhh ~
That's what I told her though. :D
She replied me, siao ahhhhh ~ HA! =x
But, that's true larhhhh ! Just sell it larhhhhh ~
Not like, you got bf now. &Scared he can't find you marhs .
Aiyos ! . I feel like meeting up with Huey Leng they all lehhhh~
So long, nber see them liao. Quite miss them th larhhhh ! ^^
-I wanna dye my hair !
Purple-red ? :D
Or should I dye brown lehhhhh ?
Give me suggestion, please ~ (:
My fcuk-up friendster, both accounts got problem liao!
Profiles can't view, directly goes back to th main page !?
Cb rights ? I'm sooo dulan with friendster now.
-I guess maybe I'm closing it down larhhhhh !
I rather play facebook thn friendster nowadays~
{Never let your guard down. ;]}
Arghhh !
posted on Sunday, February 22, 2009 at 12:22 PM by S.Teo ♥
Something's wrong with my 1st account in Friendster !
Idiot siahs. ~ D:
I can't view my own profile, it'll automatic go to Home page.
Wthhhh ?!
Stupid friendster ~
I'm tired! D:
posted on at 3:48 AM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings,
Today I woke up damn early cannn ? I work @ 6pm.
I about 12pm jiu wake up liao. Rofls ~
Thn, I didn't hear of meeting Apple @ MRT station luhs.
I just on boarded th MRT only! =\
She jiu called me, & asked where am I ?! HAHA~
{I shouldn't had gotten off @ Paya Lebar~} .
I should straight go work th. D:
While waiting fer her @ Paya Lebar~
I took some pictures :D

-Shirley :D
Thn, we reached Bugis Street liao.
Th bus 960 was there already, she insisted buying foods.
Thn, th bus just went off !? -.-"
She jiu went to Burger King and buy foods liao.
Stupid rights ?!
Ended up, we're late~ D: Zzzzzzzz~
Sians larhhhhhh ~ .
Somehow, need to surrender our phones.
Thn end of th day thn can get back our phones. D:
At first, my partner was Gary.
In th end, changed to Zhang Wei.
Wa kao ! D:
Worst man !? -.-"
His comments was totally negative, duh ! .
I and him a bit communication failed ! D:
Sian larhhhhh ~
OT, doing set-up fer tml. ;]
I haven't do next week's booking yet siol. Rofls ~
I'm soooooo tired th larhhhhh ~ D:
Too long, nber OT liao ~ -.-"
AHAHAHAHA~ I quite guilty towards Zhi Yang th.
Because our side stations like joined together th marhs ~
Bowls, he helped us .
Clearing, almost he carried all th ?
Plus, my partner only carried light light one !
Zhi Yang keep carrying th oval trays siahs ~
X: -Sorry ah, Zhi Yang. ! I can't carry too heavy th oval trays.
If not, sure help you th. Dui bu qi ahhhhh ~ :]]
&I'm not called xiaobin luhs ! Rofls ~
-Next time, treat you eat ah ~ ;D
HA! I hope next week's schedule not fully full yet ~
God bless me ?! ^^
Next time, see who dare put Li Ke and Zhang Wei.
TOGETHER, I sure laugh I tell you !
Putting both CMI th together, can die ?
Today, I jitao serve 2tables. he 1table.
Luckily, I don't need pick-up and clearing luhs !
If not, I sure face black black~
Somemore, I doing Cocktail luhs. Idiot !
Today, I first time saw Kenneth's sister.
I think her name is called Fiona. :]]
OH YA ! &&They're couple already.
:D Kenneth and Steph. ;]
HA, finally siol ! Rofls. :D Congrats !
-Last long ahhh ~ Hope Kenneth nber see it .
If not, sure comment on it th ! =x Grats :D
Today's pay, $52.5o~ Rofls ! =\
Paiseh ah, Lauren ! didn't mean to ps you th!
We totally forget about you, &left you behind!
xS , sorry ah ! =\
-Tianshun, Fu Qiang, Yi Xia and her friends.
Paiseh ah, Apple just like that snatched you all th cab.
Though, we're th last one that should take cab th.
So sorry! Thanks fer letting us take cab first !
&&Ken doing house-warming !
On 2nd of August . :D ~
I also don't know will I go or not ?
Rofls, see if I'm free not first thn cfm. :DDD ~
Today VIP server was Stephanie.W. [:
Recently, she always served VIP. good hors ?
HAHAHA, so lucky larhhhh ! =X
-I still thought would be Lauren siahs ~
[: somemore, cabbed home with Apple.
Today cab fare, I paid siol. Rofls ~
HA, I dabao Mac fer me and my idiotic brother.
Lmaos ! Saw Ah Diong & his friends @ XG.
They like so free like that hors ? HAHAHAHHH~
Don't need study, don't need work.
So good ehhs ? I also want ! xD .
Texting with Jianhui till halfway.
I guess, he fall alseep liao ? hahahhah~
Good nights ,everyone ! :D
-Try texting/calling me to find me tml.
I might sleep like a log tml ! Rofls =\
Please, unless urgent if not.
Try calling/texting @ evening time ! :D
-Here's my card presents pictures ! :D

-Pink, Hamima
-Blue, Karean
-Yellow, Kat
-White, Lena & Kaiqin

-First, Kath
-Second, Hamima
-Third, Karean
-Fourth, Lena & Kaiqin.
:D Cute hors ? ~
P/S: I'm lazy to upload pictures now . Sorry ah ! I'm too tired to do all these liao.
-Tml, okays ? :D
{I'm always this slow when its come to relationship. :} }
Happy Birthday, Shirley.T ! :D
posted on Friday, February 20, 2009 at 7:55 PM by S.Teo ♥
Happy Birthday to Shirley.T {Which is myself}.
-I'm 1year older liao. Rofls !
17years old lerhhhs. :D
Sing a birthday song fer myself ~ :D
Happy Birthday to you~
Happy Birthday to you~
Happy Birthday to you~
Happy Birthday to Shirley~
Happy Birthday to you ~~~
Great ehhhhs ?
