First day in Dance studio :]
posted on Friday, January 30, 2009 at 7:33 PM by S.Teo ♥

Today CRN's test was quite hard ? Rofls.
It asked us to explain to them what's th attribute and meaning !
Ohmygods, I was like nearly faint ? Laughoutlouds, just kidding!
Apple pontang sch again, even though she told me she will go.
HA! As if she will siol.*Grins. :}
Hmmm, Kat didn't bring her attire.
So I jiu pei her didn't bring luhs. (: See! I so nice, okayyyys ?
Somehow, Keegan is weird ? Rofls.
Keep bullying me only, alrights ? D: Idiot th!
I was like so unlucky, to take th same bus as him in th early morning! Laughoutlouds. =\\ HAHHAHA! He was like so happy because he got his home-leave ?
Ha. Thn, CRN's first lesson was used for th Test.
So, second lessons was used for th Role-playing writing Script. Lmaos! :}
HAHAHA! Thn, hai okays luhs. :B
He still said his girl.f deleted some of his friends' numbers. Lmaos! :X
Blah blah blah. I'm lazy to write liao! So, tata Good-bye ! :D
{Dancing is quite fun ! :D}
What a day ?
posted on Thursday, January 29, 2009 at 8:47 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello to everyone !
A good evening! ^^V. HAHAHAHA ~ Bored seh. Today I nearly late ? Ha, luckily my C.A was late ? Rofls. =\ &Luckily, I didn't wait for Bus 31, I took Bus 2 instead. What a smart girl. =x Ytd night, I seriously can't fall asleep ? I was like nearly caught a bad dream because of what happened ytd ? Ohmytians ! Ytd was my nightmare, truly worst!. A happy new to share is that, tml no S&W ~ YAHOOOOOOOOOOO. Are you happy for Shirley too ? (: Yeahs, I know you're. HAHAHAHA ~ I like crazy ? Talking to myself ? Rofls. Dumbass siol.
:} First lesson, was interesting! Gotta play game with classmate. *Grins. About Hunter, Fire and Earthquake ? Rofls. Actually, quite fun th larhhhhh ! :D Still for forfeit norhs. Guess what's th forfeit ? You must dance with a partner that must be your opposite sex. =X So funny larhhhh ! Especially, Xiuzhen and her partner. Rofls ! What a day! :DDDD HAHAHAAHAH ~ . Hmmm, Apple didn't come fer sch yet again. ! :B She was so proud of herself, because she got herself a MC. It's a real one not ? HAHAAHAH ! =\
:D Time passes fast today! HAHAHAAHH ~ Tml, I still have to stay till 2.30pm fer my CCA meeting. D: Sighs. Even though, I'm very early jiu dismiss already. Sadded ): . HAHAHAHA ! :D
{I'm happy for just who I am, need not change because of what you say.}
Ohmytians ? :B
posted on Wednesday, January 28, 2009 at 8:40 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Earthlings !
Today got early dismissed by Mrs Sim.
Although, only 30mins earlier. I still very happy ? Rofls !
That's why I said, I'm too idiotic! . S:
I no longer, giving any strangers; my number/msn ~ D: sighs*
Too late to regret liao.
One thing for sure is that, A guy that will jio Shirley.T is either blind or stupid. Laughoutlouds ! =\
- Sorry, I'm not trying to be sarcastic or am I ? :]
{So sad, I don't accept any weird confession from any unfamiliar guys. :]}.
It's just so weird ? Feeling? OH no, !
Please don't say those typical words ? Rofls.
Like what, feeling only. Regardless, how you look or whatever blah blah blah!
Too bad, I still love him even if he have a stead now. :]
Sian larhhhh ! Must I change my number again ? ):.
Pekchek. somehow, my Mason "jiejie" is very evil but somehow funny.
Rofls ! =x Sighs~ I can see ohmytians ! HAHAHHAHAH ~
He is funny larhhhhh . Oops, should I say "she" is funny instead ? x= HAHAHAA ~ If "she" sees this, I guess "she" should be cursing me while reading this. HAHHAHHAHAHA ~ =X Lalalallalla.
{Sorry, I don't believe in whatsoever feeling thinggy when you don't even know anything about me expect my name, duh! How you want me believe you ? Is hard. }
Labels: fcuk off please
Chu yi ! :]
posted on Monday, January 26, 2009 at 5:37 PM by S.Teo ♥

Actually, today I was planning to go my Great-grandma's hse to bainian th.
=\ But in th end, I didn't go leyys. o.O ?
Ha, because not enough time fer me to prepare plus I'm lazy.
Awwwww ! This year, angbaos is like pathetic! :B
Forget it !
If I know, I definitely book Chu yi and chu er th schedule luhs.
Arghhhh ! So stupid ~
&Ytd, I was chatting with Mason a.k.a, May-sen.{This is how you pronoun his name!}. Anyways, he look like a girl! Laughoutlouds. =\
&He is evil not kind at all! HA ! :X
Alrights, I'll get back to you all soon enough!
B-yebye ! :D
What a bored year ?! ):
Reunion Dinner :D
posted on Sunday, January 25, 2009 at 7:02 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Anyone!
Today had my Reunion Dinner with my family luhs. (:
As usual narhs. hahas! &As usual, Apple this year also don't have Reunion dinner. dots! I guess because her mother went back to Malaysia with her sister again barhs ? Rofls. =\
&As usual, I got 3angbaos now. From my grandparents and first aunt luhs. ;]
Total amount was $88 barhs ? Fa fa ! xD . Rofls.
My parents haven't give me angbao yet norhs. Lol! =\
I think maybe tml I'll extend my hair barhs.
Today I'm lazy larhhhhh. I haven't take my family photo yet luhs.
&Maybe ltr Apple is coming to my hse lehs. For what ?, I don't know ! :B
Brb thn! I'll continue ltr on narhs. :D
I'm back :D !
Anyways, I took my family photo! FINALLY!?.
&Just now, I was reading Sharon's blog.! ;]
I saw her posts w. "OH MAN! I COUGHED BLOOD ? WTF." !!! O.o!
Sharon, what happened ehhhs ? Must tell me okays !
&Another of her posts was she spent $150 on Accessories, she was like scolding herself in her own post. Laughoutlouds! She soooo cute larhhhhh !
