#` 31 August 2007
posted on Friday, August 31, 2007 at 5:33 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I nber go to sku. LOL`
Ytd got English Test sia. fcuk ;
I think i will fail my English bahs. =.=
dots` who cares ~
Yeahs! Holidays lerhs. woahs`
Although only fer 1week larhs. hahas`
bleahs; bored norhs.
tsk tsk tsk; ((:
#` 30 August 2007
posted on at 12:48 AM by S.Teo ♥
30 August 2007
Today ii didn't go to sku sia.
LOL! because when i woke up in the morning.
my stomach not feeling well. so jiu nber go lerhs luhs. :DD
I woke up at 2pm plus worhs. after that, jiu went to watch Ratatouille luhs.
at first, want to watch 881 but no time slot marhs. dots`
when i reached Princess Mac, i saw Secondary 2i boys worhs.
they look at me but didn't smile. so unfriendly. =x
hahas` sian norhs. =.=
after movie, we went to took bus 32 to xianglan hse luhs.
dhen about 7pm plus dhen we went to Parkway marhs.
I & apple ate Kfc norhs. dhen jiu shop shop lerhs. (:
about 10pm plus, we sit down & chat chat luhs. hehes`
girls' talk. LOL` sighs` lots of things happened & changed. ):
LOL. we wait for her stead lehs. quite handsome.
but look like a girl luhs. wth` :DD
very dao. nber say bbuhbyes to us tehs. hahas` just kidding!
dhen we went to Bedok to meet jason they all at Blk 423.
LOL` they very "ungentlemen" luhs. ask us to go buy drinks fer them sia.
fcuk them` tehs moon very pretty. (: got a rainbow around it.
hard to say larhs. youus have to see it yourself.<33
LALALALALAs; fcuk sia. My friendster got problem sia.
dhen i create new account norhs. :DD
Everyone! Please add my new account; shirl-ey@hotmail.com
#` 29 August 2007
posted on Wednesday, August 29, 2007 at 8:10 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I took Bus 14b as usual luhs.
LOL. dhen at bus stop saw hueyleng. walk to sku with her luhs.
before walking in the sku, we busy doing our hairs ?
=x because we scared our hair kena cut marhs. like xianglan they all norhs.
sho poor things. after awhile, when apple came. she greeted abraham, good morning.
&she replied oh saw huiling greeted me today. so i will have a nice day.
LOL ? tsk` very stuupid luhs. =x
during 7.55am - 8.25am, we were at the canteen. zzz`
doing worksheet luhs. dumb` oh ya; zhifu cut botak.
shocking new~ =x dhen apple told me that xianglan ytd cry in the toilet sia.
dots` dhen i think zhifu cut his hair botak because of xianglan ? LOL.
who cares ? x= Sighs!* we were late for CPA lessons sia. dhen kena scoldings.
LOL. after sku, i went to Tampines Mall,
with apple norhs. because she want to buy bag marhs.
also dunchs know why became i buy bag ? tsk tsk tsk;
dhen she also bought a handbag norhs. :DD forgot the price already lehs;
after that, I went to apple's house lehs, to take somethings luhs.
hmmms... she doing fashion show at her room luhs. hahahas `
sian larhs. LOL! dhen maybe tml the boys watching Dead Slience lehs.
none of the girls watching luhs. fer what i go sia ? =x
dhen maybe going out with apple bahs. hehes`
Friday reaching soon norhs. :DD dhen maybe going back maybe not bahs.
dots` because i not sure who going back lehs. ltr only myself how ?
LALALALALALAs; =P I want a new school bag! haiish`
#` 28 August 2007
posted on Tuesday, August 28, 2007 at 6:00 PM by S.Teo ♥
LOL. Today my grandma oversleep. dhen i also oversleep. wth!
she woke me up at 7am luhs. zzz
dhen i remember today must go netball court fer pledge all this.
ii jiu very lazy to go liaos. LOL
if i want to go sku, i will go even if i have to take cab worhs.
if i dunchs want to go, nothing will do. :DD
sian norhs. Teachers' day reaching soon liaos nehs.
but i haven't contact primary school friends. =x
heard that alots of teachers has retire liaos sia.
