#` 31 July 2007
posted on Tuesday, July 31, 2007 at 5:33 PM by S.Teo ♥

Today I feel like i didn't sleep at all luhs. wth ?
Sighs! i miss-ed my bus 14b. i still didn't realise that luhs.
kns` i think i late. dhen i saw abraham! wth ~
she ask-ed us tuhs run. zzz` unlucky day luhs.
somemore, got maths test sia. fcuk ;
ytd after checkup. my bone keep ach-ing luhs. sigh`
its hurt! ): sobsob` Today lessons ends fast sehs.
Woooooah; hueyleng didn't come tuhs sku.
huijun & huimin pontang sku sia. LOL ! =x
bored! =.= dur-ing cme lessons, we went to tehs library & slack-ed.
LOL! dhen jiu music luhs. very fast ends ehs. :DD
after sku, tarry ask-ed them tuhs accompani-ed him tuhs book chalet worhs.
dOts! i still thought he not open-ing lehs.
i not sure whether got slot anot norhs. LALALLALAALALLAAs;
i want to watch Alone; movie` (:
blahs. blahs. blahhs ` just upload-ed some photos in friendster. :DD
i think maths gett-ing harder & harder each day. zzz `
apple still angry about that prank call luhs. who cares ?
she want jiu talk with me luhs. mai jiu sua larhs.
got her or don't have make no difference at all kays ? (:

Boy, you make me wonder why.

#` 30 July 2007
posted on Monday, July 30, 2007 at 8:42 PM by S.Teo ♥

Today I woke up at 11.30am plus luhs.
HAHAHAHHA! i didn't went tuhs sku cause i got check-up marhs.
i left home at 1.15pm plus with my dad luhs.
dhen jiu took cab tuhs tehs hospital. very long dhen reach-ed luhs.
somemore, tehs cab got a smell which had made me very sick luhs. Sighs!
dhen went for check-up at level 3. dhen must go level 4 for x-ray.
wah lao ehs. =x after that, saw tehs result. i was shock-ed ? =.=
my spine bone is a "S" shape luhs. wth ? zzzz ;
dhen tehs doctor say if worst, have tuhs operate.
if not that serious, still have tuhs wear don't know wad clothes luhs.
LOL! =.= 21 August still must go check-up luhs. wtf ~
Sighs! My mood ; moody luhs. )): so not straight luhs. OOoops

#` 29 July 2007
posted on at 12:33 AM by S.Teo ♥

Today I woke up at 5pm. LOL! :DD
My stuupid baby cousin play-ing with his new toys.
got music somemore. wth! damm noisy luhs. zzz `
after that, i went to play computer. tml have tuhs go check-up.
zzz` tml got maths test luhs. wtf? about 8.30pm plus.
i saw a miss-ed call from don't know luhs. LOLS!
start with 656 tehs. normally, bedok area is either 624 or 644 wan marhs.
dhen i abit blur luhs. who knows ? is that stuupid tianfu. LOL! =x
he got stead lerhs. hope-d he & his stead last long worhs.
since he say he tiongxim tehs. HAHAHAHAHAHAH!
quite long didn't msg or chat with them lerhs.
i don't know what's wrong with me larhs. =x
18 August, next meet-ing with LALAdear they all norhs. (:
oh yeahs! LALAdear birthday reach-ing liao norhs.
oh dear! :DD my stuupid boy ~ (:

#` 28 July 2007
posted on Sunday, July 29, 2007 at 5:24 PM by S.Teo ♥

Today I & hueyleng went to xianglan house.
after that, we jiu went down tuhs mit zhifu.
dhen we took cab tuhs kimberly's bbq pit luhs. haha! (:
when we reach-ed there, there's no fire at all. zzz `
don't know how long dhen got fire luhs. wth ?
so shag` dhen after awhile,jiu saw sining, shamir, jeffrey & chongkai came.
LOL! jason last one tuhs reach. there's two birthday cakes.
but i didn't eat a piece at all. =x at first, i & hueyleng say don't want ton.
but in tehs end, we ton. still ton till 7am plus luhs.
by tehs time, i reach-ed home ish already 7.30am plus already luhs.
HAHAHAHAHHA ! dhen i went to sleep lerhs.

