} 31 July
posted on Thursday, July 31, 2008 at 8:48 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I'm having Science Paper 1, CPA Paper 1 & English LC [:
3papers in a day again. sighs*
But I was like, keep sleeping ? Lol, immediately after I finished :D
Lol, Thn after sch actually we watching movie th lehs.
But in th end, we never go watch . [:
When I reached home, I fought with my brother ! D:
He is a fcuking bastard! I just don't understand why he is my brother ?
When we don't even look alike / sound alike ?! I hate him D:
I wish he can just fcuk off luhs ! Cb th ~ Thn made me cried !?!?!? D:
I hate crying . Fcuk ! He is a fcuker !
After that, I went to gaigai with Apple lehs :]
I bought alots of things worhs . ^^V
Shirley only hope you realised her soon :}
posted on Wednesday, July 30, 2008 at 10:45 PM by S.Teo ♥
How great, she misunderstood again ? D:
But I'm lazy to bother with her. She can think whatever she want .
She can even think whatever she want. But th real meaning, she never know .
&She won't know, because she already think this way liao.
Hmmm, I'm lazy to explain things . If you want to think this way , thn let it be.
If you're destined to be my friend, you will be . No matter what happened.
But if you aren't th destined to be my friend, thn no matter what I do. you will leave in th end . [: I'm sick of chasing people's backs . I gave up long time ago~ Now I don't chase upon people anymore. [: &I don't wait for people anymore too.
Really, if you want to think that way, go ahead. ~ :]
If you're my friend because we're destined to be . Really, no matter what happened, nothing will change. But you're not, even a single words will tear th friendship.
I'm a lazybum , so please don't expect me to explain things !
You wrote about what, not happy come . Please luhs ~
I ain't not happy about anythings ? -.- I'm just stating th facts .
If you can't see it, thn is too bad, my dear ! [:
You can think all you want , please no matter what you just misunderstood my meanings / words. If You think is like this, thn let it be bahs . ;]
Lol, see ! I can write Negative-things too, duh !
But, sorry hors ! I don't think Negative anymore . Eversince, I fall for him . [:
Positive will be better, but for you ? You're always a Negative-thinker.
No matter what, you always think about Negative instead of Positive.
Let it be bahs , Let Nature takes course ! I'm really lazy to explain ?
Simple sentence: If you're my destined friend, you will be for me ! No matter what happened. But it seems like, you isn't th one . :} Felt touched ? Thn cry bahs .
Lol! :S
*Roll eyes*
Please don't misunderstood people's words / sentences . If anything unclear to you, ask me . It will be better ;
I never let other's words get to me.
} 30 July
posted on at 8:09 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I'm having my Science Paper 2 & EOA Paper 2 ?
Lol, when I first turn to th first page of Science paper. I was already seeing stars ?
It's so damn hard ? Lol, th answers I gave is pretty lame.
&Apple finally found her school shoes ? Lol!
Hmmm, th EOA Paper is pretty easy worhs .Hoho :D
If only, th Science & Maths papers is as easy as EOA Paper!
After that, we went to Bedok Interchange. [:
We was wondering which movie should we watch ?
&We decided to watch Prom Night :D