LOL. hmmm. make me more dunchs want to go back sia.
Sighs! =.= sian norhs. dunchs know why recently i don't like tuesday.
dots! wad a funny person! recently, i also nber play audition sia.
i will play until i get my cashs first norhs. :DD bleahs`
just now hueyleng called me sehs. LOL ;
&told me that xianglan and chongkai's hair kena cut sia.
fcuk luhs. tml have to go there again. kns!
Sighs! Today hueyleng also nber go sku lehs. x=
ii haven't cut my fingers nail yet luhs. wth~
not free liaos .tatas ~ :DD
#` 27 August 2007
posted on Monday, August 27, 2007 at 7:20 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I woke up at 6.30am plus sia.
LOL. =x sian norhs.
at first, i thought i missed my 14b sia.
but luckily, ii didn't miss norhs. :DD
hahas. dhen saw huijun they all at interchange lehs.
bored! tml have to line-up at netball court there sehs.
haiiyos` sho troublesome luhs. =x
LOL. ltr my hair got color die ehs. dots!
during PG lessons, got hairstyling course lehs.
very fun norhs. hahas` ii washed qunsheng & delphin's hair sia.
dots! delphin's hair hard to wash luhs. so long; =x
dhen xianglan help her perm her hair norhs. very preeeetty!(:
qunsheng's hair also very nice luhs. styled by SHIRLEY! which is ME:DD
bleahs. Today bought a clothes; $19.
quite nice larhs. apple bought 2 clothes; $38.
#` 26 August 2007
posted on Sunday, August 26, 2007 at 6:41 PM by S.Teo ♥
Belated Happy Birthday to Ben!(:
Today I woke up at 3.30pm plus norhs. i guess ?
LOL. My audition lvl 4 only luhs.
Sighs! I want to go buy prepaid card liaos norhs.
hahas. :DD i'm lazy to train sia.
dots! tOotiies nini lvl 18 already norhs.
pro worhs. hahas; sian larhs.
hueyleng watching Dead Slience with Douglas lehs.
lols. dunchs know who haven't watch yet worhs.
maybe i watching with my primary sku friends bahs.
hahas. :DD bleahs
#` 24 August 2007
posted on Friday, August 24, 2007 at 7:28 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I didn't go to school sia.
LOL. because already late marhs.
dhen i very lazy to go. =x
hueyleng also nber go school lehs.
hahas. i dunchs know the reason why larhs.
dots! sian lehs.
nothing to do norhs. ahahs;
haish. so bored; =.=
posted on Thursday, August 23, 2007 at 10:33 PM by S.Teo ♥

posted on at 10:25 PM by S.Teo ♥

#` 23 August 2007
posted on at 8:25 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I woke up at 6.15am plus norhs.
my grandparents thought already 6.30am plus.
because my room tehs clock spoiled liaos.
somemore, is stucked at 7.30am luhs. not 6.30.
LOL. =x I failed my English & Science
dOts. But i pass my Maths
hehes. not really fail Science larhs. is VR okays ? :DD
My English Mark; 35.8
My Maths Mark; 72.5
LOL. Today i abit catch up with my Maths norhs.
Woahs ` I'm just confused with the Formulas
Too many to remember liao larhs. Sighs!
Today Dead Slience come out liaos. hehes.
Maybe tml going to watch bahs. LOL!
#` 21 August 2007
posted on Tuesday, August 21, 2007 at 6:23 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I didn't go to school again .
LOL. because my left eye got swollened.
Sighs! So i jiu nber go school lerhs.
hahas. dhen hueyleng asked me whether i want to Orchard.
But I didn't go because of my
LOL. =x Tml have to wear tie luhs. fcuk`
I'm bored! =.= hehes.
#` 20 August 2007
posted on Monday, August 20, 2007 at 8:30 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I went to school as per normal luhs. (:
In hall, I sit at the second row luhs. fcuk`
&is going to 7.25am liao. still so little peeps! =.=
Sighs! LOL. xianglan didn't come to school lehs.
I also don't know why worhs. hehes`
That's bored! LOL. I want to buy a clothes &bag luhs.
wtf! no money very kelian luhs. Sighs;
I still have to buy things luhs. totally i think i need $100plus.
