Today i woke up at 6.25am plus, thn i took Bus 14b to Kim's hse bus stop there. &meet her and apple lehs . Thn we went to a Coffee Shop and eat our breakfast there. About 8.20am plus, thn we went to take bus to school. LOL ! At first, Kim asked us don't go to school. But we pulled her to school. haha. xD Wow, I didn't know that when i didn't go to school - alot of people also never go sehs ~ &we didn't say together pontang school tehs. :D LOL. huey leng didn't go to school for 2days alrdy. we also don't know why ? Ai seh ~ During Recess time, Lisi went to take her number again. Today, very heng because she gave him, her number ! ;P He in class keep msging her luhs . &knew she's attached alrdy. hahas. :X Thn today in class, stupid Jeffrey go made Apple's bra strip ! Thn kenna hit and scolded siahs. xP Thn Apple jiu emo-ing, & went to sleep. While she woke up Shamir and Kimberly from their sleeps. hahas ! S.A lessons, we keep playing siahs . :D Thn Tarry jiu pulled me and asked me alot of questions siahs . About Valentine's Day, should give what present to girls ? o.0 `` LOL. Thn we all discussed it about 1and a half period ? dots. hehes. Thn after school, we all went home to changed thn meet out. Because Kimberly want to cut her hair luhs . So we jiu accompanied her go. &at there's GIANT, we saw junwei, kenho and yaoteck uhs ? LOL. I think that's how to spell their names. xP Thn we took Bus 966 to Kimberly's cousin hse to take her PSP. &took Bus 10 to Kimberly's hse nearby playground. hahs. xD &xianglan today wored very sexy ? dots ~ We only go Parkway, i wonder why she wear until like want to go town ? ;x Nthing to say siahs. dia0sssss ~~ Thn about 10.30pm plus, thn i reached home. :D Ai seh ~ Huijun said she's going prison after her birthday. Dued to she go pulled out the public phone. LMAO ! x: i don't know what to say liaos. Like that also can uhs ? LOL. she's "pro" ? &she still say she not gonna study anymore uhs. haha ! ;x i'm sooo bad ? dots ~
HELLOR ! long time didn't post alrdy. LOL! i'm quite busy & have no time to post at all. hahas(: sian norhs. Recently, i'm addicted to Audition. ;D &somemore, i today didn't go to school. dots !! because i don't feel like ? My science drawing , haven't even finish yet uhs . LOL ! so hard to draw. ;x Tmr have to go school alrdy. hahas;p i think i'm going back to Audition liaos. Because i kenna dc-ed. LOL!! very unlucky uhs ~ hehs. Chinese New Year is reaching ! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh ~ I'm happy ! sian norhs . Tmr got science, i think so ? NOt sure about the time-table lehs . aiyo. I'm only lvl 8 the novice nia. dots ~ Qunsheng is lvl 14, Freedom sehs. He's going to lvl up soon alrdy. I avoiding people. :D LALALALALAS ;
25 January
Today i woke up at 6am, yet i went back to sleep & i oversleep. fcuk `` thn i took cab to meet Apple which costs me $5.25. LOL ! We took Bus 229 to Kimberly bus stop there to take Bus 10 or 14. But we didn't know that if we missed that single-deck 14, we'll late. If not, we die die also will take that bus. *sighs* After that single-deck 14 went, Kimberly just reached the bus-stop. Lmao ! &We wait and wait fer Bus 10 or 14 to reached. Finally, we waited Bus 14 but is soo sad that we're late. If i know i'm gonna late, i'll pontang. Is just a waste of my time to go school & wait. LOL. They're so unreasonable to take other people's ez-link cards uhs. Still want us, after school go and collect from Abraham. Fcuk`` That's the worst things of all ? diaossss. Next monday, we're going to have Science test. Which she says no one will fail her test. LOL ! i wonder what will happen, if i fail ? i should try, perhaps not. :D I don't feel like taking the risk of my LIFE ! (: is not worth it. Thn after school, we went to Kfc and ate. After that, we went home to bathed and chagned ? Thn we meet at Phone Booth, to go Bugis Village to accompained Yuanxi and Zhifu to buy their clothes ? LOL. I'm like her nanny uhs ? dia0s. just that i don't have pay ! :D thn we saw gibson, scott they all. LOL ! I guess, they don't know me ? But i heard of their names before ? hahas. (: &Today i wored so weird ! gosh. Maybe i should just wear skinny jean instead of short jean, man ! uh-huh ` After Bugis, we took bus 197 back to Bedok. is like it's taking forever to reach Bedok, man ! From 8.07pm plus, we boarded the bus. Yet we reached Bedok at 9.10pm plus. wth ? 