Anyways, It's nice & maybe I'm watching it again ? Lol. [;
Cool ! 4.5stars :D But I hate th ending ? It's pretty lame ending.
Lmaos ! So sad fer th girl's family, friends and her boyfriend got killed !
&I hate th killer ? Lol, he is so freaky pervert face ?
This story is about a Teacher who fall in love with his student, Donna. [:
Th poor girl / victim in this movie. :] In order to make Donna fall in love with him, he killed her family which includes of her mum, dad and younger brother !
Th killer is so pervert ? &He even kill innocent peoples for nothing ? -.-"
This movie is nice anyways , just that I hate th ending [;
Why did it have to end this way lehs ? sighs*
Ha! After that, we all went home & changed thn went to Kimberly's hse .
Thn Apple play MIA-ing again. Lol! I don't care. :D
She want she automatic will find us. But she always like this th larhs. For example: If she want go Bugis to buy things, she will ask us. &if we don't accompany her, she jiu start to nag liao.
Well, it this fair ? Who is th one acting like a spoiled child here ? Stop saying people when you, yourself don't even look at yourself to see whether you have th rights to say or not ? D: Humpf ~
Since this is your choice, thn you can ask someone else to accompany you out next time. I don't really need to accompany you th hors . I also know how to play MIA-ing. Just that, I don't play nia . &hors, I'm th first one who say I'm not going his chalet th. You don't have to play with me th . Lol! -.-
&Th favourite sentence of yours is always he/she never ask ,so I never go .
Don't want to go jiu say don't want to go larhs. Mai say people bo ask can ? You can like this for a certain time but not everytime can ? =.= It's quite irritating th luhs . Anyways, to be fair ! If you block me from your blog, thn I ain't letting you view my blog too. (: So , don't say I ain't fair. If you want to view, say so .
This is my blog, my say. I used it before `
Lol! -.-
Can't you think of something else ? zZzz ~ I don't really care ? Lol.
So what ? *Roll eyes*
I ain't letting you view my blog , if you're blocking me hors !
If you have read this post, thn very good ! I can block you liao. [:
I ain't that friendly to those who ain't friendly to me . &I don't like to entertain those people with poor english / grammar :] Learn how to spell thn say bahs .
I know how to say / write. Just that, I sometimes use singlish for fun th . Your broken English, I really have nothing to say about it liao nahs .
U Grade for your blog's posts ! [:
Anyways, if people ask why you create blog, can you please don't push th blame to me ? -.- It's quite annoying th, in case you don't know ! D:
You keep replying with , because Shirley asked me to . Lmaos, I wondered why I ask you to stead with him you don't want ? &If I ask you to go die, will you go ? If you will thn, I LL luhs .
I know you're viewing my blog somewhere / sometimes ? Lol! You want view jiu view dao you gou larhs . [:Lol! I, guang ming zheng da. Not like you, locked your blog. Lol!
Do you have that phrase abit familiar ? Yes, you used it before ?
In case, you're having short-memory which you don't have. You say it to somebodys. .
&How sad, they told me th. [: Anyways, how sad ! I really hate Emo, Sadist & Negative-thinker! If you're one of it, thn please back off ? Lol.
I'm 100% positive thinker , because I don't do stupid things ~ [;
Cutting your own hand is a very stupid thing to do ? Why would I do that when I love myself ? Lol, I don't hate myself. &If I hate someone , I don't cut myself. Maybe I'll cut th wall ? Lol! I don't really like to entertain with Emo people !If you're EMO, thn fcuk off ? Lol. [: Don't pollute my blog / life , alrights ? Thank you very much :D I'm friendly only to those who're friendly to me. :D I ain't saying anyone in my blog, okays ? [: Unless, you're guilty ? Lol!
I don't really like to be so sarcastic ? Lol! But you forced me to .
If I'm too friendly to you, you'll bite me back . ! *Stared*
I won't entertain with you anymore . You want , you come find me .
You don't want , jiu forget about it . Well, because I don't really want to waste my msgs / calls on you when you ain't a Singtel User. :]
Lies will be exposed soon ? I definitely want to change my phone . [:
If you ask why, thn you must be stupid / dumb ! [;
Oh ya, I forget that you're retard. Lol!
Dummy don't cry and they don't feel pains. Really, if you don't believe, you try them luhs . [: But don't say is I teach th. &I don't teach people to do bad things. [: Ofcos, I ain't that easy to be influence. In case, you really don't know . But I hope, you ain't acting dummy here ? Or else, I will be even sarcastic th ! :D *Grins* I'm friendly, am I ? :D
Negative-thinkers, fcuk off !
} 29 July
posted on Tuesday, July 29, 2008 at 9:58 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I'm having Maths Paper 1 only. [: Yeahs ~
Lol! But th teacher in class will be Ms Abraham ! S:
Sighs* &How sad it is that tmr I'm having Science Paper 1 & EOA Paper 2.
2 papers in a day siol . &Only EOA students need to stay back to take only siol! Lmaos ! [: Luckily that I, Apple, Huey Leng & Si Ning is EOA th.
Lol! [:
Anyways, after th paper. I and Huey Leng jiu went home first lerhs.
Well because we ltr going to Clarke Quay to find Kimberly they all lehs.
I'm so stupid luhs ! I also don't know why I bring so many things go ?
&Made my bag so heavy to carry. D: I'm a dummy, I admit it !
Sighs* Anyways, Next Monday is Tarry's Birthday siol. He is opening Chalet on 01 August, I guess . [; I also not sure, what I'm gonna buy fer him as a present worhs ? Ha, I think I wore th wrong top out liao nahs . So pekchek ?
Lol! I think I failing my Maths & Science again ? Lol! =X
But can I don't fail my Maths ? I don't really mind, if I fail my Science th !
Really ~ sighs* Now she blocked me from her blog.
Lmaos ! I'll block back her as a greeting thn :D
I'm friendly, so forget ! :D
I say before, if you're my friend thn stay with me. If you're not, thn stay back!
} 28 July
posted on Monday, July 28, 2008 at 8:44 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I woke up @ 6.10am plus ? Lol. [:
&I jiu went to make my stuffs liao luhs, :D
I'm so sleepy ! &My stupid brother didn't go to sch almost like don't know how long ?
Lol! -.-
Yeahs , rights ! I hope he fail . Lol! [:
I doubt that he will go sch ? He is gonna fail his exams properly already.
Today I'm having 3papers in a day siol ? =\
Th first paper I'm having is EL Paper 1 lehs . [: Sheesh, letter writing !
Gosh, I didn't remember th formula for it ? &I was like so tired writing th letters.
My right hand th middle finger hurt siol ! ): sighs*
Thn I sleep till halfway, I saw something passby me ? &I opened my eyes and I saw HER ! Omg ! Suddenly, I saw Ms Abraham in th classroom siol. :X
I didn't even clip up my fringe yet ? S: I don't feel so well !
I'm damn sleepy ! After th EL Paper 1 ended, we straight went down to Canteen to eat luhs! (: I ate Lor Mee fer my breakfast ? Lmaos ! :}
Heard that, Mr Ang Wee Meng is opening Chalet lehs . I also don't know whether he opening at where ? I think should be Whitesand th bahs ?
Ha, Today I had 2 EL Papers & 1 CPA paper siol. Lol! I'm so tired + sleepy !
S: After th CPA lessons, we went to Long John Sliver & eat :D
I like ate alots siol ? I ate One Combo 1, Upsized, Additional : Cheese Sauce & 1 Potato Salad. It's not nice , th salad I mean ! D:
After that, I went to Fatimah to buy Clam Chowder ! :D
Lol, I was like cutting queue ? Lmaos ! Shhh .
Anyways, Thanks Jianhui fer th Good Luck ? Lol! [:
I'm so not feeling well, gosh ! Maybe because of th *ahem* ! sighs*
It's like so unlucky ? D:
Love me, adore me & pamper me :D
} 27 July
posted on Sunday, July 27, 2008 at 9:19 PM by S.Teo ♥
Gosh ! I'm having Muscle Pained ! D:
So pained , ):
Anyways, I meet Apple to go Eastpoint to study th at first ?
Before that, I took some pictures ! It's just below :D




I'm acting cute here ! :X

Emo-ing ? No way ! :]
Thn, when we reached Eastpoint. Th mall was like so nosiy & packed with crowds.
Apple jiu say Bedok Green Secondary students is here luhs .
[: There was th band & someone singing on th stage, I don't know th . =\
After that ,I bought 2 pairs of fake eye-lashers, 1packet of clips & a comb ! :D
I keep losing my comb ? wth! It is like I'm so unlucky ? -.-
Thn, we jiu went to Watson to find th glue fer th eye-lasher .[:
But thn, I bought a liquid type th foundation.
&We went to th Popular also . [: We went there to buy Correction Tape ?
Lmaos !
I was like short-of-cash ? :O Very th shag luhs .
Thn we went to Long John Sliver to eat our lunch / dinner ?
&I think I saw someone familiar ? Lol!
I heard him saying : Shir.... ~ But I don't hear th LEY ! LOL! :X
Thn Apple jiu say she heard him saying Shirley to his friends.
Lol! [: Thn we went to Burger King to "study" ?
&I took pictures again ! :X

After that, we jiu took Mrt back home . [:
On my way home, I was like dragged by a lady wearing red top. :X
Lol, she was like asking me to buy th kotex ? S:
Th Kotex that look like this ;

Lmaos ! It's cute, but I prefer Night-time instead of Day-time! S:
} Happy Birthday Kimberly :D
posted on at 1:00 AM by S.Teo ♥
I just reached home not long ago!
I shared cab with Jason, Apple & Kimberly .
Let's start today's story now ? Lol ! &I have some pic to upload today !
I & Apple took Mrt to City Hall to meet my supplier, Dinna first. Thn after that, I meet Kimberly . &We wait for Delphin luhs .
After that, we went Funan Mall ? Lol. We went there, to take th Chicken Wings!
&She went to meet her brother, Kenneth! Thn we went to Cold Storage to buy Ice Packets [: After that, we walked to Clark Quay, The Central.
Her condominium is like above The Central Mall only ? Lol, Just that taking th lift and going in th door need th stupid key ? Lol, abit troublesome .
&Th condominium look like a Office / Hotel more. :X
&Blah blah blah .
After that, when th Pizza Delivery reached. We went up to eat luhs :D
Okays , let's talk about who is there bahs! There is Me, Apple, Si Ning, Huey Leng, Delphin, Yuan Xi, Xiang Lan, Hui Min, Jason, Tarry, Chong Kai, Li Si, Zhi Fu, Shamir, Fatimah, Juwaidi, Farah & last but not least, th Birthday Girl, Kimberly Lopez Loo! Oh ya, &Juwaidi's friend. [:
That's all , i guess ? Oh ya, During afternoon, there is still Jeffrey & his friend luhs . [: But they went off on evening time bahs ? Lol!
We went to th Steaming Bath, It was like fcuking damn hot ? Lol!
&It's so hard to breath siol. =\
We had alots of fun today! Thanks, Kimberly! :D
Actually, It's more fun th Chalet / Bbq Pit. !
After we all bath finished all this , we went to th Gym to slack off ? Lol!
At there, we're taking photos luhs [: But, I didn't take photo with Farah they all! D: Eh, they're busy dancing ? Lol, I just simply love Fatimah's hair !
Thn we all went home after that luhs . [:
Photo! :D