LOL. =x hehes; Maybe end of this month, i changing phone!
WOoooahs; My dad say want luhs. oh ya!
Paiseh norhs. =x Teachers' day celebration at next friday.
Not this friday. LOL! not my fault luhs. humpf~
I need a new haircut & schoolbag larhs. fcuk!
I need cash. dOts! =.= I also don't know when they want to work luhs.
Kns. So fcuking bored sia. LOL!
#` 18 August 2007
posted on Sunday, August 19, 2007 at 10:20 PM by S.Teo ♥
18 August 2007
Today I went to Plaza Singapure.
to meet my Maple friends norhs. (:
They're late. LOL! =x
dhen about 6pm plus, jieshi reached. dOts!
&8pm, she need to work. hahas~
I went off to meet hueyleng they all lehs. LOL!
Marina Square, packed with peoples.
LOL. dhen sining want to eat Long John Slive, the queue is like.
Omg ? =.= All fastfoods' queue is long. Sighs!
dhen we went to Esplande to watch fireworks luhs.
hahas. nice` (: Although i got took some photos.
But as you see, my computer don't have bluetooth.
plus my phone's cable is spoiled. so, i can't transfer luhs.
LOL. this coming friday is Teachers' day ? :DD
I think i maybe going back to my Priimary School worhs.
dOts! But I don't know want to wear what lehs.
I wanna buy new t-shit nia. bleahs;
#` 17 August 2007
posted on Friday, August 17, 2007 at 6:55 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I didn't go to school.
LOL. i also don't know why sia.
wth! =.= i only know that whenever i didnt go ,
my brother also didn't go to school wan luhs.
Tml got outing with lerler they all. :DD
I don't know want to wear what shirt sia. Sighs!
haven't buy foundation & make-up remover luhs. diaOs`
Today my fone is awrfully quiet sia. =x
hahaa! i also don't know why lehs. bleahs;
i haven't eat anything till now sia. wtf ~
LOL. i'm having a cold luhs. cb sia`
#` 16 August 2007
posted on at 12:12 AM by S.Teo ♥
16 August 2007
Happy Birthday to Li Si!(:
Today I didn't go to school.
because i got checkup marhs. =x
went for checkup dhen doctor say must operate.
Sighs! don't know when dhen will operate lehs.
so sian luhs. =.= i'm so sleepy sia.
ytd i too late sleep. dhen early in the morning jiu wake up.
dOts! =] maybe ltr meeting hueyleng they all worhs.
heard them say maybe jason they all celebrating lisi birthday.
LOL. i didn't prepare present fer him lehs. :DD
after meeting them at Blk 423. We went to Tarry's House.
dhen wait for him to bath luhs.
We went to meet jason at Tarry's house bus-stop there.
dhen saw Boon Chiat from 3H. haha` he going Bedok.
well, we took Bus 10 to Tampines Mall .
very fast jiu reached there liao norhs. :DD
dhen chongkai is hungry, they jiu eat at Kfc luhs.
Me, hueyleng & sining went to Century Square.
because they want to go Missa buy eye-shadow lehhs.
LOL. dhen jiu slack at Tampines & waiting for zhifu luhs.
dhen we jiu went to playground & slack.
After awhile, we took Bus 17 luhs. Tarry drop first.
dhen sining & jeffrey. after that, jiu wenxiang luhs.
we drop at Bedok Interchange. ahahs;
dhen i went to Macdonald to takeaway. they accompained me luhs.
hehes. :DD
#` 15 August 2007
posted on Wednesday, August 15, 2007 at 11:21 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I went to school worhs.
guai bahs ? :DD
but hueyleng & xianglan didn't come.
hueyleng is because she oversleep lehs.
dhen xianglan is she too tired dhen lazy to come worhs.
LOL. sining suddenly asked me whether i want to go interview job not.
ii jiu say anythiings luhs. dhen after school, jiu meet her.
but in the end hors, need at least 16 bahs.
they still not confirm yet. hope can work norhs.
out of money. LOL! =x dhen ii & sining at Orchard.
slack slack luhs. we ate Long John Sliver as dinner.
haha. jason they all slacked at Blk 211 wan lehs. bo jio! =x
sian norhs. =.= Tml ii got checkup again. Sighs! )):
i'm bored as usual! woahs;
took 4-5 photos of myself. :DD
alots of s.e.c.r.e.t must keep. wth! =.=
ii'm so frustrated sia. Sighs!