#` 27 July 2007
posted on Friday, July 27, 2007 at 11:56 PM by S.Teo ♥

Happy Birthday to Evon & Kimberly!

Today i went out with hueyleng, xianglan & zhifu luhs.
we accompanied xianglan for audition. but in tehs end, she nber take part.
LOL! after that, we went to Bugis Village to buy present.
Tml Kimberly open-ed Bbq Pit at East Coast Park.
Not sure who going lehs. LOL! we haven't decide on buy-ing wad for her luhs.
haiiyOs` Today is tehs second day, he didn't msg or call me lerhs.
dOts! Sighs* don't know why so shag nehs. HAHAHAHAHHA !
i can't possible be miss-ing him wan luhs. =.= Tml they com-ing back .
haha! not sure wth am i thinking luhs. zzz ;
he quite kawaii tehs. but i guess he still a small boy bahs.
LOL! if by this com-ing sunday he nber msg or call me.
i think i gonna delete his number bahs. LOL!
maybe his card no money ? dOts! who cares ~ if he want to contact me,
by hook or by crook, he will contact me tehs.
i'm sick of wait-ing. Sorry! i don't have any patience tuhs wait lerhs. =x

I just did somethings that made me very regret. Sigh!):

#` 26 July 2007
posted on Thursday, July 26, 2007 at 8:57 PM by S.Teo ♥

Today i didn't go tuhs sku again. LOL! =x
&i knew them for 3days lerhs ? =.=
just saw tianfu; xiaobi photos. (:
he's cute. but i guess i seen him before.
but i can't remember-ed. dOts! he look like girl sia. ha`
tml is evon & kimberly's birthday !
i guess they now should be in tehs hotel bahs.
Kurimun time is early 1hr. now is 9pm.
i guess there is only 8pm plus bahs. HAHAHHAA ! (:
xiaobi & xiaogui ehs ? LOL! i miss him alots. sigh*

#` 25 July 2007
posted on Wednesday, July 25, 2007 at 6:23 PM by S.Teo ♥

Today i didn't go to school. LOL! =x
haha! ytd just knew someone luhs. dOts! his name call-ed xiaogui; edmund.
LOL! &tian fu; xiaoB. (: both sec 2 only. younger dhen me lehs.
Tml they going Kurimun Island already. Sighs!
gonna miss them! ): HAHAHAHAHA! hope they will come back safely norhs.
i'm bored! =.= so funny ehs. bleahs;
sian norhs. xiaogui already quit sku lerhs. LOL!
he so young jiu *ahem* lerhs. haha! :DD

#` 24 July 2007
posted on Tuesday, July 24, 2007 at 9:01 PM by S.Teo ♥

Today I woke up at 6.30am plus norhs.
luckily, i nber missed bus 14b luhs.
because when i reach-ed sku is already 7.24am plus lerhs.
dhen prefects ask-ing us tuhs rush already.
all of them rush-ing luhs. LOL ! :DD
noth-ing much happen-ed in sku tehs larhs. bleahs!(:
After sku, went to Whitesand Mall with them luhs.
only qunsheng, lisi & chongkai didn't go luhs.
we accompanied sining tuhs go there buy mirror ? =x
dhen we ate Japanese Foods luhs. All eat at same store luhs.
actually xianglan want to eat KFC tehs. but in tehs end nber.
dhen we took bus 17 home luhs. i reach-ed home about 5.45pm plus bahs.
i not sure nahs. nber look at my watch marhs. (:

#` 23 July 2007
posted on Monday, July 23, 2007 at 6:16 PM by S.Teo ♥

Today i woke up at 7am luhs. LOL! =.=
late already. actually i woke up at 6am norhs.
but dhen i continue-d tuhs sleep norhs. =x
LALALALALAs; dhen about 7.10am plus, i went out & take cab luhs.
when i reach-ed sku, is already 7.30am plus already.
already late liaos. when i reach-ed tehs netball court.
i saw kimberly, xianglan, jeffrey, fatimah & farah. HAHAHHAHAH !
so many peeps late with me norhs. :DD bleah!
dhen we didn't take any late forms, so jiu went back tuhs class lerhs.
haha! we hav-ing English Test. LOL!
quite hard norhs. zzz! dhen noth-ing much ehs.
after sku, we went to Kfc & eat luhs.
dhen i, xianglan & zhifu went to tehs Pasa Malam & walk walk norhs.
i bought 2 corrections tape. :DD LALALALALALAs ~
dhen xianglan & zhifu came tuhs my house & take vcd luhs.
i hope-d i will remember that chongkai lent my weixiao pasta.
&xianglan lent my ZHONG JI YI BAN & MY GIRL norhs. (:
i want to buy new vcd & watch lehs. ASK my daddiies! :DD

#` 22 July 2007
posted on Sunday, July 22, 2007 at 10:03 PM by S.Teo ♥

Today i woke up at 12pm plus norhs.
haha! early bahs ? hmmm.. ytd i sleep at 4am plus luhs.
dhen today jiu so early wake up already. pro bahs ?
i still read-ing my Aries norhs. :DD
nice nehs. (: Tml have tuhs go sku already. Sigh!
Bedok Interchange got Pasa Malam lehs. LOL!
i haven't really go walk yet norhs. no time marhs! =x
HAHAHAHAHA! i keep feel-ing cold luhs. zzz !
maybe due tuhs tehs weather bahs. i also not sure norhs.
tehs sky at night is always red wan luhs. dhen afternoon jiu grey.
wth ? =x LALALALAS ! i want comments ~ shirl-ey@hotmail.com:DD
i think ltr gonna rain liao luhs. hope morning won't rain luhs.
because i have tuhs walk tuhs Bedok Interchange tuhs take bus wan.
if rain, i have tuhs bring umbrella luhs. so troublesome larhs. =x
bleahs! (:

Love doesn't mean to hurt that person. Sometimes,let go is the only way.

#` 21 July 2007
posted on Saturday, July 21, 2007 at 7:42 PM by S.Teo ♥

Kurimun Trip tehs date reachingq soon ehs.
LOL! i bet they're very excited norhs. haha!
kimberly so unlucky that her birthday must celebrate at Kurimun Island.
:DD 3day 2nights. so concidence that her birthday is 27 July. Middle.
ytd wenxiang's birthday. next friday kimberly's birthday.
tehs week after is tarry's birthday. haiiyOs`
don't know buy wad for them luhs. kimberly opened bbq pit also.
dhen tarry opened chalet lehs. woahs ? :DD his birthday is on sat bahs ?
i not so sure larhs. LOL ! woOo` this com-ing thursday & friday.
i not go-ing tuhs sku luhs. who want to be with abraham till 5pm sia.
siaOs luhs. :DD do wad cip works ehs ? zzz; must be unlucky liaos larhs.
now i read-ing Ares>. woahs ` cute nehs. bleahs!
i wonder-ed hueyleng got kena beat by her dad anot luhs. haiyOs`
because i heard her said that ytd her father locked tehs door.
dhen she call-ed her sis tuhs help her open-ed tehs door norhs. =.=
i hope-d she won't kena anythings bahs. (: LALALALALAs ;
she can't ton all this lehs. zzz` also don't know whys larhs.
her father sotplug ehs ? =x Ooops;

#` 20 July 2007
posted on at 4:30 AM by S.Teo ♥

Happy Birthday to Wen Xiang!(:

Today is wenxiang tehs birthday norhs.(:
well, i oversleep today so i didn't go tuhs sku luhs. =x
haha! i like Friday actually. but if i gonna be late, i won't go.
that's my style. LOL ! wenxiang opened bbq pit at East Coast Park.
Bit 53E. dOts ? When we went there,only got wenxiang, jeffrey & tarry.
=.= we were shocked ? because we thought will be more peeps there marhs.
hahas!:DD wenxiang didn't invite may & huijun. which are his ex-steads.
after awhile, wenjia & mabelle came norhs. (: haha!
about 10pm plus, wenjia have tuhs go home. she asked tarry tuhs accompany her.
tuhs wait for cab luhs. haha! dhen zhifu,hueyleng,sining & chongkai went too.
they going Tanjong Pagar, to fetch xianglan luhs. LOL ?
when they came back, only three peeps. zzz; chongkai went home.
sining went to find a person luhs. dhen was like bored ? =x
brandon also went home already. LOL! my junior ? :DD
hmmmm... we played & slack till morning luhs. i just reached home.:)
East Coast Park is rain-ing luhs. dhen me, sining & hueyleng shared cab.
we stopped at Bedok Interchange. LOL! (:
while i was on my way home, i saw jonathan who is joey's brother. :DD