:D Money can earn th narhhhs. So, don't hate yourself too much.! :]
&My isolated brother finally went out to watch movie today, but @ 10.30pm thn he went out ?!. Laughoutlouds, what's he watching at this hour siol ?! :O He nicely told me that he is going out. &I replied him, you know how to come back home not ? Don't know can phone me. Rofls! :X It's true larhhhhh! I'm worried for him marhs. Ltr he got lost, how ? :X HHAHHAHA! Anyways, I got many mosquitoes' bites! D: I hate mosquitoes!!!!. Arghhhhh. Stupid th siahs. D:
Please click below th link. :D &Tell me whether if it's nice or not. :]
Click click! :D
Labels: reunion dinner
Steamboat ! :D
posted on Saturday, January 24, 2009 at 2:27 PM by S.Teo ♥

23 January
Hello Earthlings,
(: Today I woke up damn early th luhs. D: Rofls! I also don't know why lehhhh. I went to a lots of places today ? HAHAAHAHA~ (: &th most important things is that, I got my Testimonial from BDS already. :D HAHHAH! All is good comments norhs. ^^V.
Anyways, I went to Apple's hse to meet her because she fell alseep and forgot that she is suppose to meet me. D: Thn, we went to Blk 33 there to meet th person that's sell Hair Extension which is good quality and worthy price ? (: HA, I bought 2straight hair extension. {Which I need 1only.}. LOL! Now I got one extra hair extension. Which I'm trying to sell it off! It's totally new! (: &I'm bought it @ $23each. But I'm selling it @ $20only. (: If you're somehow interested in it, please do tag on my tagboard alrights ? (: Thanks ! :D
Thn, I was waiting for Apple to change all these. And she went to my hse waiting for me luhs. After that, we took Bus 222 to Jason's hse. Sighs* so sad? Tarry wasn't here. LOL! They said, he went back home thn fall asleep jiu didn't come liao. Psk hors ? D: Hmmm, thn we started our steamboat @ Jason's hse. ^^. HAHAA~ It was quite fun th larhhhhh. &Wen Xiang really brought a carton of Carlberg siol! Rofls. :X They still thought he won't bring it, but he did. :] Hmmm, thn we jiu play a few rounds of Mahjong. and I felt bored of it. So, I ended up, didn't play liao. :B Anyways, today Apple was like Bodyguard of Huey Leng ? She went where, she followed. Rofls! X:
Sighs*. Their problems, I don't want to care. :} Sian norhs. I thn went home @ about 12.30am plus ? Which, we thought no bus anymore. But came Bus 222, we didn't on board. And Bus 17 finally came ? HAHAHA :D Reach home at about 1am plus barhs ?
It was a fun day, but he wasn't around. ):}
Went to see a doctor :]
posted on Thursday, January 22, 2009 at 6:08 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Earthlings,
I'm posting after I finished doing my tagboard's expressions. :D
HAHHAHHA. I edited some emotions that is soooo cute ? Rofls.
Oh dear, I just felt my illness got worsen ?
I doubt, tml I'm going to Jason's hse for th steamboat liao norhs.
Jialat! =\ I think tml I'll going back to sch, to take my books to study ?
HA! Please don't doubt, but I will study th okays ? :B
[: Sians lehhhh. I'm feeling so warm right now! Arghhhhh~ Damn it!.
I want to learn how to make a blogskin lehhhhh. :] I think should be hard ?
Laughoutlouds. (: Okays larhhhh! Enough writing for now. I'm lazy liao~
Contact me through phone/msn barhs :D
{Even th only chance to see him, was destroy by god. ):}
posted on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 at 10:20 PM by S.Teo ♥
Good Nights! :D
I posted another post again. Guess why ?
Well, th reason was becos I'm too bored already. :B
Anyways, I wanted to train myself not to use too much of "Sing-lish".
But somehow, I think I failed again ?!.
Without fail, I will automatic added a luhs, larhs, norhs or worhs behind each words/sentence ?
I also don't know why siahs, I guess it's a habit ? Bad habit!
Oh dear, let's hope I could talk nicely w. a friendly smile, duh!.
If not, I think I confirm fail my CRN or OFC. CRN = Customer Relation, OFC = Office Communication.Understand ? (: It's a yes larhhs. ^^V.
*Yawns* I wondered, am I sleepy or not ?
I think maybe Friday, I not going back th BDS liao leys. Not enough time also! D:
Plus, by th time I reached there. They already dismiss lerhs.
Thn, what's th point of I going back there man ? *Roll eyes* .
I wondered, how is Apple already ?
In th afternoon, she was meeting her da-jie to Bugis Street, I guess ?
Thn, she is going to pass her friend th present she wrapped nicely @ my hse~ .*Using my hse scotch-tape! :B why is she buying slimming for her friends as BIRTHDAY PRESENT ehhhs ? Weird hors ? Since she told me that her friend is not fat, but fit ? Lmaos. :S Alrights, forget it! Please don't ask me to think, I'm lazy. (:
Anything is alrights, but no thinking.
Because, today I didn't put on my thinking cap.
*Laughs* . CNY is just few days more ? :X
This year, I didn't bought any New Year's clothes siol!
See, how obedient I am siahs ? :] HAHAHAHAHAH~ .
Not only me alrights ?!, because Apple and XL also not buying lehhhh.
I die also won't wear sleeveless top out during CNY th.
Its just look weird on me ? HA!
No way! I'm not gonna let myself be looking funny during "Bai-nian".
Laughoutlouds. (:
Labels: Tired :(
I'm sick ? T.T ~
posted on at 6:06 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Everyone,
Must be wondering why I so early jiu posted liao barhs ?
*Make a guess, why ? ;] *{I give you 5seconds to think xD}.
5seconds, ~
1second. !!~
Time-d out!
Th answer is because after th first lesson, I felt unwell. &I went home. Laughoutlouds! Got it rights ?
Anyways, In th morning I took Bus 2 instead of Bus 31 because of that couple ? Rofls. I must be damn unlucky because I keep seeing that pair of couple almost everyday I'm seeing them once ? I'm so irritated by them was because I don't know how to describe also. Its like why ? Ohmytians! D: Seeing them, nono~ Seeing that girl had a BoyF while I don't have. Simply, made me felt so sad ?, that I don't wanna see them ever again ? Get it ? That's feeling larhhhh! B: Sometimes, I'll get this type of feeling like why he/she got a stead while I don't have ?