#` 14 August 2007
posted on Tuesday, August 14, 2007 at 7:06 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today i didn't go to school.
LOL. because i don't feel like going luhs. =x
Wooooahs ; ytd i woke up at 11.30pm plus.
dOts! i faaall asleep in the afternoon marhs.
dhen i don't know whether hueyleng's problem okays anot lehs.
can't face him liaos larhs. Sighs!
don't feel like being a Kpo!
LOL. :DD Tml have to wear tie. )):
so sad norhs. Afternoon, i ate pizza hua with my stuupid brother.
wahahahahahas; total; $31.14 =.=
i paid $16.50 luhs. wth! my brother own me $1. =P
#` 13 August 2007
posted on Monday, August 13, 2007 at 3:46 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today the hell gate opened sia. Sighs!
so sad norhs. cannot late late go home liao larhs.
LOL. it doesn't matter at alll. :DD
I didn't miss bus 14b norhs. HAHAHAA !
I sleep almost all lessons expect for mdm zubaidah's lessons.
during SA periods, hueyleng went for couselling lehs.
she went for a long time luhs. haiiyOs`
dhen we went to find her. &saw her crying ? dOts
wahs lao. Sighs! knew a secret. LOL! =x
but i don't want to know it ! haiiyOs;
what to do norhs ? so confusing. haish! ):
sining& jeffrey went to xianglan hse.
dhen zhifu don't know went where lehs.
LOL. =x jason didn't come to school today worhs.
also don't know why larhs. dOts! =.=
#` 12 August 2007
posted on Sunday, August 12, 2007 at 5:05 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I woke up at 2pm plus norhs.
HAHAHAHA! early rights ? althought ytd i very late dhen sleep.
i think i gonna be sick soon sia. Ooooops; =x
i'm abit sleepy luhs. Sighs!*
there's no new video for me to watch luhs.
wtf! i'm sad ~ LOL! HaiiyOs.
&i'm lazy to go out norhs, because no money. :DD
dhen ltr go out sure need to spend money. HEHEHEHES ;
Memories need to be create, so that it can be cherished.
#` 11 August 2007
posted on at 12:50 AM by S.Teo ♥
NOTES:Sorries. I past 12am dhen write my post. =x
11 August 2007.
Today i woke up at 1.30pm plus worhs.
early bahs ? LOL. i also don't know why lehs.
Sighs! dhen went out at 5.10pm plus luhs.
I went to Princess Mac to meet hueyleng they all norhs.
dhen i saw huimin & huijun lehs. HAHAHAHAAHA! :DD
after awhile dhen jeffrey, chongkai & tarry reached worhs.
diaOs` after that, we wait for jason to come norhs.
dhen we took Mrt to Marina Bay. After steamboat,
We went to Esplanade to slack luhs. dhen we took Bus 196 home.
on the bus tv, we saw The Ring. LOL! =x
watch for awhile only luhs. stuuupid ;
dhen i accompanied hueyleng to Princess Mac's Toilet.
&she going to Blk 416 find huijun lehs. take stuffs luhs. =]
#` 10 August 2007
posted on Saturday, August 11, 2007 at 12:31 AM by S.Teo ♥
10 August 2007.
Today i woke up at 2pm plus, i guess ? =x
not very sure norhs. but one thing for sure.
i didn't wake up as i wanted. i was awake because
my grandpa shouting at my stuuupid cousin.
is my grandpa's voice that made me wake up wan luhs. sigh!
actually i want to sleep longer. because i'm sick luhs.
not really feeling very well luhs. aiyo`
tml eating steamboat at marina bay, i guess. :DD
they all want to wear skiinny jeans lehs. paiseh ehs.
i don't know how to spell it ^ =x
bleahs. =P
#` 09 August 2007
posted on Thursday, August 9, 2007 at 7:54 PM by S.Teo ♥
Happy Birthday to SINGAPORE!(:
Today I about 3pm plus dhen woke up luhs.
dhen i watching my tv lehs. HAHAHAHAHAH !
nothing much happened larhs. &i'm bored! =.=
slack at home whole day sia. wth;
this coming saturday, they want to go eat steamboat lehs.
so must save money luhs. =x LALALALALALLAs;
18 August; Outing with lerler they all. (:
#` 08 August 2007
posted on Wednesday, August 8, 2007 at 10:01 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today I woke up at 2.30pm plus luhs.
