} 30 November
posted on Friday, November 30, 2007 at 11:15 PM by S.Teo ♥
Ytd went back tuhs NUH tuhs change dressing.
zzz ` tehs nurse still say must often go back and change.
my god ` -.-" ii dunchs really want to go back there luhs.
this coming thursday still got checkup siahs .
next monday going back tuhs change dressing .
LOL. everyday at home dunchs know do what luhs .
watch VCD . Lmao ` my books also haven't buy.
alots of things haven't buy yet. can't really go tuhs crowded places siahs .
ltr ii fainted ehs . LOL ! =x
i'm lazy tuhs go back NUH luhs . sooo far ~
if at bedok or near bedok wan, ask me everyday go also can ehs .
LOL. but NUH at Bunoa Vista lehs . far luhs ! -.-"
they say take bus 197 need about 1hrs plus siahs .
heng, ii stayed there not go visit friends ehs . ;x
recently, only huiling contact me lehs . tehs rest like no sounds ~
i guess ii recovering soon lerhs bahs . no pe fer 1year.
maybe should try tuhs go out once in awhile ? hmmms..
ii want to go Interchange. buy CD perhaps ? hehs(:
} 29 November
posted on Thursday, November 29, 2007 at 11:30 AM by S.Teo ♥
I'm finally back. LOLs
no larhs . ii reached home 2days ago alr.
but i'm just not used tuhs everythings in my hse .
OHMYGOSH ~ ;x but now okays alr larhs .
quite used tuhs it lerhs . Ha
first day at home, ii can't sleep at all luhs .
not really used tuhs tehs bed marhs . LOLs
thn now all okays liaos bahs ? ytd ii quite late thn sleep lehs .
but ii won't be posting everyday liaos worhs .
not free as usual liao larhs . Hehs ! :D
} 20 November
posted on Tuesday, November 20, 2007 at 9:46 AM by S.Teo ♥
Today ii woke up at 9.30am plus siahs `
LOL. :D i'm still sleepy luhs .
hahs;x -.-" LALALALLAAs;
ltr going out. dots ! early in tehs morning go where siahs ?
i go check my stuffs alrrrr . bbuhbyes `~~~~
} 19 November
posted on Monday, November 19, 2007 at 5:41 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today ii woke up at 8am plus norhs.
LOL. :D thn ii jiu went to watch CARTOON.
lmao. ;x 1more days tuhs admit to hospital.
2more days tuhs my OPERATION. oh gosh ~
I think I must be abit crazy tuhs be soo happy ?
uh-huh. :B LALALALAs ; my mum promised tuhs treat me eat PIZZA wan luhs .
Let's just hope she dunchs break her promise bahs .
hahs(: I'm boreeeeed ~ Thn ltr maybe meeting sining lehs .
To lend her VCD luhs . LOL;x
She just told me that hueyleng went back tuhs Malaysia.
LOL. ii didn't know lehs . because she didn't tell me.
A-men . (: I'm super sleepy !
I'm still charging my MP3/MP4 lehs . LALALALALAs;
I wondering jason called me fer what worhs ?
Well, he didn't answer my call also lehs . Sooo what tuhs do ?
dia0ssss . Lmao ~~~~
} 18 November
posted on Sunday, November 18, 2007 at 2:43 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today ii woke up at about 8am plus bahs.
LOL. ytd ii sleep at 11pm plus bahs ? not shures lehs .
hahs(: counting down . zzzzz ` sooo bored !
3more days tuhs my OPERATION day.
& 2more days thn ii must admit tuhs hospital fer several checkup.
oh gosh. hope everythings goes well bahs . :DD
LALALALAs ; All my friends like disappeared liaos siahs .
sighs. All of them is working lehs . ):
what tuhs do ? Who cares ? ~~ LOL.
Hmmms. ii think hors ` maybe ii should go watch my VCD liaos bahs .
scarly is spoil tehs . like that very unlucky siahs .
hahs;x alots of things haven't do yet siahs .