#` 19 July 2007
posted on Thursday, July 19, 2007 at 7:24 PM by S.Teo ♥

Today i didn't missed bus 14b lehs. LOL ! :DD
got mass pe. zzz ` i really don't like tuhs do mass pe luhs. lameshit~
after mass pe, is pe lessons luhs. ehs.. we play-ing freezebee luhs.
HAHAHAHAHAS ; dhen tehs weather very nice tuhs sleep luhs.
wth! almost everyone in klass fall asleep sia. =x
tml is wenxiang's birthday. LOL ! i haven't buy present for him yet.
hmmm.. heard don't know who say that he not open-ing a bbq pit lerhs.
dots larhs! i tml dhen confirm with them again bahs.
if he nber open, dhen jiu don't need tuhs buy present lerhs. LOL! =]
recently,i very POOR luhs. LALALALALAs ; no money ~
now i read-ing Naruto Manga. WOoOo ?
bleahs! after sku, went to eat with apple luhs.
dhen jiu accompany her go buy stuffs.
dhen jiu went home lerhs bahs. wakakakas ;
i think tml i wear-ing learning fiesta t-shirt bahs. haha!(:
i maybe ask-ing apple tuhs wear with me also norhs.
i really need a JOB larhs ! tsktsktsk ;

#` 18 July 2007
posted on Wednesday, July 18, 2007 at 6:37 PM by S.Teo ♥

Today I didn't go tuhs sku. haha !
Because i think is a waste of time tuhs go luhs. :DD
LALALALAs; Today my sku celebrat-ing Racial Harmony Day.
LOL ! =x bleahs; tml got pe sia. i hope not re-test luhs.
i want to change my email lehs. but hors, i don't change wad name.
*SIGHS* bored! i now still watch-ing Naturo. wakakakas;
this year tehs Harry Potter of Order Phoniex, quite bor-ing!
*YAWNS* I wonder today who go tuhs sku worhs. HAHAHHAHAHA !

#` 17 July 2007
posted on Tuesday, July 17, 2007 at 11:42 PM by S.Teo ♥

Today I didn't take bus 14. i took bus 14b instead.
haha! because ytd late again. dhen i don't want to late marhs.
hueyleng didn't come tuhs sku today. LOL !
during CNA programme, those ppls who are going kurimun went to AVA room.
in hall, Sec 3 unit left little ppls. haha! =x
my class , i think only got about 8peeps only bahs ?
i not really sure larhs. LOL ! delphin also didn't come. dOts!
tml celebrating Racial Harmonay Day. wth ? =]
i not going tuhs sku luhs. those who wearing sku uniform must wear ties luhs.
so unfair larhs. zzz; during Maths lessons, Tarry and qunsheng almost fight.
because qunsheng played with tarry's father name. dots~
first time, see him so mad ? HAHAHAHHAAH ; but hors !
he shouldn't made my stuffs dropped on floor luhs. knn `
stuuupid tarry. didn't even say sorry. wah kao ` *ROARS*
hmmmm.. after sku, i went to Kfc with apple luhs. nothing much nahs. (:
i was so sleepy ? *YAWNS*