LOL. after awhile, huiling came to my hse lehs.
dhen we went to Blk 205 find my mother. take money. :DD
after that, we went to Bugis to meet Kimberly luhs.
We mit her at Mos Burger lehs. dhen we went to take neoprints luhs.
dhen we went to Bugis Street. to accompany her luhs.
huiling bought two skinny jeans lehs. LOL. =x
she total spent $63 plus lehs. when we reached Bedok Interchange..
dhen she went home. i went to buy clothe lehs. HAHAHAHAHAH !
i bought a clothe; $19 worhs. i haven't buy bag yet luhs. wth! =.=
dhen i went home lerhs luhs. :DD
#` 07 August 2007
posted on Tuesday, August 7, 2007 at 8:06 PM by S.Teo ♥
Happy Birthday to Qinying!.
Today i didn't go to school luhs.
LOL. afternoon, i went to buy clothes with my mum lehs.
only one larhs. =x maybe tml accompany huiling buy clothes norhs.
dOts! i don't have extra money lehs. =x
how norhs ? LALALALALAs;
i need clothes to go with my pant luhs.
if tml i going out, dhen i wear what seh ?
i wear that jean dhen wear what clothes sia ? wth.
so sad norhs! =.= i don't think tml i going to school.
because is celebration for Singapore lehs. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA !
i think i gonna be sick soon again. so sad larhs!
this coming saturday, we going out eat steamboat luhs.
so i can't fall sick at a time like this sia.
LOL. very pitiful sia. =x bleh.
#` 06 August 2007
posted on at 1:15 PM by S.Teo ♥
06 August 2007.
Ytd post. LOL.
i can't post it due to my computer abit sotplug. =x
We went to Whitesand Mall to accompanied hueyleng marhs.
she have to re-new her ez-link card luhs.
a bus driver took her ez-link & ask her to go re-new tehs.
dhen we accompanied xianglan to Eastpoint Mall,
because she want to buy clothes. in the end, she didn't buy at all.
after awhile, she want to go Century Square.
due to she want to buy shoes! but never buy at all.
wth ? =x oh ya. at Whitesand, i saw my ex. dOts!
kns. i thought we taking bus 17 marhs. how i know taking bus 12 sia.
zzzz` at eastpoint, xianglan abit EMO lehs.
because she lied to her stead say she at home marhs.
how she know that her stead will go to her hse downstair wait for her ehs.
dhen i think they quarrel bahs. LOL
why must lied to her stead sia ? i also don't know why larhs.
Cry on my shoulder
posted on Sunday, August 5, 2007 at 10:54 PM by S.Teo ♥
Cry on my shoulder
If the hero never comes to you
If you need someone you're feeling blue
If you're away from love and you're alone
If you call your friends and nobody's home
You can run away but you can't hide
Through a storm and through a lonely night
Then I show you there's destiny
The best things in life
They're free
But if you wanna cry
Cry on my shoulder
If you need someone who cares for you
If you're feeling sad your heart gets colder
Yes I show you what real love can do
If your sky is grey oh let me know
There's a place in heaven where we'll go
If heaven is a million years away
Oh just call me and I make your day
When the nights are getting cold and blue
When the days are getting hard for you
I will always stay here by your side
I promise you I'll never hide
What real love can do
What love can do
What real love can do
What love can do
What real love can do
What love can do
#` 05 August 2007
posted on at 6:58 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today i woke up at 4pm plus, i guess.