Well, th reason why I don't have is because I don't felt like being attach to someone yet. Not yet~ *Grins. Everyday stucked with th same person, not sians mehh ? To me, yes! Bored ~ D: Sorry ahh. X: I'm that straight-forward. &Don't get th wrong idea, I'm straight th hors! :D AHHAHHA~ * Please do not mistaken me ahhh. X: You get what I mean th rights ? *Grin grin*. I jusy found out that I got tons of stuffs wanting to buy ? But !?, there is this problem. I'm penniless, how to buy ? Somehow, I got this wishlist @ my blog :D I was waiting for someone to get it for me ! Laughoutlouds! Just kidding larhhhh~ :} HAHAHA! Sians norhs. .
I'm SICK . ~~~~~~~~ Please no SICK no SICK larhhhhhhhhh ! I rather not enough sleep thn SICK man ~ D: Arghhhhh. I'm so irritated now. &My mum ytd bought tons of CHOCOLATEEEEEEE~ I can't eat ? Because of my sore throat! T.T~ {Well, I dont' care ? I just ate it anyways. HAHAHAHH~} :B I doubt my sore throat is gonna recover ? Oh dear !?!~ Fine, whatever. HAHAHAH~ Somehow, I got this feeling. I don't want to go sch anymore. Is it bad or good ? Hmmmm, HOHOHOHOO~ I can't have this feeling th. If not, jiu hoseh liao ? Understand this word ?. Don't understand ? *Neverminds, see when I meet you. I tell you. hAHHAHAHA~ what's th meaning of hoseh liao. :B If not, you can call me up to ask. My number is 999. :D You call and find Miss Shirley Teo. (: HA! Just kidding larhhhh. My number start with 8, and ends with a 6. (: Figure out yourself.! &My number got 8digits. :D {Who got 7digits or lesser siahs ? Idiot!}. :X I'm like scolding myself ? Oh dear. I'm mad, am I ? HAHHAAHH~ Am not larhhhh! :B
Whenever, I'm irritated. I tend to be very moody, man ! D: I hate to be sick ?
I wonder, tml would I be going to sch or not leyys ? ): Hmmm, nothing much to elaborate lehhhh.
I meet-up with Apple thn, went to KFC and EAT ?! Rofls, I'm having a sore throat, yet I went to eat KFC. Okays, I know I'm such a idiot ! But I just felt like eating it ? Thus, I went ahead . *Grins.
Friday still got steamboat, if sick how to go leyys ? Rofls.
Don't need to go liao larhhh ! xD Can stay at home and rest luhs. HAHAHAA~
Somemore, I Saturday working luhs! Rofls. I think I'm getting my skirt to be auto soon larhhhhh~. I know I spelled wrong th word, :Auto. But Idk how to spell marhs.
Forgive me larhhh! Since I'm sick. :B HAHHHAH~ Sian lehhhhhh!
*Roars*. I hate my nose for always being tucked. Stupid rights ? T.T~
Should I go see doctor instead ? I'm afraid not so, because I'm lazy to see a doctor right now. *Please don't ask me to get change and wait inside th Clinic for my number, man! I'll get irritated, duh! X:
Hao larhhhh. I go rest liao narhs. In case, ltr I fainted how ? {Please do call a ambulance to my hse :D} .
AHHAAHHA! If don't know my hse address, neverminds thn. Let me faint till die instead! Rofls. :B
{somehow, I saw you once again. You'd changed quite a lots. I nearly couldn't recongise you. :B}
Labels: Sick
A no lunch day ? D :
posted on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 at 10:49 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Earthlings!
Today is Tuesday, a day which I love and hate day! Wanna make a guess why ? =\ Because, my class dismissed early today BUT, no lunch break! D: That's what made me so hate and love at th same time. Laughoutlouds~ Today had OFC and OSA lessons leys. It's damn boring th luhs ? I'm like so damn hungry that time. D: *Roars* ~
Kan dulan th luhs. Arghhhh! After that, we went to Cafe 2 to have our lunch. (: I meet Apple @ Bedok South Secondary. I still thought I can get my testimonial by today siol. BUT!? Who knows, Mrs Chua isn't around ? Nbcb! D: Forget it thn! I friday going back again. Ohmytians ? *Cries* Thn, we went to Long John Sliver and had a light snack after that, she came to my hse. =\ I took quite a long time deciding over my childhood's photos! I'm like soooooo adorable ? LOL! =\ When I'm young larhhhhh. Now, is cute not adorable liao larhhhhh! Rofls. X: *Grins*
After that, I managed to choose like 10pictures ? :} Thn, I went to Xiang Lan's hse alone. :S Because she only told her mum, one person going her hse today. I was intending to ask Apple to go too th lehhhh. But th cannot. D: I had my photos scanned @ her hse. (: &Did my slides @ her hse too. HAHAHAHA~ She still feed me Ice-cream sehhh. =\ I think maybe I'm doing a video, myself. HAHHAA! His video is way too long liao ? I thinking of making a 1mins plus th video instead. Short short th. :D Friday, almost everyone is going to Jason's hse for steamboat-ing. ^^V~ Long time no see them already. HAHAHAHAHAH ~ Hope they don't ps hors or last min, cannot come siahs. I saturday still got work siol. @ SSC. =\
I was like @ her hse from 7pm plus to 9pm plus ? 2hrs plus. She help-ed me make-up and nail-art ? Laughoutlouds~ She got talents for it larhhhhh. :D But too bad, she can't get in to Beauty Therapy course and got into Office instead. Rofls! Funny rights ? After one big round turn, she still went in to Office. ;] Heard that, she is going to G class lehhhhh. Maybe only larhhhhh!