I want to go out, but I dunchs know go where lehs .
All not free tehs . I alone go out ? mai siao larhs .:X
} 17 November
posted on Saturday, November 17, 2007 at 12:47 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today ii woke up at 7am plus again.
LOL. recently, dunchs know whys ii sleep soo early siahs.
4 more days tuhs my OPERATION.
3 more days tuhs stay hospital.
oh great ! -.-" sighs ~~~~
recently, ii also nber go anywhere siahs .
ytd my dad bought a $98 mp4 fer me lehs. not bad larhs .
althought dunchs know which brand is it . LOL;x
since got free speaker. is quite okays larhs .
hahs(: &ii bought 公主小妹 { Part 1 } `
sian norhs. haven't bought any clothes or shoes yet siahs .
zzzz ` really nothing tuhs say siahs .
} 16 November
posted on Friday, November 16, 2007 at 3:05 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today ii woke up at about 5am plus norhs.
LOL. ytd ii damm early jiu sleep liaos siahs .
dia0sss. sians norhs. ii soo early wake up dunchs know do what lehs .
hahs:D thn ii jiu used tehs computer luhs .
Hmmms. thn my uncle jiu told me that ytd two of my friends came tuhs my hse.
Ehs. until now ii still haven't figure out who came tuhs my hse ytd.
zzzz. ii think maybe is sining they all bahs .
or maybe is kimberly lehs ? LOL. ii wonder worhs.
ii'm abit sleepy already liao siahs . maybe ii should go & sleep lerhs.
hahs. my dad say maybe ltr going tuhs go buy mp3 worhs .
woahs ~~~~ :D ytd ii didn't went out with my dad.
ii stayed at home. LOL! still got 4days tuhs stay in the hospital.
&5days tuhs my OPERATION day. LOL~~
bored larhs . nothing tuhs do norhs .
thn recently, ii also nber go out lehs. ever since hueyleng's birthday.
LOL. ii'm stucked at home ? no larhs .
because i'm lazy tuhs go out norhs . :DD
ii heard from zixin that siew hwee failed siahs .
that's mean she gonna retain worhs. aiyos ~~
ii really dunchs know what tuhs say worhs . ;x
} 15 November
posted on Thursday, November 15, 2007 at 1:53 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today ii woke up at about 6am plus norhs.
LOL. early bahs ? but ytd ii sleep at 3am plus luhs .
about 3hrs only siahs . dia0sss `
thn grandma jiu went to buy breakfast fer me & my brother eat lerhs .
today must donate tehs blood out. but fer myself only larhs .
hahs. :D 350ml siahs ~ about one can of coke luhs.
sighs. shag ` ): painful luhs. kns ;
still got 6days tuhs my operation day.
&5 more days tuhs stay hospital liaos.
oh my gosh ! god bless me ehs . ;x
dia0ssss . ltr afternoon going out with my father & brother lehs .
tuhs go "gaigai" luhs. :DD my favourite things tuhs do !
&ii dunchs need pay luhs . hehes` bad hors ?
ii wan mp3. ii wan shoes. & many mores larhs .
hmmms. wad tuhs do norhs ? LOL. i'm boreeeeed ~
hahs. (:
} 13 November
posted on Wednesday, November 14, 2007 at 3:54 AM by S.Teo ♥
Happy Birthday to Huey Leng!(:
Today ii woke up at 7am plus norhs.
early bahs ? ii also dunchs know whys lehs . :D
thn about 7.30am plus, my mum bought breakfast fer us lerhs .
&we jiu ate luhs. hahs` (:
after ii ate finished, ii went to play computer lerhs .
LOL. ii used tehs computer till afternoon 5pm plus lehs .
thn ii jiu went back my room & sleep fer awhile luhs.
&ii about 7.30pm thn woke up siahs . hahs:D
after that, ii jiu went to bath liaos norhs.