LOL. bored! tml have to school again.
i'm lazy to go school sia. how ? =x
can i just don't go school for awhile anot ehs ?
but i guess cannot, because my other subjects is weak.
can't help it too. =] my science & maths is weak luhs.
somemore, EOA that stuupid delphin want to like see who is first.
i don't like it luhs. she want to be first jiu first luhs.
as if i will care like that ? i really don't like peeps giving me nicks.
my name is shirley teo. not shirley strike toto or what luhs.
fcuk! of course, i will not answer back marhs.
i hate peeps giving my nicks! fcuk off larhs. :DD
if you're gonna give me nicks, i won't reply or answer back wan.
not i attitude problem luhs. fcuks ~
i really don't like luhs. Sighs! very childish luhs.
i'm not the most childish among us hors. please luhs!
act like spoiled brat. knn! piss off larhs. =P
#` 04 August 2007
posted on Saturday, August 4, 2007 at 8:32 PM by S.Teo ♥
Happy Birthday to Tarry & Mabel.
Today i woke up at 3.30pm plus norhs. =x
LOL. because ytd i went home at 3.30am plus luhs.
so is nature that i sleep longer dhen usual luhs.
bleahs. bored! i still didn't think of a reason to tell that bitch luhs.
kns. i not going give any reason larhs.
since is tehs fact that i always got stuck in my blouse luhs.
bloody hell bitch. wtf! =.= Sighs!
so sad. i love this song ; Cry on my shoulder
woahs` is nice norhs. love it!
my computer don't have any thing again luhs. wth !
don't have msn messenger. window media player . knn.
i have re-download all again . ah ! is like hell.
someone please help me larhs ! =.= oh gosh.
well, he's cute as usual! (:
#` 03 August 2007
posted on at 4:49 PM by S.Teo ♥
03 August 2007
Today we went to watch Alone.
LOL. freaking scary luhs. wth!
we was like using our bags as shield sia.
HAHAHAHAHHA ! dhen they said celebrate tarry birthday today.
we was like huh ? LOL. don't know why he don't want sat lehs.
dhen i was sleeping luhs.i was like huh ? i don't feel like going out luhs.
because i'm sleepy. &i want to sleep. LOL! :DD
but in tehs end, i went luhs.
we went to Esplanade dhen we took Bus 196 to Katong.
hueyleng & sining went home lehs. dia0s.
dhen we went to East Coast Park. & drink.
only jason, jeffrey, zhifu & xianglan drinking.
i, tarry & shamir didn't drink lehs. LOL.
dhen after awhile they went home luhs. dOts!
#` 02 August 2007
posted on Thursday, August 2, 2007 at 6:25 PM by S.Teo ♥
Happy Birthday to Nini!(:.
Today i didn't go to school.
LOL. i also don't know why i never go school.
i only know that my grandma got call-ed me up. but i just continue sleep.
HAHHAHAHAHAH! =x i now watching NANA.
nice norhs. some ep quite funny. :DD
heard that say tml then, go watch Alone.
aiyo. very troublesome! =.= tarry's birthday coming soon also.
i haven't buy any present for him yet. =x
see how first. i also not sure whether i got ton anot.
LOL. :DD bleah;
#` 01 August 2007
posted on Wednesday, August 1, 2007 at 7:56 PM by S.Teo ♥
Today i didn't miss my bus 14b. that's so close!
now i know what time 14b is. 06:48am. :DD
tml i must go out at 6.35am plus already. if not, i will be chas-ing bus again.
i don't know want to chase bus every morning luhs. lucky!
my bone is hurt-ing more and more each day luhs.
i'm suffer-ing. Sighs! don't know why i feel like dy-ing. ):
i'm so sad ? zzz. i not sure what i really want anymore.
what to do ? everythings is just a problems! =.=
i'm sick of listen-ing to peeps' problems already.
what about my problem ? Sighs! i think i gonna have mental problems.
so sad!! i don't really want to chat about what happen-ed today. can i ? (:
i do hope-d to pass all my subjects.
but pass-ing Science seem to be a problem to me now.
nowadays, Maths is also gett-ing confus-ing each day.
i'm so stress! yet i refuse to smoke to de-stress myself!(:
i so don't like the smell of ciggaratte okays ? i don't really seem to care.
which teacher is teach-ing which subjects. as long as i can pass that all i care!
maybe i should change ? LOL. maybe i'm dy-ing.
dy-ing at so young maybe is a good thing ? HAHAHAHHAHAHA !
i don't know whether my brain is still alive anot lehs. can't think;
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