Anyways, I really hate those people that's free freaking irritating in MSN. Just sending me a Hi, and after I replied. He/she went silent mode ? D: Thn, are you trying to say that you say :"Hi" for th sake of fun ? _|_ ~ When I'm busy, you try doing that again. I really on th spot, delete you and say Bye-bye ! (: Stupid th rights ? *Roars*. I'm freaking busy, and you still have th nerves asking me, are you busy ? I was like so pekchek, man ! D:
{I wondered why, I'm looking forwards to meet him now. :]}
Labels: No lunch today. )):
Such a great day, isn't it ?
posted on Monday, January 19, 2009 at 7:31 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Earthlings,
Wondering, why I posted so late today ? HAHAHAHA ~ Because I was doing my OSA's project th whole afternoon, and I almost forgot about my blog posting. =\ HA! Today have lessons as usual in sch luhs. Th first lessons, was so bored ? I nearly fell asleep siol! =\ Today's lessons pass quite fast siol. In just a blink of eye, going for lunch already. ^^~ That's th best part I love being in sch. :D
Hmmm, after that we had our LLA lessons @ th sixth floor. Well, Mr Michael Tay's lessons, was always this funny and interesting. Too bad, Keegan charbo. :B Today, he let us see a movie about a man called Patch Adams. It was a real story norhs. Although, some parts isn't that funny. &I don't get it why th person or people in th movie was laughing ? Laughoutlouds! =X Mr Michael Tay lessons was very fun. His way of talking/teaching is damn funny. Especially, when he talk about some of his friends' story. His reaction and expression was so funny man! I tell you~ I think I love LLA ? :D *Grins. Even if, you sleep in his lessons. He won't scold you like what Sec Sch teachers did. :D HA! :D
After that, lesson was dismissed. ! YAHOOOO~ Can go home liao. ^^V! After I reached home, I ate and started re-doing my project lerhhs. :D Project project project~ *Roll eyes*
{I beginning knowing what I want in my life. (:}
What a day. :B
posted on Sunday, January 18, 2009 at 5:15 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I woke up @ 12pm plus norhs. But ytd, I sleep @ 5am plus ? Rofls! =\ I'm lack of sleep siahs. D: I finished watching Pi Li MIT already. Nice show, but I still looking forwards what's next leyys. Got season 2 marhhs ahhh ? :B Hmmm, I still want to get th DVD/VCD although I already finish watching. :D I think Guigui look better in short hair larhhhhhh! :D Arron and Guigui quite match th siol. ^^V ~ They two very cute siol. :]
Actually, I was thinking of getting my New Year's clothes today th. But my dad didn't give me money to go and buy. Wthhh ? D: *Roars* Just now, I was tiding up my closet with my dad. HA! :B Found alots of unwanted stuffs, like 2 bags of plastic siol. Oops~ =\ I feel like eating some snacks lehhhs. But th problem is that, I'm lazy to go out now ? *Roll Eyes* :B I suddenly felt like shopping siahs. Wthhh, how ahhh ? D: Arghhh! Today, ji ran no one finding me siol. =\ I was wondering, should I phone Serene and ask about th schedule thing ? *Grins*. I scared she scold me ahhhh, that time I put airplane marhhs. =\ Rofls. New Year work is better luhs. HA :B
{I want work. LOL! =\ MONEY MONEY MONEY ~ ^^}
What a bored day it is ? :B
posted on at 12:20 AM by S.Teo ♥

Hello! :D
Afternoon story liao barhs ? HA, I just realised that New Year's Payrate is $10/per hour. Laughoutlouds, I want to work! ^^~ I wondered, RTC got schedule or not leyys. I confirm book th leyys ? :B HAHAHAH~ Sian norhs. S:
Somehow, I can't believe what I know ? Oh dear~ I really shouldn't judge one by how she/he looks leyys. Sorry, I know I'm being sarcastic here! *Grins evilly*. Not that I don't want to believe you. You're th one who made me doubt you in th first place. that's why I said I shouldn't believe in a liar second time. They shouldn't be even a second chance in th first place. &I'm th idiot who had gave them th second chance which I shouldn't gave in th first place. How pathetic ? I just realised that I'm such a fool to believe what he/she said ? He/she really let me down alots.
Please, once again`~ I really have to mention that I hate liars th most ? please don't lie when you're not good in it ? Yes, I'm sarcastic. But, as if it wasn't th truth ? You want to people don't lie to you thn in th first place, don't lie to people. - Okays! This sentence, I'm soooo proud of it ? Laughoutlouds~ *Whether if it's true, is up to you to believe it. But, I guess I somehow am venting my anger here ? Or should I said letting my stress here ? sian larhhhh! I guess, I'm not gonna care what you wanna do anymore. Even if you want to go die, please go ahead. I won't stop you. (: But please, dON't JUMP outside my hse ahhhh~ I confirm curse you th luhs. :B
Sorry, am I born to be so sarcastic ? Th answer is no, you forced me to be sarcastic. (: Sorry, but if you're so damn idiot. Thn, please don't get near to me! Because I don't want your stupidity pass to me! D: Sighs* you're such a letdown. ): &I'm such a idiot to believe you. Anyways, you really made me doubt you with every single sentence or words you're writing/saying. :} I'll think twice whether should I believe it or hack care. Indifference is much more worst thn Hate. When I don't even feel like hating you, thn its mean I will hack care you anymore. (: Remember, Indifference meanings I don't care anymore. Even if you're being raped or killed. It would be none of my business liao. (:
{You want people don't lie to you thn in th first place, don't lie to people}
Morning to Everyone :D
posted on Saturday, January 17, 2009 at 12:41 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello! :D
Today I woke up damn early because I ytd sleep @ 5.45pm plus ? I sleep all th way to today's morning siahs! I'm so proud of myself ? Laughoutlouds~ =\ I sleep like more thn 24hours or that much larhhhh. :B I started doing my OSA's project liao, but somehow I only do till Slide 4 only. And I realised that my slide won't MOVEEEEE ? Omg! And th music only will played @ first slide, thn th rest don't have th music. L,O,L ? That's why I hate doing project thn theory test man. *Roars*
Just now, I was happily phoning Apple.I didn't realised she was sleeping still. When she answered th phone is like wtfff, call me in th morning for what siol ? I just wanted to share th news with her that I had done till fourth slide in a day! Well, I was like wanting her to take a look nia marhhhs. Don't need to give me attitude see th. Really! D: Humpf~ Fine thn, I won't be phoning/texting you today at all. Since you sound like so unwanted to answer/reply my call/msg. :] Sians norhs! :B I really can be very sarcastic if I wanted to be alrights ? D: Actually, Facility Skill also counted as a skill what. -.-" If you really soooo don't want to study it, thn might as well quit it ? Why must wait till 3-4months ltr on ? If you quit now, other people still can join in man. Rofls!