Kimberly & Si Ning :D

Kimberly & Yuan Xi ! [:

Chong Kai & Me! :D

Apple, Yuan Xi, Delphin, Me & Farah, infront! [:

Yuan Xi, Delphin, Apple & Me! :D

Happy Birthday Kimberly ! :D ; Group Pic


Yuan Xi wearing Chong Kai's nerdy spec! [:

Huey Leng piggyback Yuan Xi in th Gym! :]
} 26 July
posted on Saturday, July 26, 2008 at 1:17 PM by S.Teo ♥
Paiseh if I spelled wrong your name norhs .
Hmmm, Today we're celebrating Kimberly's birthday early one day .
&We're going Clark Quey there to celebrate ?
I also not sure , who is going siol ? =\
I asked Tarry thn he say don't know ? Wth ?
But Sining, ytd said she meeting Huey Leng & Wen Xiang ?
Lmaos !
I'm hungry siol =O Ha, I wonder, who is going her party lehs ?
Hmmm, I'm quite looking forwards to her birthday lehs ?
Btw, our prelims is coming & we haven't even study yet ? &We're gonna play ?
I also don't know how ? If Prelims fail, thn 'N' level jiu good luck liao!
Lmaos :X
I'll be back to post th post for today:D
} 25 July
posted on Friday, July 25, 2008 at 11:25 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I heard wrong ? LOL , My grandma say it's Six Ten already . I still thought is 6.50am already . &I was shocked ? Lmaos .
LOL, When I was bathing , I actually use th shampoo to wash my body ? ROFL !
I'm was like so blur ? -.-" &I wore th skirt upside down.
&&Worst is that, I actually dreamed of Shamir with a one whole bucket of Salivas! Omg . It's so disgusting, duh! wtf! DDD:
It's a totally nightmare siol!
During PE lessons , I was like sitting down there. Chatting with Juwaidi during th whole PE lessons. Well, because he didn't wear PE short with him today . [:
Thn th PE Teacher, still asked him go run & keep items . wth ?
He was like so lonely today ? Hmmm, maybe because Farah & Fatimah wasn't in sch bahs ? They're busy with th wedding items marhs . LOL!
I want to see Malays' Wedding siol! It's very cool th siol!
As in, quite different from us , Chinese th . :D
Anyways, after sch we went to Bedok Interchange & took th shuttle bus to Giant. I mean, th biggest Giant at Tampines area there. {:
When we reached , it was like so big ? (Grins)
&We're looking for Kimberly's present. Hohoho :D
Anyways, tmr is Hongwei's birthday also. But actually, Kimberly's birthday is on 27 July. :D She early celebrate, because on th next day! We're having our PRELIMS already ? Omg. I haven't even start flipping my books yet ?
Everything seems like a dream to me. [:
&I can't believe that I actually study till Sec 4 when I'm those type that like to play instead of study th. :] &&My grades dropped damn alots siol. I was quite disappointed in my grades th ? But seems like , my parents' reactions is still th same ? &It just make me , don't feel like studying at all . [:
&Really, I don't understand th word, "Study / Revision" ? What's th meaning of it ?
Lmaos !
After that, we all jiu went back home liao. :D
&I went to bath straight. And went to bed. I was awaken by Mr Jianhui's msg.
LOL! ;x
I actually lying on my phone ? D: Gosh , hope my phone didn't get any damage ?
Ha, I'm sleepy now. &Tmr I'm meeting my supplier, Dinna at City Hall to take my items . [: Thn, maybe I'm meeting my buyer , Wenhui bahs .
Shirley only wanted your attenion.
} 24 July
posted on Thursday, July 24, 2008 at 9:50 PM by S.Teo ♥
I just realised that I haven't post th post for today yet.
LOL! {:
I quite lazy to post a post to my blog luhs ;
Hmmm, what to write ?
Nothing really special happen.
Just that, th stupid Shamir don't know went to which class & took a REDDDD Pillow come back ? LOL. Th color is nice . :D
I want it! (Grins*)
He is so fcuked-up ? He use that pillow/cushion to hit my head.
He keep on disturbing me everyday ?
&Go to sch , is like a torture to me ? o.O `
&Jian Hui went to see th VP to talk ? Lmaos !
He said th VP only want to talk with him & maybe nag about him ;
LOL, I'm quite sleepy today siol !
I think I'll go to bed soon ! ^^V
Today during Science lessons , we have our lessons at th HOD outside ? Lmaos ! S:
If people don't know, will still thought th whole class got punish by th DM luhs .
Ehs, so funny ?! &that stupid idiot Tarry Ang Wee Meng use a permanent marker to draw on me ? Omgggg ~ I was like so pissed off ? DDD:
&I really felt like ignoring him th whole day luhs ; (Angry!*)
He is so corrigible type siol ! So hate people to draw me th luhs ~
Humpf ~ DDDD:
Totally make my day ; -50 ! DDD: &Th weather is already so hot ?
But when it reached evening, it became cold again ? Lmaos .
&That make me wonder, should I bring my cardigan to sch tmr ? LOL S:
I lazy lehs . I changing bag ltr . LOL! I using Apple's bag again ?
Because my dad haven't get his pay so no money to buy luhs .
He didn't even give me money to buy my concession pass ; Gosh ! ):
I left $0.20 inside only ? Wth . I wonder , tmr how I go sch siol ?
sighs* (sadded):)
Your love is all I ever wanted ,really !
want to view larhs
posted on at 2:56 PM by S.Teo ♥
You want view to view luhs . I hacked care liao !
LOL. [:
Well, because this is my blog.
&I have th rights to write what I wanted. :D
You want to read what I post , also your problem .
Don't want to read, also your problem . You never once tag before ?
I also don't understand, why you like to view my blog so much ?
As if, you have alots of things fer me to write ? LOL.
&I don't really have to write about you in my post th.
If you don't like it, thn don't view my blog. so easy!
I blocked you, you also can block back me th .
If you don't want, thn that's your problem liao luhs ? {:
Now, I let you view my blog. Should thanks me or what siol ?
Ltr , you saw what I wrote . You re-post it in your blog again.
As if , you don't have anything to write in your blog &need me to be your title ?
Suit you luhs .
Really, I don't want to care liao. tired lerhs [:
You're th one who don't want to reply my msg / answer my calls.
So , you want you call me / msg me luhs. Because I won't make th initiative again.
Ytd is th last time fer me to make th first move!
posted on at 2:53 PM by S.Teo ♥
I'm th stupid one, because I teach her how to blog. &I'm th one who teach her alot of things about internet stuffs ?
Especially , BLOGGING!
I shouldn't have asked her to blog th. I'm a dumbass ! This is th wrong things that I did , I regret most th ? DD:
I'm so pekchek ? Because I teach her how to blog th ? If I don't teach, nothing jiu happen th . Might as well say if her hse don't have computer will be better ? LOL. :D
&&If what I want to write on my blog also cannot, thn I open this blog fer ?
Please don't limit my space / privacy ?
I have th rights to let who I wanted , to view / not to view my blog . As , THIS IS MY BLOG ; MY SAY !
You never have th rights to comment my posts!
} 24 July
posted on at 2:45 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I'm a good girl, because I went for sch ?
LOL. =\
Thn , Ytd Midnight, I text her . She don't want to reply me .
She wrote at her blog , writing what because everyone too dote her or whatever.
So what, jealous ?
I have th rights to let who I like to view my blog , alrights ?
Last time, I also didn't invite you in! You also never say anythings.
Just because I once invite you in before , thn blocked back you jiu mean what liao luhs. I opened my blog is not fer you to view & comment th .[:
I wrote it because I feel / want it ? -.-
You're making me so damn frustrated ! Thn ytd, you at Long John Sliver talk about me to Huey Leng & Si Ning . So , I don't really care ?
You want to step yi ge EMO, go one corner can ? It's very irritating if you EMO in th middle of th class luhs . [: Don't like jiu don't like luhs.
Yes, I'm childish thn you lehs ? As if, you isn't like that ?
Hannah hannah , everythings you do is right th larhs . I do th is always wrong one larhs. I don't want to argue with you th luhs . Is you want to argue with me th ?
You argue with me just because I don't let you view my blog ? Wah kao.
How childish can it be ? -.-
Since you SO LIKE to view my blog, I let you view my blog nia luhs .
But, what I wrote is none of your business & I didn't state your name.
If you're guilty thn you'll kpkb liao luhs . :D
I'm like this th. This isn't th first day , you know me alrights ?
As if , behind my back you never say me before like that ? -.-
Please luhs , I hardly talk to anyone about your things okays ?
Almost all, I write on my blog th luhs . &&Please larhs , I didn't state your name luhs. If you think is you , thn jiu is you luhs . I don't care ?
This is my blog, &You don't have th rights to comment!
If this is your blog , thn you want to write me write until what. that's your problem liao hors . &What I wrote is almost th FACTS ? -.- I never write anything fake about you luhs . You dare say you're not stubborn type ? *Ahem* Excuse me !
} 23 July
posted on Wednesday, July 23, 2008 at 10:52 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I didn't go to sch ? LOL!
I oversleep marhs, that's why !
LOL, thn I woke up at 1.30pm plus like that luhs ?
Thn at first, I'm meeting my Hoodie Supplier th. But she last min say cmi ?
I was quite angry th, thn I meet Kimberly instead. =\
Ha, she was so slow ? -.-
She took Bus 229 , LOL!
When we reached Long John Sliver, I saw Sining, Huey Leng, Apple, Farah & Fatimah {: Apple still wearing th malay costume lehs . Lmaos ! Look quite funny th nahs [:
Shh, Thn we ate there luhs . When it's my turn, Kimberly called me to take more Tartar sauce ? -.-
&Th person gave a lots of packets ? LOL. As if , it's free th ?
LOL, aiyas. [: Thn after that, Kimberly jiu say that she want to go Toa Payoh cut her hair ? -.- LOL!
Thn Kimberly & Apple jiu came my hse luhs. LOL ! [:
I was eating my Clam Chowder :D It's nice ! I'll recommend to my other friends nahs.
LOL, &I'm quite lazy to make a blogshop fer her ?
Th items , she is selling is not mine plus no commission also =\
Oops, Okays , fine ! I'm a petty girl marhs ! No money , no work .
LOL, I'm just as she said to her mum th. You put th coin th robot jiu will move.
Thn long story liao nahs. I'm so lazy to type it all out ? LOL
When we was in Bus 31, Sining realised that Kimberly's water is leaking out from her bag ? LOL. &She checked it out.
After that, we took Bus 232 to th Salon there luhs . [:
&We took cab to Bugis Village ? ROFL
As, Sining want to buy a new bag ? LOL. [:
We was like roaming around Bugis Street ? =\
Thn, Sining in th end, bought a haversack type bag @$32.90 luhs
After that, we took cab to Kimberly's hse nearby.
[: Thn I went to her hse outside to take USB Cable from her marhs.
&We took Bus 229 home. Thn when th bus passby Tampines Sec I think, Sining said she saw a girl standing at th corner of a classroom ?
Lmaos , when I didn't see any girl at all siol ? =\
Thn, I jiu told Huey Leng & she said maybe she saw that thing bahs , as that sch is quite old already. [: Omg ! Luckily , th one who saw it wasn't me siol.
If not, I dare not take lift home liao siol ! :X
End of my story fer today :D
If you're mine, no matter how you run away. You'll come back to me in th end.
} 22 July
posted on Tuesday, July 22, 2008 at 9:25 PM by S.Teo ♥
What to write fer today's post lehs ?
LOL, I not sure about what I want to post norhs !
Anyways, tmr my sch is celebrating Racial Harmony's Day!
EHs, I don't know whether should I wear th Malay costume or not lehs ?
Because , tmr after sch I'm going City Hall to meet my supplier ?
Gosh ! My time is quite rushing th ? LOL.
Hmmm, I think hors , I maybe not wearing lehs ? :X
I'm feeling so damn bored ! ):
You're so dense till it make my blood boil!
} Fcuk !
posted on Monday, July 21, 2008 at 7:22 PM by S.Teo ♥

Anyways, I just saw th post on her blog. LOL! -.-
I think it's quite childish luhs.
I'm just saying what I wanted what ? got wrong mehs ?
I say before lerhs. Don't like what I wrote, thn jiu click alt+F4! So easy ?
Still need me teach you mehs ? That's why , i say you don't really have to view my blog to post a reply. I don't care th[:
Because , this is my blog & my SAY !
Hate it ? Thn please press alt+f4 !
I never ask you to view anyways. :]
Say nicely is press alt+f4. Say not nicely is fcuk off luhs. :D
Anyways, sometimes I can be damn straight-forward th hors.
Really marhs, you always nag & nag ? -.- Still say what saying "QI HUA" ? -.-
So ? Must I listen ? =.= You can always call Kimberly instead of me th. :D
I'm too friendly to say it out loud liao.
Be it , I never once say I don't believe you ?
I write what I feel & what I like. &I need no comment from you th.
Really ~
&Please larhs. I also don't want to view your blog luhs :D
People who're childish will say other people first th.
} 21 July
posted on at 3:44 PM by S.Teo ♥

