} 30 October
posted on Friday, October 31, 2008 at 2:30 AM by S.Teo ♥

30 October
&Hello Earthlings,
Today I didn't work, so jiu sleep till 3.30pm plus barhs. :] Hahas, about 6.30pm plus thn I went out leys. LOL! I went to Bedok Interchange, Phone Booth to meet Huey Leng, Si Ning & Apple leys. But Huey Leng was hungry, so we went to S21 first, &asked them to meet there luhs. After awhile, Si Ning jiu reached lerhs. :] But Apple took a long time to reach because her keys was taken out by her sister. S: After that, we went to Mrt Station to meet Apple luhs. Hahas! &We took some pictures on th way there!

{Our Reflection!}
Thn, we reached City Hall and met Jason they all leys. {: We walked till Esplanade thn Apple and took a few pictures :D

They all want to go Marina Square eat. Rofls ! =\ Thn, we jiu walked there luhs. &We went to th Foodcourt upstairs. About 10pm plus, thn we took Bus 14 back to Bedok leys. :] Hahas. &We went to Blk 85, Market there. &About 12.30am plus thn we left luhs. [:
{I want to run, but only far enough to make you miss me.}
} 28 October
posted on Tuesday, October 28, 2008 at 7:52 PM by S.Teo ♥

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my idiotic brother ! :DDDDDD

Hello Earthlings,
Today I reached home @ about 6.30am plus in th morning ?! LOL. =\ Wanna know why ? Read on thn. Hmmm, because about 4am plus, I went out again to meet Huey Leng they all @ Blk 123 there luhs. At first, Jason is coming to my hse to pick me up th. But I insisted on walking there luhs. :D I don't like to be lobang larhhhh ! *Roars*
We jiu @ there slack till morning liao luhs. =\ Thn, Jason suddenly go sing what teh-susu song larhhhh. Thn, th Kok Liang to throw something on Jason thn suay suay kena his nose. &Jason jiu asked him a lots of times whether is he gonna say sorry not. Of cos, he never say larhhhhh. Thn, Jason jiu suddenly go hit him liao. Lmaos ?! -.-" Stupid, rights ? Got one sentence very good to use on him luhs. "Wan Bu Qi, Bu Yao Wan La" .!
Dumbass. Like that, jiu want to pick a fight on people ?! Zzzzz. Stupid th luhs. I think very stupid luhs. Idiot th ! Hahas. =\ Okays. Sorry for th late posting of picture :] My dad went to bought a birthday cake for my idiotic brother. =\

{Th birthday cake !}

{My Baby Cousin!:D}

{Aiya! Don't try to take Ah-Yi's picture :]}

{My Idiotic Brother is camera-shy larhhhh ! =\}
{You said if I fall you'd be there to catch me, I believed you till I hit the ground.}
} 26 October
posted on Monday, October 27, 2008 at 2:53 AM by S.Teo ♥

26 October
Hello Earthlings,
Ytd was Wei Leang and Wei Siang's 19th Birthday ! :D I, Huey Leng, Apple and Jason went to their bbq pit which was @ their hse downstairs luhs. :] When we reached there, a lots of people was there already. =\ Lol! Thn, abit paiseh larhhhh. Only, Wei Siang soooooo kind brought some can drinks for us luhs. :) Hahas. Thn, we jiu sat at there till they cut th cake. :D &don't know which idiot suggested to play th number game luhs. Th second time, kena me. Cb!
Suay larhhhh. Hmmm, about 12am plus. we went to Blk 85, Market. Well, because Huey Leng and Apple was hungry luhs. :] They ordered Minced Meat Noodle, took more thn 30mins to reach luhs. Rofls!* Thn, we took Bus 222, to Bedok Interchange.We @ Macdonald slack slack luhs. Sibei sian siahhhhh ! S= Thn, Huey Leng jiu told me that Xiao Alex went to Boat Quay there. :] I think should be clubbing liao barhs. Thn, China Alex jiu text-ed Huey Leng luhs. :
Actually, today was my first day went up to X-Gaming. Quite different from what I thought larhhhh. =\ About 4am plus, we walked to don't know where th playground jiu slack at there lerhs luhs. Lol! Bored. =\ About 6am plus, thn we went home luhs. Apple took cab home while Huey Leng walked home lehs. :)
I sleep @ 6.30am plus luhs. Thn woke up @ 3.30pm plus. =\ &I met Apple to Bedok Interchange, Watson to buy blusher luhs. Hahas ! :] I got quite a number of ZA brand siol. -.-" No money liao larhhhhhh ! This week @ RTC bo schedule siahs. Stupid thhhh ! =\Actually, tml I wanted to take my phone go repair th. But thn, tml is Deevapali's day. Idiot th !
{I want to run, but only far enough to make you miss me.}
} 24 October
posted on Saturday, October 25, 2008 at 4:05 AM by S.Teo ♥