Recently, like me and her tempo not much leyys. Argue easily~ Well, she is damn stubborn can ? D: I really those stubborn people siol. I can like go crazy or bad mood because of them siahs. Arghhhh! Kill me please ? D: I really don't know what you're thinking larhhhh~
Anyways, so sad this week no schedule @ RTC leyys. ): I wondered who is working today ? :B *Wondering*. I don't want to phone Serene leyys. :} how ahhh ? I paiseh cannot ahhh ? Laughoutlouds! =\ So sad, today Sharon also nber work siahs. I think I'm not replacing Apple go work liao worhs. :B I'm lazy larhhhh! Sorry ahh, I'm lazy by nature th! Rofls~ :B I should start doing my project first, I means I had started doing my project liao. LOL!
{It seems like, I let you go at th wrong timing. }
} 16 January - Telematch's Day! =\
posted on Friday, January 16, 2009 at 4:31 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Earthlings,
Actually I was planning to be late, because I don't want to attend CRN ? HA! =\Anyways, today is Telematch's day leyys! =] HA, after some teachings. Miss Angeline Tan jiu brought us to Indoor Sports Hall already. Well, I charbo. =\ I went to Cafe 1 with Apple luhs. After that, I went back to th hall lehhhhh. hahahs! :B Nothing much luhs. Doing some cheering only!
Hmmm, afterall th champion is ENG ? Laughoutlouds. Th rest of th schools got Consolation Prizes ? Ha. Neverminds larhhhh! It's just a friendly match though. :] Their cheering is much better too. =X Because of their formation norhs. ^^~ Somemore, almost all is boys siol. Don't have girl th. After that, I went back Bedok South Secondary with Delphin, Huiyi and Rashidah. :D At first, I was thinking of getting my photocopy th testimonial but in th end, cannot. ! D: Mrs Chua said she will ty her best to help me luhs ? ;] sighs!
Thn, I went back to Simei ITE with Yuanxi luhs.! HA~ Went back to eat there ? Thn, we took Bus 31 to Tanah Merah thn changed bus. While, I on boarded Bus 14. Shamir saw me, &hit me with his lanyard ? Laughoutlouds. He look much better with short hair ? ;] While, I was shifting in th bus. Hidayat saw me. HA! They also went in Simei ITE. but their courses is in Engineering School lehhhhhh. :] HA~ That's why, I don't see them in sch before man! Not same school but same college! Lmaos~ =\
Anyways, Xiang Lan failed her transfer ? Rofls! Thn, she with Apple and Qi Yao went to ITE HQ to ask ? HA~ But Xiang Lan still got last chance larhhhh which means her only chance. Ask th Section Head~ =\
Thn, when I reached Bedok Interchange~ I and Apple went to Watsons to buy some stuffs luhs. Which costs me, $50.30 siol~ I bought 3stuffs ? And a new sleeping mask. HAHHAHAHAH~ That's all for today!
To my classmates who participated in th Telematch:
You all did a fantastic job! Although, on th spot I went home already. And didn't get a chance to cheer you guys up! ^^V . Nice work~ :DDDD Anyways, Khai! You're always so funny man`~ I guess, th class would be very quiet if you wasn't here. :]
{Never let some obstacle trip you down. :]}
I'm bored ? D:
posted on Thursday, January 15, 2009 at 11:44 PM by S.Teo ♥
I posted two posts in a row ? HA! I wondered why too.
Anyways, just now I chat with Spade a.k.a Andy on phone luhs. He is like keep disturbing me with my height ? Rofls! =\ Okays larhhhh! I know I'm short larhhh~ But hors, short got short th good advantages okays ? *Roars*. :] Sian norhs!
Somehow, I just realised that my class's Malay Girls is pretty! Actually, I already noticed it since th first day of sch okays ? :B HA! They're soooo hyper everyday ? (: But, I hardly chat with them th lehhhhh. I also don't know why larhhhh~ Because I'm shy ? Laughoutlouds, that's probably won't be th reason why. LOL! =\ I'm slow reacting okays ? Sorry luhs! HA~ My new blogskins, is it cute or what ? :DDDDD
I'm so impressed by myself ? Laughoutlouds.! Tml I'll be cheering on my class and School of Business luhs. Let's hope tml's weather ain't that hot man! If not, I think I might melt in th sun like a chocolate ? HA~ CHOCOLATE ~ Laxzxzx. =\ I can't eat anymore chocholate, if not I'm gonna be fat and fatter each day man! D: Hmmm, somehow when th days I can't get to see him or he won't reply my msgs. I felt so sad and disappointing ? Ha, but that's problem~ He will nber know ? Because he don't care ? Anyways, th opposite of L.O.V.E was Indifference not H.A.T.E~ Indifference meanings don't care at all~ That's hurt much more thn hating me ? Hating me at least you care ? But Indifference meanings that you don't even care at all ? Wthhhh ?
Sometimes, I just need a little bit of your attention. Really! Even if you just occasionally chat with me or text me. I'll be happy enough. (: That's true, okays ? &I'm sure I'll still be waiting for you though time passes by fast. :B
{Sometimes, I just a little bit of your attention. :B}
} 15 January
posted on at 8:50 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Earthlings,
Today is a so-so day ? As usual, I'm sleepy. Laughoutlouds~ Btw, I wondered if I'm qualify for th Scholarship or not leyys. I hope is pass ? :B For th goodness' sake ? =\
I'm bored! Tml is th telematch day ? Laughoutlouds, I just wondered if I can just wear my uniform as I'm not going for th S&W ? :B I hope th answer is a yes ? (: I just decided on what I'm selling in SBM~ My group will be selling Marshmallow, Strawberry coated w. Chocolate sauce :D Yum yum! Hmmm, now is only waiting to try-it-out ? HA. I wondered where can find a supplier that supply these leyys ? :B
I'm sleepy. I guess this is all I'll be posting for today barhs. ^^ Btw, I'm getting used to my school and class already.