Counting down to Kimberly Lopez Loo's 16th Birthday :D
LOL. :D She is celebrating her birthday at her mum's condo ?
She asking us to go there to swim & do stuffs like sauna or spa ? .
&we haven't even buy her present yet.
=\ If we empty handed go, is like so unpleasant ?
As in, people invited us to go celebrate people's birthday.
Thn we never even bring a present go, very not nice . [:
&I'm not sure, what I'm buying for her ? LOL.
As, I don't see a need in her that she had everything already ?
Just that, she is not lady enough ?
I also don't know buying what for her ? [:
I'll decide it when it's near her birthday, since her birthday still long yet.
Actually, not long already. It's this coming SATURDAY !?!!?!?!?!?!
I'm so .... ~
Ha, Apple bought a same watch as me ?
So, I don't really care ! As, I think my watch's color is th nicest ?
LOL, she already eyeing that watch ever since, we first saw it ?
ROFL, I still think REEEEDDDDDDDDdd is nicer thn any colors expect BLACK :D
Hmmm, I hate white ? LOL. :X
Actually, not really hate it, but I don't like to wear that color ;
Perhaps so ? She is arrogance !
&I don't like it at all. -.- As in, short form is "VERY YAYA" ? :O
Make people quite dislike her attitude ? -.-
&She is th one who is very childish, yet keep saying other peoples.
I dared to write, won't deny ! As, this is my blog ; my SAY !
If you don't like my blog, thn fcuk off ? I don't need extra people's comment.
As, your comments wasn't needed in th first place ? LOL
Lmaos ! :D
I don't care, just don't bother me ? -.-
I hate troubles, but I LOVE to make troubles :D
Say me hypocrites or whatever, is your business.
But please, don't say things that I didn't do it at all or is fake items!
As, I'll get very frustrated ! &Maybe even will scold you ?
Nono, I think maybe will slap you ?
LOL, No way ! I'm so gentle type ! Actually, I'm th clever type.
Even if I want to find trouble / slap someone . I won't want to dirty my hands.
So, I'll be th behind mastermind :D Who knows ?
Maybe I'm th one who is pulling th strings now ? &Yes, I'm evil !
Plus, I'm damn evil that you can't stand me at all ? :D
^^V , I don't care who you're ?
Th more you think, you're very clever / pro .
Th more I dislike you! &Please stop stepping big when you're nothing.
If you're stubborn, thn that's your problem. I'll won't give in to you.
As in, hard against hard. If you're using hard, I won't use soft.
I'll use hard against you! So, please stop this childish things ?
I wondered, did I invite you in ? LOL :X
Who cares ? &If you don't mind alone, thn go alone one corner.
I don't really care also.&Mind your languages. [:
I mean what I say. &I say what I do.
Dislike it ? ; thn please shut th fcuk up. [: Or maybe, siam ?
You're in no position to make any comments or sounds, remember that!
posted on Sunday, July 20, 2008 at 11:24 PM by S.Teo ♥
I meet Apple & Huey Leng at Bedok Interchange lehs.
Thn, we took Bus 197 & we got down on th wrong bus stop .
Argh! I was like walao ehs ? T.T ~
Kao! So frustrated th luhs.
:S Thn, I forgot heard who say is at th middle of Lagoon & Macdonald siahs.
LMAOS ! ):
Anyways, I want to re-cut my hair ?
LOL. I don't really like it th way it is now, duh !
We walked damn long way luhs.
&Apple keep saying that she should have insisted to drop down on Marine Parade there, because from there walked to BBQ Pit 37, is much easier & faster ? ROFL! She keep on repeating & repeating luhs.
So, what can I do since we drop down on th wrong stop ?
-.- If th time can rewind, jiu hao liao larhs. She is so naggy type siol!
Keep nag & nag & nag.
&&She still don't want admit that she is th AUNTIE type.
LOL! She was so like auntie ? Th hairstyle & th way she is talking ?
ROFL. Inside my mind, was like keep laughing ?
LOL! Wen Xiang's pit quite alots of people th lehs.
But mostly, we don't know much th larhs. ROFLs !
Abit sian sian th luhs. LOL!
S: &Tarry was like wearing th clothes as ytd ?
-.- I was like : EH ? X:
After that, when it was like gonna rain.
Everyone jiu went off liao. LOL!
Left his family & us nia luhs. Th three of us hors !
-.- LOL. Thn Jason jiu came by lerhs.
LOL! &We took his auntie's car back home ?
&We was like sitting behind.
&th wind is making me & Huey Leng's hair messing like siao ?
After that, we jiu went home liao luhs.
I just reached home awhile ago nia. LOL! :D
I was like ARGH ~! Damn pekchek th luhs. T.T !
Yours attitude just pissed me off ?!
posted on at 4:35 PM by S.Teo ♥
Everything is just a dream, &I hate dreams!
} 20 July
posted on at 4:24 PM by S.Teo ♥
Finally, 18teen years old this year liao. :D Like that, you don't need to ask people help you buy wine / beer & cigg lerhs . Ha, you can buy it yourself liao norhs. LO!L [:
Hmmm, I also don't know what I want to tag lehs ? LOL. [: I think ltr I'm going down Bugis Street with Apple to buy Wen Xiang's present lehs. LOL! Well, because Kimberly larhs ! She ytd said she is gonna buy it today th. But thn, she said she not enough money so ended up, I & Apple have to go down buy lerhs. -.- I also don't know what I gonna wear ? LOL. [: My favourite top is washed lerhs ? T.T `~ ROFL. Let's me think , what I wanna wear first bahs. S:
Maybe after th BBQ end, I reach home thn I post what happen today , alrights ? I'm quite looking forwards th ? I really hope got show to see , so I won't feel bored ? LOL. Yes, I'm evil but what can you do about it ? :D &th story about those two idiots is so complicated ! &I don't really want to use my brain to think about it. As, it make no difference whether they're there or not th ! Really, I don't really care ? :D
Your love is all I ever want!
} 19 July
posted on at 12:10 AM by S.Teo ♥
Today I woke up damn early, because I wanted to go to th toilet urgently. LOL! :X I woke up at 9am in th morning liao luhs. wtf ? I still don't know now is what time siol ? T.T ~ Thn I jiu went to play th computer until Apple online msn ? &She asked me whether did Jason text me or not siol ? LOL. :X
Suay siahs, I shouldn't had go check whether he got send me th msg or not th siol! Well, because he wanted to ask us to come out to watch th firework & pei Hui Min as well. -.- He want to use us again! I haven't buy Wen Xiang's birthday present yet siahs. LOL! :S I wondering should I get a white skinny fer him or other things lehs. When I went to Apple's hse. She was qurrelling with her mother with don't know what things ? LOL. -.- They keep changing th venue to argue th siahs. ROFL! Nothing to write liao bahs ? I just post fer fun th luhs. &I'm opening a SECOND-HAND BLOGSHOP with Apple soon! Must come okays ? Th price is cheap cheap th hors. :D Confirm cheap th ! &Only wore few times , and still in good condition luhs. [:
Thn after that, Apple jiu went home liaos. Me, Tarry & Wen Xiang went to Blk 423 void-deck & slack lehs. hhaas ! :D Thn jiu chat alots of things luhs ? Ha, first time siahs ! I chat so many things with them ? LOL, he still like her siol. sighs* I think I'm those types that even if I like that person, I won't make a move first th. [: I can say / advise people but myself cannot make it . :[ weak hors ? sighs. I also don't know why lehs ? ): shag siol ! I don't think he like me since he like her already. &He is still wooing her until now though. That girl is good what. [: T.T ~
I also don't know your place in my heart is what ? =\
} Words ?
posted on Saturday, July 19, 2008 at 1:09 AM by S.Teo ♥
Hello :D
I had just changed my blogskin, nice ? If it's nice, can you make some comments alrights ? LOL.I'm feeling so sleepy siol ? [; Alson bluff wo ! :X LOL. Say will msg thn never msg . Ha, neverminds nahs . ;S
[: How's my blog norhs ? LOL. I'm feeling so sleepy + tired siahs. Hmmm, I also not sure what to type lerhs ? I just gonna make some comments / remarks about someone nahs.
As in, if you & him already patch liao. Fer what keep acting like you two quarrelling worhs ? It's so damn childish ? Please luhs, You how old liao siahs ? Still acting childish things , not acting is doing! * Typo error. LOL! :X I lazy change nahs. Paiseh luhs . :} I think th two of them is really a good match ? LOL! They so suit each other th luhs. Keep acting , I think they really very BHB ? They're th BHB couples ? LOL! X: Shh! I didn't mention anyone names at all hors ? If you're guilty, thn you'll kpkb luhs. If you're not, thn jiu don't need to care rights ? Noobs`~ That's why, I hate people from *****. I don't want to spell out th country name larhs. Ltr more obvious, jiu not good liao :D Well, I'm kind-hearted th luhs. Only to you, I'm not. [: I can be friendly and un-friendly at th same time th . ;] You're everytimes act yi ge naive nia. I also don't really believe that you're V***** liao luhs. [: Frankly speaking, you're quite cheap actually . :D Should thanks me , alrights ? ROFL ! I'm soooooo FRIENDLY type , duh !
:X You're so ERXIN , yucks ? *PUKES*
LOL. [: See, I didn't say much luhs . [:
} 18 July
posted on Friday, July 18, 2008 at 9:33 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I overslept siol ! LOL :S I from ytd afternoon, 4pm plus sleep till today morning, 7.30am plus siol! :X So long never sleep so long liao siahs ~ Ha, thn I still can overslept ? I'm so pro ? hhaaas . After that, I mit Apple, Huey Leng, Si Ning & Kimberly to eat breakfast th. Thn Huey Leng's brother heard that his sister pontang-ing sch, so he also don't want to go sch liao ? LMAOS, thn we jiu went to Macdonald fer breakfast luhs. :D Hmmm, we sit at Macdonald quite long th siol. Thn Apple & Kimberly jiu come to my hse luhs. LOL! [: I went to take items marhs. ;X hhaas . After that, we jiu went to Eastpoint liao luhs. I don't want state too much things larhs. [: Thn after that, we jiu took Bus 9 luhs .[: I changed to Bus 17 lehs. Thn, I saw Wen Xiang at Tarry's hse bus-stop lehs. His sch just ended. &His birthday is this coming sunday ? LOL. &He is opening a BBQ pit at East Coast Park sehs. I haven't buy present fer him yet luhs ? LOL :X I lazy to write liao larhs. Thn I went to Apple's hse in th end luhs. &Her mum cut my fringe fer me ? LOL S: Thn, we gossiped about her luhs . [: Aiyas, Mouths is ours one. So what can you do lehs ? Slap us uhs ? Lai luhs, if you dare nia okays ? :] Thn, when I was going to Bedok Mrt Station, got one stupid auntie / uncle stepped on my slipper luhs ! Thn never say Sorry or what jiu zhao liao ? Nbcb ~ Made my slipper spoiled ? knn. Thn I went to find my mum to take money to buy new slipper larhs . Which costs $16.90 ! Argh. She just gave me $10 nia luhs. S:
Thn, we jiu went to deposit money luhs. [: After that, we jiu went to Blk 85, Market to eat our dinner at there luhs . hhhaas ~ After that, we jiu went home liao bahs. I was sms-ing with my buyers & Alson lehs. LOL! [: sighs* I'm feeling so sleepy & bored siol ! Btw, just now when we're inside Bus 222 that time! Got one wearing blue top th auntie very kanchiong ? -.- She is like so scared lose ? LOL. Kiasu luhs ? wth, it was like no one is gonna not letting her board th bus what. Fer what, knocked on people thn never say sorry ? She knn th larhs . Fcuk her luhs ! Nono, I don't think got people want to fcuk her anyways :) I'm so kind, duh ! I never scold her jiu is very nice liao hors. Nbcb ! I only gossip about her in front of Apple nia luhs . [:
} 15 July
posted on Tuesday, July 15, 2008 at 11:39 PM by S.Teo ♥
There wasn't much to say today larhs . [: As, nothing special had happened to Shirley ! Instead, during CPA lessons, Jason asking us whether who keep telling his mother tales ? LOL. [: I don't really want to say much actually.
Shirley don't care who th fcuk you're, piss her off &you'll get hell straight! She lived without you also th. [: Frankly speaking, You're nothing to her but a same class, classmate only larhs hors ! You want jiu lai luhs , I don't really scared th nahs hors. Please luhs ? I now already hacked care you liao nahs. You want die or whatever, your problem ? :D You don't really have to inform me, when you're dying th. Really! I don't mind at all. ;] Just hope you can clear up th debts before you die ? I can make really sarcastic remarks th , just try me only ? In class, got this couple jiu already very troublesome liao. You now still want be their back-up ? LOL. Just, who is th director uhs ? Very irritating ? You want act jiu act aside larhs hors ? We don't really care whether you're here or mia th , really ! Friend or foe, is just between one line only. D: I can really be damn sarcastic to you, try me luhs . ! I'll be waiting ?