1hr plus sitting in the bus. is like sooo damm bored ! &i fell asleep. LOL ! :D Thn we went to Princess Mac and had our dinner. We saw xiaoalex and his stead. :] Thn we saw Tiger, after that, we saw Joey they all. LOL ! is like they don't recongise me at all uhs ? did i changed so much ? omg ! -.-" or just that i look different uhs ? Lmao, thn we went to Zhifu's house. don't know fer what uhs ? LOL. Thn about 11.50pm plus, thn i went home. hehes ! :D now i'm gonna continued my journey of AUDITION ! weeehs ! :D bbuhbyes. -sHIRLEY ~
Today i woke up at 6.30am plus, LOL ! Today have Assembly ! -.- I don't really feel like going to school, yet i went to school. *sighs* I hate Assembly is because i have to wear a tie on my neck which is very irritaing. :] &hueyleng came to school today, after assembly she and qunsheng was called by abraham. LOL ! qunsheng is because he talk to hueyleng non-stop during assembly. Lmao ! &their ez-link cards is being taken by her. They after school have to go and see her, in order to take back their ez-link cards. oh sad ~ Today the whole day, i was talking about Audition and nothing else. LOL ! &The maths test is hard ! i don't understand rotation and enlargement. I should said that i hate Enlargement & Rotation. zzzz ` is soo hard to understand luhs. LOL ! After school, i took Bus 45 home. &Xianglan have to go to huiling hse to help her make-up, because today evening she have a dinner to attend. Woahs ``` she wearing a dinner dress uhs . LOL ! i hardly see her wore a skirt thought. ;x About 4.30pm, thn i played Audition. :D No one is online luhs . &i played with random ppl. (: hehes. Ltr i'm going to play Audition again ! LOL. anyone interested ? Pm me , -sHIRLEY ! (: I'm not sure which free i'll be in. :D Random free ! bleahs ```
Today i woke up at 6.35am plus. thn i misssed my bus 14b ~~~~ T.T So i took bus 14. LOL ` it make no difference . -.-" Thn after school, took cab with kimberly, xianglan and apple home. (: We all went home & changed , thn jiu went to Kfc and eat first. Because apple need to wait fer her mum to reached home first. Thn we ate at Kfc first, &we played PSP while waiting fer apple . We still thought she not coming alrdy, because she actually don't feel like going. We wear till like going Interchange only, not like going TOWN ~ =x I wore short jean and a T-shirt to Orchard Road, LMAO ! Xianglan went there to changed a dress which she bought ytd because it look fat when she wore. &she changed a transparent shirt ? hahas . CNY, she's wearing "sexy hip-hop" ? LOL. Luckily, today zhifu never follow us go` if not, he sure "ap" tehs . ;x Because today xianglan wear quite transparent just that her top is covered, while the rest is quite exposed. :D Never minds, we're quite okays with it. Maybe that's so called "Fashion" ? Lmao. After we went to Cineleisure, we went to The Heeren again. Because xianglan wanted to go there to buy the "hat". But it wasn't there. -.- Maybe it was sold out ? LOL. &we go there for nothing again.After that, we went to Bugis Street by cab again. &Kimberly bought 2 T-shirts.&xianglan bought a pair of shoes and a dress which she saw ytd at Bugis Street. &Apple bought a bag. Lmao ` I didn't saw any bags that i really like. so i didn't buy anythings at all. hahas ` thn we took Bus 7 back to Bedok Interchange. Apple went to Watson to buy somethings. &we went to the usual shop we goes. I bought a shirt & pant. Xianglan bought two pants & got a free belt. LOL ! Thn Kimberly jiu went home, &she forgot that she have to go Xianglan's hse to download Audition. That's great ~ Thn we went to Macdonald to chit-chat while Apple is eating. We're "gossiping". LOL ` ((: Gossips is quite normal fer Girls these days. hahas ! :D We just like to Gossips`
Today i went out with xianglan, zhifu, jeffrey and lisi . (:
We went to Orchard Road, Cineleisure to shop. Zhifu they all went to eat.