-I'm 1year older liao. Rofls !
17years old lerhhhs. :D
Sing a birthday song fer myself ~ :D
Happy Birthday to you~
Happy Birthday to you~
Happy Birthday to you~
Happy Birthday to Shirley~
Happy Birthday to you ~~~
Great ehhhhs ?
Hello Earthlings,
Today is Shirley Teo's 17th Birthday ! :D
It's lunar one, btw ~ (:
HA! Woke up @ 9am plus ? hahahs ~
Went to prepare stuffs and took Bus 2 to sch.
&Saw Kat and Dandan ;]
They're smoking, as usual! Rofls ~
Went to Cafe 1, find Karean they all.
&Karean with my present photo ~ :D
&Oh, how surprised ! They bought a chocolate cake fer me.
Here's some pictures! :D
&&&Hyekel actually put th
whole slice of oily cake on my face!
HA, fine whatever!
Since, it's my birthday~ X:
I'll remember your birthday fer life man, Hyekel!
10 September, rights ?
No worries, I won't forget th!
HA~ Thn, they having 2.4km running luhs ~
I'm th lapper. Rofls ! =\\
Siannn lehhhhh ~
I feel like running too ! Laughoutlouds~
After that, went home changed thn go Ktv liao.
This is Xuefang & Karean
-cute hors ?
HA! :D
We went to sing Ktv @ Chaichee CC luhs~
Sang till 7pm sharp jiu left liao.
xD .
Th first one to wish me, happy birthday in FS.
was my jie! Stephanie.
I love her larhhhhhh ~
First one to wish me in Msg ,
was Jianhui! :D
Bestie larhhhhh ~
First one to wish me in real life,
was Dandan! ~
Rofls, how surprising eh ? :X HAHAHHA!
First one to wish me in blog,
was Nadrah ? HAHAHAH~
Suprising too hors ?!
I actually didn't receive any birthday wishes from them.
How sad norhs !? ~ ):
Sighs ~ not even from Apple siol.
Rofls ! So boxim larhhhhhh ~
Sighs )):
Okay larhhhh !
I'm quite happy th larhhhh ~
Xie xie you all norhs. xD !
I got birthday cards from,
Kat, Karean, Lena, Hamima and Kaiqin.
I took th photo but forgot to upload.~
Rofls ! =x
Paiseh larhhhhh ~
I old liao, cannot ehhhhs ? =\\\\\\\\
No presents from my family~ ):
But I got a angbao from my ahma~ :D
$50, iloveher larhhhhhhhhhh ~
Mwarks ! :D
Tml got work siol ~ sighs.
I'm lazy to work!
Anyways, tml LUOZHIXIANG is going EASTPOINT !
I wanna go ! T.T ~ 2pm ~
I got work lehhhhhh, not enough time larhhs!
Arghhhh ~ D:
{I'm 1year older now, how sad~ D:}
whole slice of oily cake on my face!
HA, fine whatever!
Since, it's my birthday~ X:
I'll remember your birthday fer life man, Hyekel!
10 September, rights ?
No worries, I won't forget th!
HA~ Thn, they having 2.4km running luhs ~
I'm th lapper. Rofls ! =\\
Siannn lehhhhh ~
I feel like running too ! Laughoutlouds~
After that, went home changed thn go Ktv liao.

-cute hors ?
HA! :D
We went to sing Ktv @ Chaichee CC luhs~
Sang till 7pm sharp jiu left liao.
xD .
Th first one to wish me, happy birthday in FS.
was my jie! Stephanie.
I love her larhhhhhh ~
First one to wish me in Msg ,
was Jianhui! :D
Bestie larhhhhh ~
First one to wish me in real life,
was Dandan! ~
Rofls, how surprising eh ? :X HAHAHHA!
First one to wish me in blog,
was Nadrah ? HAHAHAH~
Suprising too hors ?!
I actually didn't receive any birthday wishes from them.
How sad norhs !? ~ ):
Sighs ~ not even from Apple siol.
Rofls ! So boxim larhhhhhh ~
Sighs )):
Okay larhhhh !
I'm quite happy th larhhhh ~
Xie xie you all norhs. xD !
I got birthday cards from,
Kat, Karean, Lena, Hamima and Kaiqin.
I took th photo but forgot to upload.~
Rofls ! =x
Paiseh larhhhhh ~
I old liao, cannot ehhhhs ? =\\\\\\\\
No presents from my family~ ):
But I got a angbao from my ahma~ :D
$50, iloveher larhhhhhhhhhh ~
Mwarks ! :D
Tml got work siol ~ sighs.
I'm lazy to work!
Anyways, tml LUOZHIXIANG is going EASTPOINT !
I wanna go ! T.T ~ 2pm ~
I got work lehhhhhh, not enough time larhhs!
Arghhhh ~ D:
{I'm 1year older now, how sad~ D:}
Labels: Happy Birthday to Shirley
CRN's role-play! :X
posted on Thursday, February 19, 2009 at 7:05 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Earthlings,
Today CRN's role-playing test day!
Ohmygods ~ D:
I'm like very stress up, duh !
Care lesson become OFC lesson.
Which, I forgot to bring book ! =\\
Gayathri also forgot, I mean she nber bring key!
Recently, she keep forgetting to bring keys to sch ehs~
CRN, stressed up totally! ;]
Kat a bit forgetting th scripts siol ! X:
I'm like so worried fer her siol ! X:
Watch her act, I'm like ohmygods!
After CRN, is 2hrs lunch break ! xD
Ate Chicken Rice fer today. :D
Kat's friend helped us "chomp" place.
After lunch, as usual they go fer smoking break~
Thn, we went to T-block, 3rd floor sit awhile.
OFC, bored! D: Doing th practice enquiry lehhhh ~
SBM, talk talk only jiu group work liao ~
Karean, Kat and Hani skipped SBM.
Bad girls hors ? Not like me, so guai kia ! xD
OSA, access again. ;]
Anyways, today Hyekel, Kai Qin and Kun Jun didn't come.