#` 16 July 2007
posted on Monday, July 16, 2007 at 9:53 PM by S.Teo ♥

Today I woke up at 6.30am plus bahs.
LOL! i didn't take bus 14b lehs. I took bus 14.
dOts` I late. =.= HAHAHAHAHAHA ;
dhen i saw jeffrey, hueyleng, huiling and delphin.
they also late norhs. so many ppl from 3i late sehs.
after dismissed, dhen i saw xianglan and zhifu. LOL~
dhen we went back tuhs klass tuhs take our test.
woahs ? EOA test sia. I don't know how tuhs do.
dhen i anyhow do luhs. wakakakas ; who cares!
Mr Tan Jason pontang sku; no larhs. he sick. !
LOL! watch porn watch till vomit ? =x LALALALLALAS ;
I wonder he tml will go sku anot norhs. after sku, we went home and changed.
dhen mit 4pm at Princess Macdonald. We watching Harry Potter.
Quite boring wan larhs. Oooops ; =x no larhs. okays okays larhs.
dhen hueyleng fall asleep. how cuuuute ? :DDD
she say very boring dhen she watch till sleep. cause got air-con marhs.
after watching tehs movie, we went tuhs 211 coffee shop and eat.
they both ate chicken rice. i didn't eat. (:
dhen we jiu went to Century Square. Because sining want to buy stuffs.
after that, we took Bus 69. hueyleng and sining took off before interchange.
they going Blk 511 and eat their supper ? LOL ! :DDD
dhen i went home luhs. don't know what my stuuupid brother did.
made dad very angry and shouted. he made him angry not me luhs.
dhen i kena scolded also. fcuk luhs ` if he get sick of us, dhen don't wan us.
fcuk luhs` don't wan jiu don't wan us luhs. who cares !
he always ask us go follow our mother larhs. cb luhs !
as if we are not his children luhs. KNN `
that's why i hate ADULTS; so childish=x

#` 15 July 2007
posted on Sunday, July 15, 2007 at 9:29 PM by S.Teo ♥

Today I woke up at 2pm plus luhs.
dhen I use tehs computer till 7.50pm plus.
dhen i rest for awhile &let my uncle use it.
just now, i saw no one using it. so i jiu use luhs.
Since i was boooored marhs, :DD
Recently, watch-ing Hunter X Hunter &Naruto.
D.gray-man; very slow luhs. i haven't watch Harry Potter yet.
fcuk luhs` I want to watch lehs . sigh*
Maybe watch at Tampines Mall ? LOL!
I not sure whether they want to go anot lehs.
Hard tuhs ask them out tehs luhs. HAHAHAHAHAHA !
Tml got EOA test; wah lan ehs. =x

Be true to yourself(:

#` 14 July 2007
posted on at 12:32 AM by S.Teo ♥

14 July 2007

Happy Birthday to Qunsheng, David & Weiling laopo!

Today went out with Qunsheng they all. LOL!
we went to City Hall to meet Hueyleng &Jeffrey.
after that, we went to Marina Square;Long John Slive
to find Farah &Fatimah. (: Woaaaah ; Farah &Fatimah wear till very pretty.
dhen we jiu went to Suntec City &eat.
Chongkai came and meet us. dhen only me and the girls went to arcade.
To take neoprints:DD. i look WEIRD! oh my gosh ? =x
My stuuupid fringe spoiled luhs. kns ; tsktsktsk!
dhen we jiu went to Esplanade &see FIREWORKS ~
very nice norhs. dhen we took alots of photots.
Too bad, i can't post. because my cable sotplugs. SIGHHHH! ):
Kimberly didn't come and meet us. fcuk her luhs! Oooops `
dhen we jiu went to Clark Quak. &took alots photo again.
when we went back to Esplanade. We saw Juwaidi.
He was daaao! LOL! After that, we went to Marina Square.
&we saw Miss Mabel Yeo! wahs~ :DD dhen after awhile, zhifu came.
dhen me, qunsheng, sining &jeffrey went home lerhs. :DD
OH YA ! I saw ELIZABETH PRETTY! (: hahas!