{Everythings need to start early now! (:}
} 13 January
posted on Tuesday, January 13, 2009 at 10:13 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Earthlings,
Hmmm, today I ended my sch @ 1pm plus ? Or should I say earlier ? HA. :B After all, I'm not taking O level, English anymore. because with just one subject can't possible go to Polytechnic th leyys. I gave up! I'll try harder to go for Higher Nitec for now. :D My first goal is to pass my Nitec Course and go to Higher Nitec, Accounting! I hope it isn't a popular course, if not jialat liao norhs. :B
Hmmm, anyways! Today was such a long day ? Laughoutlouds, because Apple came to sch and find me wearing her new high-heel shoes and got blisters !? . Lmaos! &She was like please please please, take cab go my home thn changed shoes thn go out okays ? L,O,L. At first, I was like "Huh ? Must go your hse first ehhh ? :S Very unwillingly to go! :B" But, in th end, I still went. Lmaos! Anyways, after that she came to my hse. &I just changed my clothes and went out again ? Rofls. We took Mrt to Chua Chu Kang. OkAYYYY ! That's damn far alrights ? D: LOL! Luckily, we were chatting along through out th journey there. :} During don't know which stop, 1 group of guys on boarded. LOL! &All of them were wearing blacks ? They're like men in black, duh ! =\ HA~ Somehow, when we reached Clementi and I was chatting with Apple. One guy talked damn loud like take number ah ? Which one ? Red color th ahh ? Rofls. ! Stupid rights ? Like a idiot ? HA~
Anyways, after that we went to th mall and walk around luhs. :] When we were going home by MRT, guess who we saw ?! We saw LI HAO ! LOL~ I didn't know he stayed nearby only siol~ :B HAHAAAHA ~ Long time no see him also. HA! :X~ Hmmmm, nothing much to say liao barhs ? HA! I'm bored to hell man~ I got 3projects on my hand now. &I haven't even started any of it yet. :D Rofls! &I'm still slacking around everyday after sch ? HA ~ :B
{I guess, maybe I should approach my friends in RTC instead ?}
-They're much smarter ? Laughoutlouds! :B
} 12 January
posted on Monday, January 12, 2009 at 9:47 PM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings,
Here, I'm wishing all O levers passed their o level w. flying colors :D
As today were th day where O levers taking back their result slip norhs. (: HAHHHA~
Anyways, I'm wondering if I passed my Nitec course and get to Higher Nitec, can I proceed on to Polytechnic or not uhs ? Laughoutlouds, this is a big question mark in my brain! =\ Anyone can answer it ? Please tag on my tagboard, thanks ! :D I'm thinking should I take O level, English/Maths or not leyys ? My dad said in th first place, I should had taken Private O level instead liao. Rofls ! Now is abit too late for that liao larhhhhh. I already paid th sch fee, bought th sch uniform/thumb-drive/books already. Sighs* What to do leyys ? ): I'm also abit regretting now larhhh. Seem like, only me and Kat is interested in taking O level, English leyys. Laughoutlouds, if I suddenly back-out how ehhs ? :}
Xiang Lan lent me her camera, so I need to take some pictures already. ^^ I need some pictures of my family leyys. But th problem is that, most of them is anyhow wear only ? LOL. I need a family photo for my project luhs. Wthhhhh ~ Where to find ? Rofls! D:
Anyone have any ideas ? Laughoutlouds~
{I guess, I'm slow in reacting when its come to relationship.}
} 11 January
posted on Sunday, January 11, 2009 at 10:52 PM by S.Teo ♥

{This is Si Ning ! :D}
{10 January :D}

{This is Zhi Biao ~ ^^}
{11 January:D *Sorry, I can't be for your chalet norhs. I thought @ whitesand. Why open @ Sentosa leyys ? :X}

Hello Earthlings,
Today I went out with Apple to Tampines Mall. She die die also want wear sleeveless top. So, I bobian jiu pei her wear luhs. Rofls! {Ofcos, I got bring my cardigan larhhhhh ~ *Grins.} :B I pei to Tampines's Pasa Malam to get her bag ? HAHAHAHA `~ She wanted to buy a similar type of bag as mine luhs, so I bring her there ? HAHAHA ~ After that, We went to Swensens to have our lunch there ? Laughoutlouds, we ate th Fish-in-the-jacket, :D &we also had a Pepperoni Pizza leyys. :X Last but not least, we had our desserts. hAHHHAAHAH ~ Guess how much we ate ? :B We ate $80 plus ? {I guess, this is what she told me ? :B}.hAHAHAAHA ~ I forgot to upload my foods' pictures so sad ! Neverminds, tml thn I upload okays ? :D
After that, we went gaigai @ Tampines luhs. :B I bought 3pairs of earrings @ $5. :D &I bought 3 rings ? Laughoutlouds. ;] Hmmm, thn jiu walk around luhs. ~ Hmmm, about 6pm plus we went back to Bedok Interchange already. Anyways, at first I got $100 plus, but in th end, I left with $10plus ? {Excluding my allowance larhhhhh! :B}. &Somemore, next week I didn't book any schedule @ RTC siol. Die liao larhhhh ~ Plus, today I and Apple put airplane. HA ~ :B We went to Zhi Fu's hse to play mahjong again ? Laughoutlouds. :X Nothing much to do larhhhhh ! About 10pm plus, we jiu went back home already. *Sorry eh, Zhi Biao for nber go for your chalet! :B Paisehhh ahhh ~ :B.
{In th end, I still in love with you.}
Shirley's love and hate !
posted on Saturday, January 10, 2009 at 12:30 AM by S.Teo ♥
Hello Earthlings,
Today I'm letting all my friends to know what I love and I hate ! :D(
{Read it because you want to understand me more, not because you're forced to ! :]}
I love my family, gans, friends & classmates!
I love shopping and sleeping!
I love blogging to! :D
{Although, I don't blog everyday!}
I love using th computer - 24/7.
I love audition-ing ~ ^^
{But now can't lerhs, got work, got sch! ):}
I love Black, white, red and purple ? :B
I love making new friends!
{Even though I'm shy larhhhh ! :X}
I love playing mahjong and Big 2 card game.
{Although we don't play money ?!}
I love earning more money!
{But I hate working ? LOL, :X}
I love trying out new flavors!
I love Chinese New Year~ :D
{Yeahs, give me angbaossss ~ :D}
I love having more clothes in my closet~
I love to have a I-touch now ~ :D
I love special occasions and pay-rate !
I love having more friends!
I love outings~
{If you have any outings, ask me go ! :DD }
I love to watch dramas on internet webbys :D
{Any interesting dramas to intros ?}
I love to friendster-ing.