Laughoutlouds ~
After sch, went back to fourth floor put books.
&Guess what, Kat's friend actually knocked on th stair case's red door,
twice times ? How amazing ! Rofls ~ =\\
Sorry ah, I didn't mean to laugh one!
But is so funny luhs. :X
Tml is my lunar birthday!
I'm like so scared of Karean they all ?! =\\
Pleaseeee don't play with flour or eggs lehhhhh ~
Either one is fine. Both, is not fine ! D:
Rofls ~ =\\ I might cry, if you throw egg plus flour. Lmaos !
After sch, went home saw my dad on da way home .
Jianhui was @ my hse downstair with his friens.
Rofls. I went back put my bag down.
When down to mit him, went to KFC. Come back again~
He is taller thn me !? Rofls. =\\
As if, anyone is shorter thn me like that ~ X:
Even, Perri also taller thn me liao luhs, duh !
I'm like sooooo idiot ? =x
Next monday, I needa go back BDS, take testimonial again.
Sorry, I didn't know it is th original copy, duh !
I guess, tml I'm quitting th Dance Club. =x
Sorry, but th leader is handsome :D
His name is Hyekel, I guess ? Not my class one hors !
Rofls. :]]
Okay larhhh !
About 8.30pm plus, I went down to mit Jianhui again.
Because he was bored, Rofls !
I asked him to change th venue. ;]
Because I don't want to slack at my blk or blk 420. :B
I scared to see my dad! =x
He hate to see me with guys.
Even if, they're like just classmates only.{If no girls~}
I jiu die, until very ugly liao. Rofls ! =x
Slack till just now, thn went back home th. :]]
He was like keep using my comb, combing his hair.
&Asking whether had he fringe grow longer ?
Rofls! :X If you want longer, extension okayyy ? :]]
Sian lehhhhh ~
o.O ~ Huimin lost her phone again !? ~
Rofls, she can like lost a phone very half a year ?
Pro hors ? *Clap clap*.
Tell me where you left it ah ? I go take if still there.
PS: Thanks, Jianhui ! :D Acutally should be I pei you one, but became you pei me lehhhh. xD ~ :]]
{People do not care how much you know
until they know how much you care.}
-Cool hors ? :D
Today CRN's role-playing test day!
Ohmygods ~ D:
I'm like very stress up, duh !
Care lesson become OFC lesson.
Which, I forgot to bring book ! =\\
Gayathri also forgot, I mean she nber bring key!
Recently, she keep forgetting to bring keys to sch ehs~
CRN, stressed up totally! ;]
Kat a bit forgetting th scripts siol ! X:
I'm like so worried fer her siol ! X:
Watch her act, I'm like ohmygods!
After CRN, is 2hrs lunch break ! xD
Ate Chicken Rice fer today. :D
Kat's friend helped us "chomp" place.
After lunch, as usual they go fer smoking break~
Thn, we went to T-block, 3rd floor sit awhile.
OFC, bored! D: Doing th practice enquiry lehhhh ~
SBM, talk talk only jiu group work liao ~
Karean, Kat and Hani skipped SBM.
Bad girls hors ? Not like me, so guai kia ! xD
OSA, access again. ;]
Anyways, today Hyekel, Kai Qin and Kun Jun didn't come.
Laughoutlouds ~
After sch, went back to fourth floor put books.
&Guess what, Kat's friend actually knocked on th stair case's red door,
twice times ? How amazing ! Rofls ~ =\\
Sorry ah, I didn't mean to laugh one!
But is so funny luhs. :X
Tml is my lunar birthday!
I'm like so scared of Karean they all ?! =\\
Pleaseeee don't play with flour or eggs lehhhhh ~
Either one is fine. Both, is not fine ! D:
Rofls ~ =\\ I might cry, if you throw egg plus flour. Lmaos !
After sch, went home saw my dad on da way home .
Jianhui was @ my hse downstair with his friens.
Rofls. I went back put my bag down.
When down to mit him, went to KFC. Come back again~
He is taller thn me !? Rofls. =\\
As if, anyone is shorter thn me like that ~ X:
Even, Perri also taller thn me liao luhs, duh !
I'm like sooooo idiot ? =x
Next monday, I needa go back BDS, take testimonial again.
Sorry, I didn't know it is th original copy, duh !
I guess, tml I'm quitting th Dance Club. =x
Sorry, but th leader is handsome :D
His name is Hyekel, I guess ? Not my class one hors !
Rofls. :]]
Okay larhhh !
About 8.30pm plus, I went down to mit Jianhui again.
Because he was bored, Rofls !
I asked him to change th venue. ;]
Because I don't want to slack at my blk or blk 420. :B
I scared to see my dad! =x
He hate to see me with guys.
Even if, they're like just classmates only.{If no girls~}
I jiu die, until very ugly liao. Rofls ! =x
Slack till just now, thn went back home th. :]]
He was like keep using my comb, combing his hair.
&Asking whether had he fringe grow longer ?
Rofls! :X If you want longer, extension okayyy ? :]]
Sian lehhhhh ~
o.O ~ Huimin lost her phone again !? ~
Rofls, she can like lost a phone very half a year ?
Pro hors ? *Clap clap*.
Tell me where you left it ah ? I go take if still there.
PS: Thanks, Jianhui ! :D Acutally should be I pei you one, but became you pei me lehhhh. xD ~ :]]
{People do not care how much you know
until they know how much you care.}
-Cool hors ? :D
Tml having CRN's role-playing!
posted on Wednesday, February 18, 2009 at 8:09 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Earthlings,
Today I managed to wake up on time, to prepare my stuffs.
HA! I thought I was almost late, but somehow I'm still early.
=x I hate to be early in sch siol !
I also don't know why. =\\
First lesson, CRN! D: New unit! Oh dear ~
OFC, was canceled due to we have been selected,
to watch performance @ th forum there.
Which is damn boring, cANNNNNN ? D:
Arghhhh, but th guys there performing is kinda of shuai larhhhhh !