Nothing to shop at all. Xianglan at there bought a dress - $39.90 . LOL
Thn, we went to The Heeren & walk. Xianglan went to 77th Street and bought a scarf which costs $18. Lmao, thn we went to Fareast & meet Chongkai there. LOL. Jeffrey they all went to smoked while zhifu followed us. Hmmmm. thn i bought 2belts - $10. &a clothes - $39. hahas .
After that, we went to took Bus 700A to Marina Square. At first, xianglan want to go there to buy hat. But the hat was at The Heeren -.- Which means, we went to Marina Square for nothing. LOL ! ;x
Thn we took cab to Bugis Street, which costs - $4.80 ` Jeffrey they all haven't reach yet. So I and Xianglan went to shop first. I bought a dress - $18, two T-shirts - $18 and a cardigan w/o buttons - $22.90. LOL ! Xianglan also bought a dress which costs $20. Jason they all also got buy T-shirts only.
Thn we took Mrt back to Bedok Interchange, & we went to Blk 204, Coffee Shop to eat our dinner. LOL ! At there, we saw xiao alex they all luhs . (: I don't think Joey recongise me anymore. Lmao ` Thn we went home lerhs . ;D I haven't buy my shoes, jean and bag yet uhs ! gosh ~ guess i'm going to go shopping again. By this week , i guess ? i go play Audition alrdy ! bbuhbyes(:
Today i didn't go to school. LOL ! not because i pontang `
but i'm really sick, &i don't feel like going to school. that's why ` (:
I'm having sore throat, dry cough and nose stucked. yucks ! disgusting ~ Ltr afternoon, i'm going to see doctor for sure. *sighs* I just wonder, tmr they still going out to buy New Year's clothes or not ? sian siahs . i wonder why , audition cannot play norhs . ): i just don't know, why should we wait fer her to get pay thn buy ? she can go buy herself, just like she say ` but i just wonder, what's kind of clothes would she choose ? if she go herself. LOL ! :X i'm quite worried. LOL. &audition can't be play. i just don't know why. &i hate patch ! -.- it's irritated me alots. *sighs* re-install audition is sooo troublesome !sian norhs. nothing to do at all! &i haven't even eat yet. gosh ~ i'm sooo hungry ! my mum ytd bought chocolate home ! yet i can't eat it. *sighs* really shag uhs . ): mango got stead alrdy. =x i think he quite shag bahs ? Thn i went to NTUC with my baby cousin and grandma. i bought some stuffs luhs . I also bought some sushi to eat. After awhile, my dad came home. LOL :P After i ate my medicine, i feel sleepy & went to lay fer awhile luhs . Thn, about 8.30pm plus i went down to Blk 204, Coffee Shop to meet Xianglan they all.i was quite shocked when xianglan is with them bahs ? cause they hardly together. Lmao. thn we went to Blk 138 and slack. we talk alots of things luhs .Jason they all keep calling Jeffrey but no one answered. ;x Lmao. Thn after awhile, hueyleng went to meet her mum and sining went home.just after sining went home, zhixian and weisiang jiu passby. &zhixian touched my hair and say "xiao mei mei". wa lao ehs . I'm not xiao meimei ok? LOL. i wonder, since when we're so cloes. -.- Thn we talking about "Milk", jason heard and he asked Kimberly what happened all this stuffs luhs . ;xWhen he came back, i think he's quite shag luhs . but there's nothing we can do. Sometimes, reality is very cruel. so is better not to know the truth. (: know nothings better thn know everythings. I rather i know nothings . *sighs* thn jason jiu send me home luhs . While Huiling they all went to drink.
15 January
Today i took Bus 14b to school. LOL!
&the school give us a journel book uhs ? Lmao. extra want ! -.-
thn still say what, if lost have to buy again. &Each book costs $5.