{But i hate msn-ing! D:}
I love sms-ing
{but hate talking on fone ~}
I love cute boys/girls!
{but I hate pretty boys/girls ~ :B }
I love anythings that is cute ~ :DDDDDD
I love having new hair-cuts!
{Even though, in th end I hate it ! LOL}
I love to blog-shopping ~ :X
I love to have a new laptop ~ :B
I love Choco baby and candys! :D
{Yumyum! :D}
I love foods that's spicy and w.unagi! :D {Yeahs ~ ^^}
I love Ice Lemon Tea, Ice Water and Pink Dolphin~
I love Fish 'N' chip~ :D
{I hate beef,lamb and pork~}
I hate back-stabbers ~
{If want say, say infront larhhhh.}
I hate two-headed snake ! _|_ ~
I hate bitches and bastards~
I hate psk!
{If you can't make it, please do inform earlier ? D:}
I hate liars.
{If you really need to lie, thn please lie smartly ? }
I hate two timers.
{If you can't be tiongxim, thn don't find a boy.f/girl.f~}
I hate empty promises!
{If you can't fulfill it, please don't make it in th first place~}
I hate to be questioned!
{Sorry hors, I'm not a criminal here ? DD:}
I hate brainless and petty guys! D:
I hate being blamed at for nothing!
I hate to be disturb when I'm not free at all ~ D:
{I'll get mad for sure!}
I hate to be order around like a dog ?
{Sorry ahh, don't order me like a maid hors.}
I hate to be used!
{I'll used you back th! Don't worried~}
I hate to be rush at! D:
I hate people saying you're very slow leyys!
{When I'm not slow at all~ D: }
I hate people lend money but don't return!
{If you can't return, thn don't borrow larhhh`.}
I hate to be threatened at! D:
{Try luhs .}
I hate sore losers~
I hate cheaters! DD:
I hate step handsome guys! D:
{Please luhs, you think you're handsome uhs ? kns!}
I hate step cute people ~
{Eeeeyers! BHB~ Step cute buay cute siahs ! D:}
I hate hypocrites~
{Be it, teachers, classmates, friends or whoever! _|_ off~}
I hate scammers ~ D:
{Fcuk off, if you're one ~ _|_}
I hate meats that's pork, lamb or beef! D:
I hate anything that's bitter~
{Yucks, it taste sucks ~}
I hate drinking soups!
{Please, no soupsss ~ T.T!}
This is what I love and hate, more to come ~ . I'll update it whenever it's needed to.! :D
} 08 January
posted on Thursday, January 8, 2009 at 8:38 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Earthlings,
I just came back from outside :D I went to auto my school skirt again ! D: Laughoutlouds. I also don't know why leyys. hahahha ! Anyways, 2skirts cost me $10 for both larhhhh. :X Just third day of school, I got 2projects on hand ? D: Ohmytians ? I now needa find lots of pictures and I need a camera now man ~ Sians larhhhhh ! Go where find leyys ? :X
Somehow, I just realised that I'm weak against cute items/human/animals. D: Laughoutlouds. That's true ~ If a cute girl/boy, ask/beg me to lend him/her money. I think I'll lend ? {Even though, I'm gonna be broke after lending to him/her!} Rofls ~ :XX I just can't resist items that is cute ? HA ~ :X
{I really can't resist anythings that is cute, including boys/girls ! :X}
} 06 January
posted on Tuesday, January 6, 2009 at 10:25 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Earthlings,
Today is th Second Day of my ITE school-life. &We haven't started to study yet. LOL! Tml jiu start studying liao. I'm so nervous, but excited @ th same time ? HA, I just wondered could I skipped PE instead ? T.T ~ I hate PEEEEEEEEE ~ LOL. Sian siahhhhhh! Today my class early dismissed ! YAHOOOOOOOOOOO~ :D Actually should be 4pm, but my C.A let us go @ 1pm plus. Anyways, guess what CCA/club I choose ? ROFLS ~~~ You confirm will laugh till you cry. LOL! X: Modern Dance, I don't even know how to dance th siol. Tmd! =\ Today, quite a number of people came to Simei ITE leyys. Laughoutlouds, first is Kimberly, thn ltr on jiu shi Tarry, Chong Kai, Li Si, Huey Leng and Si Ning luhs. LOL! =\
hmmmm, after that I went to auto my black skirt @ Apple's hse nearby market @ $3 only. :D Thn, I went to Tampines Mall outside th Pasa Malam luhs. Before that, guess whads stupid things happened to me ? {I actually took th wrong train! &I didn't realise it! UNTIL I REACHED KAMBANG*Ps, I don't know how to spell it! :X~ How stupid can I be! oMGGGGG ~ :X } :D I bought a $10 kawaii tote bagggg ! :D I totally love it, can ? :DDDDD ~
Tml my class dismissing @ 6pm ~ Omggggg ! But it start @ 10am larhhhhh. Still not bad luhs. :B Thn, Thursday is @ 5pm. Friday is @ 12pm plus. :DDDDD *Laughoutlouds. :D &&Xiang Lan passed th interview but failed th Medical Check-up because her lung or liver is damaged.! omggg ? Beauty Therapy's Check-up is sooo strict siol! I wondered why still so many girls, wanted to join that "kuku" course siol ? Sounds like useless course siahs ! ~ :X HA! I rather study Private O thn study Beauty Therapy if this is th only 2 course, I can take man ! :X It sucks ? LOL. Maybe I should bought S size uniform instead of M siol. LOL! =\ HAHAAHAHAHHAHH ~ I don't like to th wear th Polo leyyys. Why ahhhh ?