Thn, I went to Cafe 2 mit Kimberly fer awhile only lehhh.
I went back to find Kat they all luhs.
[: They were @ CO-OP's shop outside, sitting~
Kat's friend, also there. A guy which like her much much th.
OSA, learning Access again. Rofls ! Bored~
SBM, doing th slides. Headache larhhhhh ! Arghhh D:
Kat and Hani skipped OSA and SBM.
I wondered, tml they'll said what siol. o.o!
After lunch, I'm like a bit high ? Rofls !
=\\ HAHAHha~ I keep laughing siahs~
Today is a high high dayyyy ~ :DDDDD
[: I'll try to memorize th script soon larhhhh !
Must plus acting too rights ?
I hope Kat tml won't skip sch !
I don't want to pair up with dk whoever lehhhh !
Rofls. ~ :B
{Yes, I'm slow! I'm realizing it just only now ! }
posted on Tuesday, February 17, 2009 at 2:30 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings,
Today I woke up @ 7.50 am plus ?
Rofls, I was planning to go bath already. Yet my dad !?
Go and bath first. Lmaos~ Thn, I jiu have to wait fer him
After bathing finished, I ate my waffle w. Kaya. :D
Took Bus 2, to sch luhs. I was like a bit late larhhhhh ~ .
But somehow, I'm not th latest okayyyyy ? (:
Finished touching up w. our slides fer OFC.
Next tuesday, have to present it.
My group was th 3rd group to present. Ohmygods ?
I'll be like very paiseh cannn ? ):
Sighs~ I shy marhhhs. Taoyan!
OSA, going access again luhs . ;]]
Database thinggys larhhhh ! Not bad larhhhhh ~
Still manage to remember some part of it !
After sch, @ Bus stop saw Bao Lun.
Thn, we took Bus 31, to Bedok Interchange.
We went to th Deposit money ATM. ;]
Guess what, he actually brought th money but not th card.
Rofls larhhhhh ! =\\
Thn, jiu walk walk. After that, went home liao luhs.
He somehow look different ? HA!
I went to takeaway Burger King luhs. ;]]
Long time nber eat liao marhhhs !
Now, I'm very th full okayyyys ~
Tml, cannot be late!? First lessons is CRN ~
Wthhhhh !
The role play test was like 2days away from now.
&I'm still using th computer. *Grins*
sian lehhhhh ! D: Fail jiu fail barhhhhs .
Th 3rd sentence is really damn long cannn ? D:
Hao larhhhh ! I try to focus on memorizing my script, duhh!
{I think I'm not so, in love with you anymore. ;]}
Got back th paper ;]
posted on Monday, February 16, 2009 at 5:32 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Earthlings,
I'm back from sch and just finished doing my OSA's project,
not really finish, but touch-up here and there.
Still missing 2-3 slides. Oh dear ~ D:
Just finished doing my part of OFC's slides.
Now just slacking at home luhs ;]
Hmm, today SBM was learning Unit 6.
Quite entertaining, somehow. =x
OFC, we got back our so called test papers.
I somehow just passed only, w. 14marks/20.
Not bad larhhhhs, at least I didn't fail ? :D
Actually, th whole class passed !
So, nothing much to be happy fer ! :B
Lunch time, ate @ Cafe 1 with,
Karean, Jovi, Kat, Xue Fang.
[: I had my Wanton Noodles, nice ! :D
Thn, went to CO-OP Shop to buy tibits and Vitasoy! :D
When we was on our way to Level 6, taking lift from T-blk .
Karean told me about a girl's sch bag got sandwiched by th lift door!
&It's sooooo funny th, I spilled out my Vitasoy!
Ohmygods~ =x HAHHAHHAHAA~
Today LLA's lesson, was talking about manage time and budge planning.
All these luhs. ;]
in 15years, we need @ least, 1.5Millions to survive
w/o depending on my future- children. =x
So much money, man!
To raise a child, need $370,000 . *Shocked*
Raise till he/she University. ;X
Investment, hard ehhh !
Wrong move, th outcome will be totally different!
Mr Michael Tay still got said about himself.
When he first work fer th 4years, got his pay!
Overspent, owe th bank $50,000 plus.
Nearly drive him to death. D:
Th interest fer th monthly $ is 24%.
Each month, at least need to pay back th bank $10,000 plus ~
Wahs ! :X
I'm sooooo shocked ?
His aunt, kind-hearted lent him 30k plus to return.
So, nber nber lend money from loan sharks / bank ~
Maybe I should start planning of saving money now !
Teacher still said, don't depend on your child.
Which means, don't even try to think that your child will support you.
Rofls ! =\
After sch, helped Wen Xiang to do his survey forms.
&Ate my lunch. ;D Wanton Mee again ~ Lmaos ! =x
Thn, took Bus 31 with Sazirah and her friend.
{I'd rather you never appear in my life before thn knowing you.}
Working :]
posted on Sunday, February 15, 2009 at 10:10 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings,
Today I woke up in th morning, 9.30am plus ?
&Went to do my stuffs liao. After that, mit Apple @ Mac.
Ate our breakfast thn go to work. =\
[: At first, I thought of cabbing down th.
But so sad, no money. =\ So, changed my mind. :}
Sian larhhhhh~ :]
Thn, we took MRT to Bugis and took Bus 960 to RTC.
I thought we're gonna be late fer sure.
But still have like 10-15mins fer us to change ?
HA! :] No more L, XL. Only left S and M sizes.
Rofls ! Like that also can ahhhh ? :O
HA! Luckily, I can fit M size siol . ;X If not very paiseh th!
Today, long time no see Qiu Ying and Brian work liao.
Apple brought her roses and a bear to work.
Lmaos! It was a Valentines' gift from Jason Tan.
Not BDS, Jason Tan which means is another one.
12pm started work, Ballroom 3 with Li Ke, Brian and Emson.