Our maths teacher, today didn't come school thn Mr Sum came in. LOL !
thn after school, i and apple went to eat Kfc. Thn she came to my hse.
About 4pm plus, we went off & it rains sooo heavier. fcuk ! thn we took cab to her hse. We're both wet. damm ! Thn i went to her hse & bath. LOL :X About 7pm plus, thn we went to meet Kimberly they all. Jason and Jeffrey idiot want luhs . keep calling me esplanade, how come i don't see them disturb hueyleng they all ? I'm open-minded, so what ? &I'm sick. cb ! I kenna cold & sore throat.
Idiot tehs. We at there , wait for Wen Xiang thn went eat. Kimberly went home to eat. nothing special to be mention ! crazy `
Today early in the morning, someone called me but don't want to talk ! fcuk.
is he/she trying to wake me up ? I wonder, LOL. when i msg back, he/she won't reply.
neither would he/she answer my phone. Lmao! -.- I took Bus 14b to school. (: During M.T lessons, Jason suddenly came back to class and called zhifu they all to go out and help. LOL ! ;x because a boy knocked onto him first, yet never say sorry ! so jason beat him. Thn during Recess time, they fought at the canteen. &Tarry's uniform got torn. LOL. Actually, they planned after school thn say tehs. dots ! But in the end, they hid in the school ? If i'm not wrong bahs .I wonder why, i didn't stop them from fighting ? -.- thn don't know why xianglan angry for ? zhifu also not her boyfriend anymore. Lmao ! like that also want to angry. arbo, she want zhifu to see his brothers got beaten up and do nothings ? LOL. If he got a reason, thn fine ! why should she still angry ? We're only outsiders, so not too good to say anything larhs . (: Keep quiet is better.
11 January
Today actually i don't want to go school one. but no choice ! -.-
LOL. After school, i went to eat with xianglan they all at Blk 211, Coffee Shop.
Well, we're waiting for Kim to reach. But she took so long to reach.So, we decided not to wait for her anymore as she said. I went home, thn xianglan they all went to slack. At first, Jason want to Bugis Street to buy New Year's clothes but no one's going. So he didn't go. Thn they all went to Downtown, Chalet - Zhibiao's birthday ! LOL. I went to Tampines Mall with hueyleng. is century square. :D She bought nose stud only. She's looking for transparent ear-sticks though. but she can't find, so she decide to give up. when we reached Whitesand Interchange, suddenly Yuanxi called us. So we went to Whitesand Mall. -.- Jason went to Arcade thn hit a person, because he said his parents. dots ~ Thn we walked to Downtown East, we meet Zhixian and Weisiang. (:When we walked, suddenly a person came up to ask for hueyleng's number. lol but got rejected. Thn we reached Zhibiao's chalet, is sooo packed. x=There's alot of people there. We stayed at outside only. &we didn't really eat. About 11pm plus, I and kim went home alrdy. Thn Tarry they all also went home. because tmr they need to go back school for D&T lessons. LOL ! ;D They alrdy start preparing for "N" level, we haven't even started yet. not fair ! OHyarhs, i forgot to mention that sining called jeffrey and scolded them.
Thn zhifu scold back her. LOL-.- That's all for today ! Nights . (:
Today i woke up at 7.30am plus, (: I didn't really want to attend assembly.