LOL. ! I'm just a normal schoolgirl okays ? Just don't bother me with minor business larhs .If that th case, thn please fcuk off ? Thanks. [: &You're just using her to ask her out luhs. Please luhs ? Th more you think you're using people, th more you being used by people larhs . Please don't act as if you're such a smart guy when you're just a arrogance person ? Please, stop acting so noble to be my friend can ? ;] Without you, I maybe will live better thn now th luhs . You want fail your 'N' level, go ahead ! I won't stop you, nono ! I mean I won't even try to you th, really ! :D Your business is your problem. &It's none of my problem , if you're want to act emo or catch attention ? Btw, I forgot to mention that Attention Seeker like you! Is th most irritating type th. Th more you want our attention, th more we hacked you larhs hors. If you're only trying to make use of our pity ? Thn you find th wrong person liao larhs . {: Th script you're acting now, is so outdated already ? Boooooo ~ So damn fcuking lousy can ? -.- Please, don't make me teach you how to act larhs. =.= You're guys are so BLACKLISTED okays ? -.- Please larhs , you're such a slut! Anyways, typing your names is so polluting my blog ? So, please "Hao zi wei zhi" larhs. Don't make people to open their mouth to say your bad can ? Discipline yourself so that others don't have to discipline you, alrights ? Dumbass~ Please stop acting like you're so clever when you're just a little bit smart nia ? Just a little bit only ? &Stop acting big, and make use of a girl's feeling . Love th opposite is hate. ! So, don't ever try a girl LIMIT ! :D As, you'll regret th! &Goodbye! :D
In th end, I'm still a girl who have a secret love that no one else knows.
If you know, thn you must be a genius ! [:
} 14 July
posted on Monday, July 14, 2008 at 5:30 PM by S.Teo ♥
Happy Birthday to Qun Sheng didi & Wei Ling laopo :D!
Today I woke up at 6am straight ! :D Yeahs , early rights ? I went to bath thn do all my stuffs luhs . I also don't know why, today tie hair bo form th. ROFL ! [: After morning assembly, that stupid Jeffrey walked past me & said why your hair so weird th ? Thn I think is stupid, so i ignored him ! But who knows, he went to pull my hair clip that is clipping my hair ? F5 ! I was like so pekchek luhs ~ -.- He kan pua cb th larhs . zZZzzz~ I think today time past quite fast th norhs . [: Thn, after sch I & Apple walked to Tanah Merah MRT Station to take MRT to Redhill lehs. I went there to meet my supplier norhs . LOL ! Just to pass her th money only lehs. Who asked she stay so far ? & Don't do bank transfer ? -.- gosh ! I think i cannot make it liao luhs ! ROFL .T.T ? Maybe after all th orders is made , I'm closing my blogshop down awhile bahs . Wahahhaas ~ After Redhill, we went to Eastpoint Mall to eat Long John Sliver lehs. hhaas ~ Thn , we jiu went up to find Jason's Mother luhs . [: I want to pay fer th items , I'm buying th. But she won't let me pay at all th luhs . Zzzz ~ Thn , Apple jiu suggested to buy Egg Tart fer her luhs . [: Who knows, she still don't know ? LMAOS ! Thn was like, pushing here & there luhs .
Thn, I jiu heard someone calling my name. I saw Wen Xiang, Li si, Tarry, Qun Sheng & Si Ying lehs . ROFL ! [: Aiseh, only Qun Sheng & Si Ying wearing school uniform lehs . hhaaas ~ Recently, I don't know what's gonna on in my class ! As there is one person, who is trying to catch attention but instead almost all of th people in class just ignored her lehs . No one cares , whether she is here or not ? LMAOS ! She & Him already okays liao luhs . If you're trying to catch attention, please train somemore thn act larhs. Very fcuked up want luhs . Not all people is stupid & dumb th, just that we don't want to open our mouth only, bitch ! You're such a slutty woman ? -.-" You're damn ugly when you're w/o your make-up larhs . People is only entertained you only. So, please don't think too much larhs. If not, ltr th one who is gonna be paiseh is you luhs. :D I will give sarcastic remarks, try me & you'll see luhs :] I'm friendly & I don't bite. That's fake ! &don't apply on you only, slutty bitch ! You're nothing luhs ! Just a stupid prostitute in our eye ? From other country nia nahs. F3 ~ Try me, &I'll make even more sarcastic remarks :D Try me only larhs, bitch ! :D
} 11 July
posted on Friday, July 11, 2008 at 7:08 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I woke up late siol ! I woke up at 6.40am plus , omg ? LOL!
I at first still thought I have to take cab to sch lerhs. -.- Thn I jiu went to take a bath luhs, damn cold siol ! :S After that, I really went to th same staircase again just like what I told Apple ytd ! Argh . Thn I walked really fast, because I don't want to late luhs ? LOL. [:
Hmmm, &luckily I didn't late ! LMAOS ~ Th first lessons in th morning is English Language siol ! Well, Mdm Zubaidah give us paper to do again. LOLL! I today was like I brought my thinking cap to sch ? LOL! I was like so clever ? Hmmm, thn Tarry got scolded by Mdm Zubaidah because Zhi Fu went to tell teacher that he didn't do th paper. LOL! As in, sabo him luhs. [: Thn, Tarry abit unhappy & he look so emo ? S: SIGHS !~ After EL is PE lessons LOL! Thn Tarry jiu told us that he not feeling well as he was having slight fever due to ytd's rain ? ROFL . X: What to do lehs ? ~
Hmmm, Jeffrey didn't come to sch today siol ! LOL . Well, I hardly see him absent from sch th lehs. &Most of th days , he was always late ? :} He don't know since when , never with us lerhs . Only during sch time thn he is with us lehs . But hors, when after sch alrdy . It's hard to find him th. I also don't know his hp do what th ? LMAOS ! Bored siol ~ After sch, Tarry they all took Bus 10 jiu went lerh . Thn, Zhi Fu they all went to Tanah Merah MRT Station . LOL! He still thought Yuingwei was sure to walk to th MRT Station. But how sad, she didn't come out . S: Maybe she have remedial worhs . hhaaas ~ How suay ? I really wondered just who Zhi Fu like ? Is Yuingwei or Xiang Lan ? I'm quite worried that he will used Yuingwei to anger Xiang Lan luhs .He better not , if not he will be label as bastard jerk! [: I'll do that th luhs !
LOL, sian larhs ! -.-"
If he don't belong to me, eventually he will go th [:
} 09 July
posted on Wednesday, July 9, 2008 at 8:07 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today in th morning, at first I don't really feel like going to sch th. But in th end, i still went to sch. I'm guai hors ? :D Its seem like I every Thursday never go sch siol. LOL! I also don't know why, but i really hate Thursday very much ? LOL; I also wondered why ? Hmmm, maybe because i hate Thursday luhs {: Its rained quite big th siol. When I about reaching Tanah Merah bus stop there, th sky was quite clear already. But who knows ? When th Bus 14B reaching my sch, th dark clouds is like right on top of my sch which make it so scary ? LOL. As if, my sch is a creepy old haunted sch that feel. Ha, thn Apple jiu called me & say what , her area there raining big big & she is wet. LOL !