Rofls ~
sian larhhhhhh ! ;]]
I carried 2oval trays today! D:
Nearly broken my bone man~ I'm old liao okayyyys ? D:
HAHA! =x "Ya, rights " ~ :X
Thn, after event was finished. doing turnover.
Today dinner was western type siol.
Lots of ANGMO siol ! =\ HAHAHH~
Their cocktail damn special cannn ? pink pink, still got alcohol inside.
Doing our cocktails, Apple was clearing away all glasses.
Th barman, actually thought she was th cleaner ?!
Damn funny luhs, I was like laughing ? =x
I think Allen put airplane today siol. =\\
I'm soooooo happy th larhhhhh ! :D
Got back like $100plus ? Still got some more to come ?
&Jun Lei said he was going Simei ITE fer
Higher Nitec Course. ;] Rofls ! =x
Sian larhhhhh ~ Didn't have to stay back fer th dinner.
Went home @ 7pm. ;] I mean got approval to go home.
Changed, bus-ed down to Bugis MRT.
At first, thinking of going back Bedok thn eat.
But in th end, changed our minds. Ate @ MOS burger.
Costs me, $7.10 ;O HAHAH~
I top-up $10 fer my Ez-link card. ;]] In case, tml no money take bus ~
Thn, took MRT back to Bedok. :D
I went to Watson alone. ;]] &Spent $26.10 on things i needed .
Like Eye liner, Oil control papers and th paste my back th.
&Went home happily! But, I got so many $2 notes ?
D: Damn it! =x Rofls .
{Saving/earning money is my first priority now!}
Happy Valentines Day, Michael's Wedding Dinner. :]
posted on at 1:55 AM by S.Teo ♥

Belated Happy Birthday to my Vernice Candyheart!
{Got her photo from FS. :}}
-love her lots larhhh ! :D
Happy 14th Birthday norhs ~ :D

Belated Happy Birthday to my Vernice Candyheart!
{Got her photo from FS. :}}
-love her lots larhhh ! :D
Happy 14th Birthday norhs ~ :D
Hello Earthlings,
Today was Valentines Day,
and also Michael's Wedding Dinner @ RTC. ;]
&Also, Apple put airplane too. :B
I woke up quite early th. I scared tml I can't wake up ? =\
I took MRT to Bugis, thn took Bus 960 to RTC.
I was like so scared, today I don't know anyone there.
But luckily, Wei Leng and Wei Xuan was working!
Oh dear, so lucky hors ? :D
Guess what, today got 5 VIP Servers ?
Laughoutlouds. !
A lots hors ? No choice, 20persons in 1 big table.
I first time saw so big th VIP table ? Lmaos .
HA, Wei Leng, Priscilla, Qi Fang, Mei Hui and Stephanie was th VIP servers. :D HAHAHA ~ .
Even though, Wei Xuan and Yi Xia wasn't VIP servers.
They still have to wear th Cheongsam ? Rofls! .
Luckily, me and Hui Yee don't need to wear.
HAHAHHAAAA~ Sian lehhhhhh ;
So sad, Sharon didn't work today! D:
Can't see her ): Rofls~
Overall, still not bad hors ? At least, Michael give us angbaos!
xD .
I thought he wasn't giving us siol. &We took pictures together.
But, I don't know take th pictures from who siol ? How ah ? =x
I'm sooooo happy because I can finally get back my cab fares liaos!
At first, I was OT-ing but my back pained ahhhh.
So, in th end I requested to go home.
Plus, they don't have enough money to give th staffs.
So, some have to go home. :]] No choice larhhhh ~
I lobang Auntie Nyok Chin and Serene home.
X: Th cab fare was $26 plus plus ? So expensive hors ?
Anyways, I don't think I'm celebrating my birthday siol.
I see no point in celebrating it lehhhh. =\
HA! I just hope ah, someone wuxim larhhhh ~
It's sooooo adorable ! Ohmygods. :]
Back to th point, I have no idea what is my partner's name !?
Rofls, I didn't have th time to ask also .
Paiseh ahhhh ~ =\
Shaq actually asked me for his chocolate ?
Since it was Valentines Day. Rofls !
I still said tml thn give him. Lmaos ?!.
If I remember, I will buy ;]
HA~ Oh ya !
Serene and Wei Jak was guests too.
Rofls .
It was Zhi Yang's table. ;]
Luckily, not mine ! If not, die ahhhh ~
HAHAHAH ! OKays larhhhhh !
Update enough liao.
I'm going to sleep lerhhhs.
PS:I think tml I sure wake up late th luhs ?
Rofls, I''m gonna be late tml fer work ! =\
Please, don't scold me ahhhh ~ :X
Btw, so sad! ):
Tml Wei Xuan and Wei Leng not working !
Bad feeling !? . :}}
But luckily, tml Qi Fang working. :D
{Qifang, ps ah! Not guyi pangseh you th!}
-My back really pain ahh, cannot tahan long!
HAHAHAH~ Paiseh ah!
Hmmm, tml she also work early th siol ~ .
{It was quite a lonely Valentines Day this year. =\}
-At least, last year still got some chocolate.
This year, totally no! Ohmytians. :B
Labels: Valentines day
Nber go sch. :B
posted on Friday, February 13, 2009 at 11:07 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings,
Today I didn't went to sch, cause I woke up late ?
And actually I'm going sch th, but I felt pained @ my back.
Thn, in th end I nber go sch luhs.
I went to see doctor @ Polyclinic lehhhh.
I got th first queue number, 7740.
Th second number, 2808. Room 7. ;]
I hope it won't come out in th 4-D tml, if not I'll faint first!
Rofls. :B HAHAH!
I should be happy since tml is SATURDAYYY~
But somehow, I high bu qi lai lehhhhh. ;X
Tml is Valentines' Day, &I have to work @ RTC.
And Apple ps-ed me. Rofls! =\
It's alright larhhhh, Since she got her own plans.
I shouldn't force her go, ltr she black face serve guests.
I long time didn't do Chinese Dinner already siol.
I really really hoped that tml I won't kena a table, I know th.