so i intend to go late to school. &how stupid am i ? i went to took cab. because i missed my bus. damm ! -.- Tmr is Sining's birthday alrdy. hahs(: i don't think she got open anything at all ? lol. the next day is Zhibiao's birthday. LOL. &he got open chalet if i'm not wrong. Today's maths homework is damm hard ! I don't really understand at all. &tmr got Ms.Abraham's lessons. OMG ! I didn't do her homework at all luhs . who cares ? ~ I don't know the answers anyway. &my skirt still didn't reach my knee cap still, how ? ;D Thn after school, i went home & changed. My dad ordered Pizza Hut ! how's great ~ on the way to Bugis, I think i saw Jianhui ! ;D Who is he ? i don't want to tell you. LOL. :D But i'm not sure whether if is he or not ? because i didn't call him.At first, I still thought Jason is going to Bugis with me. But in the end, he went to accompany his "Mango". Can't mention her name. Sorry ~ Hueyleng recently also go to Pasir Ris uhs. dots ! i wonder how long we didn't go out as a group alrdy. All go different ways ~ The magazine say that i should not wear black or grey shirt because it will affects my emotions ! Lmao. =x I went to Bugis to meet Kimberly, Apple & Xianglan . LOL ~Sooooo bored ! &huiling bought alot of stuffs , don't know costs how much ? -.-I wonder whether tmr got Mass Pe or not ? LOL. Hope not. I didn't do my Maths homeworks at all uhs. Luckily, tmr doesn't have her lessons. *bleahs* Nothing special to be mention ! (:
07 January
Today ii didn't get any sleep at all. omg ! -.- during weekends , i sleep too much ~ Eeek. Luckily, today don't have abraham's lessons. if not, sure get scolding when i fall asleep. nothing special ~ just that, hueyleng came from his hse to school. She spent $12 plus. Hmmmm. i wonder they stead how long alrdy ? my stomach hurts ~ Thn the OM keep saying you still had 3mins left, walk faster ! even if behind me is Ms.Abraham, i also can't walk faster. that's the speed of mine. get it ? idiot school ! Luckily, this year is my final school though. &their expectation on us is quite high ? too get 80% of my class to pass Maths. is like sooo unbelievable ? LOL. i also don't think i will pass. But i'll try my best ! *yeahs* didn't post fer quite long alrdy. because i'm lazy to post ! nothing to write about. After school, i went home & play computer. I played till afternoon 6pm plus. thn i went to sleep ! At first, i was just planning to take a nap only. but didn't know will sleep till morning. LOL ! i woke up at 3.30am plus . that's just great . =.= My stomach just hurts sooo hurt ! that i don't feel like going to school at all. is a miserable week for me this week. damm it ! Lastly, Happy Birthday to Daddy & Xinyi ! (: Sining's birthday is reaching alrdy. I haven't buy her present yet. =x
Today is the last day to school, count by week only. ;D
LOL. When we having CME, we sat in the hall for don't know how long .
Damm it ! -.- My back aches, man ! That abraham keep saying about School Motto, Value, Mission & 5 core-values. *sighs* During PE lessons, i sat at there for 1 hr.
that's because i can't have PE for 1 whole year. LOL -.-
i wonder should i be happy or sad ? :] &Science lessons, we went to lab.
Idiot ! She's a fcuking b*tch ! damm her, man `
I hate her to core. (: After school, we went to Xiang lan nearby to eat .
Thn we went home to changed while Yuanxi went to Kimberly's house.
About 4.30pm plus, thn we met ? LOL. i not soo sure yet. =DD
Thn i bought a red skinny jean & a clothe. very nice ! Total ; $47 ard.
We went to Blk 138, to watch Jason they all play soccer. Lmao ! is like sooo *ahems*
OHyarhs, hueyleng & sining went to Tampines Mall to buy stuffs. ;P
nothing special to be mention at all. Anythings just msg me ! (:
Today I didn't go to school because i need to go NUH for check-up.
LOL. ;P When I reached Bedok Interchange, I went to cut my hair. (:
My fringe is now totally different though. About 4.30pm plus, I went to meet Hui Ling they all at Kfc. Well, I wored a skirt dress. lol ! ;D
They're quite shocked because i hardly wear skirt go out.
Thn we at Kfc, wait for Jason to reach. &We saw Huey Leng's brother & mother at Kfc.
We went to Mrt Station, to wait for Tarry in the train to go Bugis Junction.
About 7.15pm plus, we went to Tampines Mall.
At first, because Zhi Fu want to buy school books. But he didn't buy at all.
That's because Popular, they're too many people alrdy. LOL ! ;P
Thn suddenly, Hui Ling went home without telling me. -.-
We went to Century Square & eat. Thn we went to took Neoprints ! (:
Wow ! This is the first time that Tarry took neoprints. Ha, his look is sooo funny.
After taking the neoprints, we went home. I took Mrt while they took Bus home.
I reached home at about 11pm plus. :] Ohyarhs, &tmr have spot-check.
Gosh ! Must tie proper thn can go school, &tmr books is damm heavy, man !