&about 8.30pm plus thn ii went out lehs . LOL:X
ii took cab tuhs East Coast Park worhs. about $5 lehs .
dia0ssss. ii forget tuhs buy present. worst ! =x
we slacked at there till about 12am plus bahs. ii not shures norhs.
thn we walked back to Bedok siahs. fcuk luhs !
is like sooo far ? zzzz . ii wonder whys would ii walk siahs ?
LOL. thn sining went back home luhs.
me, hueyleng, zhifu, jason and jeffrey went to Princess Mac lehs .
because ii wanted tuhs eat marhs. LOL`
they damm fcuk up and bad luhs . keep talking about those pervert stuffs.
dotsss. ii was like sooo mad ? ): zzzz .
thn when we went to a playground & slack.
zhifu and jeffrey continued luhs . very fedup wan luhs .
ii was like wth ? they knn wan siahs . zzzz `
ii hate it, man! arghs* not even one sorry hors .
fcuk larhs ;
} 12 November
posted on Monday, November 12, 2007 at 9:05 AM by S.Teo ♥
Today ii didn't sleep a wink at all siahs .
oh my gosh! because ltr ii got checkup marhs.
sleep lia0s jiu can't wake up lerhs. hahs:D
thn ltr ii still going out with sining tuhs buy hueyleng present siahs.
oh no. ii left about $4 plus nia luhs. ):
how sehs ? LOL. still got 2hrs from 11am siahs.
sighs. can do what lehs ? dots.
nothing tuhs do at all luhs ` gosh ! =.=
how how how ? ii think ii gonna take a nap bahs.
hehs. kayes larhs . ii go bath already.
} 08 November
posted on Friday, November 9, 2007 at 1:53 AM by S.Teo ♥
Today ii woke up at 5.30pm plus norhs .
hahs(: thn ii jiu went to brush my teeth.
&watch tv luhs. until about 9pm plus thn ii use tehs computer lehs .
thn zhifu jiu msg me & ask whether ii want to go out not worhs .
&he still say hueyleng is with him, when she's at Marina Square.
LOL. about 10pm, ii called hueyleng & she said she gonna go watch movie lehs .
dia0sss . about 10.30pm plus thn ii left my house norhs .
ii took Bus 14 & ii saw shuyin and junsi worhs .
junsi now very pretty norhs .hahs:D ii haven't even dye my hair yet.
LOL. lazy nahs . :X thn when ii reached Blk 138.
ii saw sining, jeffrey, jason, zhifu & dunchs know who lehs .
not close tuhs him larhs . soo dunchs know how tuhs spell his name lehs .
hahs. after awhile, we went to Blk 85 tuhs accompanied Jason eat marhs .
thn jiu saw May lerhs . Wen Xiang's current girlfriend.
dots. thn ii takeaway food fer my mum lehs . thn sining went home alr.
zhifu they all playing hide and seek with me ehs ? =x
because jeffrey said he's behind me marhs . but ii nber sense lehs .
LOL. =x thn they accompanied me home luhs . :DD
thn now ii using the computer luhs . &ii haven't ate lehs .
but ii bluff my mother ii ate Fish & Chip siahs . LOL! ;x
sian norhs . zzzzz
} 07 November
posted on Wednesday, November 7, 2007 at 8:25 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today ii woke up at 8pm siahs .
LOL. late norhs . thn when ii went to play computer.
my grandpa keep shouting at my baby cousin.
because he lost the doll's shoes norhs. dia0s `
&he keep throwing his temper norhs . ii think better becareful bahs.
LOL. because he not in good mood today norhs . :X
ii wonder should ii stay at home & eat or go out eat siahs .
hahs:S ii think my uncle want to see my result slip uhs .
ii didn't give him see lehs. LOL
sian norhs . hahs:D my backbone aches. ):
} 06 November
posted on Tuesday, November 6, 2007 at 11:21 PM by S.Teo ♥
Actually today need tuhs go back school,
tuhs return tehs result slip tehs.