Which means, got guest I actually know one!
I'll get very paiseh one luhs! =\
Plus, my skills very laoya already ? =x
&I hope tml there's someone pei-ing me.
Which means, someone I know working tml!
God bless me ?! Please :D
Nothing much to say also. Sunday, maybe working.
Actually, is yes! I need money! I'm like no money already ?
So sad! I wanna buy th Piglet/Eeyore, I saw @ NTUC.
It's soooo big and cute th luhs ! $21.90 after discount!
U.P is $39.90 ~ I'll get it fer sure th larhhhhh!
HAHAAHAHA~ Craazyyy liaooooo ~
Anyways, just now I took a quiz from Facebook!
I think is should accurate th siol ! =\
Th Quiz title is : What type of woman are you ?
&I'm titled as Sweet Girly
You are the extreme opposite to an action woman: you are sweet, you love pink and glitter. Everyone who sees you sees a totally and perfect styled little girl - daddy's little girl maybe. Boys are drawn to you automatically. But they have no respect. They play with you. It's hard for you to find a boy who is willing to risk a serious relationship. You have a lot of friends, but most of them are girls just like you. You also have a lot of shallow contacts. Maybe you are very dependent on your parents. You are always so squeaky and happy and lovely when others are near - but that's only a mask. A mask that covers all your sadness, desperation and self-doubt. One day you will make someone very happy, but untill then you have to learn to love yourself and be the person you are supposed to be.
Is like, quite accurate th siahs!
{I hope I actually will get a msg from him.}
-Even if is just a lol or hi, is fine ! :]
Cross Country! :D
posted on Thursday, February 12, 2009 at 2:53 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings,
Today I woke up @ 7am plus norhs. ;]
Today no class, but got Cross Country!
Have to go tillBedok Reservoir Park, to run.
I meet Karean and Kat @ Bedok Interchange first.
Kat, at first thought she was lost ?
She didn't know must take Bus 854 till last stop.
Rofls. ;]] Thn, we went to Macdonald.
&Karean. Thn, we took Bus 168 there.
At first, I was thinking of taking Bus 69 th.
But seeing th queue, I think twice again. =\
Laughoutlouds, I thought we were late.
But, nopes. We just nice . :D
I didn't know Keegan was gonna join th running too.
HAHAH~ At first, he run first!
But till th end, don't know go where liao.
Ha, run too fast in th beginning lerhs. =]
Kelvin, Hyekel and some boys also got joined.
Hyekel got 8th position and Rauda got 2nd ~
Pro hors ? HAHAHA!
Here's their picture! :D
We took some picture together. :D
&Some a sort of class photo pic! :]
{Some wasn't here! ;]}.
Business School, I think mostly is OB siol. =\
We @ Bus-stop slacked and waiting fer th smokers .
To smoke finished ! ;]
Took picture with Hyekel and Veron.
{Veron & Shirley} :D
Thn, took some pictures when we were in Bus 28 to Tampines Mall luhs. HAHAH! :D Lazy to upload now =\\ Ltr, alrights ?
When we were in th Bus 28's pictures ;]
{First post, w/o Hyekel}.
{Second post, w. Hyekel}.
Thn, we ate @ Kfc lehhhh. :]]
&We went walk walk awhile, thn go slack.
Went back home :D
PS: All those pictures credited to Jocelyn
-Got it from her blog's post ! :D
{I had always loved you, you know ?}
We took some picture together. :D
&Some a sort of class photo pic! :]
Business School, I think mostly is OB siol. =\
We @ Bus-stop slacked and waiting fer th smokers .
To smoke finished ! ;]
Took picture with Hyekel and Veron.
Thn, took some pictures when we were in Bus 28 to Tampines Mall luhs. HAHAH! :D Lazy to upload now =\\ Ltr, alrights ?
When we were in th Bus 28's pictures ;]

Thn, we ate @ Kfc lehhhh. :]]
&We went walk walk awhile, thn go slack.
Went back home :D
PS: All those pictures credited to Jocelyn
-Got it from her blog's post ! :D
{I had always loved you, you know ?}
6pm class. D:
posted on Wednesday, February 11, 2009 at 8:01 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings,
Today I woke up early and went to sch early!
I even got th time, to eat toast bread!
HAHAHAHA~ First lessons was CRN.
Arghhhhh, bored till death luhs. Wthhhhh ~ D:
Thn, OFC. Don't know is called what larhhhhs !
Damn boring jiu dui liao larhhhhs ! D:
Thn, had lunch break. OSA, database again.
Sighs~ Nothing better to do. D:
&Had SBM again. I hated SBM th most among all subs!
D: Tml got Cross Country D:
Sighs~ Whole class is going siol. Ai sehhhh ~ :]]]
After dismissed, ITS RAINS ! D: Ohmygods ?
Holy shit!I totally didn't guess it will rain ?!
Wtfff ? Totally, please don't ride a bus when it's raining!
Totally, sucks okayyyy ? D: Nb!
All crowded in th bus, like what ?~
Some bitches, th bags is damn big. &Hitting my bag.
Nbcb, still dared to stare at me siol~ BHB !
_|_ Made my mood damn jialat ehhhh ! Arghhhhhh ~
-x{My birthday is 20 February this year :D}
No lunch break D:
posted on Tuesday, February 10, 2009 at 4:54 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings,
Guess what, ytd I actually fall asleep @ 6pm plus
and woke up @ 3am in th morning !?
Rofls! &I ate my Coffee bread somemore.
=\ HA! I fall asleep back @ 5am plus.
Laughoutlouds, I dream I was on my way to sch already.~
But when I really woke up thn I realised I'm still in my bed.
D: Rofls! I'm lazy to go sch siol.
): Sighs~ No lunch break, worst.
Arghhhh! Thursday, only needa go fer X-country thn can go home
Friday, I jiu die if I needa attend th talk~
D: How ehhhh ? ): I don't want to stay fer th talk siol~
4hrs, you know ?! So damn freaking long sehs~ Can die th luhs.