Damm it ! -.- &the stupid Abraham said I'm a drama queen. Cb ! =.=
I damm hate her, man ! She's sooo fcuk up. Hope she die faster ! (:

My New Hairstyle ! :]

Me;D { hardly see me wear skirt rights ? ;P }

Tarry and Jason(:

Me, Tarry and Jason { Just look at Tarry's face ! }
Today I woke up at around 6.50am. Thn i went to brush my teeth & changed.
But, my dad is still sleeping. gosh ~ &he say don't need so early go.
that's because today is the first day of school.My life in hell start ! -.-
Early in the morning, went to school & the very first person i saw, is Ms Abraham.
*Sighs* &the first thing, she said is Shirley, why didn't you cut your nails ?
Oh no . early in the morning at office, cutting my nails. how wonderful ? =x
Thn my dad chat with Ms.Abraham, because she teaches my dad before. uh-oh !
Well, i haven't met the new principal yet. &i don't wish to know. :D
My class New Chairman is Hidayat, &vice chairman is Xiang Lan. How's great ?
Only one girl & the rest is boys. Ha, It Reps is Shamir & Yadiy. God bless them.
N.E Leader is Sheqal, Welfare Rep is Jason & P.E Rep is Tarry. LOL.
First day of school about 4-5people absent. &all is boys if i'm not wrong.
My Science Teacher is Ms.Abraham. OHyarhs. This year Mdm Zubaidah not my form tutor anymore, changed to Mdm Chia i guess ? Maths Teacher is Ms.Hana & the rest is the same teachers , i hope so. My EOA Teacher is no longer Ms.Joanne Lee anymore.
A new teacher again, how's great is it ? I can't imagine my final year in school would look like. I can only say, God bless my class. -.- This year, i don't want to have anymore BETA forms or detentions.
&Tmr i'm going back to NUH for checkup.
Tmr have Science, so does Friday ! Still got P.E somemore. God bless me !
&Huey Leng haven't even buy her books yet, i wonder why ?
OHyarhs, Zhi Fu's sister is in this school, 1H. &Pinyen's sister is also in this school, 1F. Hohohos ! Such a great day ` I look forward to the day where i change my phone. Nothing else to be mention alrdy. that's all for today !
Good Nights ! ;D
Finally, 2008 alrdy. LOL ;x &tmr school start ~ i wonder should i feel happy or sad ?
I'm quite happy but sad at the same time. Lmao,
I haven't cut my finger nails , neither did i cut my hair. -.-
&i haven't buy my school shoes & socks. OHmygosh ~ alots of things to be done.
And I woke up at 4.30pm ! OHMYGOD ~ ;D got a bad feeling .
that tmr i might not wake up in the morning. god bless me .
I got things to do now. gotta go ~ Buhbyes. (:
Today is the last day of 2007 . :D &i'm going out with friends to countdown .
Well, i went to Katong to meet them. But they playing computers . -.-
Till about 9pm plus, i guess ? thn we took Bus 14 to Suntec City.
Tarry, Wen Xiang & don't know his name went to Arcade to play .
Thn the rest went to Kfc to have their dinner. Ohgosh ~ don't have fish anymore.
how's lousy can it get ? Hmmm. because going 11pm soon. that's why all out of stock.
Me & Si Ning didn't eat. Well, she just didn't eat her dinner.
But i didn't even eat a single food whole day. ): sooo pitiful !
Thn we walked to Esplanade, OMG ! There's alots of people. -.-
Very crowded & HOT ! Geez . Thn, also lots of BANGALAs . Eeeeeyer `~
I don't know why i just don't like them at all. Their smell , perhaps ?
Thn about 1.30am plus, we went to took Mrt back to Bedok.
Well, Tarry & Li Si's ez-link cards don't have money left. Sooo they sneaked in &out.
LOL. (: Thn, they went to find Zhi Fu at Blk 85 or Blk 123. I not so sure.
That's because i went home. I'm a good girl , you see. :D
*sighs* didn't meet my GANs at all . Dorothycutie is at cityhall.
While, Berlicialwifey is at esplanade. &still didn't meet at all.
Hmmm. OHyarhs , &Chong Kai current stead is abit. :X His previous stead look better.
No offence ! Just my thoughts(: &Happy New Year ! :]
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