24 October
Hello Earthlings,
Today I went to work @ RTC with Apple. :] We just wore our work-skirt and shoes with a normal top to work sehs. S: &We quite early jiu reached there liao norhs . We just need to change into th uniform jiu can liao narhs. :D
My partner for today is Desmond. He's Cindy's friend luhs. :] Very fast sehs. Th oval tray not full enough, he doesn't want to go th siahs ! Really want to put till full full thn go th. :] We served quite fast larhhhh. Nothing much to elaborate th larhhhh .
After work, we jiu took Bus 960 with them luhs. :] Th barman and Andrew. [: Thn we took Bus 197 back to Bedok Interchange to meet Huey Leng they all lehs. (: After awhile, we helped Huey Leng take XiaoAlex's number luhs. LOL! He really give sehs. &Ytd, th China Alex took number from her too. Rofls ! I thought Huey Leng got stead already ? =\
&I stupid th luhs. Ken asked me to miss call a number. I stupid go help him missed call. Ended up is th malay guy who wanted my number. Lmaos! -.-" Rofls. Thn, jiu slacked @ my hse downstairs fer a few hours luhs. :] But Wenxiang's face quite black th sehs. I think he like her luhs. =\ Shhhhhh. LOL!
{A wise girl kisses, but does not love.
Listens, but does not believe.
And leaves, before she is left.}
} 23 October
posted on Friday, October 24, 2008 at 12:52 AM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Earthlings,
miss me ? :D Hahas, Pay day! But sooooo sad because only 1 day nia. Stupid rights ? Lol! Btw, early in th morning. I jiu went back to sch with Huey Leng to meet Jason they all luhs. They said, go back sch take pictures th leys. :] When we walked to th canteen there to mit them. Almost everyone look at us like who are us like that ? -.-" Rofls. &we ate in th canteen tooo. She ate her favourite Fishball Noodle. I ate Lor Mee. :D Since today have .
Thn, after that we jiu went to th staff room & found out that Mdm Zubaidah isn't in Singapore ! DD: She went to Japan with th CCA leaders all these. Stupid th larhhhhh ! D: Afterall, we didn't get to take picture with Miss Abraham a.k.a Hammy. I think we no fate larhhhh. We went down HOD Room to find her take picture, she not inside. Arghhhh !
We took Bus 14 home. Huey Leng came to my hse luhs. :] She went to her friendster and check this and that. After awhile, she uploaded her pictures all these luhs. (: Hahas.! About 2.45pm plus, we went out of my hse. We went to Macdonald first, because I'm selling my friend, th instock BF top. :} &We walked to Bus 30 there. &Waited for Bao Lun they all luhs. All late th siahs ! Say meet 3pm in th end, 3.30pm plus thn reached.
My next schedule is Next wed, fri and sun. :} Wed and fri is 5.30pm - 11pm barhs ? I forget what time end. =\ Sun is 11am - 5pm. :D Lol! I scared I oversleep siahs. Rofls! I called Apple but she didn't answer so jiu forget it luhs. :S Maybe Huey Leng coming SSC to work too leys. :]
We took Bus 158 to Aljunied Mrt Station & took Mrt luhs. {: We went to Tampines Mall to meet Jason they all luhs. blahh blah blahh! .
We had our dinner @ Century Square, Food Culture . ;] We all ate Chicken Rice expect for Li Si leys. He sleeping.\= Hahas!
After that, Huey Leng they all jiu pei me go find Kimberly to lend phone from her luhs. As, my phone spoiling soon. T.T ! I will miss it very much th luhs. D: Thn, we at there chit-chat all this luhs. &They started to plan going Genting to play 3days 2nights. :S I also not sure whether I can go or not leys. \= Should I lie to my dad about it ? Narhs, I'm a honest kid ! :D Thn, we jiu took Bus 229 to Bedok Interchange to meet Wen Xiang th luhs. But he haven't reach yet. About 11.30pm plus, Wei Jie called th wrong person out of mac. =\ At first, he wanted to ask Huey Leng out of th mac but Wen Xiang went out. hAhas ! After that, they asked her to go out. &We knew that don't know who want to know her liao narhs. Funny siahs.
XiaoAlex, she jiu never give. Him, she jiu gave. *amen! =\ Hahas. Just kidding larhhhh ! &This coming sun, Kimberly going Beijing liao siol. 10days trip siahs . :} Takecare norhs ! :D
{This is no fairytale, no fiction, this is truly.}
Guesss, I really still loved you afterall this while!
} 20 October
posted on Tuesday, October 21, 2008 at 2:39 AM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Earthlings,
Today I just reached home not long ago only.&I went online to check about th phone that I'm eyeing on luhs. Nb! Apple told me that , that model is c902 which isn't luhs. Cb! Thn, she keep telling everyone that she at first, also want to take that phone th, but because I told her not. Cb! She is like keep blaming things to me ? If is a joke, it ain't funny at all. In case, you doesn't even know. -.-" Th expression, you're giving me is you're cunning.
Argh, after I fount out. I'm like sooooo pekchek luhs. If she doesn't know th model, she don't have to lie. She can just replied I don't know. -.-" Stupid th. Sometimes, I also don't know she like to act dumb-founded when she ain't. _|_! Very fcukup th siahs. Lol! Next time, I ain't giving any comments already. So, don't worry :) If you ask, I will be replying : Suit you luhs. You want jiu buy, don't want jiu leave it thn. :} . Very easy th. That time, is Saturday. We took Mrt, I was like late for 5mins plus ? &She is already nagging at there. I don't want to go there so early. She wanted. I jiu said, next time early say. thn you can go on your own luhs. :] &She replied, oh ya hors. _|_!
In mrt, I was like saying her make-up nia. She jiu say I'm annoying. HELLOR ! Who is th real annoying person ahhhh ? Cb. Your make-up got fault, so I told you. I think hors, next time I keep quiet. Let yourself find out better. But, you sure will say why I don't early say th ? _|_! Next time,I'll be replying _|_ you larhhhhh. Just now, when we're slacking at Playground there. Kimberly is using th phone which I wanted to buy th. I mean Apple jiu say what. She at first want to buy that phone th, but because Shirley told me not to buy. CB! What siahs ? Like I owe you th is it ? I jiu replied back, I think hors , she next time marry th wrong person she is gonna blame again. Kns! _|_. Very irritating th! One time, funny. two time, okays. Third time, jiu fcuking irritating already larhhh hors .
She also sot th. I asked her buy ZA brand, she insisted buying L'OREAL Brand. Nb! Thn, next time don't ask for my opinion larhhhhh. -.-" Stupid th siahhhs. She is th real troublesome person luhs. Only know how to blame people. Cb kia~ Arghhhhh ! _|_! This friday, she don't want go back RTC work, her problem liaoooo ! I won't beg her go th. She want jiu go , don't want jiu stay at home luhs. &Pooor Tarry throat infection. Rofls ! S: You must takecare ahhhhh :)
{Next time, don't ask for my opinion thn. D:}
} 19 October :D
posted on Monday, October 20, 2008 at 1:27 AM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Earthlings,
Few days didn't post already, this time round not because I'm lazy okays ? It's because I'm super busy th luhs. :]
Lol! I'm super lazy to post th luhs. =\ Just to inform everyone that my blog is still alive . :D I next wed and sat working @ SSC . &Friday working @ RTC. Must remember. Wed is 12pm, Sat is I forget. =\ Friday is 6pm. :] I wondered, Apple got work or not ? Ohya, I tml meeting her leys.
&&Huimin and Zijing stead siol. Rofls! I wondered if it's real or just faking nia leys. Poorrr Jason . =\
{I'm staring out at the stars, i'm wondering just where you are.}
#` 15 / 16 October
posted on Thursday, October 16, 2008 at 5:28 AM by S.Teo ♥