But ii oversleep. no larhs !
ii dunchs intend tuhs go wan lehs.
LOL. =x ii woke up at about 8pm plus siahs .
late hors ? but ytd ii quite early jiu sleep lia0s lehs.
wakakakas ; anyways, now is holidays what. :DD
ii haven't dye hair yet. zzz `
not free. LOL! no time tuhs choose color lehs .
dia0s . my fone cover spoiled. oh my gosh ;
ii wonder tmr ii what time thn will wake up siahs ?
hahs . tmr thn decide tehs color bahs . LALLALAs ;
} Result Slip
posted on Monday, November 5, 2007 at 11:04 PM by S.Teo ♥
Overall for year 2007
English - 54, Grade 5
Basic Chinese - 88, Grade 1
Mathematics - 61, Grade 4
Science - 30, U
Computer Applications - 65,Grade 3
Elements of Office Admin - 85, Grade 1
Civics & Moral Education - A
Music - A
Physical Education - VR
Total: 383/600
Class Position: 5/37
Percentage: 63.8
Results: Passed
Conduct: Good
Attendance: 129/174
Comments: Shirley is a sensible girl who is well-liked by her close friends. She participates actively in the group discussions and is confident of expressing her views in class with much presuasions from the teachers. She can be discerning at times and readily admits to her mistakes. With closer monitoring, Shirley is capable of doing well in her work.
} 04 November
posted on Sunday, November 4, 2007 at 8:20 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today ii woke up at 4.30pm plus worhs .
hahs(: ytd about 1.30am plus thn reached home lehs .
when ii woke up , ii saw missed calls from sining & hueyleng's home worhs.
thn sining told me that hueyleng ytd didn't go home lehs .
dia0s. ii also dunchs know where she went lehs .
LOL. ii didn't ask her.
Hmmms. ii wonder buy what present fer hueyleng this year worhs ?
not really shures lehs . recently, no money how norhs ? =x
Tmr have tuhs go school & take result slip siahs.
LOL. ii dunchs want to wear school uniform lehs !!
sighs* sad norhs. ): boring ~
maybe today ii must early sleep bahs.
hahs. ltr tmr can't wake up how norhs ? =x
bleahs. nothing tuhs do lehs . dia0s;
} 02 November 2007
posted on Friday, November 2, 2007 at 6:33 PM by S.Teo ♥
Ytd went to NUH fer checkup norhs .
LOL. bolia0s wan luhs.
just went there & listen tuhs tehs doctor speaking.
zzz. 12 of November have tuhs go back NUH.
fer blood check & some other stuffs lehs . dia0s;
Today ii woke up at 3pm plus lehs . LOL ! :X
bored norhs. =.= ii wonder buy what fer hueyleng's birthday lehs .
wad tuhs do norhs ? &she haven't plan of going where yet lehs .
hahs. i'm soo full ! ii ate alots of things today siahs .
dia0s. don't know write what lia0s lehs .
LOL. ;DD hueyleng also can't go out lehs .
because she scared her dad will send her back tuhs Malaysia worhs .
soo she jiu stay at home luhs . dots!
ii left $10. zzzz~ xianglan coming back at 18 of Nov lehs .
hahs. boreeeeeed ~~~~
} Just some pictures. (:
posted on Thursday, November 1, 2007 at 12:45 AM by S.Teo ♥

} Photos(:
posted on at 12:36 AM by S.Teo ♥

Kelly, Shirley and Joan:DD }Century Square's toilet

Shirley, Joan, Kelly and Kimberly! }Bedok Interchange

Happy Birthday,Fatimah ! =] } Farah's house downstair

When we went to Changi Airport to "study"! ((: } Changi Airport

Me and Huey Leng;DD } Bus
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