Thn, I wanted to change CCA lehhhhh. Fast fast~
): During OFC lessons, Keegan and Khai was caught by th bounders fer smoking in th toilet ? Khai was alright, because he was 21years old liao. But, Keegan was like 17years old only ? HA! =\\
:X I think penalty fee only barhs ? Rofls.
Oh dear, at first I was thinking of saving up my money th!
Now my $80, was lent to my Dad! D:
Arghhhhh ?! Rofls. =\\
{I'm Shirley, you know ? :] }
OFC's E-mail test! :X
posted on Monday, February 9, 2009 at 4:26 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings,
Today I wake up as usual ? HA, thn preparing my stuffs.
I took Bus 2 to sch today. (:
Suddenly Wenxiang called me, I was stunned ?
HA, he told me he was with my classmates.
I didn't believe at first, but he got Gayathri to answer it!.
Lmaos, =\\ When I reached Cafe 1, thn I know why.
He was sitting with Manju, that's why. :]]
SBM, bored! D:
OFC, got email test today;Quite hard th luhs! D:
Arghhhh, failing liao larhhhh.
Thn, when we taking lift down to Cafe 2. Khai don't let Sazirah out of th lift and intended to close th lift's door, Rofls! Thn, th girls shouted. Rofls~ =\\ What funniest is that, when we reached Second floor! A bangala entered, and they shouted. Okay! They shouted not because of he entered th lift okayyyyy ? HA! We were like laughing out, man! So funny luhs. ;x
Arghhh, Friday got a talk. 4hours plus siol. I can like diezxzzx ?
Shag siahs~ ):
Guess what, I spent $8.10 on breads! Rofls~
I also don't know how I spend th siol ? :X I'm prozxxxz ?
HAHA! I this weekends got work siol! 5pm and 12pm. Uh-oh ?! =xxxxx
{Seriously, I regret meeting you. ):}
Bought my bag!:D
posted on Sunday, February 8, 2009 at 9:09 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings,
Today I woke up @ 8am plus siol. Early hors ? :]
Because today I got work~ -.-" Sian1/2 larhhhhhh~ I didn't know.
Totally, is last min thn told me th ?
Zhi Fu ytd midnight just called me.
Very right hors ? Lmaos.
Hmmm, today is old's folk th chinese dinner luhs.
51tables siol. I take care of 3tables only lehhhhh. :D
HAHAHAH~ Hai okay luh. Just that, my hands get dirty! D:
Arghhhh~ Very erxin th luhs. HA~
After work, I immediately took cab down to Tampines Mall,
to meet Kimberly and Apple liao. HAHAHAH~
At first, meeting Kimberly @ 3pm plus th.
But suddenly, got work thn time delayed.
{Sorry larh, kim! Bu shi gu yi th kkk ? :DDDDDD}
-Won't happen th next time :D
Hmmm, thn walk walk. &I saw PERRI @ th food court there.
He was like grown taller and he broke voice liao siol.
He got into Bedok ITE, also not bad larhhhhh~ .
(: At least, not far far type norhs :D HAHHAHHHAHAH~
After that, got myself my back-pack~ @ $18 plus a top, $7 barhs.
HAHAHAHAH~ Thn, happily took Bus 69 back to Bedok luhs.
I think I look weird ? Wearing a sleeve-less top w. a denim short.
&High heel somemore, plus I'm carrying a back-pack ? Laughoutlouds~
Sian larhhhhh~ I spent a lots of money today siol. ):
Cabbed down SSC, scared late marhhs.
thn cabbed down to Tampines Mall to mit them.
Rofls. =\\
Thn, Apple came to my hse luhs. I gave her lots of clothes.
hAHAHAHAHA~ :D Those, I bought because of impulse larhhhhh~ :X
{I think I'm in need of money, urgently ? =\\}
-Valentines' time, I'm working, duh! :X
went to town~ :D
posted on Saturday, February 7, 2009 at 11:22 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings~
Today was woke up by Apple, Laughoutlouds~ .
I was feeling vibration, thn I answered th fone.
W/o realising was called by Apple, I was quite blurblur also.
Rofls, she was like asking me to accompany her to Tampines Mall.
Lol, we was like talking on fone more thn 1hr luhs.
O: Thn, about 2pm plus, thn she put down th fone.
{I know she wanted to talk me larhhhh. hahahs! =\}
Thn, meet her @ 2.45pm plus ?
Laughoutlouds, she was like just reach-ed Inter.
Lmaos, thn I pei her go see which Money Changer,
will change with her Sing-dollar, $20.
HAHAHA~ Boliao rights ?
In th end, she didn't even change jiu spend it away. :S
Hmmm, thn we went XG. She met one of her friend.
Thn, we took Bus 69 to TM.
Laughoutlouds, that guy was like keep talking on fone. S:
When we reached TM, we walked straight to th Wallet Shop.
After she bought her wallet,
went to The Face Shop, bought 2 nail colors.
Sian larhhhh~ Thn, we took Bus 69 back to Bedok Interchange.
&went to KFC to eat. After that, she ps-ed me.
&went to XG find her friend.
On th way there, she was happily saying that she first time ps me.
Rofls! As if it was. "As if only larhhhh".
:] Thn, I went home thn I went out again. :D
I went to meet Huey Leng and Si Ning going town~ :D
{Long time no see them! HAHAHHAHA :D}
As pretty as usual larhhhh! Si Ning's new fringe was cute larhhhhh~
Thn, we took MRT to Plaza Singapura to meet Chong Kai, Tarry and Li Si. They were @ Yoshinoya eating. :}
Thn, I was text-ing with Xiaoying Tiantian,
Vernice Candyheart &Meiting Chit-chat lover
:D HAHAAHA~ They're like sooooo cute ?
Thn, we walk walk. After that, they went outside to smoke.
After that, we went Cathy walk walk also . Rofls ~
Thn, we was at first planning to catch a movie th.
But that movie was labeled as M18.