#` 13 July 2007
posted on Friday, July 13, 2007 at 7:33 PM by S.Teo ♥

Today I missed my 14b. LOL!dhen i took bus 14 instead. :DD
wakakas; nearly late norhs.woaaahs~
dhen me, hueyleng, sining and kimberly running.
dhen don't know which stuupid prefect say still got 15seconds. faster run.
wth ? 15seconds ? =.= that prefect thought we are super human ehs ? =x
ytd night, i forgot tuhs eat my dinner. dhen early in tehs morning must run.
i was feeling so unwell luhs. zzz` today got maths test worhs.
haha! don't know why everyone can chat &ask how tuhs do luhs.
i was freak out. :X bleahs! Cpa is bored as usual larhs.
ytd got 2.4km re-test sia! fcuk` i don't want to run tehs luhs.):
LOL! i accidentally sleep during enlish lesson. HAHAHAHAHA!
dhen during maths lessons, only mr wallace lim came. mr lim eng guan didn't come.
haha` don't know why he didn't come larhs. xianglan and zhifu pontang sku.
dOrts! tml is qunsheng and weiling birthdays norhs. LALALALAS ;
ii haven't buy any presents yet luhs. i want to buy clothes lehs.
if not, i no clothes tuhs wear worhs. zzz` no money also luhs.
very fcuk sia! *sighs* nothing much tuhs say tehs bahs. oh ya!
i got full marks for tehs maths test norhs. LALALALAs!

I'm Daddy lil princess ; fcuk off if you don't like me:DD

#` 12 July 2007
posted on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 at 6:49 PM by S.Teo ♥

Today I didn't missed Bus 14b. LOLS! =x
But it came a single deck bus. wth! I sat with Fely lehs. woahs ?
Long time didn't chat with her already:DD
Today assembly is very boring! *yawns*
After that, stuupid DM looking for those who escape lessons tehs peers.
LOL! I also don't know why that my klass tehs peers went out first. =.=
Me, Xianglan, Hueyleng, Huiling, Zhifu and Chongkai escape marhs.
So must write Beta form and 1000 words of Reflection. wtf! *Argh*
knn; fcuk her luhs. dhen she jiu say if tml anyone pontang, she know the reason.
like what ehs ? kns larhs` i'm so fed up luhs. *humpf~
i haven't even finish writing the reflection sia. I don't give a damm larhs.
If can, tml jiu suspend me luhs. LALALAS ; like that better.
Don't need to do PE:DD that's what i'm thinking okays ? (:
bleahs! Tml still must see that crazy old woman. wtf!
kimberly fringe kena cut. Cut by herself. LOL!
Because of that craaaazy woman~ wooooah;
They went to East Coast Park, i think drinking bahs.
Later, tml they all pontang again. ps me luhs ? fcuk larhs! *Sigh*

#` 11 July 2007
posted on at 12:39 AM by S.Teo ♥

Recently, very lazy tuhs post & upload photos. =.=
hahas` I'm lazy,okays ? :DD Maybe will late update my blog bahs.
woahs ` I will upload photos soon when I find my cable. HAHAHAHAHAHA !
Sorry! (: IF want to find me, you just tag at my tagboard,kays ?
LALALALAS ; (: shirl-ey@hotmail.com.
&take my test! *grins*

I'm daddy lil princess.

#` 08 Juy 2007
posted on Sunday, July 8, 2007 at 1:33 PM by S.Teo ♥

Happy Birthday to SHIRLEYmei & COLLEEN!

Today I woke up very early worhs. hahas! i woke up at 10.30am plus. :DD
Maybe because ytd i too early sleep lerhs ? =x I sleep at 3am plus.
bleahs! Colleen opened bbq at Bukit Panjang. i not sure going anot worhs.
LOLS! because got other programme. maybe not going bahs.
i'm sorry , colleen! ): *Sigh* zzz ;
I watching D.Gray-man now. nice norhs`
But I still prefer Cherry Juice & Moe Kare!!. (:
LALALALAs ; Tml must go sku. i don't have $35. ask from my dad.x=
LOLS! I not sure whether he got money anot luhs.