15 / 16 October
Hello Earthlings ! :)
Today I woke up @ 5.30pm plus ? Lol, thn saw quite a numbers of missed calls from different persons larhhhh. :) I called back Huey Leng and she asked whether I want to come out and slack or not leys ? At first, I'm not really sure. But in th end, I also went to meet her luhs. :D Seeeeee, I'm soooooo nice luhs. =\ Siahs larhhhh, I soooo BHB !
I went to buy my slippers first, I bought first pair but didn't like it. So, I bought another pair in th end. =\ I'm like spending my money for nothing ? Cb` Thn, I went to deposit $20 into my a/c leys. :] Poor thing larhhh, A/c poor money th. Wthhhh ! Thn, I took Mrt to Simei to meet them luhs. They was @ Blk 228, Fitness corner there luhs. Rofls ! Thn, jiu slack @ there larhhhh.
But after awhile, we jiu went to other blk which is soooo far ? ZZzz ~ I saw Huey Leng's colour-ed hair liao. Hahas ! Quite nice th luhs. But, th color not suited for me th larhhhhh. Which means, it ain't my type of colors. =\ Hahas ! Thn, jiu at there chat with Chong Kai about to study Private O or go ITE luhs. I also not sure about it leys. Sighs* I haven't ask my dad about it luhs. Ltr thn ask barhs. :] But Private O is very pricey luhs. 5k plus siol. For 5subjects which not included th exam papers fee yet siol. I see how first larhhhh. \= I'm bored to death!
Ltr, meeting Apple leys, which means I'm going out soooon to have my breakfast. &Hope she didn't fall asleep! Amen* :S
{Guys play for fun, girls play for keeps.}
Long time didn't post [:
posted on Monday, October 13, 2008 at 5:00 AM by S.Teo ♥