{I always wanted to know more friends! LOL. =\}
} 04 January
posted on Sunday, January 4, 2009 at 11:10 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Earthlings,
Ytd, I reached home @ about 2.30am plus barhs ? After work marhs. :X Ytd, I'm damn tired siol! LOL. =\ In th morning, I and Apple cabbed down to RTC. {It was her idea, not mine!}. I already planned to take MRT thn transfer to bus to RTC th luhs. =\ Although, when we reached RTC, we wasn't late. But due to we make-up, tie hair, change clothes all these made us late ! LOL. X: @ Table Room outside, many was queuing up to pick-up th first course ? {This was th first time, I saw Afternoon Chinese Dinner! :X}. Luckily, I'm not involve in it siol. Mine is Buffet @ Ballroom 1 ! :D &It was th first time, I see so many staffs in th afternoon shift siol. :B
Anyways, today I woke up @ 1.30pm plus ? ;] Thn, I meet Xiang Lan @ Bedok Interchange. I went to made my shoes, costs me @ $5/a pair. :] &I went to photocopy my Cab-fare receipt. But damn it, I forgot to bring my NRIC out. Cb ! DDD: After that, we took Bus 168 to Tampines Mall luhs. :} We just went walking around. [; After awhile ~ , only I and Apple went to Bugis. Cause Zhi Fu don't want to go, so Xiang Lan also not going. {Zhifu's psp is with me. LOL! :X}. After that, we reached Bugis. We went to walk around, see see, shop shop. Guess what ? I spent finished all my money that I earned ytd. D: So, I'm wondering how I go out on Wednesday with Sharon they all siol. :B God bless me barhs . Please ! :X
Tml sch starting liao norhs :D Hope, I can my allowance ? :B
{Why everyone has a Boyf, &I don't ? LOL. :B}
Nbcb !
posted on Saturday, January 3, 2009 at 12:37 AM by S.Teo ♥
Nbcb !
Just now I went to my friend's blog, due to bored-ness. I anyhow clicked a person'link. Fcuking cb ! Kena don't know whads, cannot close th window. oi! You think funny ahh ? Cb. DD: Made me damn dulan luhs. Boliao, you can go give car bang or whatsoever also better thn doing this type idiot / childish things larh hors. DD: Nbcb! DDD:
Fcuk siahs. I damn dulan luhs. Made me close all my windows ! _|_ ~ Anyways, if you're really that bored, go bang wall can ? Don't come disiaosiao. By, putting up whads idiot link. -.-" Still dared write created by SOPHIA ? I _|_ you larhhh hors. -.-" _|_!
I hate idiots like you man ~ If I ever come across anyone named ******* expect fer my friend larhhhhh, I confirm reject euu th, I tell you ! Pcb ~ . Hope you fail everythings. &Never success man . (: CB kia !!!!!!~~~~~
Ccb ~ .
} 02 January
posted on Friday, January 2, 2009 at 9:11 PM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Earthlings,
Today I woke up damn early th luhs ! D: LOL. But in th end, I still late. HAHAHAHHAH ~ Th top-up station, is damn packed ? I also don't know why leyys. Anyways, I took Bus 14 to school luhs. I went to canteen to meet them luhs. ;] I'm meeting Delphin, Kimberly and Hui Yi leys. &Apple came late too. LOL! =\ She came to take Yearbook also. hahahhah ~ :} After awhile, Huey Leng jiu reached liao luhs. Hmmm, we departed @ th school bus-stop leyys. As, Apple is going Simei ITE while Kimberly is going Tampines ITE marhhhs. :] So, Huey Leng accompanied Apple. While, me and Delphin accompanied Kimberly. Hui Yi stayed in th sch for Girls' Guide lehs. :]
Anyways, Kimberly's ITE is damn faraway from th bus-stop? &There's no direct bus to th ITE luhs. Wthhhhhhh ? Luckily, I didn't study in that school luhs. L,O,L. :X HAHAHAHAHA ~ After that, we took cabbed down to Tampines Mall, but we walked to Century Square to look for BLACK SHOE ! :DDDD It's damn hard to find ? {No larhhhh, actually is I picky! :X}. LOL~ None of th BLACK SHOE, caught my interest lehhhh. So, in th end I didn't buy th shoe @ Tampines, but Bedok Interchange. :] After awhile, /Si Ning jiu reached liao luhs. I and Kimberly accompanied her go eat lehhhhh. (:
When we walk past Cotton On, we went in to look around luhs. Cause it's stated 50% discount sale man ! :X hahahahahah ~ I bought 2tops @ $20 lehhhh. Th Usual price is $30 marhhhs. ;X Rofls! Sian larhhhhh~ After that, we went back to Bedok luhs. (: Kimberly lobang us back th norhs. :] I bought my shoe @ Bedok Interchange, costs me $15.90 barhs ? Usual price is $19.90. :D That's why, I love sales luhs ! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ~ After I get my pay, I'm going to go shopping liao luhs ! ^^ ~
{What a lovely day, isn't it ? -Expect for th stupid weather! D:}
} 31 December
posted on Thursday, January 1, 2009 at 7:42 PM by S.Teo ♥


31 December.
Hello Earthlings, HAPPY NEW YEAR ~ :D
Today I woke up @ 9am plus. =\ Guess why I woke up so early ? LOL. ;x I need to go Simei ITE to do some stuffs, like buying uniforms, taking Ez-link card photo all these luhs. :] I went with Delphin leyys. hAHAHAHAHA ~ :]
She and I same course marhhs. We bought th same numbers of uniforms all these luhs. :] I didn't know that my school fee can be paid by Edusave siol. *Grins* Thn, we stopped by a canteen, to drink luhs. {I'm damn thirsty luhs! D:}. hahaHAHHAAHHAAHAH. At first, she was thinking of going back Bedok South Secondary to collect th School Magazine. But in th end, she didn't go also. LOL! =\ Instead, she friday asked us go siol. Rofls. =\
After that, we went home liao luhs. Thn, I went home rest awhile before I went out again. I went to Bedok Interchange to auto my school skirt. It was too long ? Rofls. Very funny look luhs ! =\ Maybe because I'm short larhhhh ~ D: LOL. Thn, I jiu went home to sleep liao. LOL! I about 9pm plus thn woke up. @ 11.30pm plus, I went out again ? LOL. I went to East Coast Park to find Xiang Lan they all leys. I also don't know they go there do whads siol. D: I shouldn't had go there reaching 12am siahs. I kena spray alots luhs. Damn it ! D: Guess how much they drank ? $530plus siol. 2bottle of Martell only leyys. So expensive already ~ :X
After that, we took cab to Zhi Fu's hse luhs. While, Jason went home and bathed, but ended up didn't come at all. LOL! =\ I went to his hse, washed my hair. LOL! Damn sticky th luhs ! DDD: After that, we jiu played awhile th Mahjong luhs. Bored ! D:
I about 6am plus, jiu went home liao leyys. I'm taking th bus home larhhhhh ~
&Happy Birthday to Hui Yi ~ :D
{A new year had started :D }
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