#` 07 JULY 2007
posted on Saturday, July 7, 2007 at 10:38 PM by S.Teo ♥

Tml is Colleen birthday! LOLS~
she opened bbq at Bukit Panjang. wth!
very far! =.= oh ya` &i haven't buy present for her yet.
wtf! I don't know buy what gift for her lehs. beside, i don't have money lehs.
sigh* so pitiful ! ): i'm thinking maybe i not going bahs.
but that's awfully bad. since she already asked me tuhs go.
hmmm.. maybe tml i go buy present dhen go mit them better rights ?
but i didn't go tuhs Bukit Panjang before luhs. how how ?
i think is very far from Bedok for sure. =.=
*sigh sigh sigh* ler going also. i not sure about lala they all larhs.
but just thinking of the venue make me tired. zzz `
too far from my house already sia. somemore, i alone stay so far from there.
zzz ` maybe i not going bahs. Because recently found new manga and videos.
hahas! D.Gray-man(: &i finished reading my Beauty!! comic already.
so what should i do norhs ? i haven't even done my passport yet.
how larhs ? so many things need to do at once!
I thinking of maybe pay first. dhen copy of my passport other day dhen give.
=x i know that's bad. but what to do lehs ? i haven't tell my dad that i'm going.
LOLS ! i now still waiting for tehs new show of lollipop and hei se hui meimei.
wakakas ; :DD i'm bored! gyaaaa`

#` 06 JULY 2007
posted on Friday, July 6, 2007 at 8:30 PM by S.Teo ♥

Today I woke up at 6.25am plus bahs. LOLS! :DD
I took Bus 14b as usual luhs. I guess is too early liaos bahs ? zzz`
=.= T&A period, we got english test worhs. 50marks sia. hahas`
Apple pontang sku again. I still not sure whether I want to go Kurimun Island.
sigh* But that teacher say by Monday must hand in all items lerhs. zzz`
I haven't make my passport yet luhs. how tuhs give him sia ?
at least need 3days rights ? Maybe I not going liaos bahs.
not really want to tehs. heard from sining that after sku, that having night cycling.
LOLS ! crazy` dhen jason jiu asked whether I want to go anot.
I don't want to go out at all. =x dhen we took Bus 45 tuhs Tanah Merah.
dhen took Bus 9. After that, we went to 211 Coffee Shop.
hahas` We ate Chicken rice ? Actually I not hungry at all luhs.
dhen hueyleng and sining playing with the leftovers. LOLS !
I took tehs photos. But i lazy tuhs upload it. zzz ` RUBBISH ?
Colleen's birthday REACHING ~ OMG ! I currently no money ? sigh*
how norhs ? dOrts `

#` 05 JULY 2007
posted on Thursday, July 5, 2007 at 9:21 PM by S.Teo ♥


Today I pontang sku. LOLS! don't know why . I hate thursday.
Maybe tuhs say I scared tuhs go sku on thursday bahs. ):
LOLS! I not going tuhs Kurimun Island.
I think I'm crazy ? Because ltr say going ltr say not going.
hmmm.. many ppl nber go sia. zzzz` sigh* what tuhs do worhs ?
I'm lazy tuhs go make passport luhs. dOrts` bleahs .
Colleen birthday is reaching. I think is this coming sunday if i'm not wrong ?
zzz` I don't know buy what fer her sia. omg! troublesome. =.=

#` 04 JULY 2007
posted on Wednesday, July 4, 2007 at 11:48 PM by S.Teo ♥

Today I woke up at 6am plus as usual luhs.
Althought I still got blocked nose and cough. I still went to school!
Guess what ? When I reached Bus Interchange.
dhen I realised 1 thing, I forgot to bring my tie ? =x zzz`
I called Hui Ling and Kimberly whether they have extra tie not.
Well, both of them brought it. But I wored Hui Ling's tie lehs. LOLS!
My klass sitting arrangment have been changed! =.=
Well, Zeng Yang suppose tuhs sit at my place luhs. dhen i nowhere tuhs sit. zzz `
But I don't know why in the end, I sit with Tarry. He very noisy luhs! wth~
Si Ning still told me he sometimes quite EMO tehs. OMG ?
Am I seeing things ? =x hahas` I don't think he will EMO tehs luhs.
That fcuker . :DD bleahs` Huey Leng sit alone at the back sia.
Very pity. =.= oh ya! I bought Beauty ; Comic ` Costs me $30 worhs.
dhen I went to eat Kfc with Hui Ling. hahas` I can only eat fish bahs ?
No chickens! Heard them say Wen Xiang Birthday reaching worhs ? hahas .

Memories not only contained sweet one ; there are also sour memories! :O

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