So, changed mind. In th end, we didn't catch a movie. HA~
Went to first floor, accompanied Chong Kai to withdraw out money.
&Went to Ben & Jerry's to pei Chong Kai and Si Ning.
To have their ice-cream there, which costs them 10bucks ?
HA ~ Th rest didn't eat.
[: After that, @ there slack around.
Thn, went back to Plaza Singapura luhs.
HA! After that, we took train back to Bedok interchange.
Accompanied Si Ning to have her dinner @ KFC. :}
I had KFC again, Rofls! I ate Cheese Fries w. Mountain Dew.
HAHAAHAAHA~ After that, went home separately luhs. ;]
Plus, tml I'm meeting Kimberly to buy my backpack!
*Grins. :D Okay larhhh! I needa go do my LLA's project liao.
:D See ya~
--x{I so missed them th larhhhh, they're like soooo cute ? (:}
-Missed Secondary School's life. ): Awwww~
AHAHAHA! Free must, meet-up ahhhh! :D
{He is as cold as usual, I hope he didn't hear any rumor! :x}
-Sighs, somehow this year Valentines' Day, would be alone. ):
Labels: Please stop being colder to me thn you are now
I think I'm changing cca soon
posted on Friday, February 6, 2009 at 5:49 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings.
I'm back from sch already. hAHAHAHA ~
:} Today stayed in sch fer CCA till 4.30pm plus luhs.
CRN, is bored like hell~ I'm having my Role-playing soon.
Oh dear, I'm so nervous th cannn ?
=\\ Th sentences is damn long th luhs.
Second period of CRN, we have a short role-playing done by:
Hyekel, Nadra, Khai and Keegan . It was damn funny th larhhhhh ~
S&W, boring! They had their Pull-up,Shuttle run mock test barhs.
HA! For Pull-up: Girl, need 20times siol! Boy, 5times.
But still, so many larhhhs! Oh dear oh dear~
Seriously, can die bodoh. ~ D:
Keegan run very fast, LOL! But Pull-up, he cannot make it liao.
Rofls. =\\ Sian lehhhhhhhh ~ Entertain me please ? :]
Anyways, I had Wanton Noodle for lunch break~ :D
I think my noodle wasn't spicy enough norhs. HA! =\ Sian larhhhhhh ~
I think I'm changing my CCA lehhhhh. I can't handle with dance.
Till to my spine bone thinggy. ): Sad hors ~
Today CCA, was like damn hard ? I can't even bend and touch my ankle~
Rofls. I totally can say good-bye to Modern Dance Club liao.
I think I might join Bridge Leader or Student Council norhs.
I also don't know why,
perhaps I should join th Choir since I love singing.
*Grins. :D
{I had always watching you from far. }
posted on Thursday, February 5, 2009 at 5:42 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthling!
Guess what, I passed my OFC's Role-playing with a 15/20 marks. :D
At least, my marks wasn't th lowest alright ?
HA, SBM is rushing liao. We got many things didn't do yet.
Oh dear! D: What to do norhs ? ):
Btw, Gayathri didn't come today norhs.
She missed th OSA's test, which was so hard !?. Arghhhhh ~
Anyways, any kind souls wanna help me find songs ? (:
HAHAHAHHHHA~ Wo hui ai si ni th norhs. :D
Sian larhhhhh! After finishing th test, you can go home straight liao.
Khai was th first one, while I'm th second one~ :D
I now got 2 Friendster's account norhs. :D HA~ add me up, alrights ?
Hmmm, I'm bored norhs. I got a weird kor from friendless again!
He is damn emo. Rofls~ I wondered, why I gave him my number ?!
I thought he was th more active type instead of emo th. Argghhhhh ):
Sighs. Weirdo ~ I hate it! Rofls.
Apple now becoming a Private Student soon, but her school located,
At a very weird place. Rofls! I don't even know there got a private sch.
Laughoutlouds.! Maybe, th sch fee is cheap barhs ? :X
EH, tml I got my CCA again. Till 7pm siol, I can die ?
Anyways, when I reached home, @ about 4.30pm~
I asked my brother to cook Cup noodle for me.
:D &He did. Rofls ~ First time siol. =}
&Just now, I was watching a very cute cartoon VCD ~ :D
Th black kitten is sooooooo adorable, cannn ? :DDDDD
I want it, seriously! :} HAHHAHHAA~
{Seriously, I don't like Weirdos or emo kia! D:}
Hello Earthling!
Guess what, I passed my OFC's Role-playing with a 15/20 marks. :D
At least, my marks wasn't th lowest alright ?
HA, SBM is rushing liao. We got many things didn't do yet.
Oh dear! D: What to do norhs ? ):
Btw, Gayathri didn't come today norhs.
She missed th OSA's test, which was so hard !?. Arghhhhh ~
Anyways, any kind souls wanna help me find songs ? (:
HAHAHAHHHHA~ Wo hui ai si ni th norhs. :D
Sian larhhhhh! After finishing th test, you can go home straight liao.
Khai was th first one, while I'm th second one~ :D
I now got 2 Friendster's account norhs. :D HA~ add me up, alrights ?
Hmmm, I'm bored norhs. I got a weird kor from friendless again!
He is damn emo. Rofls~ I wondered, why I gave him my number ?!
I thought he was th more active type instead of emo th. Argghhhhh ):
Sighs. Weirdo ~ I hate it! Rofls.
Apple now becoming a Private Student soon, but her school located,
At a very weird place. Rofls! I don't even know there got a private sch.
Laughoutlouds.! Maybe, th sch fee is cheap barhs ? :X
EH, tml I got my CCA again. Till 7pm siol, I can die ?
Anyways, when I reached home, @ about 4.30pm~
I asked my brother to cook Cup noodle for me.
:D &He did. Rofls ~ First time siol. =}
&Just now, I was watching a very cute cartoon VCD ~ :D
Th black kitten is sooooooo adorable, cannn ? :DDDDD
I want it, seriously! :} HAHHAHHAA~
{Seriously, I don't like Weirdos or emo kia! D:}
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