Especially, during English Language lessons ! When Delphin want to pass Zhi Fu water, th water bottle hit Jeffrey's forehead ? ROFL ! Almost th whole class is laughing luhs . Well, it's so damn fcuking funny siol ! =/ &Today Sec 2I wasn't in sch th whole day because they went on to Simei ITE fer touring ? ROFL. :D After sch, we went to Long John Sliver and eat. With Si Ning, Huey Leng & Apple luhs .[: Thn after awhile, Jason jiu came lerhs luhs. OH ya, &Apple is using th same phone as me & Jason lehs. LOL! :D Ahahaas, her phone not th same color as me but same as Jason siol. ROFL :} Should I go to sch tmr ? I wonder . LOL , i'm lazy ! I'm sleepy luhs. &My leg th muscle aching siol. T.T ~
He is such a fcuker !
Why can't he understand me ?
} 07 July
posted on Monday, July 7, 2008 at 11:59 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I woke up at 12pm plus. LOL! [: Because my phone alarm rang me up. [: Thn, I jiu answered Apple's hse phone cor. Jason planned to go town with all of us marhs. LOL! [: But he himself late when he is th one who planned this organization outing th ! F5; At first, Xiang Lan said she not coming because she meeting Huey Leng th. But in th end, she still came. Well, because Huey Leng 3pm plus thn woke up marhs. ROFL [: Thn she jiu meet us luhs . I, Apple, Kimberlu, Li si, Chong Kai & Zhi Fu went to Bedok Mrt Station & wait fer Jason to come. -.-" He is th one who asked us to go town first th. Thn he is th one who asked us to wait fer him & Hui Min . LMAOS ? Thn, we went to Fareast Mall to walk walk luhs. Before, we even step into th mall. They went to Kfc to eat their lunch first lerhs. ! LOL. Thn after, Xiang Lan ate finished her stuffs. Huey Leng jiu reached lerhs. LOL! Huey Leng & Hui Min wored th same top siol ! F3 ~
Ha, just that Huey Leng wore a tube inside of it. I & Apple bought a pair of slipper lehs. LOL! [: Apple bought a weird slipper ? LOL! :X Look very funny ! -.- After that, Tarry & Wen Xiang jiu came lerhs luhs. I quite regret wearing like this went out th. T.T ~ If I could choose my top again, I confirm will wear tee only. :] Hmmm, we took Bus 14 to Katong. They went to play pool luhs. &Jason told us that Tarry got 4digits numbers in his bank account siol. I also need to save up some money th ! F4 ~ &&Feng changed his number lerhs. And he just told me today! LOL. Kan boxim th luhs ! =/ After that, Xiang Lan, Apple & Zhi Fu took Bus 12 home luhs. While, me, Huey Leng, Wen Xiang & Tarry took Bus 40 to Bedok Interchange:D&Wen Xiang opened Bbq Pit at East coast park next Tuesday again. LOL! :X Must not forget hors !
He is a bastard! I gurantee ~
} 我爱的人
posted on Saturday, July 5, 2008 at 3:10 PM by S.Teo ♥
} 04 July
posted on Friday, July 4, 2008 at 11:32 PM by S.Teo ♥
Time really flew fast! So fast, I already finished my 'N' Level EL Oral. LOL! &I did badly ): I can't imagine th marks at all ? :X Gosh, it made me damn nervous when th Examiners keep staring at me as if I'm who like that. &their hearings is so damn good ? I just read wrong a words, they immediately moved their pens! T.T ~
&Since ytd, I loved to listen to this song - 林宥嘉,我爱的人:D I recommend it! LOL.[: It's nice luhs ~ So much better thn th original singer ? :X Oops. I'm sorry! I just updated my blogshop with new Pre-order! :D I'm so interested in th Hoodies Cardigan ? Recently, Xiang Lan like to go with Hui Jun they all siol. LOL! We don't really care , we just hacked care about her lerhs. She want to with who , is her problem marhs. [: We can't control of her th. LOL! If she is trying to catch attention, thn I'm sorry! Th more you wanted to catch attention, th more I ignore you. :] This is how realistic I am ! Can't bear with me ? Thn fcuk off! I need no one's comments. Just that, our distance had increased about since th June Holidays. &I don't know why ? Hmmm, I just wondered whether is it you th one who changed or just me ?
I guess we're really over lerrhs ? LOL. [: But it's alrights! Maybe because I don't really want to move on ? Hmmm, or maybe I can't move on ? Which one , myself also don't know. Next Tuesday after sch got Remedial for Maths siol. Should I stay or not uhs ? I guess, I better stay. [: I don't wanted to fail my Maths even thought I gave up on my Science lerhs. LOL! :X Shh ! Anyways, I think being devoting types is ways not good! &Hongsters is better :D Laalaaas ~ I'll never let myself to get hurt. I'll rather hurt other people thn get hurt myself. Yes, I'm selfish! Okays ? Happy ? LOL. I also don't know what I'm waiting for ? Maybe I'm just like Apple ? Trying to escape from reality. But too bad, I can't because I'm Shirley. [: I can't be sadist! I'm not a sadist, alrights ? &I'll never think of negative way! ;D
Our distance have increased each day. [:
&Time to say goodbyes!
} 02 July
posted on Wednesday, July 2, 2008 at 7:55 PM by S.Teo ♥
I'm here to post ! :D LOL! S: Yes, I know I'm lame! ROFL S: I also don't know what to write lehs. Just ytd Zhi Fu just said he gonna give up on her th. But today jiu okays liao. LOL! I think is pretty lame th nahs. LOL! Luckily, th person who like him isn't from my class although is same sch th nahs.Ha, I quite wondered whether he like her or never ? LOL. Tmr have Science siol. Zzzz ~ &Tmr they have Mass Pe with th Secondary 2 students luhs. I'll be left alone again. LOL! {: I'm damn sleepy now luhs. Today I missed my 14b luhs! Humpf~ I nearly late but luckily, I didn't late norhs. ^^V! Hmmm, recently just added Ahben. My Ex-Maple Friend luhs. LOL! I'm friendly, aren't I ? :P
Today, Tarry they all having their 'N' level EL Oral lehs. LOL! [: I wondered how it's went siol. That dao Tarry never reply my msg. LOL! I also don't know why, he fcuking dao ? LOL. &&He is quite kpo th nahs. Hohohos ~ I now damn fcuking sleepy luhs. LMAOS! I want to change phone lehs. F4 ! Even Feng also never text me luhs. Sighs* Kelian siahs! I now only will msg those people who are Singtel Users only. Humpf! If not, my msgs will bomb luhs. I don't want that, okays ? F3
I wondered, should I go play Audition ? ROFL. :] I think I & him is finished lerhs bahs. Even without trying, I also know is a gone case already. [: I don't really want to ask whether he like me or not lehs . Hmmm, see how luhs. :} But since, he like someone else lerhs. I jiu don't disturb him bahs. [: I'll silently forget about him ? I know I can do it th, because I'm SHIRLEY:D Can I ? :S Let's just hope everyone pass their 'N' / 'O' Levels this year bahs.!` [: I would like to know what my position in his heart, actually. Just that, I dare not ask him. ]: Sorry!
I'm Single & I loved it ! :D
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