Hello Earthlings :D
It's been few days since I last posted already. LOL! I'm busy with my works these few days marhs. So, jiu didn't upload any picture or post anything lerhs. =\ Last sat, I just finished work @ RTC. &I alone took Bus 960 to Bugis Street thn took Bus 197 home luhs. LOL! Bus 197 is sooooooo damn long.
Its took about 45mins plus to reach Bedok Interchange luhs. Apple went to Cindy's hse leys. Erms, because she sunday needa work marhs. So, jiu stay overnight @ her hse liao luhs. [: Hahas ! Oh ya. Tml Huey Leng they all going Causeway Point to dye hair siol. Si Ning going there to dye hair and rebond her hair leys. LOL!
I not sure whether I'm going or not worhs. But one thing, for sure is that : I'm gonna buy th Ipod Iphone Style ,@ $150 norhs. I not sure whether is Apple gonna buy yet. I just don't like to wait when I want to buy something I wanted badly. She haven't even get her pay yet luhs. -.-" I next Thursday getting another pay again :D From SSC th lehs . :DD I next sat, working @ RTC. sunday @ SSC siol. :]
{I want to run, but only far enough to make you miss me}
} Singapore Flyer Trip :D
posted on Friday, October 10, 2008 at 11:55 AM by S.Teo ♥

{I think this picture is meaningful ! So I repeated using it :D}
HELLO Earthlings,
Today th whole I didn't get to sleep at all. D: Well, maybe because ytd I woke up at 6pm plus in th evening ?! -.-" Thn, I met Apple to Bedok Interchange to shop for my stuffs larhhhh. I bought quite a number of stuffs ? &I'm lazy to post th pictures and to say in detail larhhhh. I bought cosmetics, foundation all these luhs . Blah blah blah ! :}
Should I say I'm excited because I'm going Singapore Flyer today ? Rofls. I just can't seem to get to sleep at all luhs. Wtfffff ! _|_~ Arghhhhh .Thn, I'm damn pekchek th luhs . Nb ! In th end, I really didn't sleep at all. I just bathed, I went to play a few rounds of Audition first. &I just accepted th invitation to a club dance room ? Rofls. 1boy handsome, th other 2 kns =\ Thn, all girls pretty luhs . Well, first time I play Club Dance II siol. I'm quite blur blur th siahs . =S
I took Bus 14 to sch luhhhs . Thn, I went to th canteen first while waiting for Huiyi leys. I saw Tarry, Jason they all luhs. They was like playing PSPs at there ? -.-" I didn't know Qunsheng also going siol. LOL!
We took bus to Singapore Flyer there leys. :] On th way there, I took some pictures of myself and Jason th pictures luhs. I mean both of us th larhhhhh. Not nice luhs, I not enough sleep thn got black circles, damnnnnn ugly th larhhhhh. =\ But, I will still upload it larhhhh.
Here is th zi-lian pictures ! :D

Me and Jason {After edit-ed !}

Shirley 'N' Jason

When we reached there, we waited for Mr Samsul to get th tickets thn we walked there. &Finally, we got to on board th Ferris Wheel. :D YaAHHOOOOOOOO ! :D Ofcos, we took quite a number of pictures during th ride. Th duration is 30mins leys . I mistaken a golf court as Botanic Garden ! Wthhh =\ Paiseh larhhhh. I'm stupid, cannot ahhhh ?
Group picture :D

Shirley, Chongkai, Jason

Lisi, Tarry

Random Pic

Me with th $25.00 ticket :D

Expensive Ticket ! =\

I'm not important, she is th lead ! :D Mrs Chua ~

Huiyi, Shirley

Abit look like heart-shape, doesn't it ? :]

Credited to Chongkai:D
After that, we got down and we went on our own larhhhh . Go around walk walk luhs . Thn, I told Huiyi there is a 7-Eleven on th first floor. She jiu asked, here will got mehs ? LOL! =\ Thn, we jiu found it and bought stuffs to eat all these luhs. After awhile, I and Qunsheng go walk walk in th so-called forest leys . &I took pictures again ! :D &We jiu went home liao. :]
Random pictures :D

I wondered, what are they doing down there ? =\

Peacock painting! It's nice :D

A pond :D

There is turtles :D

Fish feeding, still need to buy siol ! LOL. =\

It look like sweet-corn flower. =\

{A fun day :D}
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